In your opinion, what was the largest mistake made in history?

You don't know much about anthropology, history, or how epistemology, philosophy, and the philosophy of science are indebted to all of the world's religions.
^^^This. Don't leave out engineering and physics. Good post, didn't see it before I replied to an earlier post.
Family is the Building Block of society 231004 {post •2}

ActionJackson Oct’23 Sfitbb: “A community of strong and stable families lead to a strong and stable community. America's first mistake was kicking God and His moral standards out of the public square and filled the void with lunacy, lust, and love of money.” ctnjcksn 231004 Sfitbb00002

Did stable families create the human idea of God or did God create the human idea of stable families?
“God the Father” established the idea of “man and wife” followed by “be fruitful and multiply.” The New Testament discusses the importance of a man being the husband of one wife, and that he should be a sober example to his children. So God established His will concerning a stable family, and stable families honor God by obeying His Word.
In your opinion, what was the largest mistake made in history?
Most specifically,
A headnote issued by the court reporter in the 1886 Supreme Court case Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad Co. claimed to state the sense of the Court regarding the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment as it applies to corporations, without the Court having actually made a decision or issued a written opinion on that point.
Broadly, our societal failure to develop and codify any practical sense of enough. Far worse than our development of religious beliefs, though not entirely disconnected. A respectful sense of individual worth and responsibility is what we've lacked all along. We've been giving away our power, as though just a trivial matter, to the loudest, most greedy, and authoritative seeming jerks among us since day one.. because we're never taught to value our individual struggles (lives) relative to any whole.

For example, we each require and deserve an adequate start. This goes without saying. It's common sense and decency. What is? Having enough! Yet we pretend not to give a shit all day long. We suffer gladly listening to fucking idiots everywhere tell us modern gods like Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos somehow "earned" their ridiculously unequal shares of the pie. No, they should not exist period. Too much indicates failure equivalent with too little. All of it translates to waste.

We learn by doing. Let's get this party started. For starters, ladies, take a break. Men, teach the kids how to build things and fix shit..
In your opinion, what was the largest mistake made in history?

I'd say religion. Imagine how much more advanced humanity would be without religion! Tens of thousands of years of progress flushed down the crapper because of religious idiots. Billions dead!

Imagine no death
Imagine no cancer
Imagine a society that feeds and helps one another
Imagine cities on mars
Imagine a world ran by solar and fusion energy
Imagine 90% of all war never happening.

The wars between religions are the cause of most war. Fact. For what? For something that doesn't give a single damn about anyone even if they were real. what a sick joke.
I’d say atheism, which is responsible for so much mass murder.

Atheism was a central element of Marxism-Leninism. Marxists-Leninists killed over 94 million in only 80 years.

More death and tyranny:

Anti-religious fanatics also gave us the Armenian genocide.

And let’s not forget all those atheists like Karl Pearson who embraced “scientific” racism and eugenics.

Many Christians by contrast have valued science.

Another mistake would be embracing homosexual activists. Many gay activists served as significant allies of the AIDS virus. Here’s Larry Kramer:

“Does it occur to you that we brought this plague of aids upon ourselves? I know I am getting into dangerous waters here but it is time. With the cabal breathing even more murderously down our backs it is time. And you are still doing it. You are still murdering each other. Please stop with all the generalizations and avoidance excuses gays have used since the beginning to ditch this responsibility for this fact. From the very first moment we were told in 1981 that the suspected cause was a virus, gay men have refused to accept our responsibility for choosing not to listen, and, starting in 1984, when we were told it definitely was a virus, this behavior turned murderous. Make whatever excuses you can to carry on living in your state of denial but this is the fact of the matter. I wish we could understand and take some responsibility for the fact that for some 30 years we have been murdering each other with great facility and that down deep inside of us, we knew what we were doing. Don't tell me you have never had sex without thinking down deep that there was more involved in what you were doing than just maintaining a hard-on.

I have recently gone through my diaries of the worst of the plague years. I saw day after day a notation of another friend's death. I listed all the ones I'd slept with. There were a couple hundred. Was it my sperm that killed them, that did the trick? It is no longer possible for me to avoid this question of myself. Have you ever wondered how many men you killed? I know I murdered some of them. I just know. You know how you sometimes know things? I know. Several hundred over a bunch of years, I have to have murdered some of them, planting in him the original seed. I have put this to several doctors. Mostly they refuse to discuss it, even if they are gay. Most doctors do not like to discuss sex or what we do or did. (I still have not heard a consensus on the true dangers of oral sex, for instance.) They play blind. God knows what they must be thinking when they examine us. Particularly if they aren't gay. One doctor answered me, it takes two to tango so you cannot take the responsibility alone. But in some cases it isn't so easy to answer so flippantly. The sweet young boy who didn't know anything and was in awe of me. I was the first man who fucked him. I think I murdered him. The old boyfriend who did not want to go to bed with me and I made him. The man I let fuck me because I was trying to make my then boyfriend, now lover, jealous. I know, by the way, that that other one is the one who infected me. You know how you sometime know things? I know he infected me. I tried to murder myself on that one.”
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In your opinion, what was the largest mistake made in history?

I'd say religion. Imagine how much more advanced humanity would be without religion! Tens of thousands of years of progress flushed down the crapper because of religious idiots. Billions dead!

Imagine no death
Imagine no cancer
Imagine a society that feeds and helps one another
Imagine cities on mars
Imagine a world ran by solar and fusion energy
Imagine 90% of all war never happening.

The wars between religions are the cause of most war. Fact. For what? For something that doesn't give a single damn about anyone even if they were real. what a sick joke.
I hear North Korea, being 100% atheist, is on the verge of solving all those problems.

Joe Stalin would have had there not been so many clandestine missionaries in the former USSR.
In your opinion, what was the largest mistake made in history?

I'd say religion. Imagine how much more advanced humanity would be without religion! Tens of thousands of years of progress flushed down the crapper because of religious idiots. Billions dead!

Imagine no death
Imagine no cancer
Imagine a society that feeds and helps one another
Imagine cities on mars
Imagine a world ran by solar and fusion energy
Imagine 90% of all war never happening.

The wars between religions are the cause of most war. Fact. For what? For something that doesn't give a single damn about anyone even if they were real. what a sick joke.
I believe the biggest mistake in history was the invention of the Atomic Bomb and dropping them on Hiroshimo and Nagasaki.
In your opinion, what was the largest mistake made in history?

I'd say religion. Imagine how much more advanced humanity would be without religion! Tens of thousands of years of progress flushed down the crapper because of religious idiots. Billions dead!

Imagine no death
Imagine no cancer
Imagine a society that feeds and helps one another
Imagine cities on mars
Imagine a world ran by solar and fusion energy
Imagine 90% of all war never happening.

The wars between religions are the cause of most war. Fact. For what? For something that doesn't give a single damn about anyone even if they were real. what a sick joke.
This is what you expect a pervert to say,even without thinking.
Your immorality is shown by perversion of course but more by vilifying hundreds of millions of people over thousands of years just so you can feel good about being a serial sodomite (or whatever it is you are ashamed to post here in public)
A world that didn't have religion would have invested trillions to develop the science to stop it. Religion has burned knowledge and killed people throughout history that wanted better and that has set us back tens of thousands of years probably many times.
you cant say that....they would have just found some other way to blow the money....
religion has its uses.

the monks who preserved the learning of the greeks through he dark ages to the renaissance
Actually it was the Muslims who preserved the works of the Greeks. When they mixed with the Christians of al Andalus those writings made their way into Europe.
Indeed, can't even make a killing selling flood insurance these days.
Well, as far as Americans are concerned, the biggest mistake occurred in 1619, when American colonists bought a group of people from a faraway continent to work here for free.

The consequences have been disastrous for everyone.
God the Father” established the idea of “man and wife”
Why not God the “Mother’” establishing the idea of “wife and man”?

Is there less moral clarity as a benefit to organizations of societies in the idea that mating for life until death do we part is of the idea that God is our Mother?
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