What Is Obama Doing That Strengthens The Middle Class?

What a shocker, people on the right are going into denial!!!!

The tax cuts for those at the very top would be of historic proportions. A new analysis by the Urban Institute-Brookings Institution Tax Policy Center (TPC) finds:
The Ryan plan would cut in half the taxes of the richest 1 percent of Americans — those with incomes exceeding $633,000 (in 2009 dollars) in 2014.
The higher one goes up the income scale, the more massive the tax cuts would be. Households with incomes of more than $1 million would receive an average annual tax cut of $502,000.
The richest one-tenth of 1 percent of Americans — those whose incomes exceed $2.9 million a year — would receive an average tax cut of $1.7 million a year. These tax cuts would be on top of those that high-income households would get from making the Bush tax cuts, which are due to expire at the end of 2010, permanent.
To offset some of the cost of these massive tax cuts, the Ryan plan would place a new consumption tax on most goods and services, a measure that would increase taxes on most low- and middle-income families. TPC finds that:
About three-quarters of Americans — those with incomes between $20,000 and $200,000 — would face tax increases. For example, households with incomes between $50,000 and $75,000 would face an average tax increase of $900. (These estimated changes in taxes are relative to the taxes that would be paid under a continuation of current policy — i.e., what tax liabilities would be if the President and Congress make permanent the expiring 2001 and 2003 tax cuts and relief from the alternative minimum tax.)
The plan would shift tax burdens so substantially from the wealthy to the middle class that people with incomes over $1 million would face much lower effective tax rates than middle-income families would. That is, they would pay much smaller percentages of their income in federal taxes.
The Ryan Budget's Radical Priorities — Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Some folks see things happen right in front of them but still think it's a plot to fool them.

Really historic? what was the top marginal rate in 1900? (hint the 16th amendement was ratified in 1913)

Liberals say they arent socialists....hmmmm
The Socialist Labor Party advocated a graduated income tax in 1887.[5] The Populist Party "demand[ed] a graduated income tax" in its 1892 platform.[6] The Democratic Party, led by William Jennings Bryan, advocated the income tax law passed in 1894,[7] and proposed an income tax in its 1908 platform.[8]
....tax increases on gas, tobacco, and alcohol. A tax on tanning salons was instituted. .

The 10% tax on tanning salons was levied so he could move money from wealthy house wives to inbred rural smokers who were having trouble paying the cigarette & alcohol tax.
Oh you mean the supposedly Temporary Pay roll Tax Holiday? You are proud of that?

Proud? Not particularly.

You do know what those Taxes Fucking FUND right? SS and MC you dip shit.

You sound angry. Who said anything about what they fund? I responded to a poster claiming Obama had raised taxes on the middle class. He hasn't - and you agree with me. But I'm the "dip shit" here? Lol.

That's "fucking weak".

Yes he has, I just Pointed out the Tax on their Insurance Premiums in the ACA, and that is not even taking in to account the the Burdens that Law puts on states who will have NO choice but to raise Taxes on everyone.

Once again, read what I actually wrote instead of what you wish I was writing. Read again. Then respond to what I actually wrote, not what you think I should have been saying.

Besides what thought you were implying is that the Payroll Tax Cut helps the middle Class.

That is Horse shit for sure. a tiny amount of extra Money in their Checks at the cost of Further endangering SS, and MC that has DONE nothing to Spur Economic Growth is not help. It's a Feel good Ploy designed to make people think Obama and the Democrats care about them. It's Irresponsible and Ineffective.

You don't think $1,000 in the pockets of every family helps? Lol.

Now Obama and the Dems are Holding everyone's Tax Rates Hostage, Threatening to let all the Bush Tax Cuts Expire which will REALLY raise everyone's taxes All to try and get the Top % to pay a little more, You know how Little? Fucking a total of 42 Billion a Year is all it would raise, and the cost of further Slowing Economic Growth, to Raise enough Money to Pay the Bills for 10 Whole Fucking Days.
The Senate passed a bill to permanently reduce the four lowest marginal rates, a tax benefit to every American. The House rejected it en masse.

The Republicans are holding the middle class hostage.

As long as DC remains in abject paralysis, neither party can claim to be doing anything for anyone, period.

The OWS is old news.

Yup.......just another tactic that didn't work for Obama.

The war against Women also didn't work.

Obama wants America to be a poorer country when he leaves office. Since Canadians now are more wealthy than we are he's already done that. How does that strengthen the middle-class?
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Obama keeps repeating this phrase "Strengthen The Middle-Class" but he never says what it is he's doing.

Does he think raising taxes will do this, because that's all he seems to be doing.

First, the dems seem to be pushing to allow Bush tax cuts on people making under 250k and kill them for the ones above 250k, so that is lowering taxes.

Anyway, let us see what obama has done. I now a number of people who are employed by GM who were losing full time hours at plants, and who were being laid off who now have much better job security due to Obama's interference. This means they can continue to live in their houses and make payments on their mortgages, and do not need to sell at a loss or be forclosed on.

There is the increase in employment, and the end of the massive layoffs for the middle class. I guess a job keeps them middle class instead of poor.

They no longer need to be worried about being dropped from health coverage because they got sick. Some can even get back on health care coverage after being dropped for being "sick."

Middle class gay military types can now be out in the open and do not have to live in fear of dishonerable discharge because someone found out they were gay.

Many gay people who are middle class are now seeing a massive amount of support for their employment protections and rights due to obama being the first president to come out for them.

I now a number of people who were able to refinance their houses for savings and to overcome market value loss due to the housing collapse. It is also a bit easier to sell places now that obama has helped with people buying new homes.

So let us see Obama has improved job security, saved people's jobs, provided health care and made it more stable, kept people from losing their homes, kept up tax breaks, and improved quality of life for many middle class people. Seems like a pretty easy question to me.

Raising taxes on the rich and keeping them the same on the rest of us is not a reduction in taxes by any stretch. And let me remind you that he still raised what they call sin taxes on tobacco, alcohol, oil, coal, fatty-foods, and others by raising exise taxes on the producers and distributors. These tax increases have increased costs of food, booze, cigarettes, electricity, gasoline, etc. Also the monetizing of debt by the Treasury by quantitative easing has shrunk the value of the dollar.

Obama isn't providing health care. He's simply put in place a system that punishes those who don't have it. He's trying to force states to provide health care for those who can't get it. However this will bankrupt the states. He will put insurance companies out of business with his ridiculous regulations thus eventually institute a massive single-payer system which will be billed to the taxpayer in the form of massive tax increases.

Where Gays are concerned Obama has turned them from the oppressed to the oppressors. Anyone who doesn't recognize their desire to be just like everyone else comes under attack by millions of bigots in the media, Hollywood, community organizers, or anyone that feels like being part of the crowd. Say you're for same-sex marriage or be branded a hating SOB. How does this strengthen the middle-class?
Obama keeps repeating this phrase "Strengthen The Middle-Class" but he never says what it is he's doing.

Does he think raising taxes will do this, because that's all he seems to be doing.

First, the dems seem to be pushing to allow Bush tax cuts on people making under 250k and kill them for the ones above 250k, so that is lowering taxes.

Anyway, let us see what obama has done. I now a number of people who are employed by GM who were losing full time hours at plants, and who were being laid off who now have much better job security due to Obama's interference. This means they can continue to live in their houses and make payments on their mortgages, and do not need to sell at a loss or be forclosed on.

There is the increase in employment, and the end of the massive layoffs for the middle class. I guess a job keeps them middle class instead of poor.

They no longer need to be worried about being dropped from health coverage because they got sick. Some can even get back on health care coverage after being dropped for being "sick."

Middle class gay military types can now be out in the open and do not have to live in fear of dishonerable discharge because someone found out they were gay.

Many gay people who are middle class are now seeing a massive amount of support for their employment protections and rights due to obama being the first president to come out for them.

I now a number of people who were able to refinance their houses for savings and to overcome market value loss due to the housing collapse. It is also a bit easier to sell places now that obama has helped with people buying new homes.

So let us see Obama has improved job security, saved people's jobs, provided health care and made it more stable, kept people from losing their homes, kept up tax breaks, and improved quality of life for many middle class people. Seems like a pretty easy question to me.

Now you are lying. Those that make 250k get the Bush Tax cuts on their first 250k. Then, after that, their taxes return to the rate when the economy was successful. Before Bush and the Republicans took over and destroyed it.

In 2007 the Dems took back Congress because their media made everyone war-weary. Reporting on dead soldiers every 15 mins making it look like the war was so terrible. Now they almost never report the KIAs in Afghanistan.

Yes, there are still hundreds of our troops dying in Obama's war.

That's right.....Obama's war.

Our economy was never going to be destroyed. The Dems created a situation that looked really terrible and took advantage of it to get Obama in the White House. He has been leaching away at the government ever since.

Democrats are on record encouraging people to break the law, have fanned the flames of racism, have encouraged account holders to withdraw money from their accounts to punish banks. Obama's friends have organized Occupy Wall Street to cause turmoil in financial districts, his union buddies took over a state capital and trashed the place, he's been caught red-handed giving military grade weapons to drug-traffickers in Mexico causing the death of hundreds of Mexican nationals and put the lives of border agents at risk just to change the debate on gun ownership. After being pinned down on this he claims executive privilege, kind of like claiming the 5th.

Since the total takeover of Congress in 2007 very little has gotten done to solve unemployment or other important issues. The federal government is broke and broken. Obama is ruling by executive order rather than working inside the system. He's ignoring laws and trashing the constitution. Amnesty was shelved and several other hot-button issues have been invented including free rubbers for college students, a very important issue for some but not for everyone. We're still losing more jobs than we're creating, the economy is beginning to contract instead of expand. It's right on the ledge ready to go over a cliff and nobody is lifting a finger to do anything about it.

We've already seen the best Obama has to offer. Once he doesn't feel he has to keep himself in check you'll see just exactly what he's willing to get away with, and nobody will be able to stop him. The worst is yet to come.
When it comes to Republicans, the question is:

What have Republicans done TO the Middle Class? Should I make another list? It's very long.
No thanks. Your lists exclude all the Democrats in power who accepted the facts for what they were when the Middle East needed surgery from those engaged in their never-ending genocidal pushes that threatened America on 9/11 and long before.

Grab your ankles. Someone should spank your naughty heiney for that.
What Obama and the Democratic party are doing, is fighting the Republicans and the Republican goal, to destroy America's middle class.
The real question. however, how essential is it for a democracy to have a middle class? Can nations continue to function as democracies without a middle class? Is democracy that important to the American people? Can America go back to a two class system, the royal elite and the lazy, good-for-nothing poor?

So far the Republicans seem to be winning, they are having some success, denying people the privilage to vote, destroying labor unions, keeping taxation as a boondoggle for the wealthy, and doing all they can to destroy those things that keeps the middle class alive.

What a load of hogwash.

The Middle-class is what the Republicans depend on. Why in the fuck would they want to destroy them?

Where does the left get most of it's support from?

Answer: The poor.

The Middle-class is mostly made of of self-reliant individuals. The poor are made up of dependents. The Democrats want us to be dependent on them......so by that measure their goal is to make more of the Middle-class dependent.

What that means.....brace yourself....... is the Democrat party wants to make you poor through taxation and over-regulation.

That has been Obama's goal all along. Make America a poorer country.

The rich are merely a foil in class-warfare. The Dems use the rich to act like they're standing up for the poor and the Repugs are simply trying to stop the Dems from raising taxes because of the damage high taxes historically does to the economy. Once the Dems raise taxes on one group they'll move on to raise them on the other......the Middle-class.

Nobody wants their taxes raised and Obama knows this......so he just won't let you know he's doing it. That's why he refuses to admit that there are tax-increases for everyone in Obamacare.

Maybe the question of keeping the middle class alive and well is more important than how the political parties use the class system for votes. The Democratic party does not seem frightened in their efforts to keep the middle class alive. The Democrats might very well raise taxes on others later, their goal seems to be keep the nation functioning until the useless wars and their expenses can be ended and then begin to pay off some of the Reagan/Bush debt. The Republican strategy seems to be to keep the government from any solution until the election.
What a shocker, people on the right are going into denial!!!!

The tax cuts for those at the very top would be of historic proportions. A new analysis by the Urban Institute-Brookings Institution Tax Policy Center (TPC) finds:
The Ryan plan would cut in half the taxes of the richest 1 percent of Americans — those with incomes exceeding $633,000 (in 2009 dollars) in 2014.
The higher one goes up the income scale, the more massive the tax cuts would be. Households with incomes of more than $1 million would receive an average annual tax cut of $502,000.
The richest one-tenth of 1 percent of Americans — those whose incomes exceed $2.9 million a year — would receive an average tax cut of $1.7 million a year. These tax cuts would be on top of those that high-income households would get from making the Bush tax cuts, which are due to expire at the end of 2010, permanent.
To offset some of the cost of these massive tax cuts, the Ryan plan would place a new consumption tax on most goods and services, a measure that would increase taxes on most low- and middle-income families. TPC finds that:
About three-quarters of Americans — those with incomes between $20,000 and $200,000 — would face tax increases. For example, households with incomes between $50,000 and $75,000 would face an average tax increase of $900. (These estimated changes in taxes are relative to the taxes that would be paid under a continuation of current policy — i.e., what tax liabilities would be if the President and Congress make permanent the expiring 2001 and 2003 tax cuts and relief from the alternative minimum tax.)
The plan would shift tax burdens so substantially from the wealthy to the middle class that people with incomes over $1 million would face much lower effective tax rates than middle-income families would. That is, they would pay much smaller percentages of their income in federal taxes.
The Ryan Budget's Radical Priorities — Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Some folks see things happen right in front of them but still think it's a plot to fool them.

Who the fuck is the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities?

Whenever anyone uses a link I always look into the sources' background.

The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities is funded in part by the Ford Foundation....which is one of the largest donors to progressive causes in America.
Ford Foundation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I wouldn't put much stock into their figures.

They call tax-cuts costly. That is a dead giveaway. Tax-cuts are not a cost to the government. Spending is.

Let's see, you wasted your time demonizing CBPP instead of using you reading comprehension.
Please not that CBPP quotes Urban Institute-Brookings Institution Tax Policy Center.
Now let me save you some time and effort. Urban Institute-Brookings Institution Tax Policy Center: "The Tax Policy Center (TPC) is a non-partisan joint venture of the Urban Institute and the Brookings Institution. Based in Washington D.C., United States, it aims to provide independent analyses of current and longer-term tax issues and to communicate its analyses to the public and to policymakers in a timely and accessible manner. The Center combines top national experts in tax, expenditure, budget policy, and microsimulation modeling to concentrate on four overarching areas of tax policy that are critical to future debate: fair, simple and efficient taxation, social policy in the tax code, long-term implications of tax and budget choices, and state tax issues.
In 2002, tax experts who had served in the Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, and Bill Clinton administrations established the Tax Policy Center to provide unbiased analysis of tax issues. The following year TPC developed a comprehensive tax simulation model to analyze the federal income tax and proposals to change it. That model has evolved to incorporate new and additional data, changes in federal tax law, and other aspects of the tax system and the economy. The Tax Policy Center was referred to in Paul Krugman's Article, "The Social Contract" in the New York Times on September 22, 2011.
Tax Policy Center - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So. what's the excuse now? They aren't Dems or even liberal.
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Obama keeps repeating this phrase "Strengthen The Middle-Class" but he never says what it is he's doing.

Does he think raising taxes will do this, because that's all he seems to be doing.

Obama has consistently pushed for lower student loan rates and more access to Grants for school. Education is the #1 way to strengthen and grow the Middle Class.
The OWS is old news.

Yup.......just another tactic that didn't work for Obama.

The war against Women also didn't work.

Obama wants America to be a poorer country when he leaves office. Since Canadians now are more wealthy than we are he's already done that. How does that strengthen the middle-class?

Obama wants America to be a poorer country when he leaves office
Do you know how STUPID you sound when you say crap like that? It is repeated by the dumb and dumber...

Why would Obama or any president WANT AMERICA TO BE A POORER country......????????????

Stupid is as stupid does.... :eusa_hand:
Actually, the only way the Middle Class can be strenghened is for the private sector to loosen their purse strings and actually pay the workers something that at least keeps them even with inflation. That hasn't happened much in the last thirty years or so.
In 1982, non-supervisory wages for workers in Real Dollars (constant 1982 dollars) was 267.26.(In 1978 their pay was 300.89) REAL WAGES 1947-2000 - Working Life

In June of this year, in Real Dollars (constant 1982 dollars) wages for that same group was 296.55.
Table A-2. Current and real (constant 1982-1984 dollars) earnings for production and nonsupervisory employees on private nonfarm payrolls, seasonally adjusted
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Democrats are changing the definition of middle class. A middle class person used to be someone who had a job (working for an evil rich company) or was a creator, a craftsman. A middle class person used to be a small businessman (evil rich). The democrats are changing middle class to being on welfare. The new middle class according to democrats is someone that has moved from unemployment to permanent disability.
I refuse to provide a link to the payroll tax cut from 2009 that is still in effect. If you're not aware of this tax cut, it's clear you don't work for a living and should be spending time finding a job.

Sometimes these ignorant fucks make me so mad. They sit in front of the Internet and could find out anything and won't. I don't get it.

We get it.....you're full of it.

From his link at the Center he quoted:

"Because the tax cuts for the wealthy would dwarf the tax increases for the middle class, the Ryan plan would allow the federal debt to continue growing for a number of decades to come, despite its steep cuts in Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security."

It doesn't make any sense because the 1% will get a tax-cut and the middle-class (99%) is supposed to get a tax-increase. They say the tax-cuts cut their taxes in half. That must mean that the 1%ers pay much more than the Democrats will admit. Funny thing is when taxes were cut during the Reagan Administration it created 25 million new jobs, thus 25 million new tax payers, which means more revenue. The study from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities doesn't take into account job creation, thus revenue creation. They only add or subtract total revenue as a static number. They don't take into account the effect of lower taxes on job-creation.

Which Reagan tax cut created 25M jobs?
I refuse to provide a link to the payroll tax cut from 2009 that is still in effect. If you're not aware of this tax cut, it's clear you don't work for a living and should be spending time finding a job.

The payroll tax cut started in 2011 and was extended for 2012.

The Making Work Pay tax cut - the predecessor to the 2011 cut based on the same amounts - was part of the stimulus package's 260B in tax cuts.
The OWS is old news.

Yup.......just another tactic that didn't work for Obama.

The war against Women also didn't work.

Obama wants America to be a poorer country when he leaves office. Since Canadians now are more wealthy than we are he's already done that. How does that strengthen the middle-class?

Obama wants America to be a poorer country when he leaves office
Do you know how STUPID you sound when you say crap like that? It is repeated by the dumb and dumber...

Why would Obama or any president WANT AMERICA TO BE A POORER country......????????????

Stupid is as stupid does.... :eusa_hand:

Pay attention to what obama says. Not what you are told he says. He wants America to be a poorer country because it is FAIR. It is unfair that someone has more money than someone else, even if that soomeone else lives in an African village without running water.
It is unfair that someone could, merely by working harder, or smarter, amass a fortune while those who also work hard, and are smart, do not.
The OWS is old news.

Yup.......just another tactic that didn't work for Obama.

The war against Women also didn't work.

Obama wants America to be a poorer country when he leaves office. Since Canadians now are more wealthy than we are he's already done that. How does that strengthen the middle-class?

Obama wants America to be a poorer country when he leaves office
Do you know how STUPID you sound when you say crap like that? It is repeated by the dumb and dumber...

Why would Obama or any president WANT AMERICA TO BE A POORER country......????????????

Stupid is as stupid does.... :eusa_hand:

Like I said, Obama has made us poorer than Canada. The average pay of Americans dropped below the average pay of Canadians this month. This did not happen by accident.

He and some other Democrats want pay equality.

Pay equality is class-warfare. It is not realistic.

Obama spent much of his life living outside the US. He was raised by communists. He is resentful of America's wealth. He feels that the only reason the rich gain so much wealth is because they stole it from others. He believes the United States gained so much wealth by ripping off other countries. He says it in his speeches all of the time. His "You didn't build that" speech is just Obama's way of justifying his dislike for American exceptionalism.
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Yup.......just another tactic that didn't work for Obama.

The war against Women also didn't work.

Obama wants America to be a poorer country when he leaves office. Since Canadians now are more wealthy than we are he's already done that. How does that strengthen the middle-class?

Obama wants America to be a poorer country when he leaves office
Do you know how STUPID you sound when you say crap like that? It is repeated by the dumb and dumber...

Why would Obama or any president WANT AMERICA TO BE A POORER country......????????????

Stupid is as stupid does.... :eusa_hand:

Like I said, Obama has made us poorer than Canada. The average pay of Americans dropped below the average pay of Canadians this month. This did not happen by accident.

He and some other Democrats want pay equality.

Pay equality is class-warfare. It is not realistic.

Obama spent much of his life living outside the US. He was raised by communists. He is resentful of America's wealth. He feels that the only reason the rich gain so much wealth is because they stole it from others. He believes the United States gained so much wealth by ripping off other countries. He says it in his speeches all of the time. His "You didn't build that" speech is just Obama's way of justifying his dislike for American exceptionalism.

Cloward? Meet Piven...

Yup.......just another tactic that didn't work for Obama.

The war against Women also didn't work.

Obama wants America to be a poorer country when he leaves office. Since Canadians now are more wealthy than we are he's already done that. How does that strengthen the middle-class?

Obama wants America to be a poorer country when he leaves office
Do you know how STUPID you sound when you say crap like that? It is repeated by the dumb and dumber...

Why would Obama or any president WANT AMERICA TO BE A POORER country......????????????

Stupid is as stupid does.... :eusa_hand:

Like I said, Obama has made us poorer than Canada. The average pay of Americans dropped below the average pay of Canadians this month.
Huh? Per capita GDP, Canada 2011: $40,300.

Per capita GDP, US 2011: $48,100

Are you claiming that US incomes have declined and/or Canadian incomes have increased by almost $8000 annually in the past six months?

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