What Is Space Actually On?

Well, "selection" implies a choice, a matter of degree or succeeding in adapting, and the helium > carbon conversion in nucleosynthesis is just an inevitable, unavoidable physical process. Given the right conditions of pressure and temperature, helium will inevitably end up fused into carbon.

Just like vultures will inevitably evolve from eagles ... the vultures don't choose their niche ... the niche chooses them ... meat doesn't lie around evaporating back into carbon dioxide ...

I think my point was natural selection predates the formation of Earth ... even to go back and see why there any carbon in the universe ... what does the universe look like if beryllium was the next step in that chain of syntheses? ...

Does carbon have her life-giving properties because of design ... or is it inevitable that some element has 6 protons and 6 electrons, and the life-giving properties are simply a result of this existence of 'atoms' ...

Some things just are, we can accept these things while science continues her slow, steady and sure progress ...
No one understands how or why gravity exists.
Quantum physics can only prove that it exist, but have no idea why every object attracts another object. There are theories, but no absolute answer.
The day man understands how gravity works will change everything.
Objects with mass attract each other unless acted upon by an outside force.
Pretty damn stupid to not select for Beryllium ... and then Carbon ... this is your argument against evolution, too many steps at once ... now you claim this is based on intelligence ... 2+2=4 is smarter than 2+2+2=6 ...

The Preacher said "There's nothing new under the sun" ...
The evidence suggests intelligent design.
Objects with mass attract each other unless acted upon by an outside force.

To be sure, all objects have mass and all objects are attracted to each other by one or two outside forces, either static (electrical charge) attraction when very small, and by gravitation when getting larger. Even when acted on by an external force to keep them apart, the attraction is still there.
To be sure, all objects have mass and all objects are attracted to each other by one or two outside forces, either static (electrical charge) attraction when very small, and by gravitation when getting larger. Even when acted on by an external force to keep them apart, the attraction is still there.
All matter has gravitational pull.
Even atoms have gravity.
And of course it works in the aggregate. The more atoms, the greater the gravity field it generates.
But no one knows why it is there. Only that it is there.
All matter has gravitational pull.
Even atoms have gravity.
And of course it works in the aggregate. The more atoms, the greater the gravity field it generates.
But no one knows why it is there. Only that it is there.

To clarify, all matter in space interacts with the space field and we term this effect gravitation, though no "gravitron" force carrier has ever been identified. And as research continues, it seems more and more likely that the gravitational attraction is not a function of baryonic matter itself but of the dark matter associations attributed to it.

Might be why a high energy cosmic particle was recently discovered carrying something like 244 exa-electron volts (244 billion billion volts) charge (about as much energy as dropping a brick on your foot from waist height) all within a single subatomic particle, yet traced back in its trajectory, the origins of these particles, instead of coming from the merger of massive black holes or galaxies as expected containing huge magnetic fields, they came instead from totally empty space beyond our galaxy in voids where nothing (we can see) is known to even exist.

To clarify, all matter in space interacts with the space field and we term this effect gravitation, though no "gravitron" force carrier has ever been identified. And as research continues, it seems more and more likely that the gravitational attraction is not a function of baryonic matter itself but of the dark matter associations attributed to it.

Might be why a high energy cosmic particle was recently discovered carrying something like 244 exa-electron volts (244 billion billion volts) charge (about as much energy as dropping a brick on your foot from waist height) all within a single subatomic particle, yet traced back in its trajectory, the origins of these particles, instead of coming from the merger of massive black holes or galaxies as expected containing huge magnetic fields, they came instead from totally empty space beyond our galaxy in voids where nothing (we can see) is known to even exist.

It came from beyond the CMB veil ...

They must be pretty common if one hit Earth ... we're not the largest target in the neighborhood ...

I thought you said it's the space field that breaks the bone in our foot, the brick has no gravity ...
They must be pretty common if one hit Earth ... we're not the largest target in the neighborhood ...

Actually, calculations show them to be exceedingly rare. The chances of such a super high energy particle ever hitting you and I are essentially nil in the lifetime of the universe. Only one other particle has ever been recorded at higher energies--- MILLIONS of times higher energy than the LHC can produce--- and I think that one was something like 343 billion billion-electron volts, meantime, the typical energy in an electron hitting the north pole from the Sun causing an aurora is more like only 40,000 electron volts.
To clarify, all matter in space interacts with the space field and we term this effect gravitation, though no "gravitron" force carrier has ever been identified. And as research continues, it seems more and more likely that the gravitational attraction is not a function of baryonic matter itself but of the dark matter associations attributed to it.

Might be why a high energy cosmic particle was recently discovered carrying something like 244 exa-electron volts (244 billion billion volts) charge (about as much energy as dropping a brick on your foot from waist height) all within a single subatomic particle, yet traced back in its trajectory, the origins of these particles, instead of coming from the merger of massive black holes or galaxies as expected containing huge magnetic fields, they came instead from totally empty space beyond our galaxy in voids where nothing (we can see) is known to even exist.

Fascinating isn't it?
I have read really only a little quantum science, and in relation other dimensions, to only have a teeny weeny knowledge base... but enough that I wish that I could go into it full time... full speed ahead.
It is the secret to the future. Understanding energy beyond the ridiculously inefficient/wasteful/expensive/polluting burning coal is how we move into another level of advances as a species.
I meant complex living organisms, like us.
Ah yes, the loaded statement.

Of course, this "complexity" is undefined. In reality, a swinning pool full of hydrocarbons is more complex than a human being. A volcano is more complex than a human being. Both contain more information than a 200 pound human.

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