In your opinion, what was the largest mistake made in history?

Not being a matriarchal society. I'm sure with women in charge, things would be better
we are a matriarchal society,,

who do you think has been sitting on their asses or doing the easy work for centuries while men did all the hard work and died in wars??

women have been controlling things all along,,

so I am OK if women want to actually do some work and walk around with their tits hanging out,,

problem is they dont want to work their way to the top like men have to do,,

lazy bitches if you ask me,,
Burning the Library of Alexandria.
Caesar was a real dunce at times.


Well, hunter gather, you hate civilization and at least you're true to yourself.
You don't seem to get it Matthew. . . the only post you liked. . . the burning of the Library of Alexandria? Was done by Caesar. In a civil war. :lol:

What ever tech you see in society? The American government. . the Deep State? Has, and is keeping tech that is usually two to five decades more advanced, than what is in the market place and society. We are in an artificially enforced Dark Age by ruling oligarchs. King, Queens, Caesars, Emperors, and rulers have ALWAYS done this. They are always the ones that burn libraries and destroy information available to the people.

Whether it comes from the left, or the right, they are the ones that fear knowledge and/or progress, because it it is the equalizing factor in society. It strips away illusions and reveals the truth.

Yes, all instances of the destruction of knowledge are tragic. . this is why the main protagonist in Orwell's 1984, worked at the Ministry or Truth. . . Erasing, and altering known knowledge and history. Working to give collective society amnesia. So that government could rule w/o push back.


The guy that invented movable type in the west, making books available to the masses? Johannes Gutenberg? Was originally a metal worker, in the business of making complicated concave mirrors for religious pilgrims, to supposed capture the essence of religious relics. He made movable type, to make the Bible widely available, to originally spread religious knowledge.

The knowledge that the earliest Universities and earliest Libraries traded in? A good portion of it were religious literature. This helped folks learned ethics, and keep society civil. Civilizations with the best thinking on ethics and law, were usually the most successful, and thus, kings and emperors, guarded that knowledge. . .or destroyed it when possible. It was kept from the masses and their enemies.

Right now, as we discuss events. . GOVERNMENT, and global corporations, are censoring and deleting information off of the internet like crazy. They do this, in a way more prolific nature, than the burning of the Library of Alexandria!

The irony of your absolute idiocy? You attack religion, not knowing religion is the reason you have writing, mathematics, and science! It is the reason you have education, schools, books, and universities! These were created to spread spiritual ideas, and THEN used to create more scientific knowledge.

And then you defend governments and central rulers, all the while not knowing, these have been the traditional enemies of all those things you love? Have rulers created and funded scholars? Sure. But they also suppress and destroy knowledge.

AND YOU?! Are a walking talking contradiction!

The Library of Alexandria is on Fire​

"We all know the story of the Library of Alexandria, the vast repository of ancient texts that was burnt to the ground by Caesar in 48 B.C. While the story itself isn't accurate, it speaks to us today as we face the digital book burnings that are threatening the modern-day Library of Alexandria: the internet. In this speech delivered at the Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth's Justice Rising conference on September 13, 2020, James Corbett connects the dots from that ancient story to the internet censorship of today, and outlines what we can do to fight the fire that is threatening our most important information."

The Media Matrix | Full Documentary​

"Media. It surrounds us. We live our lives in it and through it. We structure our lives around it. But it wasn't always this way. So how did we get here? And where is the media technology that increasingly governs our lives taking us? This is the story of The Media Matrix."

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You don't seem to get it Matthew. . . the only post you liked. . . the burning of the Library of Alexandria? Was done by Caesar. In a civil war. :lol:

What ever tech you see in society? The American government. . the Deep State? Has, and is keeping tech that is usually two to five decades more advanced, than what is in the market place and society. We are in an artificially enforced Dark Age by ruling oligarchs. King, Queens, Caesars, Emperors, and rulers have ALWAYS done this. They are always the ones that burn libraries and destroy information available to the people.

Whether it comes from the left, or the right, they are the ones that fear knowledge and/or progress, because it it is the equalizing factor in society. It strips away illusions and reveals the truth.

Yes, all instances of the destruction of knowledge are tragic. . this is why the main protagonist in Orwell's 1984, worked that the Ministry or Truth. . . Erasing, and altering known knowledge and history. Working to give collective society amnesia. So that government could rule w/o push back.

View attachment 929120

The guy that invented movable type in the west, making books available to the masses? Johannes Gutenberg? Was originally a metal worker, in the business of making complicated concave mirrors for religious pilgrims, to supposed capture the essence of religious relics. He made movable type, to make the Bible widely available, to originally spread religious knowledge.

The knowledge that the earliest Universities and earliest Libraries traded in? A good portion of it were religious literature. This helped folks learned ethics, and keep society civil. Civilizations with the best thinking on ethics and law, were usually the most successful, and thus, kings and emperors, guarded that knowledge. . .or destroyed it when possible. It was kept from the masses and their enemies.

Right now, as we discuss events. . GOVERNMENT, and global corporations, are censoring and deleting information off of the internet like crazy. They do this, in a way more prolific nature, than the burning of the Library of Alexandria!

The irony of your absolute idiocy? You attack religion, not knowing religion is the reason you have writing, mathematics, and science! It is the reason you have education, schools, books, and universities! These were created to spread spiritual ideas, and THEN used to create more scientific knowledge.

And then you defend governments and central rulers, all the while not knowing, these have been the traditional enemies of all those things you love? Have rulers created and funded scholars? Sure. But they also suppress and destroy knowledge.

AND YOU?! Are a walking talking contradiction!

The Library of Alexandria is on Fire​

"We all know the story of the Library of Alexandria, the vast repository of ancient texts that was burnt to the ground by Caesar in 48 B.C. While the story itself isn't accurate, it speaks to us today as we face the digital book burnings that are threatening the modern-day Library of Alexandria: the internet. In this speech delivered at the Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth's Justice Rising conference on September 13, 2020, James Corbett connects the dots from that ancient story to the internet censorship of today, and outlines what we can do to fight the fire that is threatening our most important information."

The Media Matrix | Full Documentary​

"Media. It surrounds us. We live our lives in it and through it. We structure our lives around it. But it wasn't always this way. So how did we get here? And where is the media technology that increasingly governs our lives taking us? This is the story of The Media Matrix."

In your opinion, what was the largest mistake made in history?

I'd say religion. Imagine how much more advanced humanity would be without religion! Tens of thousands of years of progress flushed down the crapper because of religious idiots. Billions dead!

Imagine no death
Imagine no cancer
Imagine a society that feeds and helps one another
Imagine cities on mars
Imagine a world ran by solar and fusion energy
Imagine 90% of all war never happening.

The wars between religions are the cause of most war. Fact. For what? For something that doesn't give a single damn about anyone even if they were real. what a sick joke.
In the USA it was allowing the government to reinterpret the U.S. Constitution to override its intent.
The willingness of people to accept the absolute power of a single person, a monarch or a warrior or a mystic is the biggest mistake in history.
In this speech delivered at the Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth's Justice Rising conference on September 13, 2020, James Corbett connects the dots from that ancient story to the internet censorship of today, and outlines what we can do to fight the fire that is threatening our most important information."
(Unlike crooks and liars? Corbett shows his work. .. everything!) It's called integrity. . . You should try it!

Corbett does not make this claim, he presents to his audience, the claims of Walter Charles Langer. (A spook.)

Walter Charles Langer​

"Walter Charles Langer (February 5, 1899 – July 4, 1981) was an American psychoanalyst who prepared a detailed psychological analysis of Adolf Hitler in 1943. Langer studied psychoanalysis at Harvard University, where he worked as a professor upon completion of his education. Langer was later employed by the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), where in 1943 he prepared a psychoanalysis profile of Hitler. In this analysis, Langer accurately predicted that Hitler would commit suicide as the "most plausible outcome", and the possibility of a military coup against Hitler well before the assassination attempt of 1944.

Following Langer's analysis and Hitler's subsequent death, Langer turned the report into a book about Adolf Hitler, The Mind of Adolf Hitler: A Secret Wartime Report. This book was Langer's best-known; however, he also wrote the books Psychology and Human Living, A Psychological analysis of Adolf Hitler: His Life and Legend, and Dissecting the Hitler Mind. . . " Mae Brussell/Mind of Adolf Hitler.html

An excerpt from the book The Mind of Adolf Hitler The Secret Wartime Report by Walter C. Langer

Basic Books Inc. - 1972, hard cover

". . . There are some people who seriously doubt that Johann Georg Hiedler was the father of Alois. Thyssen and Koehler, for example, claim that Chancellor Dollfuss had ordered the Austrian police to conduct a thorough investigation into the Hitler family. As a result of this investigation a secret document was prepared that proved that Maria Anna Schicklgruber was living in Vienna at the time she conceived. At that time she was employed as a servant in the home of Baron Rothschild. As soon as the family discovered her pregnancy she was sent back to her home in Spital where Alois was born. If it is true that one of the Rothschilds is the real father of Alois Hitler, it would make Adolf a quarter Jew. According to these sources, Adolf Hitler knew of the existence of this document and the incriminating evidence it contained. In order to obtain it he precipitated events in Austria and initiated the assassination of Dollfuss. According to this story, he failed to obtain the document at that time since Dollfuss had secreted it and had told Schuschnigg of its whereabouts so that in the event of his death the independence of Austria would remain assured. Several stories of this general character are in circulation.
Those who lend credence to this story point out several factors that seem to favor its plausibility.

1. That it is unlikely that the miller's assistant in a small village in this district would have very much to leave in the form of a legacy.
2. That it is strange that Johann Hiedler should not claim the boy until thirty-five years after he had married the mother and the mother had died.
3. That if the legacy were left by Hiedler on the condition that Alois take his name, it would not have been possible for him to change it to Hitler.
4. That the intelligence and behavior of Alois, as well as that of his two sons, is completely out of keeping with that usually found in Austrian peasant families. They point out that their ambitiousness and extraordinary political intuition are much more in harmony with the Rothschild tradition.
5. That Alois Schicklgruber left his home village at an early age to seek his fortune in Vienna where his mother had worked.
6. That it would be peculiar for Alois Hitler, while working as a customs official in Braunau, to choose a Jew named Print, of Vienna, to act as Adolf's godfather unless he felt some kinship with the Jews himself. . . "

Who Funded Hitler? -- Questions For Corbett #008​

by Corbett | Jul 23, 2013
"In this edition of the ongoing Questions For Corbett podcast series, James answers your questions on weather manipulation, cyber attacks, water wars, biometrics, Hitler, online anonymity and more."
(Links to all information and sources at site.)
what religion was it that founded the Mongol dynasty?

A dynasty is a handing down of power from one generation to another. The mongols didn't become a "dynasty" until the 13th Century. The mongols founded another, short-lived dynasty in China between the 13th and 14th Century.

But, if you're speaking about the Mongol Empire, which spread from East Asia as far west as Japan and to the Middle East they weren't technically speaking, a civilization but a loosely attached (and frequently at war with each other) group of nomadic tribes.

The Mongols prior to their expansion in the 13th Century under Temujin were animists and shamanists and their faith wasn't centrally controlled.

When they did expand into an empire, they adopted many of the faith of the nations and territories they conquered and Mongols were xtians, Muslims, and Buddhists.

When Mongols invaded Central China, they adopted not only Chinese faiths and philosophies, but Chinese customs and language --- much in the same way that Vikings invading France became, within a century, essentially French.
In your opinion, what was the largest mistake made in history?

I'd say religion. Imagine how much more advanced humanity would be without religion! Tens of thousands of years of progress flushed down the crapper because of religious idiots. Billions dead!

Imagine no death
Imagine no cancer
Imagine a society that feeds and helps one another
Imagine cities on mars
Imagine a world ran by solar and fusion energy
Imagine 90% of all war never happening.

The wars between religions are the cause of most war. Fact. For what? For something that doesn't give a single damn about anyone even if they were real. what a sick joke.
Just wondering how religion caused cancer?
While religion has been used to justify many wars... it was never the cause of one.

The things that drive humans to dominate and subjugate other humans runs far deeper in our DNA than our religious affiliation.
The Crusades.
The Crusades.

The Crusades were wars of conquest under the guise of and justified by religion.

In fact, many minor Frankish royals eagerly jumped at The Crusades as a way of expanding their territories and wealth.

The Crusades didn't fundamentally expand either Islam or xtianity... but, they did change the map of The Middle East by creating new Frankish kingdoms.
(Unlike crooks and liars? Corbett shows his work. .. everything!) It's called integrity. . . You should try it!

Corbett does not make this claim, he presents to his audience, the claims of Walter Charles Langer. (A spook.)
Crooks and Liars presented Media Matters presenting all manner of well supported claims establishing both RFK, Jr. and Corbett as wackjobs. Like it or not, they showed their work. Cry me a river.

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