What is the BIGGEST fad that was a joke in your opinion?

I wasz going to say pet rocks, but Bluzman beat me to it, so I will go with Tickle Me Elmo.
I'd say ALL fads are a joke! That is why they are fads.

Every fad whatever it is was seeded into the public as an addiction brought about to play on human weakness for material profit and social change.
Biggest (yep) Fad (yep) that was a joke (yep) ...

I gotta put it on the shoulder pads of the 80's and early 90's.
The girls had a broader wing span than I did back then lol.
Not even close.
The $1 "feel good" silicon "charity" and "cause" bracelets. I think these were the beginning catalyst of virtue signaling by this generation. "Look at me, I am wearing a yellow bracelet... aren't I swell??!!"

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