What is the biggest social problem in American society?

Teddy Pollins

Senior Member
Feb 26, 2015
I do not try to assure anyone but I have a personal opinion on the issue.
Lack of education on how to think. That seems like a weird complaint but most of us get out of high school without even knowing what a fallacy is. We've got a school system devoted to filling kids heads with very little interest in teaching them how to use them.
If we were hit with lessons on critical thinking and problem solving skills from an early age we'd be an entirely different country.
The far right social cons who want to be the marriage and fuck authorities. Back off.
I do not try to assure anyone but I have a personal opinion on the issue.
Lack of education on how to think. That seems like a weird complaint but most of us get out of high school without even knowing what a fallacy is. We've got a school system devoted to filling kids heads with very little interest in teaching them how to use them.
If we were hit with lessons on critical thinking and problem solving skills from an early age we'd be an entirely different country.

Belief in leftism.
Poverty is always the number one social problem because it is the root of a bunch of other problems.
Poverty is always the number one social problem because it is the root of a bunch of other problems.

Democrats are the primary cause of poverty, along with every other social problem that is humanely solvable.
I do not try to assure anyone but I have a personal opinion on the issue.
Lack of education on how to think. That seems like a weird complaint but most of us get out of high school without even knowing what a fallacy is. We've got a school system devoted to filling kids heads with very little interest in teaching them how to use them.
If we were hit with lessons on critical thinking and problem solving skills from an early age we'd be an entirely different country.
Now there's a post after my own heart. I am constantly bemoaning the lack of critical thinking skills around here.
Lack of education is and has always been the greatest bain of any society. There is an inverse proportion of how successfully the elite take advantage of the masses, and how much or how little those masses are educated.

The more people are educated, and that has to include college, the less control and usery takes place against the average person.

This is also why whenever a 'dictator' type gains power they almost always start killing teachers, professors, and college graduates in a country. Those are the greatest threats to power there are.

Ignorance is the greatest ally of the brute.
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Lack of education is and has always been the greatest bain of any society. There is an inverse proportion of how successfully the elite take advantage of the masses, and how much or how little those masses are educated.

The more people are educated, and that has to include college, the less control and usery takes place against the average person.

This is also why whenever a 'dictator' type gains power they almost always start killing teachers, professors, and college graduates in a country. Those are the greatest threats to power there are.

Ignorance is the greatest allie of the brute.

One thing dictators always do is take control of the schools. That's the first thing Napoleon did. The NEA is the threat to the people of the United States.
What's the biggest social problem? Communication.

We can't shout ourselves hoarse across each other's shouting.

Has technology robbed us of our civility? Because we can afford to be an Internet badass, we can afford to blame, call names, make ghastly assumptions and dig in our heels. Our means and methods of communication, simple human interaction, have left us too stubbornly loud to be listened to.
I do not try to assure anyone but I have a personal opinion on the issue.
Lack of education on how to think. That seems like a weird complaint but most of us get out of high school without even knowing what a fallacy is. We've got a school system devoted to filling kids heads with very little interest in teaching them how to use them.
If we were hit with lessons on critical thinking and problem solving skills from an early age we'd be an entirely different country.
Now there's a post after my own heart. I am constantly bemoaning the lack of critical thinking skills around here.

Are you referring to your own?
I do not try to assure anyone but I have a personal opinion on the issue.
Lack of education on how to think. That seems like a weird complaint but most of us get out of high school without even knowing what a fallacy is. We've got a school system devoted to filling kids heads with very little interest in teaching them how to use them.
If we were hit with lessons on critical thinking and problem solving skills from an early age we'd be an entirely different country.

I do not try to assure anyone but I have a personal opinion on the issue.
Lack of education on how to think. That seems like a weird complaint but most of us get out of high school without even knowing what a fallacy is. We've got a school system devoted to filling kids heads with very little interest in teaching them how to use them.
If we were hit with lessons on critical thinking and problem solving skills from an early age we'd be an entirely different country.
Same problem in every other society. Ignorance. The masses are ignorant so the Rich control them. For a while America was run by we the people but no more. Our country has been taken over and so has the rest of the world. Notice Puerto Rico is defaulting on us as Greece is defaulting on Europe? Notice Detroit went bankrupt and the Rich got to get there cuts? We're being played people
Extreme devotion to one of our political parties. So many people cant think for themselves and blindly act as a "Democrat" or "Republican" would.
While thats more of a political issue, its keeping our country from real, tangible progress.
Extreme partisanism/inequality/poverty/advocates of "trickle down" economics/idiots throwing out claims and never providing evidence (bripat)
it's the union-leftist monopoly of education that makes the system suffer.

each state has thousands of teachers it pays to do nearly nothing b/c it's cheaper to keep them than fight the union, and since the other teachers know this, discipline falls into the ditch

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