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What Is The Biggest Drawback Of Atheism?

I should talk, but from this fundamental Christian's POV, it's death.

Yet, I've heard...

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J. Robert Oppenheimer Father of Atomic Bomb and celebrity atheist

I don't know. What do you think?

I'm not positive, but my answer would be death while Christians fear God.

Atheists may look at death like this.



What the heck, we're all gonna die due to Adam's sin and Satan.

Still, the atheists believe...


What Is The Biggest Drawback Of Atheism?

You talk non stop about something you insist doesn't exist?


I know it appears that way but most atheist never tell anybody they are an atheist. Nobody in my social life knows I am an atheist. You will never see those types of atheist on youtube.

You are referring to anti theist. These are people that think the belief in God is destructive philosophy or at least limiting the progress of the individual and society. I consider myself somewhat of an anti theist. I think atheist make better Christians than believers. I know that might seem like an oxymoron. I just think the Christian community needs thinkers for the 21st and 22nd centuries. Giving a member of the younger generation an evil eye isn't enough to keep them from leaving the faith anymore. You have to convince them to stay. You can do that if you know nothing.
The correct phrase is militant atheist. They are like the evangelicals of atheism.

I’m only pretty sure you are one of them.

I don't know about militant atheist, but my question to vasuderatorrent would be is he secular humanist? He's living a false life, so there's that. I don't think he gets paid for teaching Bible studies.

I am mostly an I don't knowist. I love Christianity. Christians are the salt and the light. There doesn't have to be a lot of salt to fulfill its purpose. There doesn't have to be a lot of light to fulfill its purpose. Christianity has brought a lot of good into the world. Yes. Even those violent wars of the past were good. If there was a liberal Christian denomination that didn't require you to believe any unrealistic stuff then that is what kind of Christian I would be. Christianity is the most powerful philosophy in existence. The Bible is the most powerful and most useful book you will ever read. It is also the most influential book ever written.

I just don't believe Jesus is a bastard child of the creator of the Universe. I don't believe the Hebrews were lucky enough to find the actual creator of the universe. Anything that happened in the Bible that I would disbelieve if you told me it happened to you, I equally disbelieve it happened back then.

I am an atheist of the God of the Bible. I am an atheist of Allah. I am an atheist of Zues. I have too many unexplainable situations in my life to rule out that there isn't a god at all. I just don't think I will ever know Him. I am mostly an I don't knowist and I am more comfortable not knowing it all than I was pretending that I had it all figured out. I honestly never did have it all figured out even though I acted like it.
Probably because throughout history socialism has always only attacked the dominant religion of the land.

Actually, it's Communism, not socialism, and because there can be no competing ideology. Further, that had to do more with interference from the Catholic church previously. Lengthy history of intrigues and all. You can still see their dominance in Latin and South America. They control the country.

I am not saying that maliciously. It just is.

But there are plenty of jokes about Islam. In fact, I recently heard one, and I can't remember who did it, but it's about what would a woman want with 72 virgins. I think that once we move past this lock down on comedy that you will be able to hear more of them. We just have to get the younger generations to understand that comedy makes fun of everyone.
It’s not just limited to communism.

Read Igor Shafarevich’s comprehensive evaluation of socialism titled the Phenomenon of Socialism.

I don't need to.
You’ll just have to rake my word for it. Socialism has always sought to subordinate religion.

Can't do that either.
Your call. My belief that socialism has always sought to subordinate religion is based on his work.

by and large ... the phony is rampant on both sides. the vast majority are in denial of any meaningful pursuits.
again no one is going to force you to become a Christian why the bitterness?
again no one is going to force you to become a Christian why the bitterness?

you are a joke ...

View attachment 281871

nothing different today than throughout history, all three desert religions are evil, heretical - your calling.
The irony of the Europeans professing Christianity, is that their own ancestors were in fact slaughtered raped, subjugated, and enslaved into accepting Christianity... While their unaware decendents are carrying water for thier own ancestors nemesis. All the while saying "no one will force you"... Oblivious of the force that was brought to bear, that has them carrying their water....
SINCE THIS ISN'T Europe and this is the 21st century anything you wrote is irrelevant.
View attachment 281872
Again this isn't Europe and this is the 21st century Christians no longer torture no believers in America.
The correct phrase is militant atheist. They are like the evangelicals of atheism.

I’m only pretty sure you are one of them.
I never had an atheist knock on my door trying to save me
That’s because they are too busy doing it here.

That’s why you are here, right? To save us?
Save you?

I just leave you alone without starting threads about Christians
If that were the case you wouldn’t be here.

You are here to save us.
Save you?

You got Jesus for that, I just try to keep my distance
I say that because that’s how you act.
Technically speaking, yes.

Christianity was and is considered a death cult. All religions were referred to as cults back then so not the modern use of the term.
So it turns out Zombie Jesus is actually a thing.

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Who knew?
Thank goodness you are ridiculing Mohommy and Islam like you do Jesus and Christianity. Seems Atheists don't have the flare at attacking Islam like they do Christianity
Probably because throughout history socialism has always only attacked the dominant religion of the land.
Jesus, were he to exist today, would be a Democratic socialist.
His message wasn’t a political message.
Yea well what did he know he was just a man. Like ghandi
Many soldiers, policemen and firemen are atheists

They save people because it is the right thing to do, not because they want to please some god

It is called being selfless
Since I know many police officers and a few Firemen and plenty of vets I say you're full of shit.
Many soldiers, policemen and firemen are atheists

Since I know many police officers and a few Firemen and plenty of vets I say you're full of shit.


by and large ... the phony is rampant on both sides. the vast majority are in denial of any meaningful pursuits.
again no one is going to force you to become a Christian why the bitterness?
again no one is going to force you to become a Christian why the bitterness?

you are a joke ...

View attachment 281871

nothing different today than throughout history, all three desert religions are evil, heretical - your calling.
The irony of the Europeans professing Christianity, is that their own ancestors were in fact slaughtered raped, subjugated, and enslaved into accepting Christianity... While their unaware decendents are carrying water for thier own ancestors nemesis. All the while saying "no one will force you"... Oblivious of the force that was brought to bear, that has them carrying their water....
When was the last time you were faced with accepting Christ or die?
So it turns out Zombie Jesus is actually a thing.

View attachment 281795 View attachment 281796

Who knew?
Thank goodness you are ridiculing Mohommy and Islam like you do Jesus and Christianity. Seems Atheists don't have the flare at attacking Islam like they do Christianity
Probably because throughout history socialism has always only attacked the dominant religion of the land.
Jesus, were he to exist today, would be a Democratic socialist.
His message wasn’t a political message.
Yea well what did he know he was just a man. Like ghandi
24,000 written manuscripts say otherwise.
How depressing to imagine being born without the ability to create agency for the life one has....
What does create agency mean?
The ability to derive purpose, and the will to press ones self determination.
I need to believe in god to do those things?

We hav a purpose just like every othe4 animal on the planet.

And I can have the will to press my self determination without god too. Can’t I?
I fucking hope so.
I still don’t get you.

Create agency? Where did you hear that?

And I just proved we hav a purpose without god and we can press our self determination, whatever that even means.

Why are you saying nonsensical things and then end it with you hope so.

So I’m right? Still trying to figure out what you think is sad.

I think what you mean is how sad it must be not to believe that when I die I will become a god myself. Or I’ll burn in hell.

I find both notions preposterous
Sealybobo, no matter how religious we are, Christians do not determine who goes to heaven and who doesn't. God does that because he can look upon the heart. Mere mortals do not have that capacity.

I don't have any case against atheism, except for my experience. I sent my children to public schools, where both my kids - unbeknownst to me - were indoctrinated into atheism by teachers. Our school district did not ask and did not tell if teachers were believers or atheists, and I didn't think it mattered until the following facts hit me directly in the face. My son had already undergone 2 years of university studies that included a "study" of all the world's religions that caused him to believe none of them were valid, including and especially the church we raised him in. I had the misery of seeing my own son curse the church, our beloved and scholarly pastor, and 15 generations of my family's elders who believed in God including several ministers and schoolmarms who were above reproach, and it was an arrow in the back that went directly into my heart as I watched this unhappy diatribe unfold. He already had his bags packed and left directly from the church to go back to the school he had earned a four-year scholarship to in high school. Then when he graduated with two degrees, he left our home and went off for advanced studies with scholarships granted to him in North Carolina that gives free scholarships to one student from each state, and he was it. The next time I heard from him, he was telling me he was gay on my 52nd birthday. I almost fainted. The next time I heard from him he was on his honeymoon with his 4th boyfriend. That meant no grandchildren. I was hoping he would give back to our family an heir for a grandfather who had a photographic memory. It doesn't show up for several generations. The other child also adopted a hatred for the church through her atheism learned at high school. She has divorced herself from her parents who loved and supported her for 18 years. Her present to us from this hatred of faith was documented by her creating the nastiest scene imaginable on her 18th birthday, at which time she packed and left the next morning, never to return to the family. She scorned us because we would not allow her to live with her drinking friends in school whose parents merely purchased a separate apartment for their child when she was a freshman in high school. She invited my daughter to be her roommate two years before graduation, and we refused because in that state, parents are liable for everything their child does up until the age of 18. The child criticized us constantly for the last 2 years she lived at home. She hated the food, she said. She hated the curfews. She wanted to live with her rich friend who had no restrictions. She hated us for being faithful church members, and said we caused her to hate the church, that everything she loved we wouldn't allow, and she hated our home, which gave her own room, she hated the colors in her bedroom, which we purchased because she said her favorite color was purple, but once she got her bedroom linens of purple, she suddenly changed her mind and it became her most hated color. She left our home, got in trouble with the law through her best friend, who stole a car and crossed two state lines. The car belonged to only one of the girl's many paramours, the one who gave his galpal his wife's car. Now wasn't that special. :rolleyes: Anyway, we got notifications from police in 3 states that my daughter knew where the woman was, but we didn't because the two of them took a joyride to yet another state, and didn't bother to tell us they were leaving since we weren't worth talking to for expecting our daughter to live within the simple rules of living and working for the good of self and others. She trashed every single rule we set, and she has not contacted me in over 7 years, including the year her daddy died, and I had to bury him without her support. She came to town, but defied propriety by badmouthing me and my late husband to anyone who would listen to her crazy speeches about what rotten people her parents were, and how she was better off not ever speaking to us again. I tried to contact her a year after her dad passed, but she returned my pictures of him that she didn't have and my card of love with black marks scribbled with the lie that she had moved and left no address. She has lived her life out rubbing it in how we destroyed her love, etc., etc., etc., by being too strict (we weren't), and a bunch of other false narrative about the badness of people who believe in God. The only time I can really remember anything negative about going to church was the Sunday she was going to wear a pair of jeans with two huge holes in the butt to let people know she didn't have to wear panties under her jeans. All I did was ask her to please wear jeans without holes in them, of which she had many pairs. She was defiant until her dad said something like "Going to the dump?" at which time she started laughing and immediately changed her pants and went to church with her family. I finally figured it out. She had to laugh to comply with dumb stuff parents care about. I didn't think much about it until her appearance on his funeral day to our family, but she stayed out of my sight, and I never got to see her nor years preceding the funeral.

So I figured it out. Atheists are created by people other than family, and they use any little detail of their displeasure against church principles to destroy those who remain true to the principles of loving God and his kingdom. The atheist trashes and throws away human beings he or she can't stand, and I can tell you right now, they can't stand parents who remain in their own church when push comes to shove. Our family will not have an heir who has grandpa's photographic memory through my children. I cry often because my children have built their lives around hating God and churches. It's just part of this generation. I heard some contemporary music at a bar the other night, and the songs they were singing were filled with 4-letter words, just like my daughter's final condemnatory of speech at me several years ago. I was not spared even one iota for my sacrifices in behalf of my daughter, which she has cheerfully forgotten with so much rage and hatred inside her that I never saw coming before the day I told her she couldn't go live with her gal pal with the apartment when she was just about 16 years old. If I had to raise a family again, they would not be going to public schools. The atheist push is too strong because religious parents are so busy serving their community, they have this false sense of belief that teachers share traditional mores. Instead, they prepare young women to have IUDs, knowledge of condoms, and how exciting sex is when they are twelve years old. Sex education was supposed to help curb sexual activities in teenagers. Instead, it got pushed into elementary schools, and venereal diseases have never been more rampant than after education put its bid in to make sure girls don't get pregnant. They weren't talking abortions the parents never hear about when they were shilling sex education for public schools.

In science, instead of learning about God's wonderful universe, they are taught that nothing matters except things that can be proven in a physical way, and that spiritual matters are hocus-pocus and all bad.
Thank goodness you are ridiculing Mohommy and Islam like you do Jesus and Christianity. Seems Atheists don't have the flare at attacking Islam like they do Christianity
Probably because throughout history socialism has always only attacked the dominant religion of the land.
Jesus, were he to exist today, would be a Democratic socialist.
His message wasn’t a political message.
Yea well what did he know he was just a man. Like ghandi
24,000 written manuscripts say otherwise.
So what? The Jews disagree. Muslims disagree and atheists aren’t buying it no matter how many manuscripts are written.
again no one is going to force you to become a Christian why the bitterness?
again no one is going to force you to become a Christian why the bitterness?

you are a joke ...

View attachment 281871

nothing different today than throughout history, all three desert religions are evil, heretical - your calling.
The irony of the Europeans professing Christianity, is that their own ancestors were in fact slaughtered raped, subjugated, and enslaved into accepting Christianity... While their unaware decendents are carrying water for thier own ancestors nemesis. All the while saying "no one will force you"... Oblivious of the force that was brought to bear, that has them carrying their water....
SINCE THIS ISN'T Europe and this is the 21st century anything you wrote is irrelevant.
View attachment 281872
Again this isn't Europe and this is the 21st century Christians no longer torture no believers in America.
Who cares what the conquerors of our ancestors do? I place my loyalty in the sacrifices of my forbearers. Where does your loyalty lie.. ?
Many soldiers, policemen and firemen are atheists

They save people because it is the right thing to do, not because they want to please some god

It is called being selfless
Since I know many police officers and a few Firemen and plenty of vets I say you're full of shit.
Many soldiers, policemen and firemen are atheists

Since I know many police officers and a few Firemen and plenty of vets I say you're full of shit.


by and large ... the phony is rampant on both sides. the vast majority are in denial of any meaningful pursuits.
again no one is going to force you to become a Christian why the bitterness?
again no one is going to force you to become a Christian why the bitterness?

you are a joke ...

View attachment 281871

nothing different today than throughout history, all three desert religions are evil, heretical - your calling.
What century do you live in?

It is either the first or the fourth.
Probably because throughout history socialism has always only attacked the dominant religion of the land.
Jesus, were he to exist today, would be a Democratic socialist.
His message wasn’t a political message.
Yea well what did he know he was just a man. Like ghandi
24,000 written manuscripts say otherwise.
So what? The Jews disagree. Muslims disagree and atheists aren’t buying it no matter how many manuscripts are written.
Of course they do. So what?

It doesn’t change the fact that his ministry and the miracles he performed were recorded in writing.
What does create agency mean?
The ability to derive purpose, and the will to press ones self determination.
I need to believe in god to do those things?

We hav a purpose just like every othe4 animal on the planet.

And I can have the will to press my self determination without god too. Can’t I?
I fucking hope so.
I still don’t get you.

Create agency? Where did you hear that?

And I just proved we hav a purpose without god and we can press our self determination, whatever that even means.

Why are you saying nonsensical things and then end it with you hope so.

So I’m right? Still trying to figure out what you think is sad.

I think what you mean is how sad it must be not to believe that when I die I will become a god myself. Or I’ll burn in hell.

I find both notions preposterous
Sealybobo, no matter how religious we are, Christians do not determine who goes to heaven and who doesn't. God does that because he can look upon the heart. Mere mortals do not have that capacity.

I don't have any case against atheism, except for my experience. I sent my children to public schools, where both my kids - unbeknownst to me - were indoctrinated into atheism by teachers. Our school district did not ask and did not tell if teachers were believers or atheists, and I didn't think it mattered until the following facts hit me directly in the face. My son had already undergone 2 years of university studies that included a "study" of all the world's religions that caused him to believe none of them were valid, including and especially the church we raised him in. I had the misery of seeing my own son curse the church, our beloved and scholarly pastor, and 15 generations of my family's elders who believed in God including several ministers and schoolmarms who were above reproach, and it was an arrow in the back that went directly into my heart as I watched this unhappy diatribe unfold. He already had his bags packed and left directly from the church to go back to the school he had earned a four-year scholarship to in high school. Then when he graduated with two degrees, he left our home and went off for advanced studies with scholarships granted to him in North Carolina that gives free scholarships to one student from each state, and he was it. The next time I heard from him, he was telling me he was gay on my 52nd birthday. I almost fainted. The next time I heard from him he was on his honeymoon with his 4th boyfriend. That meant no grandchildren. I was hoping he would give back to our family an heir for a grandfather who had a photographic memory. It doesn't show up for several generations. The other child also adopted a hatred for the church through her atheism learned at high school. She has divorced herself from her parents who loved and supported her for 18 years. Her present to us from this hatred of faith was documented by her creating the nastiest scene imaginable on her 18th birthday, at which time she packed and left the next morning, never to return to the family. She scorned us because we would not allow her to live with her drinking friends in school whose parents merely purchased a separate apartment for their child when she was a freshman in high school. She invited my daughter to be her roommate two years before graduation, and we refused because in that state, parents are liable for everything their child does up until the age of 18. The child criticized us constantly for the last 2 years she lived at home. She hated the food, she said. She hated the curfews. She wanted to live with her rich friend who had no restrictions. She hated us for being faithful church members, and said we caused her to hate the church, that everything she loved we wouldn't allow, and she hated our home, which gave her own room, she hated the colors in her bedroom, which we purchased because she said her favorite color was purple, but once she got her bedroom linens of purple, she suddenly changed her mind and it became her most hated color. She left our home, got in trouble with the law through her best friend, who stole a car and crossed two state lines. The car belonged to only one of the girl's many paramours, the one who gave his galpal his wife's car. Now wasn't that special. :rolleyes: Anyway, we got notifications from police in 3 states that my daughter knew where the woman was, but we didn't because the two of them took a joyride to yet another state, and didn't bother to tell us they were leaving since we weren't worth talking to for expecting our daughter to live within the simple rules of living and working for the good of self and others. She trashed every single rule we set, and she has not contacted me in over 7 years, including the year her daddy died, and I had to bury him without her support. She came to town, but defied propriety by badmouthing me and my late husband to anyone who would listen to her crazy speeches about what rotten people her parents were, and how she was better off not ever speaking to us again. I tried to contact her a year after her dad passed, but she returned my pictures of him that she didn't have and my card of love with black marks scribbled with the lie that she had moved and left no address. She has lived her life out rubbing it in how we destroyed her love, etc., etc., etc., by being too strict (we weren't), and a bunch of other false narrative about the badness of people who believe in God. The only time I can really remember anything negative about going to church was the Sunday she was going to wear a pair of jeans with two huge holes in the butt to let people know she didn't have to wear panties under her jeans. All I did was ask her to please wear jeans without holes in them, of which she had many pairs. She was defiant until her dad said something like "Going to the dump?" at which time she started laughing and immediately changed her pants and went to church with her family. I finally figured it out. She had to laugh to comply with dumb stuff parents care about. I didn't think much about it until her appearance on his funeral day to our family, but she stayed out of my sight, and I never got to see her nor years preceding the funeral.

So I figured it out. Atheists are created by people other than family, and they use any little detail of their displeasure against church principles to destroy those who remain true to the principles of loving God and his kingdom. The atheist trashes and throws away human beings he or she can't stand, and I can tell you right now, they can't stand parents who remain in their own church when push comes to shove. Our family will not have an heir who has grandpa's photographic memory through my children. I cry often because my children have built their lives around hating God and churches. It's just part of this generation. I heard some contemporary music at a bar the other night, and the songs they were singing were filled with 4-letter words, just like my daughter's final condemnatory of speech at me several years ago. I was not spared even one iota for my sacrifices in behalf of my daughter, which she has cheerfully forgotten with so much rage and hatred inside her that I never saw coming before the day I told her she couldn't go live with her gal pal with the apartment when she was just about 16 years old. If I had to raise a family again, they would not be going to public schools. The atheist push is too strong because religious parents are so busy serving their community, they have this false sense of belief that teachers share traditional mores. Instead, they prepare young women to have IUDs, knowledge of condoms, and how exciting sex is when they are twelve years old. Sex education was supposed to help curb sexual activities in teenagers. Instead, it got pushed into elementary schools, and venereal diseases have never been more rampant than after education put its bid in to make sure girls don't get pregnant. They weren't talking abortions the parents never hear about when they were shilling sex education for public schools.

In science, instead of learning about God's wonderful universe, they are taught that nothing matters except things that can be proven in a physical way, and that spiritual matters are hocus-pocus and all bad.
So your kids believed the outside world over their parents. Good! Do you know how many stupid parents teach their kids ignorant shit?

It’s good your kids didn’t just swallow your creation nonsense.


  • B6B455D2-BBE0-4C10-9035-9055B2D593D4.jpeg
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Leftist have no control of their lives, as a matter of fact, they willingly give up their freedom to the sate.
You give up your freedom to your church. And 10% of your income
No, you don't give up your freedom to the church
I gladly give up 10% to God because the return is more than I gave.
If you feel church is worth ten percent then that’s a good business and I don’t begrudge a good business ever. If they’re selling and you’re buying that’s great.
My 10% goes to God not the Church
Nope. You send 10% to the church and the he church gives 10% to god. They keep 90%

Unless you go out and help the poor?

I always believed that people should take out their 10% in cash and then burned on the altar before God. I am not aware of any church that does that.
Probably because throughout history socialism has always only attacked the dominant religion of the land.
Jesus, were he to exist today, would be a Democratic socialist.
His message wasn’t a political message.
Yea well what did he know he was just a man. Like ghandi
24,000 written manuscripts say otherwise.
So what? The Jews disagree. Muslims disagree and atheists aren’t buying it no matter how many manuscripts are written.
No one has asked you to buy into it. Why are you determined to attack another's faith? You are almost leftist like.
again no one is going to force you to become a Christian why the bitterness?
again no one is going to force you to become a Christian why the bitterness?

you are a joke ...

View attachment 281871

nothing different today than throughout history, all three desert religions are evil, heretical - your calling.
The irony of the Europeans professing Christianity, is that their own ancestors were in fact slaughtered raped, subjugated, and enslaved into accepting Christianity... While their unaware decendents are carrying water for thier own ancestors nemesis. All the while saying "no one will force you"... Oblivious of the force that was brought to bear, that has them carrying their water....
SINCE THIS ISN'T Europe and this is the 21st century anything you wrote is irrelevant.
View attachment 281872
Again this isn't Europe and this is the 21st century Christians no longer torture no believers in America.
They have different ways to torture you.....

They give you a self righteous whine about how they are superior to everyone else
Since I know many police officers and a few Firemen and plenty of vets I say you're full of shit.
Many soldiers, policemen and firemen are atheists

Since I know many police officers and a few Firemen and plenty of vets I say you're full of shit.


by and large ... the phony is rampant on both sides. the vast majority are in denial of any meaningful pursuits.
again no one is going to force you to become a Christian why the bitterness?
again no one is going to force you to become a Christian why the bitterness?

you are a joke ...

View attachment 281871

nothing different today than throughout history, all three desert religions are evil, heretical - your calling.
What century do you live in?

It is either the first or the fourth.
Oldest person I've ever chated with lol
You give up your freedom to your church. And 10% of your income
No, you don't give up your freedom to the church
I gladly give up 10% to God because the return is more than I gave.
If you feel church is worth ten percent then that’s a good business and I don’t begrudge a good business ever. If they’re selling and you’re buying that’s great.
My 10% goes to God not the Church
Nope. You send 10% to the church and the he church gives 10% to god. They keep 90%

Unless you go out and help the poor?

I always believed that people should take out their 10% in cash and then burned on the altar before God. I am not aware of any church that does that.
That’s because you’re a troll, bro.
you are a joke ...

View attachment 281871

nothing different today than throughout history, all three desert religions are evil, heretical - your calling.
The irony of the Europeans professing Christianity, is that their own ancestors were in fact slaughtered raped, subjugated, and enslaved into accepting Christianity... While their unaware decendents are carrying water for thier own ancestors nemesis. All the while saying "no one will force you"... Oblivious of the force that was brought to bear, that has them carrying their water....
SINCE THIS ISN'T Europe and this is the 21st century anything you wrote is irrelevant.
View attachment 281872
Again this isn't Europe and this is the 21st century Christians no longer torture no believers in America.
Who cares what the conquerors of our ancestors do? I place my loyalty in the sacrifices of my forbearers. Where does your loyalty lie.. ?
I can't help what happened in the past. All I can do is the present because that is all I have.
you are a joke ...

View attachment 281871

nothing different today than throughout history, all three desert religions are evil, heretical - your calling.
The irony of the Europeans professing Christianity, is that their own ancestors were in fact slaughtered raped, subjugated, and enslaved into accepting Christianity... While their unaware decendents are carrying water for thier own ancestors nemesis. All the while saying "no one will force you"... Oblivious of the force that was brought to bear, that has them carrying their water....
SINCE THIS ISN'T Europe and this is the 21st century anything you wrote is irrelevant.
View attachment 281872
Again this isn't Europe and this is the 21st century Christians no longer torture no believers in America.
They have different ways to torture you.....

They give you a self righteous whine about how they are superior to everyone else
When they start to whine like you are doing right now all you have to do is walk away. But you are to hell-bent in attacking someone's belief

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