What is the biblical timeline for the next era?

I agree, but he/she/it is so far out of whack it makes me curious how they arrived there

I agree, but he/she/it is so far out of whack it makes me curious how they arrived there
most people have only the most sketchy ideas about what is in the Bible and what Christianity is about.

Most seem to think that David killed Goliath with a "slingshot". No, he knocked him down with a SLING and then beheaded him with his own sword.

Most think that two of each animal was loaded onto the Ark. No, it was SEVEN of every clean animal. and TWO of everything else.

And so forth.
Abraham was a "friend of God".. not a Jew. That came a little bit later. The myths of Sumer, Egypt and Ras Shamra came much earlier.. The Bible stories aren't history and were never intended as such. They are teaching narratives. I didn't realize that you are a fundamentalist... Dominionist or Dispensationist?

A fundamentalists? I adhere to the a sola scriptura doctrine, as faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God. (Romans 10:17)

What does the word declare about Abraham and the Jews? The people of Israel, called Jews or Hebrews at the time period of Jesus considered Abraham as their father.......the founder of the Jewish nation, "They "the people of Israel" answered and said to Him, Abraham is our father. Jesus said to them 'if you were Abraham's children you would do the work of Abraham." -- John 8:39.

It was Abram.......later named Abraham who made the first covenant of the Jewish tradition of CIRCUMCISION as commanded by God (Genesis 17:10-14)

The lineage of Abraham is clearly demonstrated in the Gospel accounts. Jesus was a son of Abraham (a son denotes a direct line of descent). Even though Matthew's lineage goes through Joseph (as an adopted son.....an adopted son has the same legal rights under Jewish law as does a natural birth child)......its is recorded to prove that Jesus had a legal right to be called a descendant of David. In Luke you have the lineage of Jesus addressed on Mary's side to prove that Jesus had descended from Adam. These accounts are not contradictory in the least.........just 2 sides of a family tree, the paternal and maternal records of heritage.

The scriptures declare......Abraham's seed would both possess the gate of his enemies and be a blessing to all nations of the earth (Gensis 22:15-18, Gal. 3:16)

Jesus was a descendant of David and possessed a right to the throne of David. To David was made the promise that his lineage would remain on the throne (2 Sam. 7:12, Ps. 89:3-4, Jer. 23:5) This right is addressed in Matthew.

Luke's lineage record demonstrates Jesus' fleshly or natural line of descent.........though it begins with Joseph........Joseph as the head of family is standing in for Mary, we know that it is Mary's line because it does not follow the succession of Kings as does Matthew's record. The scriptures demonstrate that a son IN LAW can be addressed as a SON (1 Sam. 24:16)

Thus......Abraham is considered a father to the nation of Biblical Israel.

As stated clearly with no ambiguity.........there is neither Jew nor Greek (Gentile), male nor female, free nor bond......all are one when they baptized into Christ Jesus and joint heirs to the promise made to father Abraham. Christians are "today" the chosen nation promised to Abraham by God. (Gal. 3:28-29)..........his (Abraham's descendants) through faith in Christ Jesus.
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A fundamentalists? I adhere to the a sola scriptura doctrine, as faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God. (Romans 10:17)

What does the word declare about Abraham and the Jews? The people of Israel, called Jews or Hebrews at the time period of Jesus considered Abraham as their father.......the founder of the Jewish nation, "They "the people of Israel" answered and said to Him, Abraham is our father. Jesus said to them 'if you were Abraham's children you would do the work of Abraham." -- John 8:39.

It was Abram.......later named Abraham who made the first covenant of the Jewish tradition of CIRCUMCISION as commanded by God (Genesis 17:10-14)

The lineage of Abraham is clearly demonstrated in the Gospel accounts. Jesus was a son of Abraham (a son denotes a direct line of descent). Even though Matthew's lineage goes through Joseph (as an adopted son.....an adopted son has the same legal rights under Jewish law as does a natural birth child)......its is recorded to prove that Jesus had a legal right to be called a descendant of David. In Luke you have the lineage of Jesus addressed on Mary's side to prove that Jesus had descended from Adam. These accounts are not contradictory in the least.........just 2 sides of a family tree, the paternal and maternal records of heritage.

The scriptures declare......Abraham's seed would both possess the gate of his enemies and be a blessing to all nations of the earth (Gensis 22:15-18, Gal. 3:16)

Jesus was a descendant of David and possessed a right to the throne of David. To David was made the promise that his lineage would remain on the throne (2 Sam. 7:12, Ps. 89:3-4, Jer. 23:5) This right is addressed in Matthew.

Luke's lineage record demonstrates Jesus' fleshly or natural line of descent.........though it begins with Joseph........Joseph as the head of family is standing in for Mary, we know that it is Mary's line because it does not follow the succession of Kings as does Matthew's record. The scriptures demonstrate that a son IN LAW can be addressed as a SON (1 Sam. 24:16)

Thus......Abraham is considered a father to the nation of Biblical Israel.

As stated clearly with no ambiguity.........there is neither Jew nor Greek (Gentile), male nor female, free nor bond......all are one when they baptized into Christ Jesus and joint heirs to the promise made to father Abraham. Christians are "today" the chosen nation promised to Abraham by God. (Gal. 3:28-29)..........his (Abraham's descendants) through faith in Christ Jesus.
And? Abraham was a friend of God..........does this make the scriptures false that prove ABRAM was the father of the Jews? Before the promise.......there were no JEWS, no covenant of circumcision, no possibility of a nation called Israel.

The promise made to ABRAM. The promise to father Abraham was 2x fold (1). That God would make of him (Abraham) a GREAT NATION and to this nation would be given the land of the Canaanites; "I will make thee a great nation and unto they SEED I will give this land." -- Genesis 12:2,7......and (2). And....that "in Abraham" all the nations of the world shall be blessed.

Gal. 3:16,18-29 proves that the promise was intended for Gentile, Jew, Free, Bond, Male, Female......all brought together by the sacrificial blood of Christ Jesus making every person ONE when baptized INTO CHRIST JESUS and heirs to the promise made to Abraham.

History more than proves that God has kept His promise to make the descendants of ABRAM ...i.e., ABRAHAM number like the stars in the sky. Christianity is the largest Religion in the world and its founded upon the Judeo/Christian philosophy located only in one place.......the Holy Scriptures. (Genesis 26:4-5) Moses was a descendant of Abraham long before an illiterate nomad pagan trader claimed to be a descendant of Abraham and somehow made of himself a prophet by delivering more information about 7 centuries after all the information required by God to be saved was delivered to the saints of the 1st century (Jude 3).

".........once FOR ALL DELIVERED TO THE SAINTS (of the first century". -- Jude 3 How did an illiterate claim to be a prophet and deliver more than ONCE FOR ALL TO THE SAINTS 700 years after all the saints died? Can you spell con artist?

According to the Apostle Peter (hand picked by the Christ Himself), the world had everything pertaining to life and godliness in the 1st century, "......as has His (Jesus') divine power has given us ALL THINGS THAT PERTAIN TO LIFE AND GODLINESS, THROUGH THE KNOWLEDGE OF HIM (Jesus) WHO CALLED US (the Apostles of Christ) BY GLORY AND VIRTUE." -- 2 Peter 1:3

Question? Attempting to deliver more than EVERYTHING was quite a task for Muhammad...no? An impossible task. Just like the Mormons, the JWs.......the Catholics......all, Islam is based upon a lie when compared to the actual content of the Holy Scriptures. The only weapon against deceit that a Christian has access to........the word of God, its our sword of righteousness. And it cuts to the quick to the point that it can send an opposing soul to hell when it confronts an ANTICHRIST false doctrine. (Eph. 6:17)

Thus.........Sola scriptura:

Worlds largest religion: real slow, C H R I S T I A N I T Y
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And? Abraham was a friend of God..........does this make the scriptures false that prove ABRAM was the father of the Jews? Before the promise.......there were no JEWS, no covenant of circumcision, no possibility of a nation called Israel.

The promise made to ABRAM. The promise to father Abraham was 2x fold (1). That God would make of him (Abraham) a GREAT NATION and to this nation would be given the land of the Canaanites; "I will make thee a great nation and unto they SEED I will give this land." -- Genesis 12:2,7......and (2). And....that "in Abraham" all the nations of the world shall be blessed.

Gal. 3:16,18-29 proves that the promise was intended for Gentile, Jew, Free, Bond, Male, Female......all brought together by the sacrificial blood of Christ Jesus making every person ONE when baptized INTO CHRIST JESUS and heirs to the promise made to Abraham.

History more than proves that God has kept His promise to make the descendants of ABRAM ...i.e., ABRAHAM number like the stars in the sky. Christianity is the largest Religion in the world and its founded upon the Judeo/Christian philosophy located only in one place.......the Holy Scriptures. (Genesis 26:4-5) Moses was a descendant of Abraham long before an illiterate nomad pagan trader claimed to be a descendant of Abraham and somehow made of himself a prophet by delivering more information about 7 centuries after all the information required by God to be saved was delivered to the saints of the 1st century (Jude 3).

".........once FOR ALL DELIVERED TO THE SAINTS (of the first century". -- Jude 3 How did an illiterate claim to be a prophet and deliver more than ONCE FOR ALL TO THE SAINTS 700 years after all the saints died? Can you spell con artist?

According to the Apostle Peter (hand picked by the Christ Himself), the world had everything pertaining to life and godliness in the 1st century, "......as has His (Jesus') divine power has given us ALL THINGS THAT PERTAIN TO LIFE AND GODLINESS, THROUGH THE KNOWLEDGE OF HIM (Jesus) WHO CALLED US (the Apostles of Christ) BY GLORY AND VIRTUE." -- 2 Peter 1:3

Question? Attempting to deliver more than EVERYTHING was quite a task for Muhammad...no? An impossible task. Just like the Mormons, the JWs.......the Catholics......all, Islam is based upon a lie when compared to the actual content of the Holy Scriptures. The only weapon against deceit that a Christian has access to........the word of God, its our sword of righteousness. And it cuts to the quick to the point that it can send an opposing soul to hell when it confronts an ANTICHRIST false doctrine. (Eph. 6:17)

Thus.........Sola scriptura:

Worlds largest religion: real slow, C H R I S T I A N I T Y
The Jews say the same thing about Christians.
The Jews say the same thing about Christians.
Does it matter what anyone says, especially when both doctrines are contradictory to the actual content of the Holy Scriptures and antichrist in nature? :dunno: That is the point of adhering to a "sola scriptura" doctrine as commanded in the scriptures themselves............there is only one source to calibrate truth, there is no private interpretation of the Holy Scriptures. The scriptures/prophecies have already been interpreted by the prophets/apostles who had them recorded.........just read and allow the scriptures to interpret themselves via maintaining the contextual integrity and subject matter of each chapter recorded. There is only 1 true church..........the one recorded in the Holy Scriptures created by the only begotten Son of God (Matthew 16), its the rock upon which truth resides.

(2 Peter 1:20), No prophecy of scripture is of any private interpretation. When read alone and out of context, it may appear that the individual person does not have any authority or wisdom to interpret scripture or prophecy. Its a common practice of all antichrist religions to take one passage away from the contextual integrity of the entire chapter, cherry picking one verse and privately interpreting with their personal opinion.

Example.........water baptism is a requirement of gaining entrance into the Kingdom of God, i.e., the holy church constructed by the Christ.........water baptism is commanded many times in the scriptures. Yet some cults will dance in never ending circles and claim that water baptism is not required.
In fact there is not one example of anyone being saved in the New Testament void of water baptism. Peter made this clear when he used the "keys to the kingdom" given to him by Jesus in (Matthew 16). On the day of Pentecost after the ascension of the Christ, when Peter preached the very first gospel sermon he informed all the Jews gathered there from different locations just what they must do to gain entrance into the kingdom of God, i.e., the church.............

Peter declared, ".................Repent, and let everyone of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost......." -- Acts 2:38

There was no ambiguity to Peter's declaration. Water baptism is required for the remission of sins............next, one cannot receive the GIFT OF THE HOLY GHOST void of being transferred into the kingdom of God. You do not literally receive the Holy Ghost..........you receive THE GIFT of the HOLY GHOST. What was/is that gift?

"All scripture is inspired by the Holy Ghost/Spirit of God........." that is the gift, a method/means to find salvation and eternal fellowship with the God of Creation
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Does it matter what anyone says, especially when both doctrines are contradictory to the actual content of the Holy Scriptures and antichrist in nature? :dunno: That is the point of adhering to a "sola scriptura" doctrine as commanded in the scriptures themselves............there is only one source to calibrate truth, there is no private interpretation of the Holy Scriptures. The scriptures/prophecies have already been interpreted by the prophets/apostles who had them recorded.........just read and allow the scriptures to interpret themselves via maintaining the contextual integrity and subject matter of each chapter recorded. There is only 1 true church..........the one recorded in the Holy Scriptures created by the only begotten Son of God (Matthew 16), its the rock upon which truth resides.

(2 Peter 1:20), No prophecy of scripture is of any private interpretation. When read alone and out of context, it may appear that the individual person does not have any authority or wisdom to interpret scripture or prophecy. Its a common practice of all antichrist religions to take one passage away from the contextual integrity of the entire chapter, cherry picking one verse and privately interpreting with their personal opinion.

I agree. . like reinterpreting Hosea, Isaiah, Daniel, Revelation according to the Darbyites.
I grew up Baptist and I have some understanding of the biblical predictions of the rapture, the tribulation, the second coming, and other events.

I've never been clear on the timeline, and I wonder if that is because the bible is unclear on the sequence of events.

I would like to ask for your understanding of these predictions. I will respect everyone's input equally, but I would also be interested to know why you believe as you do, did it come from the bible itself, were you taught it, etc.
It says that when Israel becomes a nation that will be the last generation. It's just no one knows how long a generation is.
Again.......because something was written first does not make it true, as they all game first from an ORAL HISTORICAL ACCOUNT. Your logical fallacy has been debunked ad nauseam.

True. The pentateuch was written 800 years after Moses.
I'm not a he... Traditional Christianity didn't accept the changes from the Darbyites in the 1830s.
I find it hilarious to use the term "traditional" Christianity. As though out of 40,000 Christian sects and churches, they are all somehow traditional and somehow some are not. Who decides? And, does it really matter? No. The Lord chooses who is His Church. And, he will let us know through apostles and prophets in which His Church is founded on. So, start with that to find the only true church with the only true fulness of the gospel and doctrine.
Abraham was a "friend of God".. not a Jew. That came a little bit later. The myths of Sumer, Egypt and Ras Shamra came much earlier.. The Bible stories aren't history and were never intended as such. They are teaching narratives. I didn't realize that you are a fundamentalist... Dominionist or Dispensationist?
Circles see? Deflection.

We are all Sons of Abraham and heirs to the promise when baptized into Christ (Gal. 3:28-29).........lineage means nothing to God, what's inside is that which matters........you are either a son of God or not, your heritage means nothing, its a repentant, faithful truthful heart that makes of us the sons of Abraham (they will be My children and I their God -- Jer. 31:31-34).

"Therefore produce fruit that is consistent with repentance, and DO NOT START SAYING TO YOURSELF, "WE HAVE ABRAHAM AS OUR FATHER", for I (Jesus) say to you, from these stones God God is able to raise up children of Abraham." -- Luke 3:8

The most important fruit to God? TRUTH. Truth is only found as doctrine by the Word of God. Nothing but truth can set you free. You cannot repent of a problem until you omit there is a problem. God is no repestor of Person.........the same rain falls on the just and the unjust, its called physical life, the reward comes at the end of this race called life.........our SABBATH is physical death, for to be absent from our bodies is to be with Christ (2 Cor. 5:8). There is no rest for the living. We have been subjected to tribulation in the name of Christ as a species for well over 2000 years. Deal with it.
Circles see? Deflection.

We are all Sons of Abraham and heirs to the promise when baptized into Christ (Gal. 3:28-29).........lineage means nothing to God, what's inside is that which matters........you are either a son of God or not, your heritage means nothing, its a repentant, faithful truthful heart that makes of us the sons of Abraham (they will be My children and I their God -- Jer. 31:31-34).

"Therefore produce fruit that is consistent with repentance, and DO NOT START SAYING TO YOURSELF, "WE HAVE ABRAHAM AS OUR FATHER", for I (Jesus) say to you, from these stones God God is able to raise up children of Abraham." -- Luke 3:8

The most important fruit to God? TRUTH. Truth is only found as doctrine by the Word of God. Nothing but truth can set you free. You cannot repent of a problem until you omit there is a problem. God is no repestor of Person.........the same rain falls on the just and the unjust, its called physical life, the reward comes at the end of this race called life.........our SABBATH is physical death, for to be absent from our bodies is to be with Christ (2 Cor. 5:8). There is no rest for the living. We have been subjected to tribulation in the name of Christ as a species for well over 2000 years. Deal with it.
Well, I happen to understand what you are saying. Jesus wanted the word of God to go to all the world. But, when one comes unto Christ and is baptized of the water and spirit then the person is adopted into Israel for ever and ever.
Well, I happen to understand what you are saying. Jesus wanted the word of God to go to all the world. But, when one comes unto Christ and is baptized of the water and spirit then the person is adopted into Israel for ever and ever.
God's covenant with Israel is eternal, but it is a physical covenant.
Yes it does! You JWs have really bad scholars. You are contradicting Zachariah. My interpretation of Revelation doesn’t. John was revealing the last days as was Zechariah. It’s completely clear and factual.

I'm not a Jehovah's Witness. Zechariah 12 is fulfilled in the Maccabean wars.
I'm not a Jehovah's Witness. Zechariah 12 is fulfilled in the Maccabean wars.
How could anyone even think that you are defending Christianity in any way, shape or form? :dunno: Its Islam and the false prophet Muhammad that you constantly defend by attacking the actual history of the Judeo/Christian Philolosphy that proves that the O.T. history points to Jesus as being the Messiah of prophecy.

As far as Zechariah "12" is concerned.......its a prophecy concerning the salvation of Jerusalem at a time in the future, God will use the destruction of physcial Jerusalem as a method to punish those who attacked and destroyed that city (Zech. 12:1-9). You cannot separate single verses and take them away from the contextual message of the entire chapter. When you continue reading into 13 and 14.......the prophecy becomes clear in the fact that it was fulfilled in the 1st century AD through the eventual fall of the Roman Empire.

This does not mean that God would stop Rome from destroying Jerusalem and scattering the Jews around the globe.......it means that God will save a faithful remnant of the Jews (those who will follow Jesus as the Messiah) and use them to destroy those who would destroy Jerusalem. The Jerusalem spoken of by Zechariah is a Spiritual City inhabited by God's Holy People.....the faithful remnant, Christians. Paul described it in detail.............New Jerusalem, the temple was constructed as a Spiritual Temple, not a literal temple. (Heb.12:22-24)

Consider the entirety of Zech. chapter 12........and the prophecy fits perfectly in pointing out the physical desctrution of Jerusalem in the 1st century by the Roman Empire. Israel engaged Rome beginning around 66 A.D. and Jerusalem fell to Rome during the 70s A.D.

Zech. 12:1-9, Sometime in the future God will use Jerusalem as a means to punish the nations, to include Israel itself....who rejected the Messiah sent by God, along with all those who literally attacked Jerusalem (Rome eventualy was overtaken by Christianity).

Zech. 12:10,13:9, God will bring salvation..........to those who accept the terms of that savaltion, those who accept Jesus as the Christ of prophecy......the faithful remnant whom God promised would be offered salvation first. The scriptures prove that Christianity was exculsive to being offered to the faithful remnant of Jews for the 1st 10 years of its existence, just as promised, "........to the Jew first......." -- Romans 1:16

Look at the one that both the Romans and Jews were accused of Piercing.....Christ Jesus (Zech. 12:11). That piercing will open up a "fountain for the cleansing of sin" (Zech. 13:1).........first for the faithful remnant of Jews

All pagan idolatry and worship of such will be cut off, prophecy will cease, God will communicate His commands/laws through His Son Jesus( Zech.13:2-6). "In times past God spoke to the ancestors through prophets ......today God speaks through His Son whom He has appointed hier to all things......." -- Heb.1:1-2

Nations will battle Isarel and Jerusalem and God will allow them to destroy both (Zech. 14:1-2) God will use the remnant, that has become a powerful Christian Nation to punish those who destroyed Israel and Jerusalem. God will battle with the nations (that Rome controlled -- Zech. 14:3-7. Living water (the Christian Doctrine.....the Gospel) will flow from Jerusalem in all directions (Christianity has encompassed over 1/3 the world's total population), and it all flows through Spiritual Jerusalem.......the spiritual temple God has constructed with Christianity -- Zech. 14:8-11. That LIVING WATER still flows today coming from the eternal city of Spiritual Jerusalem........a kingdom without end.
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How could anyone even think that you are defending Christianity in any way, shape or form? :dunno: Its Islam and the false prophet Muhammad that you constantly defend by attacking the actual history of the Judeo/Christian Philolosphy that proves that the O.T. history points to Jesus as being the Messiah of prophecy.

As far as Zechariah "12" is concerned.......its a prophecy concerning the salvation of Jerusalem at a time in the future, God will use the destruction of physcial Jerusalem as a method to punish those who attacked and destroyed that city (Zech. 12:1-9). You cannot separate single verses and take them away from the contextual message of the entire chapter. When you continue reading into 13 and 14.......the prophecy becomes clear in the fact that it was fulfilled in the 1st century AD through the eventual fall of the Roman Empire.

This does not mean that God would stop Rome from destroying Jerusalem and scattering the Jews around the globe.......it means that God will save a faithful remnant of the Jews (those who will follow Jesus as the Messiah) and use them to destroy those who would destroy Jerusalem. The Jerusalem spoken of by Zechariah is a Spiritual City inhabited by God's Holy People.....the faithful remnant, Christians. Paul described it in detail.............New Jerusalem, the temple was constructed as a Spiritual Temple, not a literal temple. (Heb.12:22-24)

Consider the entirety of Zech. chapter 12........and the prophecy fits perfectly in pointing out the physical desctrution of Jerusalem in the 1st century by the Roman Empire. Israel engaged Rome beginning around 66 A.D. and Jerusalem fell to Rome during the 70s A.D.

Zech. 12:1-9, Sometime in the future God will use Jerusalem as a means to punish the nations, to include Israel itself....who rejected the Messiah sent by God, along with all those who literally attacked Jerusalem (Rome eventualy was overtaken by Christianity).

Zech. 12:10,13:9, God will bring salvation..........to those who accept the terms of that savaltion, those who accept Jesus as the Christ of prophecy......the faithful remnant whom God promised would be offered salvation first. The scriptures prove that Christianity was exculsive to being offered to the faithful remnant of Jews for the 1st 10 years of its existence, just as promised, "........to the Jew first......." -- Romans 1:16

Look at the one that both the Romans and Jews were accused of Piercing.....Christ Jesus (Zech. 12:11). That piercing will open up a "fountain for the cleansing of sin" (Zech. 13:1).........first for the faithful remnant of Jews

All pagan idolatry and worship of such will be cut off, prophecy will cease, God will communicate His commands/laws through His Son Jesus( Zech.13:2-6). "In times past God spoke to the ancestors through prophets ......today God speaks through His Son whom He has appointed hier to all things......." -- Heb.1:1-2

Nations will battle Isarel and Jerusalem and God will allow them to destroy both (Zech. 14:1-2) God will use the remnant, that has become a powerful Christian Nation to punish those who destroyed Israel and Jerusalem. God will battle with the nations (that Rome controlled -- Zech. 14:3-7. Living water (the Christian Doctrine.....the Gospel) will flow from Jerusalem in all directions (Christianity has encompassed over 1/3 the world's total population), and it all flows through Spiritual Jerusalem.......the spiritual temple God has constructed with Christianity -- Zech. 14:8-11. That LIVING WATER still flows today coming from the eternal city of Spiritual Jerusalem........a kingdom without end.


You're being an idiot. I have no idea what Islam teaches about Zechariah 12. It's fulfilled in the Maccabean wars.

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