What Is Obama Hiding Inside The CIA?


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
Could it be he killed a hostage?

"More than six months after the CIA inspector general resigned, President Obama has yet to nominate a replacement, prompting mounting concerns on Capitol Hill that the delay may be affecting sensitive internal investigations — including a probe into an errant drone strike in Pakistan that killed American hostage Warren Weinstein, sources told Yahoo News."

Even Democrats have questions about what he is not doing.

"Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the ranking Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, in June urged Obama in a letter to nominate a new inspector general “as soon as possible,” so a Senate-confirmed official can oversee what she described as “highly sensitive investigations of interest to the committee.”

Why is he running our CIA unchecked?

"“This is extremely significant … and it’s discouraging,” said Steve Aftergood, an analyst who tracks U.S. intelligence agencies for the Federation of American Scientists. “The inspectors general at the intelligence agencies are even more important than [at] other agencies because the majority of their work is classified — and so they don’t get the same kind of oversight as elsewhere in the government. The [intelligence agency] inspectors general have also been the eyes and ears for Congress, so without a strong IG in place, the oversight committees are at least partially blinded.”

So the CIA gets wacked for hacking personal computers and THEN Obama wacks the Whistle blower?

"Finding a candidate for the CIA post in particular is apparently proving difficult, especially in light of the tumultuous tenure of the previous inspector general, David Buckley. Last December, he released a blistering report taking CIA officials to task for covertly hacking into computers used by Feinstein staffers to investigate the agency’s interrogation practices, which the Intelligence Committee concluded constituted torture that had been largely concealed from Congress."

Folks something is not right about this for a "SUPPOSED" transparent government. An American hostage is dead and nobody is being told why?

More here....
White House criticized for not filling watchdog post at CIA

From your link...

Other watchdog groups say the situation at the CIA is hardly unique. Danielle Brian, executive director of the Project on Government Oversight, a nonprofit group that monitors inspectors general, notes that the scandal-plagued Department of Veterans Affairs has been without a Senate-confirmed inspector general for a year and a half, and the Interior Department hasn’t had a confirmed watchdog for six and a half years (although the White House did recently nominate a candidate, who has yet to be confirmed).

Apparently Obozo is trying to cover up stuff concerning the VA situation too.....
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From your link...

Other watchdog groups say the situation at the CIA is hardly unique. Danielle Brian, executive director of the Project on Government Oversight, a nonprofit group that monitors inspectors general, notes that the scandal-plagued Department of Veterans Affairs has been without a Senate-confirmed inspector general for a year and a half, and the Interior Department hasn’t had a confirmed watchdog for six and a half years (although the White House did recently nominate a candidate, who has yet to be confirmed).

Apparently Obozo is trying to cover up stuff concerning the VA situation too.....
Cover up or simply not WILLING to fix? American death to him is just souls to allah. Kind of like leaving those four hanging in Libya. It's becoming very hard to sort his mistakes from deliberate actions.

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