What Is Romney So Afraid Of???


Gold Member
Oct 5, 2009
Fox's Chris Wallace calls out Mitt Romney for Sunday show absence

Four GOP hopefuls hit the Sunday talk shows this week, a roster that did not include ostensible front-runner Mitt Romney.

The absence was pointedly noted by "Fox News Sunday's" Chris Wallace, who concluded his one-on-one interview with Texas Gov. Rick Perry with a not particularly subtle shot at the former Massachusetts governor.

"With Gov. Perry's appearance, we have now interviewed all the major Republican candidates in our 2012 one-on-one series except Mitt Romney. He has not appeared on any Sunday talk show since March of 2010," Wallace said.

"We invited Gov. Romney, but his campaign says he's still not ready to sit down for an interview," he added.

Fox's Chris Wallace calls out Mitt Romney for Sunday show absence - Los Angeles Times

What is his problem?? He's not ready??? Is he kidding?? Seems to be a foregone conclusion that he will be the nominee. I can't wait to see him debate Obama!!! That is, if they can talk him into it. :lol::lol::lol:
Maybe he thinks Chris Wallace is a waste of time and DNA. WHo's to say he's wrong?
Romney's picture should be in the dictionary beside "flip-flop". I previously thought he was the GOP savior - but not any more. He seems to have some screws loose. Maybe some electric shock therapy would help him. Having said all that, he remains the sanest one of the bunch.

Fox's Chris Wallace calls out Mitt Romney for Sunday show absence

Four GOP hopefuls hit the Sunday talk shows this week, a roster that did not include ostensible front-runner Mitt Romney.

The absence was pointedly noted by "Fox News Sunday's" Chris Wallace, who concluded his one-on-one interview with Texas Gov. Rick Perry with a not particularly subtle shot at the former Massachusetts governor.

"With Gov. Perry's appearance, we have now interviewed all the major Republican candidates in our 2012 one-on-one series except Mitt Romney. He has not appeared on any Sunday talk show since March of 2010," Wallace said.

"We invited Gov. Romney, but his campaign says he's still not ready to sit down for an interview," he added.

Fox's Chris Wallace calls out Mitt Romney for Sunday show absence - Los Angeles Times

What is his problem?? He's not ready??? Is he kidding?? Seems to be a foregone conclusion that he will be the nominee. I can't wait to see him debate Obama!!! That is, if they can talk him into it. :lol::lol::lol:

Well, simple enough reason. The more people see Romney, the less they like him.

That's why he's yet to top 30% in any GOP preference poll. We know him the best and we REALLY don't like him.

He's robotic, unsymathetic, is apt to say weird things, and, oh, yeah, he belongs to a crazy religion.

He's like the guy who has the awesome resume, but the minute you get him into the interview room, he creeps you the fuck out and you go with the less qualified guy.

So they are probably trying to limit his exposure as much as possible.
Romney has answered more questions in the last five minutes than Obama has in the last year........
Watching as much Chris Matthews as I can stand to watch... Five liberals, all telling us that our only chance to beat Obama is to nominate the Weird Mormon Robot.

Yup, please don't throw me into the briar patch, B'rer Fox.
Romney has answered more questions in the last five minutes than Obama has in the last year........

Oh, good Lord!!! Obama has had many press conferences during his presidency. So what are you talkng about??
...public health care plan. The two are identical liberal clones of one another. Either pick Mitt Obama or Barack Romney... one in the same.

Fox's Chris Wallace calls out Mitt Romney for Sunday show absence

Four GOP hopefuls hit the Sunday talk shows this week, a roster that did not include ostensible front-runner Mitt Romney.

The absence was pointedly noted by "Fox News Sunday's" Chris Wallace, who concluded his one-on-one interview with Texas Gov. Rick Perry with a not particularly subtle shot at the former Massachusetts governor.

"With Gov. Perry's appearance, we have now interviewed all the major Republican candidates in our 2012 one-on-one series except Mitt Romney. He has not appeared on any Sunday talk show since March of 2010," Wallace said.

"We invited Gov. Romney, but his campaign says he's still not ready to sit down for an interview," he added.

Fox's Chris Wallace calls out Mitt Romney for Sunday show absence - Los Angeles Times

What is his problem?? He's not ready??? Is he kidding?? Seems to be a foregone conclusion that he will be the nominee. I can't wait to see him debate Obama!!! That is, if they can talk him into it. :lol::lol::lol:
Fox's Chris Wallace calls out Mitt Romney for Sunday show absence

Four GOP hopefuls hit the Sunday talk shows this week, a roster that did not include ostensible front-runner Mitt Romney.

The absence was pointedly noted by "Fox News Sunday's" Chris Wallace, who concluded his one-on-one interview with Texas Gov. Rick Perry with a not particularly subtle shot at the former Massachusetts governor.

"With Gov. Perry's appearance, we have now interviewed all the major Republican candidates in our 2012 one-on-one series except Mitt Romney. He has not appeared on any Sunday talk show since March of 2010," Wallace said.

"We invited Gov. Romney, but his campaign says he's still not ready to sit down for an interview," he added.

Fox's Chris Wallace calls out Mitt Romney for Sunday show absence - Los Angeles Times

What is his problem?? He's not ready??? Is he kidding?? Seems to be a foregone conclusion that he will be the nominee. I can't wait to see him debate Obama!!! That is, if they can talk him into it. :lol::lol::lol:

there's no upside to romney doing the talking head circuit. he can't move further right and start mimicking the teatards. he can't defend his natural position... which is in the middle, because he won't make it past the rightwingnuts during the primary process. people already don't trust him.

his campaign strategy, if you can call it one, is to stay quiet, let each of the flavors of the week run their course and then hope he comes through the primary process.

if i were one of his advisors, i'd tell him to do what he's doing, too. he's already going to have enough trouble going back to the middle for the general election. and he's very much going to have a problem going after the president on health care, considering he used it in Mass and the fact that the plan was mostly a Heritage Foundation rightie plan to begin with.
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...public health care plan. The two are identical liberal clones of one another. Either pick Mitt Obama or Barack Romney... one in the same.

yeah, because it's not like being anti-choice and wanting to continue running the country on voodoo supply side economics isn't the same as the dem position, right?

Fox's Chris Wallace calls out Mitt Romney for Sunday show absence

Four GOP hopefuls hit the Sunday talk shows this week, a roster that did not include ostensible front-runner Mitt Romney.

The absence was pointedly noted by "Fox News Sunday's" Chris Wallace, who concluded his one-on-one interview with Texas Gov. Rick Perry with a not particularly subtle shot at the former Massachusetts governor.

"With Gov. Perry's appearance, we have now interviewed all the major Republican candidates in our 2012 one-on-one series except Mitt Romney. He has not appeared on any Sunday talk show since March of 2010," Wallace said.

"We invited Gov. Romney, but his campaign says he's still not ready to sit down for an interview," he added.

Fox's Chris Wallace calls out Mitt Romney for Sunday show absence - Los Angeles Times

What is his problem?? He's not ready??? Is he kidding?? Seems to be a foregone conclusion that he will be the nominee. I can't wait to see him debate Obama!!! That is, if they can talk him into it. :lol::lol::lol:

there's no upside to romney doing the talking head circuit. he can't move further right and start mimicking the teatards. he can't defend his natural position... which is in the middle, because then he can't move back to the middle for the general. people already don't trust him.

his campaign strategy, if you can call it one, is to stay quiet, let each of the flavors of the week run their course and then hope he comes through the primary process.

if i were one of his advisors, i'd tell him to do what he's doing, too. he's already going to have enough trouble going back to the middle for the general election. and he's very much going to have a problem going after the president on health care, considering he used it in Mass and the fact that the plan was mostly a Heritage Foundation rightie plan to begin with.

Basically he's running Hillary's strategy from 2008. We see where she ended up. Eventually Mr. Romney will have to come to the table but for right now, he's getting much accomplished by letting the 7 dwarfs take the hits.
Basically he's running Hillary's strategy from 2008. We see where she ended up. Eventually Mr. Romney will have to come to the table but for right now, he's getting much accomplished by letting the 7 dwarfs take the hits.

But eventually, one of those dwarves are going to eclipse him.

Right now, it's Cain.

But what is obvious is that Romney's numbers are flat. Outside of the small faction of moderates, Mormons and Wall Street wannabees that make up his base, he really can't bust out of that 25%.

If the GOP was smart, they would say, "Look, we can't sell Romney to our base. They'll either stay home or go with a third party. The rest are kind of dull. We need to find a prominant governor or senator to pick up the banner and go with him."
Basically he's running Hillary's strategy from 2008. We see where she ended up. Eventually Mr. Romney will have to come to the table but for right now, he's getting much accomplished by letting the 7 dwarfs take the hits.

But eventually, one of those dwarves are going to eclipse him.

Right now, it's Cain.

But what is obvious is that Romney's numbers are flat. Outside of the small faction of moderates, Mormons and Wall Street wannabees that make up his base, he really can't bust out of that 25%.

If the GOP was smart, they would say, "Look, we can't sell Romney to our base. They'll either stay home or go with a third party. The rest are kind of dull. We need to find a prominant governor or senator to pick up the banner and go with him."

Mr. Cain is toast.

When Mr. Romney starts winning primaries, it will all change. Funding for other candidates will dry up. If Mr. Perry doesn't win South Carolina, he'll be through.
Basically he's running Hillary's strategy from 2008. We see where she ended up. Eventually Mr. Romney will have to come to the table but for right now, he's getting much accomplished by letting the 7 dwarfs take the hits.

But eventually, one of those dwarves are going to eclipse him.

Right now, it's Cain.

But what is obvious is that Romney's numbers are flat. Outside of the small faction of moderates, Mormons and Wall Street wannabees that make up his base, he really can't bust out of that 25%.

If the GOP was smart, they would say, "Look, we can't sell Romney to our base. They'll either stay home or go with a third party. The rest are kind of dull. We need to find a prominant governor or senator to pick up the banner and go with him."

Mr. Cain is toast.

When Mr. Romney starts winning primaries, it will all change. Funding for other candidates will dry up. If Mr. Perry doesn't win South Carolina, he'll be through.

So what you are saying is not that the Weird Mormon Robot is a good candidate, but that the awful system that requires 3 or 4 early states to determine which candidates get money.

This by you is a good system?

Incidently, I don't think Cain is toast- yet. Apparenlty 79% of Republicans asked in polls don't think that the accusations are important. If anything, the whole thing has perhaps gained him some sympathy...

And I've said about Cain, it isn't that Cain is so good that Romney is so awful. He beats Romney on his only virtue. He was just as successful in Business as Romney without being born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He doesn't belong to a whackadoodle cult, he hasn't comprimised his values, he hasn't checked a focus group before opening him mouth. He's as likable and real as Romney is fake and unlikable.
i don't see that. and hillary had other forces against her. she should have won the primary process. at some point, the democratic hierarchy turned against her and she couldn't get beyond that.
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i don't see that. and hillary had other forces against her. she should have won the primary process. at some point, the democratic hierarchy turned against her and she couldn't get beyond that.

Here's the dirty little secret. She DID win more votes than Obama in the primaries.

what killed her was (quite correctly) that Obama racked up more Super Delegates, and that the allocation of delegates worked against her.

For instance, she won Michigan. But they didn't get any delegates because they broke the rules and held their primaries early.

RealClearPolitics - 2008 Elections - Democratic Vote Count

There were also other factors. The first was that she sat on her laurels after Super Tuesday, where she won almost all the major states that day except IL. That allowed Obama to surpass her by running in the later states.

But I think what happened was that a lot of Democrats remembered how it was crisis of the week with the Clintons, and they found themselves saying such ridiculous things like "Clinton wasn't lying. A blow job isn't sex!" (Seriously, I had Democrats say this to me. I suggested they try that line on their wives.)

So they thought Obama would get them all the same things Hillary would get them without the scandals. Unfortunately, Obama lacked the competence to actually do the job.
But eventually, one of those dwarves are going to eclipse him.

Right now, it's Cain.

But what is obvious is that Romney's numbers are flat. Outside of the small faction of moderates, Mormons and Wall Street wannabees that make up his base, he really can't bust out of that 25%.

If the GOP was smart, they would say, "Look, we can't sell Romney to our base. They'll either stay home or go with a third party. The rest are kind of dull. We need to find a prominant governor or senator to pick up the banner and go with him."

Mr. Cain is toast.

When Mr. Romney starts winning primaries, it will all change. Funding for other candidates will dry up. If Mr. Perry doesn't win South Carolina, he'll be through.

So what you are saying is not that the Weird Mormon Robot is a good candidate, but that the awful system that requires 3 or 4 early states to determine which candidates get money.

This by you is a good system?

Incidently, I don't think Cain is toast- yet. Apparenlty 79% of Republicans asked in polls don't think that the accusations are important. If anything, the whole thing has perhaps gained him some sympathy...

And I've said about Cain, it isn't that Cain is so good that Romney is so awful. He beats Romney on his only virtue. He was just as successful in Business as Romney without being born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He doesn't belong to a whackadoodle cult, he hasn't comprimised his values, he hasn't checked a focus group before opening him mouth. He's as likable and real as Romney is fake and unlikable.

:lol: I think YOU are afraid of Romney!
:lol: I think YOU are afraid of Romney!

Oh, yeah. Mormons are scarier than shit. They've got a history of murdering people who don't share their faith.

I don't worry about him winning, though. He'll lose badly to Obama.

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