What Is Obama Doing That Strengthens The Middle Class?

Obama makes it easier to kill your offspring so the middle class dont end up picking up the tab to raise them.
What Obama and the Democratic party are doing, is fighting the Republicans and the Republican goal, to destroy America's middle class.
The real question. however, how essential is it for a democracy to have a middle class? Can nations continue to function as democracies without a middle class? Is democracy that important to the American people? Can America go back to a two class system, the royal elite and the lazy, good-for-nothing poor?

So far the Republicans seem to be winning, they are having some success, denying people the privilage to vote, destroying labor unions, keeping taxation as a boondoggle for the wealthy, and doing all they can to destroy those things that keeps the middle class alive.

What a load of hogwash.

The Middle-class is what the Republicans depend on. Why in the fuck would they want to destroy them?

Where does the left get most of it's support from?

Answer: The poor.

The Middle-class is mostly made of of self-reliant individuals. The poor are made up of dependents. The Democrats want us to be dependent on them......so by that measure their goal is to make more of the Middle-class dependent.

What that means.....brace yourself....... is the Democrat party wants to make you poor through taxation and over-regulation.

That has been Obama's goal all along. Make America a poorer country.

The rich are merely a foil in class-warfare. The Dems use the rich to act like they're standing up for the poor and the Repugs are simply trying to stop the Dems from raising taxes because of the damage high taxes historically does to the economy. Once the Dems raise taxes on one group they'll move on to raise them on the other......the Middle-class.

Nobody wants their taxes raised and Obama knows this......so he just won't let you know he's doing it. That's why he refuses to admit that there are tax-increases for everyone in Obamacare.
Obama cut taxes for middle class Americans.

I refuse to provide a link to the payroll tax cut from 2009 that is still in effect. If you're not aware of this tax cut, it's clear you don't work for a living and should be spending time finding a job.

Big deal. $13 a pay period. Big whoop.

Problem is it is not a tax cut but a rebate you have to declare as taxable income.

I know this because I do my own taxes.
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Tax cuts - 8 tax increases in his first few months

Education - Lot's of promises but no results. Instead he cut 2 major federal student aide funds in his health care bill.

Health Care - Obamacare is not health care. It forces everyone to have to purchase health insurance. Those who do not have it will have to buy it or pay a fine. The states will have to provide care pools for those who cannot get insurance. The feds give you nothing.

Rebuilding American infrastructure - In Obama's own words "Those Shovel-ready jobs weren't so shovel-ready"

for starters.

Epic Fail
Obama keeps repeating this phrase "Strengthen The Middle-Class" but he never says what it is he's doing.

Does he think raising taxes will do this, because that's all he seems to be doing.

1. Taxing their Insurance Premiums to help pay for Other Peoples Insurance.
2. Not Creating Jobs for them.
3. Spending so much money it is inevitable the Middle Class will have to pay more taxes to pay for it all, because the rich could not pay for it all if you taxed them at 100%.

Oh wait you wanted a list of what he has done for them?

Nm lol
He hates the middle class, all leftwingers hate the "Bourgoisie", it goes back to the French Revolution...those dam middle class people wont do what we say, so we have to force them, hence the ban on incadescent light bulbs, because the middle class dosent give a shit about "green" technology, they want it cheap and effective, it pisses lefties off to no end.
What Obama and the Democratic party are doing, is fighting the Republicans and the Republican goal, to destroy America's middle class.
The real question. however, how essential is it for a democracy to have a middle class? Can nations continue to function as democracies without a middle class? Is democracy that important to the American people? Can America go back to a two class system, the royal elite and the lazy, good-for-nothing poor?

So far the Republicans seem to be winning, they are having some success, denying people the privilage to vote, destroying labor unions, keeping taxation as a boondoggle for the wealthy, and doing all they can to destroy those things that keeps the middle class alive.

What a load of hogwash.

The Middle-class is what the Republicans depend on. Why in the fuck would they want to destroy them?

Where does the left get most of it's support from?

Answer: The poor.

The Middle-class is mostly made of of self-reliant individuals. The poor are made up of dependents. The Democrats want us to be dependent on them......so by that measure their goal is to make more of the Middle-class dependent.
The middle class - people making 30K to 50K per year - broke heavily for Obama. People making 50 to 75K broke just barely McCain. 75-200, Obama.
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What Obama and the Democratic party are doing, is fighting the Republicans and the Republican goal, to destroy America's middle class.
The real question. however, how essential is it for a democracy to have a middle class? Can nations continue to function as democracies without a middle class? Is democracy that important to the American people? Can America go back to a two class system, the royal elite and the lazy, good-for-nothing poor?

So far the Republicans seem to be winning, they are having some success, denying people the privilage to vote, destroying labor unions, keeping taxation as a boondoggle for the wealthy, and doing all they can to destroy those things that keeps the middle class alive.

What a load of hogwash.

The Middle-class is what the Republicans depend on. Why in the fuck would they want to destroy them?

Where does the left get most of it's support from?

Answer: The poor.

The Middle-class is mostly made of of self-reliant individuals. The poor are made up of dependents. The Democrats want us to be dependent on them......so by that measure their goal is to make more of the Middle-class dependent.

What that means.....brace yourself....... is the Democrat party wants to make you poor through taxation and over-regulation.

That has been Obama's goal all along. Make America a poorer country.

The rich are merely a foil in class-warfare. The Dems use the rich to act like they're standing up for the poor and the Repugs are simply trying to stop the Dems from raising taxes because of the damage high taxes historically does to the economy. Once the Dems raise taxes on one group they'll move on to raise them on the other......the Middle-class.

Nobody wants their taxes raised and Obama knows this......so he just won't let you know he's doing it. That's why he refuses to admit that there are tax-increases for everyone in Obamacare.

I think someone isn't paying attention.

Middle class could face higher taxes under Republican plan, analysis finds
Middle class would face higher taxes under Republican plan - The Washington Post

Would the GOP raise taxes... on the middle class?
Would the GOP raise taxes... on the middle class? - The Week

Before one speaks, they should at least have a clue about what they are talking about.
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When it comes to Republicans, the question is:

What have Republicans done TO the Middle Class? Should I make another list? It's very long.

Promote jobs and business,
want cheap energey (drill baby drill)
want cheap food (ditch that ethanol shit and fast)
want cheap products (incandescent light bulbs)
build cars people want (who wants a fucking smart car or a Volte?)
See the republicans want people to afford shit, liberals want people to take mass transit, turn off the thermostat, eat what Bloomburg tells them too....nah, us in the middle class like freedom......not "green" technology for Al Gore to get rich off of.
and Nonunion labor....like Boeing in South Carolina
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Obama cut taxes for middle class Americans.

I refuse to provide a link to the payroll tax cut from 2009 that is still in effect. If you're not aware of this tax cut, it's clear you don't work for a living and should be spending time finding a job.

Oh you mean the supposedly Temporary Pay roll Tax Holiday? You are proud of that? You do know what those Taxes Fucking FUND right? SS and MC you dip shit. 2 Programs facing Sever Fiscal Problems, and you are praising a supposedly Temporary Payroll Tax Holiday that literally only gives people another 15 or 25 Bucks in their Checks and is coming at the cost of Not Fully Funding the Already Struggling Entitlement Programs many in the Middle Class are counting on for when they Retire.

That's the one thing you could fucking come up with? The measly and Extremely Costly in the long term, Payroll Tax Holiday.

That's fucking WEAK.
What Obama and the Democratic party are doing, is fighting the Republicans and the Republican goal, to destroy America's middle class.
The real question. however, how essential is it for a democracy to have a middle class? Can nations continue to function as democracies without a middle class? Is democracy that important to the American people? Can America go back to a two class system, the royal elite and the lazy, good-for-nothing poor?

So far the Republicans seem to be winning, they are having some success, denying people the privilage to vote, destroying labor unions, keeping taxation as a boondoggle for the wealthy, and doing all they can to destroy those things that keeps the middle class alive.

What a load of hogwash.

The Middle-class is what the Republicans depend on. Why in the fuck would they want to destroy them?

Where does the left get most of it's support from?

Answer: The poor.

The Middle-class is mostly made of of self-reliant individuals. The poor are made up of dependents. The Democrats want us to be dependent on them......so by that measure their goal is to make more of the Middle-class dependent.

What that means.....brace yourself....... is the Democrat party wants to make you poor through taxation and over-regulation.

That has been Obama's goal all along. Make America a poorer country.

The rich are merely a foil in class-warfare. The Dems use the rich to act like they're standing up for the poor and the Repugs are simply trying to stop the Dems from raising taxes because of the damage high taxes historically does to the economy. Once the Dems raise taxes on one group they'll move on to raise them on the other......the Middle-class.

Nobody wants their taxes raised and Obama knows this......so he just won't let you know he's doing it. That's why he refuses to admit that there are tax-increases for everyone in Obamacare.

I think someone isn't paying attention.

Middle class could face higher taxes under Republican plan, analysis finds
Middle class would face higher taxes under Republican plan - The Washington Post

Would the GOP raise taxes... on the middle class?
Would the GOP raise taxes... on the middle class? - The Week

Before one speaks, they should at least have a clue about what they are talking about.

You mean like posting two articles
that are based on Democratic group findings

according to the report by the Democratically controlled congressional Joint Economic Committee

Democrats have numbers to show that the middle class will be forced to pony up
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I think someone isn't paying attention.

Middle class could face higher taxes under Republican plan, analysis finds
Middle class would face higher taxes under Republican plan - The Washington Post

Would the GOP raise taxes... on the middle class?
Would the GOP raise taxes... on the middle class? - The Week

Before one speaks, they should at least have a clue about what they are talking about.

I got news for ya, sOn.

We're AAALLLL going to be paying more in taxes because "your party" AND "my party" aren't going to do a shitting thing, in their little "Super-Committee".......thus setting up all the auto-pilots to kick in.

I refuse to provide a link to the payroll tax cut from 2009 that is still in effect. If you're not aware of this tax cut, it's clear you don't work for a living and should be spending time finding a job.

Oh you mean the supposedly Temporary Pay roll Tax Holiday? You are proud of that?

Proud? Not particularly.

You do know what those Taxes Fucking FUND right? SS and MC you dip shit.

You sound angry. Who said anything about what they fund? I responded to a poster claiming Obama had raised taxes on the middle class. He hasn't - and you agree with me. But I'm the "dip shit" here? Lol.

That's "fucking weak".
Obama cut taxes for middle class Americans.

State, local, and district taxes skyrocketed after the Bush 'tax cut', much of which went OUT of the US; that noted, Obama has done little to help the economy. Still, with the slashed revenue, and the bills coming due on an unnecessary way, AND a poorly planned counterattack on terror, perhaps few could have done better. Bush left both foreign affairs and the economy in shambles; Romney's continued ignorance in foreign affairs is worrisome. I still think he'll win if the economy does not improve SIGNIFICANTLY.
Which permanent tax increases have gone into effect?

8 including tax increases on gas, tobacco, and alcohol. A tax on tanning salons was instituted. New regulations on junk food and sugary drinks has increased the price of Hostess products, Potato Chips, beef jerky, anything considered snack food. Packaging for fast food now much carry nutritional information and warnings where directed. McDonald's is under attack to change their menus.

The Stimulus was a way to trick states into taking federal money to start new programs leaving them to deal with the extra expense thus forcing them to raise state income and sales taxes.

Obamatax increases 21 taxes.

There has been no federal tax placed on sugary foods. The tanning salon tax isn't exactly a broad-based tax hike on the middle class. what are these new regulations on junk food?

The federal gas tax has not increased. The federal alcohol tax rate has not increased. The federal tobacco tax rate has increased 39 whopping cents, which goes nowhere towards incorporating the full socialized cost of smoking.

But maybe you're right....

Many of the increases were assessed on the producers.

The gasoline increases is in the form of higher fees charged to oil producers which is passed onto consumers.


The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau is adopting as a final rule, with minor technical changes, temporary regulations that implemented certain provisions of the Children's Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009 (the Act). The regulatory amendments involved increases in the Federal excise tax rates on tobacco products and cigarette papers and tubes, the floor stocks tax provisions of the Act, and the new statutory criteria for denial, suspension, or revocation of tobacco permits. https://www.federalregister.gov/art...-papers-and-tubes-floor-stocks-tax-on-certain

The U.S. federal government collected $20.6 billion in taxes on alcohol, tobacco, firearms and ammunition in fiscal year 2009, up 41 percent from the previous fiscal year, according to the annual report of the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau.

In October 2009, firearms and ammunition excise tax collection climbed 45 percent from the previous fiscal year, the greatest annual increase in the firearms tax revenue in the agency’s history, the report said. By comparison, the average annual increase for fiscal years 1993 to 2008 was 6 percent. Obama’s Sin Taxes on Alcohol, Tabacco and Firearms Net the Government $20.6 billion « Scotty Starnes's Blog

Obama is using this method to destroy the coal industry. He has made it increasingly more expensive to mine and produce coal in this country. This has caused the costs of electricity to go up. Last year I averaged $150 per month on my electric bill. This year it costs me $239 to use less than I used last year.

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I refuse to provide a link to the payroll tax cut from 2009 that is still in effect. If you're not aware of this tax cut, it's clear you don't work for a living and should be spending time finding a job.

Oh you mean the supposedly Temporary Pay roll Tax Holiday? You are proud of that?

Proud? Not particularly.

You do know what those Taxes Fucking FUND right? SS and MC you dip shit.

You sound angry. Who said anything about what they fund? I responded to a poster claiming Obama had raised taxes on the middle class. He hasn't - and you agree with me. But I'm the "dip shit" here? Lol.

That's "fucking weak".

Yes he has, I just Pointed out the Tax on their Insurance Premiums in the ACA, and that is not even taking in to account the the Burdens that Law puts on states who will have NO choice but to raise Taxes on everyone.

Besides what thought you were implying is that the Payroll Tax Cut helps the middle Class.

That is Horse shit for sure. a tiny amount of extra Money in their Checks at the cost of Further endangering SS, and MC that has DONE nothing to Spur Economic Growth is not help. It's a Feel good Ploy designed to make people think Obama and the Democrats care about them. It's Irresponsible and Ineffective.

Now Obama and the Dems are Holding everyone's Tax Rates Hostage, Threatening to let all the Bush Tax Cuts Expire which will REALLY raise everyone's taxes All to try and get the Top % to pay a little more, You know how Little? Fucking a total of 42 Billion a Year is all it would raise, and the cost of further Slowing Economic Growth, to Raise enough Money to Pay the Bills for 10 Whole Fucking Days.

That is what they hold Everyone's Tax Rates Hostage over. 42 Billion Dollars a year. a Measly 1. something % of the Over all Budget.

That is what Obama says will save us, Taxing the Rich more. lol

Dude can not even do simple Fucking Math, You could take 100% of their Incomes every year, and not put a dent in this Deficit.
What a load of hogwash.

The Middle-class is what the Republicans depend on. Why in the fuck would they want to destroy them?

Where does the left get most of it's support from?

Answer: The poor.

The Middle-class is mostly made of of self-reliant individuals. The poor are made up of dependents. The Democrats want us to be dependent on them......so by that measure their goal is to make more of the Middle-class dependent.

What that means.....brace yourself....... is the Democrat party wants to make you poor through taxation and over-regulation.

That has been Obama's goal all along. Make America a poorer country.

The rich are merely a foil in class-warfare. The Dems use the rich to act like they're standing up for the poor and the Repugs are simply trying to stop the Dems from raising taxes because of the damage high taxes historically does to the economy. Once the Dems raise taxes on one group they'll move on to raise them on the other......the Middle-class.

Nobody wants their taxes raised and Obama knows this......so he just won't let you know he's doing it. That's why he refuses to admit that there are tax-increases for everyone in Obamacare.

I think someone isn't paying attention.

Middle class could face higher taxes under Republican plan, analysis finds
Middle class would face higher taxes under Republican plan - The Washington Post

Would the GOP raise taxes... on the middle class?
Would the GOP raise taxes... on the middle class? - The Week

Before one speaks, they should at least have a clue about what they are talking about.

You mean like posting two articles
that are based on Democratic group findings

according to the report by the Democratically controlled congressional Joint Economic Committee

Democrats have numbers to show that the middle class will be forced to pony up

He wants to quote a story on a study that was prepared by Democrats and it says only that taxes MAY go up.

It's bullshit. This is a typical election year scare-tactics. File it with their dirty air and dirty water claims.

Epic Fail
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