Zone1 What is the difference between a Shaman and a Prophet ? What are the similarities? Or could it just be more elusive religious discrimination ?

A shaman held the position of spiritual leader in primitive societies. Prophets are often disruptive agitators who challenge the current religious establishment.
A shaman held the position of spiritual leader in primitive societies. Prophets are often disruptive agitators who challenge the current religious establishment.
I believe ALL opinions are valid and that validity makes no difference if it's an opinion held by billions or just a few. A question though, where would these religious establishments be without their Prophets ? Didn't they create the religion ?
Neither of them use to talk to God as God is nowhere. There have been many prophets.>I-think.... Here's one you may like them; " And I Think " A song of the Kitlihuharmiut ( Copper Eskimo ) . " I think over again my small adventures, my fears. These small ones that seemed so big. For all the vital things I had to get and to reach. And yet there is only one great thing. The only thing. To live to see the great day that dawn's. And the light that fills the world. " We are all used to lesser religions. We must keep our heads about us and embrace the reality that this life is precious. Have a great day, Thanks again.
What's your take on this, not your religious preferences point of view, but what YOU actually believe and why you personally believe it to be true. . JSTOR Home>stable Shamans and Prophets. . ........ Brill | Over three centuries of scholarly publishing>article-p124_9 Why Prophets are ( not ) Shamans ?
To me, a shaman is someone who uses the supernatural power of a deity to do some action in our physical world, e.g., healing or removing a curse. A prophet is one who brings the word or wishes of a deity to others, a go between for the two worlds.

I don't believe in anything supernatural so take those definitions for what they are worth.
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Religions attempt to answer questions about the unknown. (Atheists think they already know everything.) True prophets have a glimpse into the unknown and try to explain it in human terms.
everyone has the same ability to be both ... the surgeon may repair metaphysical physiology but has no idea how it is made.
Religions attempt to answer questions about the unknown. (Atheists think they already know everything.) Te prophets have a glimpse into the unknown and try to explain it in human terms.
So you believe in some ( true ) Prophets. Is that a no to Shamans ? Or they don't work out for you and your belief system ?
everyone has the same ability to be both ... the surgeon may repair metaphysical physiology but has no idea how it is made.
I'm surprised human beings were able to unravel the physical model for the structure of DNA. Yet, unable to understand or comprehend the primal language it represents. The Creator entity is surely beyond our capacity to understand at this point in time. When that breakthrough occurs ( 2037 ), everything we believe and think we know to be fact will be radically altered forever.
What's your take on this, not your religious preferences point of view, but what YOU actually believe and why you personally believe it to be true. . JSTOR Home>stable Shamans and Prophets. . ........ Brill | Over three centuries of scholarly publishing>article-p124_9 Why Prophets are ( not ) Shamans ?
Your links don't take me to an article
But a prophet is one sent by God to Israel with a message. Usually a WARNING

A prophet is not a fortune teller or soothsayer
Your links don't take me to an article
But a prophet is one sent by God to Israel with a message. Usually a WARNING

A prophet is not a fortune teller or soothsayer
You mention Israel specifically, do you believe only they had Prophets ? No shamans either ?
Why were they " chosen " ? Does that mean they walk on water too ?
They were "chosen" to be an example of a nation whose God is King. They were chosen to be an example of what a godly nation can and should be. They were chosen to serve the Lord on earth. They haven't done that well, but God isn't done with them yet.
Judaism is the foundation of modern monotheism.
I remember, they learned of monotheism from the pharaoh Akhenaton. Before that time they were still practicing Yahwism with that horde of Semitic gods.
And Moses learned of it from Akhenaton.
An atheist can't accept that God revealed Himself to Moses

When did the Israelites first begin to worship YHWH, refusing to worship or even recognize the existence of other deities? Was monotheism part of Israelite religious belief from the beginning, or was it an idea that developed later? While many biblical scholars view monotheism as a relatively late development within Israelite religion, I believe—based on evidence from early Israelite poetry—that the origins of biblical monotheism can be located early in Israel’s history, most likely by early in the first millennium B.C.E.

My first piece of evidence comes from Exodus 15, the Song of the Sea, which scholars generally agree is very early, perhaps dating to the very end of the second millennium B.C.E.1 The Song of the Sea is the song that Moses and the Israelites, followed by Moses’s sister Miriam, sang after the crossing of the Reed Sea. In Exodus 15:11 and following, Moses sang, “Who is like You among the gods, O YHWH? Who is like you, majestic in holiness, awe-inspiring in splendors, doer of miracles?”

At first sight, the text seems to be acknowledging the existence of other gods. In my view, that is only a tease, for both are rhetorical questions, with the clear answer that there is no one like Israel’s God, YHWH. None of the other gods is majestic in holiness, awe-inspiring in splendors, nor do they perform miracles. In other words, the other “gods” lack divine attributes, hence they are “non-gods.”


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