What Is Space Actually On?

The vacuum could be explained by the rapid expansion of space itself. Kinda like putting your fingertip over the end of a syringe, and pulling on the plunger. It creates vacuum. Mass, and matter are just the stuff caught up in it...
Yes, good stuff.

However, a perfect vacuum is not possible. So the question would remain.
It's all the same argument. Evolution requires change at the atomic and molecular level, so let's talk about atoms and molecules. Why does the first law of thermodynamics not apply to atoms, which are actually 'perpetual motion' machines?

Which definition of temperature are we using? ... because all my reference materials speak in terms of enthalpy, which is a little different than kinetic energy ...

Perhaps if you could explain an example ... where the kinetic energy plus chemical energy doesn't add up ... because this is what you've claimed, these reactions violate the 1st Law ...

In my example, the energy released by breaking the two C-H bonds is used to form the new C-C and H-H bonds ... any different is compensated by a change in temperature ... where temperature defined as total kinetic energy ... which works with a seal vessel starting at room temperature ...

Enthalpy is just a fancy-pants college word for both thermal heat and latent heat together ... otherwise we get a "disfunction" with temperature, something mathematicians hate ... certainly the matter is more complicated, but for our discussions here, this distinction works fine ... both ethane and methane are gases at room temperature ... so we use temperature ... as long as water isn't involved, these are safe assumptions ...
We don't? I think you meant that you don't understand.
No one understands how or why gravity exists.
Quantum physics can only prove that it exist, but have no idea why every object attracts another object. There are theories, but no absolute answer.
The day man understands how gravity works will change everything.
No one understands how or why gravity exists.
Quantum physics can only prove that it exist, but have no idea why every object attracts another object. There are theories, but no absolute answer.
The day man understands how gravity works will change everything.
I'd like to know how atoms that are billions of years old are energized.
Where does the electricity come from?
From the electromagnetic force.

I think you mean, where does the attraction of oppositely charge particles come from.

It's a fundamental force. Forces do work and impart energy upon objects.

For example, the force of gravity accelerates objects. It is doing work on those objects. It accelerates the objects and imparts kinetic energy upon them.
What is Space actually Made On?
I do not mean the atoms, energy, mass, baryonic matter, planets, dust, moons, or plasma that make up the Universe?
I mean what is holding these physical structures of mass.
I am specifically talking about what the matter is in or on.
Like if you see a painting or drawing. You look at what the drawing is of.
But what is the ink or paint on? What is the canvas made of?
The question we need to ask ourselves is what are we as mass, such as the planets, and the vacuum of space on?
For instance we are 1 astronomical unit from the Sun.
We are 150 million kilometres from the Sun.
And some would say there is nothing between the Earth and the Sun. Just a near perfect vacuum, with virtually nothing between us.
But that is not what I am asking. I am asking what is holding that vacuum. On another level what is the vacuum of 150 million miles on.
You cannot have 150 million miles of nothing. I know you will say it is a vacuum. But what is that vacuum on.
I mean if you had a mile of space on Earth. Yes it might be containing matter, such as oxygen, rocks, oceans, clouds, humans, animals, and plants. But if you had a mile of outer space. There might be a near perfect vacuum. But it is still 1 mile of space. The same distance both times.
So the thing is. Surely the 1 mile of near perfect space and 1 mile of Earth, are the same distance. So what is holding that 1 miles of space whether it be a near perfect vacuum or as on Earth containing huge amounts of matter.
The actual structure that holds 1 mile of vacuum space and 1 mile of matter, must be the same thing,
So what is that is holding the 1 mile of space and 1 mile of Earth matter.
I know the Universe contains mass, energy, matter. But what is it on?
This is a vital philosophical and scientific question.
1 mile of mass and 1 mile of space vacuum, are both the same distance. What are they both on?
It is as if we are people painted on a canvas that tells a story or landscape. On one level you can as an art critic try to explain the story that the painting is telling. But to make that work of art you must know what we are made. Are we paint, or are we layers of different paint on a canvas? And what is that canvas made of? A canvas with no paint on it, is the same distance as a canvas with a beautiful landscape or mythical scene.
What is Space on?
Space is part of space time.


Artist concept of Gravity Probe B orbiting the Earth to measure space-time, a four-dimensional description of the universe including height, width, length, and time.
From the electromagnetic force.

I think you mean, where does the attraction of oppositely charge particles come from.

It's a fundamental force. Forces do work and impart energy upon objects.

For example, the force of gravity accelerates objects. It is doing work on those objects. It accelerates the objects and imparts kinetic energy upon them.
What is the origin of the 'force'?
Space is part of space time.

View attachment 865672

Artist concept of Gravity Probe B orbiting the Earth to measure space-time, a four-dimensional description of the universe including height, width, length, and time.
I could never really get down with models that try to show spacetime in this fashion. It make space appear to be a flat, linear plane. It just doesn't make sense, or help to explain gravity in any meaningful way.
What is the origin of the 'force'?
You can't say "it is a fundamental force" since obviously that doesn't explain what it is, originates, how or why.
If you have ever read some quantum physics... yowsers... mind blowing possibilities and almost infinite parameters.
Your question is like asking "can there be nothing?"
If there is, then what is it? You can't say it is "no thing" or the absolute absence of any thing, no matter how small.
Since that can't exist, because "no thing" is the definition of doesn't exist.
Therefore "nothing" is the state of non existence. So it doesn't exist.
What is the origin of the 'force'?
Not sure what you mean. You take a guess.

Also, I think it is far past time for your interrogation to end and for you to start making your own points. If you are genuinely curious about scientific topics, then go read up on what scientists say about them. That's all ayone here has ever done.
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I could never really get down with models that try to show spacetime in this fashion. It make space appear to be a flat, linear plane. It just doesn't make sense, or help to explain gravity in any meaningful way.
The space/time plane helps me understand gravity.

As far as empty space I don’t see any reason for it to rest on anything. It just would exist if there were no stars, plants and space junk in what was empty space. All those items are in motion not at rest, so they can’t rest on anything.

Everything in the Universe is in motion because forces exist in the Universe. The gravitational force and the electromagnetic force ensure large objects are in motion while the weak and strong nuclear forces ensure the quantum world is constantly in motion. If there were no forces, there would be no motion.

The question of why there are forces in the Universe is currently unanswerable by science. They appear to be fundamental and demonstrable facts but there may not be an ultimate reason for their existence, just as there may not be a root cause for the existence of the Universe itself.
Not sure what you mean. You take a guess.
Proof once again that you are a total quack.

Also, I think it is far past time for your interrogation to end
This from a guy who has done nothing here in this thread BUT interrogate others! :auiqs.jpg:

What is a cause of the [EM] force? That is easy. The EM force originates from the gauge boson force carrier of the EM field, the photon.
Not sure what you mean. You take a guess.

Also, I think it is far past time for your interrogation to end and for you to start making your own points. If you are genuinely curious about scientific topics, then go read up on what scientists say about them. That's all ayone here has ever done.
I have read quite a bit. No information at all about how atoms are energized, only that they are not bound by the laws of physics.

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