What is Obama's end game in Libya?

The endgame is the oil contracts, if Libya had no oil no one would care about it.

I don't think that's true. Lybia supplies 2% of the worlds oil and most of that goes to EU.

So that would explain the EU wanting to go in.
But not the other Arabs. Demand for thier oil will increase.

And if we are to kill off every dictator that kills his own people, we need to get to North Korea now.

Libya just opened up their country to oil companies a few years ago after we took them off the terror list and lifted sanctions, they were on the shit list for decades after lockerbie and the German club bombing incident, there is alot of potential in Libya.
He's just reacting, I doubt he's thinking this. He doesn't care what the effect of anything else he does is on the economy, why start now? And anyway, so far Obama hasn't had an "end game" for anything he's done, again, why would we believe he suddenly does?

The only reason anyone cares about what goes on in Libya is because all these countries the US, Britain, France etc all had oil contracts in Libya, now that they openly called on Ghaddafi to step down from power they will lose those contracts if Ghaddafi regains control of his country, he openly said the only group allowed back in for the contracts would be Germany since they opposed the no fly zone. Believe me Ghaddafi is taking names, he is not stupid and if he regains control,he will tell the US to go fuck themselves and the oil contracts will go to Russia, China and the Germans.

I'm sure that the Brit's are not unhappy at the prospect of bombing the shit out of Gaddafi... over the Lockerbie bomber fiasco... a little bit of pay back for the Brits. But... generally... it's not about oil... it's about giving the rebels a level playing field on which to fight for democracy.

So if you go back to his original point, why do we only seem to act militarily to help "democracy" in countries with oil underneath them? I think that was his point, and it was a good one.
The Arab countries dislike Ghaddafi because he supposedly tried to have the Saudi King assassinated, so he is on their shit list.
The endgame is the oil contracts, if Libya had no oil no one would care about it.

I don't think that's true. Lybia supplies 2% of the worlds oil and most of that goes to EU.

So that would explain the EU wanting to go in.
But not the other Arabs. Demand for thier oil will increase.

And if we are to kill off every dictator that kills his own people, we need to get to North Korea now.

Oil is a commodity, it doesn't matter where that specific oil goes. Europe has the demand and if they didn't get it from Libya it would drive up global prices.
Again---was there any danger of a decreased oil supply from PRIOR to the rebellion ? If not and the UN is purely intersted in protecting civilians, why did they wait so long ?
Again---was there any danger of a decreased oil supply from PRIOR to the rebellion ? If not and the UN is purely intersted in protecting civilians, why did they wait so long ?

When this rebellion first started and the rebels were capturing cities, Libyan pilots defecting and Libyan ambassadors across the world resigning in protest, it looked like the Libyans would remove Ghaddafi on their own without any help, thats when Obama called on Ghaddafi to step down. When things started changing and Ghaddafis forces started retaking cities and took over the momentum, Obama realized we have to do something or those oil contracts are lost.:cool:
Again---was there any danger of a decreased oil supply from PRIOR to the rebellion ? If not and the UN is purely intersted in protecting civilians, why did they wait so long ?

When this rebellion first started and the rebels were capturing cities, Libyan pilots defecting and Libyan ambassadors across the world resigning in protest, it looked like the Libyans would remove Ghaddafi on their own without any help, thats when Obama called on Ghaddafi to step down. When things started changing and Ghaddafis forces started retaking cities and took over the momentum, Obama realized we have to do something or those oil contracts are lost.:cool:

Was there ever a threat of Ghadaffi cutting off oil, even if he put down the rebellion?
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Our military has been sent.
The weapons of war have been used.
We have destroyed places.
We have killed people.

Please excuse me if I fail to see any difference, beyond the fact that Congress has not declared war.

It's not a 'war', it's a military action. We have only killed military personnel. We have only destroyed military targets.

It's a fine line, but a line nontheless, it's not a 'war'.

Oh it's a war. And one that probably should have happened after Lockerbie.

I hope this gives the rebels enough cover the off Qaddafi. He's been deserving a dirt nap for decades.

Now THAT is a reason to kill a mutherfucker!

but he is hands off. Obama or our leadership says they won't try to kill him.
Again---was there any danger of a decreased oil supply from PRIOR to the rebellion ? If not and the UN is purely intersted in protecting civilians, why did they wait so long ?

When this rebellion first started and the rebels were capturing cities, Libyan pilots defecting and Libyan ambassadors across the world resigning in protest, it looked like the Libyans would remove Ghaddafi on their own without any help, thats when Obama called on Ghaddafi to step down. When things started changing and Ghaddafis forces started retaking cities and took over the momentum, Obama realized we have to do something or those oil contracts are lost.:cool:

Was there ever a threat of Ghadaffi cutting of oil, even if he put down the rebellion?

Yes, they are talking about only letting the Russians, China, Brazil and India work the oil contracts, and Germany because they opposed the no fly zone. Like I said, Ghaddafi is not stupid and he is taking names.

TRIPOLI (Reuters) - Libya is considering offering oil block contracts directly to China, India and other nations it sees as friends in its month-long conflict with rebels, Libya's top oil official said on Saturday.

Oil companies have pulled out staff and shut operations in the country, formerly Africa's third-largest producer, due to the uprising against Muammar Gaddafi's rule, leading to a sharp reduction in output.

National Oil Corporation Chairman Shukri Ghanem, speaking about future projects, said Libya was considering awarding contracts directly to new partners instead of using its more traditional open bidding process.

"We will be looking at giving direct block contracts to countries ready to come and work in the country, because we want to increase production," he said.

He said Libya would look into the possibility of working closer with partners such as India, China, Brazil and others in the future but gave no details.

Ghanem said, however, that the government would honour all existing contracts with Western firms and called on foreign workers to return to help restore output.

Libya says may give oil deals to friendly nations | Reuters
The only reason anyone cares about what goes on in Libya is because all these countries the US, Britain, France etc all had oil contracts in Libya, now that they openly called on Ghaddafi to step down from power they will lose those contracts if Ghaddafi regains control of his country, he openly said the only group allowed back in for the contracts would be Germany since they opposed the no fly zone. Believe me Ghaddafi is taking names, he is not stupid and if he regains control,he will tell the US to go fuck themselves and the oil contracts will go to Russia, China and the Germans.

I'm sure that the Brit's are not unhappy at the prospect of bombing the shit out of Gaddafi... over the Lockerbie bomber fiasco... a little bit of pay back for the Brits. But... generally... it's not about oil... it's about giving the rebels a level playing field on which to fight for democracy.

CG do you honestly think if these rebels were in the Congo or Zimbabwe instead of Libya, that we would be using our Military to help them?

I think many Americans are missing some of the bricks to build the wall of information needed to get the whole picture. Y'all maybe need to look harder at what's going down in the region as a whole, and consider what possible endgame the UN might be playing for.

Personally, I think you're asking the wrong questions.
Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi has taken a tougher stance on Western oil companies. He said earlier this month that Germany was the only Western power that had a chance of doing business with Libyan oil in the future.

The Germans are the only Western country allowed back in according to Ghaddafi.
It's not a 'war', it's a military action. We have only killed military personnel. We have only destroyed military targets.

It's a fine line, but a line nontheless, it's not a 'war'.

Oh it's a war. And one that probably should have happened after Lockerbie.

I hope this gives the rebels enough cover the off Qaddafi. He's been deserving a dirt nap for decades.

Now THAT is a reason to kill a mutherfucker!

but he is hands off. Obama or our leadership says they won't try to kill him.


And there will be a trial for Osama bin Laden if he's still alive and gets caught.:lol:
doesn't matter who Qaddafi sells his oil to, as long as he is selling it on the global market....
I'm sure that the Brit's are not unhappy at the prospect of bombing the shit out of Gaddafi... over the Lockerbie bomber fiasco... a little bit of pay back for the Brits. But... generally... it's not about oil... it's about giving the rebels a level playing field on which to fight for democracy.

CG do you honestly think if these rebels were in the Congo or Zimbabwe instead of Libya, that we would be using our Military to help them?

I think many Americans are missing some of the bricks to build the wall of information needed to get the whole picture. Y'all maybe need to look harder at what's going down in the region as a whole, and consider what possible endgame the UN might be playing for.

Personally, I think you're asking the wrong questions.

OK-who is gonna make money off this ?
Again---was there any danger of a decreased oil supply from PRIOR to the rebellion ? If not and the UN is purely intersted in protecting civilians, why did they wait so long ?

Are you serious?
You are asking why the U.N. took a long time to actually do something?

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