Hogg and the rest of the gun grabbing students are a perfect example of what is wrong with humanity.

Actually they are the perfect example... it is how democracy works. If you have a cause, you use your right to freedom of speech in order to protest and try to get your message across to representatives so that they can make legislation that relates to the stance of their constituents. Are you against democracy?
. It's one thing to get your message across to your reps in order to get legislation passed that could help, but it's another thing to be high jacked by political activist or groups who have an agenda, and won't let a good crisis go to waste. Everyone knows what's going on with these young folks, and he they have been duped into asking for the ridiculous in which caused the entire protest to fail in the end.

EVERY group has an agenda. People don't march and do protests to get a sun tan. What a ridiculous fucking thing to say.
.Your suggestion that all agenda's are the same, and that they can be applied in any given situation, and under the same reasoning is a very stupid thing to say, and basically that is what you tried to get away with in this attack.

No, I didn't say all agendas are the same. Again, they aren't agendas, they are CAUSES... and if everyone had the same CAUSES, there would be no reason to march and protest.

You've hit the dumbass trifecta. Are you going to go for the Golden Sombrero?
. Nothing but liberal spin here. You take the prize for putting words in people's mouths, and then spinning like a top trying to counter sound reasoning over the chaos of the students March when going overboard in their demands or rehtoric when trying to get their feelings known.
Actually they are the perfect example... it is how democracy works. If you have a cause, you use your right to freedom of speech in order to protest and try to get your message across to representatives so that they can make legislation that relates to the stance of their constituents. Are you against democracy?
. It's one thing to get your message across to your reps in order to get legislation passed that could help, but it's another thing to be high jacked by political activist or groups who have an agenda, and won't let a good crisis go to waste. Everyone knows what's going on with these young folks, and he they have been duped into asking for the ridiculous in which caused the entire protest to fail in the end.

EVERY group has an agenda. People don't march and do protests to get a sun tan. What a ridiculous fucking thing to say.
.Your suggestion that all agenda's are the same, and that they can be applied in any given situation, and under the same reasoning is a very stupid thing to say, and basically that is what you tried to get away with in this attack.

No, I didn't say all agendas are the same. Again, they aren't agendas, they are CAUSES... and if everyone had the same CAUSES, there would be no reason to march and protest.

You've hit the dumbass trifecta. Are you going to go for the Golden Sombrero?
Causes/Agenda's, Causes/Agenda's, Causes/Agenda's, and I guess you want me to ponder what the definition of is IS ?? LOL
Actually they are the perfect example... it is how democracy works. If you have a cause, you use your right to freedom of speech in order to protest and try to get your message across to representatives so that they can make legislation that relates to the stance of their constituents. Are you against democracy?
. It's one thing to get your message across to your reps in order to get legislation passed that could help, but it's another thing to be high jacked by political activist or groups who have an agenda, and won't let a good crisis go to waste. Everyone knows what's going on with these young folks, and he they have been duped into asking for the ridiculous in which caused the entire protest to fail in the end.

EVERY group has an agenda. People don't march and do protests to get a sun tan. What a ridiculous fucking thing to say.
.Your suggestion that all agenda's are the same, and that they can be applied in any given situation, and under the same reasoning is a very stupid thing to say, and basically that is what you tried to get away with in this attack.

No, I didn't say all agendas are the same. Again, they aren't agendas, they are CAUSES... and if everyone had the same CAUSES, there would be no reason to march and protest.

You've hit the dumbass trifecta. Are you going to go for the Golden Sombrero?
Causes/Agenda's, Causes/Agenda's, Causes/Agenda's, and I guess you want me to ponder what the definition of is IS ?? LOL

Well it's obvious you don't get it... but hopefully some day you will. You're welcome, I just gave you a free lesson.
From PBS Newhour 3/30/2018: Comments by David Brooks on the REAL March For Our Lives.
  • Judy Woodruff:

    Different subject, the event that really took over Washington last Saturday, and that was the big March For Our Lives, David, led by those young people at Parkland High School, the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.

    Is this — are we seeing — it was a huge turnout around the country. Is this something that’s going to last? What is your sense of it? Is it going to make a difference in the argument over gun control?

  • David Brooks:

    I’m still skeptical it will make a difference, frankly. I think they have not done a good job of winning over anybody who has blocked legislation in the past.

    But it was instructive to me. I went to watch. And I went to be with the marchers as a journalistic observer, of course. And it shocked me as a very moderate march.

    It was focused on the issues, specific issues of banning assault weapons, a few specific moderate pieces of legislation. And I was greatly heartened by it, frankly, because sometimes it seems like the extreme on this side feeds the extreme on this side, and our entire political system is gyrating, without any sense of moderation.

    But this was a moderate march. And the people were good-hearted. There was a good spirit. There was no culture war fighting. There was no radicalization. It struck me as democracy the way it’s supposed to work.

    And then I followed the feedback on the march on Twitter, frankly, and it’s like I was at a different march. It’s as if it was, they were all radicals, and one set of radicals was shouting at another.

    So it was revelatory to me that the world you see on Twitter is not the real world, and that there are a lot of decent people who have positions, this or that, you can agree with or not, but there’s a — it gave me a much more hopeful sense about our democracy, frankly.

  • Judy Woodruff:

    It says something about social media.
Shields and Brooks on Veterans Affairs ouster, census citizenship question
Why is Ted Nugent being viciously attacked by the left? He’s absolutely right, David Hogg and these punk ass kids have NO SOULS. They have totally surrendered to the marxist media, fully embracing them. Anybody advocating to leave Americans unarmed & helpless are truly evil.
These kids have no souls? Am I the only one here thaty has kids? If I am going to sit around and wait on my kids being right, I am going to be waiting for a while. They are kids and they are having a knee jerk reaction. They have not payed bills nor faced the natural consequenses of life. They do have souls, just yound,stupid and inexperienced lives. I am significantly brighter than I was when I was 18. I hope you are also! I also hope they will be at some time these kids will be too. You are allowed to be wrong, this does not make you evil, it makes you ill inofrmed!
.All true, but when you involve yourself in politics far beyond the normal reaction to an event, and if you start insisting that adults are idiots, and that you are going to over throw them, then lines can be crossed. Yes the adult reaction to the students strong reaction can be excessive, but when kids begin attempting to run the adult world with strong rehtoric involved, and with open threats being involved to include adult careers being threatened, and strong labeling used, then the students should expect adult reactions to their attempted attacks on the adult world. Everybody just needs to calm down, and begin to work together for practical and wise solutions to these problems.

Hogg..... nothing more than media sensationalism. Ask most Americans who David Hogg is....lol.... and most of the people who do recognize his name don't take him seriously at all. K00k activists.... especially the young ones always take a shotgun and blow their own face off
Jerry Clower, a noted comedian, once put forth an observation. Everyone has an ideal, of what a perfect world would be. That idea is unique, and always has one similarity. Everyone’s point of view is that they themselves, are perfect, and if everyone was more like them, the world would be as perfect as humanly possible.

If you all were more like me, then the world would be better, if not perfect. That is arrogance beyond belief. We all know we can be better, and some of us admit we could be much better. We read, watch documentaries and otherwise try and learn. Yet, the more perfect we see ourselves as, the less we need to learn, the less we need to change. Hogg and the students are in their own eyes, perfect. It’s all of us who are wrong. We aren’t as enlightened, as woke as they are.

All of the visions of the future require one other thing. We all have to give up our rights, and our individuality, to conform to their view.

Hogg has no issue with everyone else giving up their rights, be they the first, or second amendment rights. He denigrates NRA and the members, and the people who support the ideals of the NRA while not actually joining. Yet his favorite Amendment is the First, which among other things protects the right of free association. It is actually peaceably assemble, but you get the idea.

We are free to join any group, and advocate for any cause we like. Just as Hogg is. The difference is what those associations hope to gain. For the NRA, and the supporters of the Second Amendment, they are advocating for their rights under the 2nd Amendment. An Amendment that young Mr. Hogg and the Students haven’t ever heard of, or studied apparently.

History is vital. It tells the story of how we got here. The more history you learn, the smarter choices you can make, and this is the key, the more mistakes you can avoid.

Do I want all of you to be like me? No. One of me is plenty. Mr. Hogg has the first amendment right to say any crazy thing he wants. But the lesson Hogg is learning is this. So does everyone else. I would argue to the limit of my ability for Hogg to be able to speak his mind. I would argue the same for anyone, no matter how much I disagree. I know that principle is not unique, it comes from the world history I’ve studied. Voltaire talked about it much. I’ve quoted the principles of St. Augustine more than once on this board.

I believe what I believe, and I have reasons to believe it, not just an idea, or a feeling. I have a foundation for that belief, which is why I am able to write about the subjects I comment on with some ease, because it’s not just a knee jerk reaction, but a considered opinion. I may be wrong according to you, and I may not be as well read as some others, but that is a failing I am still trying to rectify by reading and studying history. A better understanding of how we got to this point, and a better more complete view going forward. With luck, I’ll be smarter than I ever was just as I die, because I never stopped learning.

Hogg and the students demand that we become more like them, because in their views, they are perfect. When I was a kid, there was a bumper sticker my Mother got and put on her car. It said. “Teenagers, move out of your parents house now, while you still know everything.”

I was once young, and arrogant enough to think I knew it all. We all were. My parents tolerated me some, and corrected my erroneous beliefs often. It’s a shame that young Mr. Hogg hasn’t had the advantage of that kind of care from his parents. Because it will make him a better person, even if after he learns what he is talking about, he continues to disagree with me.

Oh, and the only change I’d make if I was in control of the world. I’d call on the people to stop worrying about what everyone else is doing. Focus on your own life, and you’ll probably be a lot happier.

yes, how dare they not want to be shot at by trash with guns.

they are what is RIGHT about humanity.

NRA shills are what is wrong with it.

The NRA never once bullied the shooters at school, nor did they make them outcasts. The NRA cannot prescribe mood altering drugs because parents don’t want to take control of their children.

Better parenting through prescriptions?

Grow up.
Hahahahaha. Keep lying dear
And I could point out many ways in which you are wrong.

You're basically trying to take civilization backwards in time, in order to fit your view of the world.

The US is the least safe first world country.

It has the highest prison population of first world countries.
It has the highest gun ownership of first world countries.
It has the highest wealth gap of first world countries.

What you're telling me isn't based on facts, or reality, but on some twisted view you have in your head that you're unwilling to see is plain wrong.
Guns did none of what you are quoting. A gun is an inanimate object. people did what you are talking about. Cause and effect fallacy. How ever if I have a gun and you do not and we are in an argument, I win period. If you want to trust your safety and your care on others, you are going to be sorely disappoiinted. We the people elected representatives that thought private prisons was a good idea. We put proffit in prisons. Guns did not do that. Now we have a duley elected governent in which you want to have all the guns all ready puting more people in prison than any where on earth and have shown they are willing to incarcerate you for money.; You are willing for these same people to be your safety net and they are going to protect you. You are going to give them your guns and they now make your decissions for you. You now have no guns and no where to turn but the same peop[le that brought you all of the above. Great plan buddy.

Guns in the hands of humans make humans much more effective killers.

You can post all the crap you like about how guns are inanimate objects, but it doesn't stop the fact that humans with guns are more dangerous and will use them.

Hence why the US has a murder rate 4 to 5 times higher than most first world countries.

So one question comes to mind. A gun that hasn’t killed, Why is that? My father died without ever killing someone with the guns he had owned for more than fifty years. If a person with a gun “will” use them, what was wrong with my Father, Uncles, or Aunts? Why haven’t I killed anyone? Is it merely a matter of time? Or does the scary gun that makes loud noises really disturb you that much?

And what kind of argument is this?

A gun makes a human more dangerous. More dangerous doesn't mean that human will kill.

However you get down to the place where the line is, where there are people who will kill with a gun in a certain situation, and without a gun they won't... now there's a difference.

Who are these people? Sometimes you can't tell. Sometimes a person who could be borderline won't commit such an act. Sometimes someone not so borderline might just lose it.

Sometimes people have mental health issues.

Sometimes people have financial issues.

Somethings people have greed issues.

Sometimes they just small moments of intense anger and they can't control what they're doing very well.

Either way, with a gun they're much more dangerous.
For the person who is going to just lose it and then regain control there are a multitude of different weopons that will leave the same body count. Where guns become the larger issue is in pre meditated situations that same gun that akes out alot of people ion the premeditated situtation also will take out large numbers of people that have premeditated against you. Again back the the american indian lack of guns cost them 25 million people, or the jews in germany how many people. I get attacked and have my gun I may live. I get atacked and do n ot have my gun I will die. When violence completely disappears then maybe a gun take would work but why do it then.

Guns are the number one choice of weapon for killing in the US.

Comparing Gun Deaths by Country: The U.S. Is in a Different World

There's a nice chart at the bottom showing gun murders per day (if they had the same population as the US), not one other country on that chart gets above 5, the US is at 27.

Yes, other weapons can be used, and people do kill with other weapons.

However I'm not sure I agree with you on the whole pre-meditated murder thing. Are you going to back your argument up with something?

As for Native Americans, your argument falls apart when you actually look at other examples.

Firstly, they started to get guns.



Didn't do them much good though, did it?

How about Iraq in 2003? Yep, they had guns, they had lots of guns, and what? They lost the war in a very short amount of time.

We could go through multiple examples of countries losing wars even though they have weapons. The Vietnamese would never have beaten the US with a bunch of handguns. They had SAMs and all sorts of Soviet weaponry that they were getting for free.
Jerry Clower, a noted comedian, once put forth an observation. Everyone has an ideal, of what a perfect world would be. That idea is unique, and always has one similarity. Everyone’s point of view is that they themselves, are perfect, and if everyone was more like them, the world would be as perfect as humanly possible.

If you all were more like me, then the world would be better, if not perfect. That is arrogance beyond belief. We all know we can be better, and some of us admit we could be much better. We read, watch documentaries and otherwise try and learn. Yet, the more perfect we see ourselves as, the less we need to learn, the less we need to change. Hogg and the students are in their own eyes, perfect. It’s all of us who are wrong. We aren’t as enlightened, as woke as they are.

All of the visions of the future require one other thing. We all have to give up our rights, and our individuality, to conform to their view.

Hogg has no issue with everyone else giving up their rights, be they the first, or second amendment rights. He denigrates NRA and the members, and the people who support the ideals of the NRA while not actually joining. Yet his favorite Amendment is the First, which among other things protects the right of free association. It is actually peaceably assemble, but you get the idea.

We are free to join any group, and advocate for any cause we like. Just as Hogg is. The difference is what those associations hope to gain. For the NRA, and the supporters of the Second Amendment, they are advocating for their rights under the 2nd Amendment. An Amendment that young Mr. Hogg and the Students haven’t ever heard of, or studied apparently.

History is vital. It tells the story of how we got here. The more history you learn, the smarter choices you can make, and this is the key, the more mistakes you can avoid.

Do I want all of you to be like me? No. One of me is plenty. Mr. Hogg has the first amendment right to say any crazy thing he wants. But the lesson Hogg is learning is this. So does everyone else. I would argue to the limit of my ability for Hogg to be able to speak his mind. I would argue the same for anyone, no matter how much I disagree. I know that principle is not unique, it comes from the world history I’ve studied. Voltaire talked about it much. I’ve quoted the principles of St. Augustine more than once on this board.

I believe what I believe, and I have reasons to believe it, not just an idea, or a feeling. I have a foundation for that belief, which is why I am able to write about the subjects I comment on with some ease, because it’s not just a knee jerk reaction, but a considered opinion. I may be wrong according to you, and I may not be as well read as some others, but that is a failing I am still trying to rectify by reading and studying history. A better understanding of how we got to this point, and a better more complete view going forward. With luck, I’ll be smarter than I ever was just as I die, because I never stopped learning.

Hogg and the students demand that we become more like them, because in their views, they are perfect. When I was a kid, there was a bumper sticker my Mother got and put on her car. It said. “Teenagers, move out of your parents house now, while you still know everything.”

I was once young, and arrogant enough to think I knew it all. We all were. My parents tolerated me some, and corrected my erroneous beliefs often. It’s a shame that young Mr. Hogg hasn’t had the advantage of that kind of care from his parents. Because it will make him a better person, even if after he learns what he is talking about, he continues to disagree with me.

Oh, and the only change I’d make if I was in control of the world. I’d call on the people to stop worrying about what everyone else is doing. Focus on your own life, and you’ll probably be a lot happier.
Young is exactly what Mr. Hogg is. His views will change with experience. We have a right to be wrong when we are young. Wrong is what he is, there is a reason we have the second ammendment and it was a good one.. I am not concerned that the second ammendment will lose it's teeth. Too many support it.

Is he wrong? Or is it just that with age and "experience" people see the futility in fighting the system any more. Or they just get lazy?
Yes, he is wrong. People see weakness and attack period. If one person has a gun and you do not you have zero say in your future, that is the way it is. That is human nature. You want to give up your ability to defend your self bad things will happen. These are the natural laws we face. We are animals and there has been an arms race from the beginning it will never stop. To think it will is folley. Every animal in the animal kingdom follows the same rules you can not ignore them.

And I could point out many ways in which you are wrong.

You're basically trying to take civilization backwards in time, in order to fit your view of the world.

The US is the least safe first world country.

It has the highest prison population of first world countries.
It has the highest gun ownership of first world countries.
It has the highest wealth gap of first world countries.

What you're telling me isn't based on facts, or reality, but on some twisted view you have in your head that you're unwilling to see is plain wrong.
.Your stats are the very reason this is the safest nation in the world. Duh. Better to have criminals locked up instead of running around lose like that numbskull Jerry Brown out in California is doing for them.

Is it April Fool's Day already? You must be in Australia.

The US has the highest murder rate of any first world country.... think about it before you talk complete and utter nonsense.
And I could point out many ways in which you are wrong.

You're basically trying to take civilization backwards in time, in order to fit your view of the world.

The US is the least safe first world country.

It has the highest prison population of first world countries.
It has the highest gun ownership of first world countries.
It has the highest wealth gap of first world countries.

What you're telling me isn't based on facts, or reality, but on some twisted view you have in your head that you're unwilling to see is plain wrong.
Guns did none of what you are quoting. A gun is an inanimate object. people did what you are talking about. Cause and effect fallacy. How ever if I have a gun and you do not and we are in an argument, I win period. If you want to trust your safety and your care on others, you are going to be sorely disappoiinted. We the people elected representatives that thought private prisons was a good idea. We put proffit in prisons. Guns did not do that. Now we have a duley elected governent in which you want to have all the guns all ready puting more people in prison than any where on earth and have shown they are willing to incarcerate you for money.; You are willing for these same people to be your safety net and they are going to protect you. You are going to give them your guns and they now make your decissions for you. You now have no guns and no where to turn but the same peop[le that brought you all of the above. Great plan buddy.

Guns in the hands of humans make humans much more effective killers.

You can post all the crap you like about how guns are inanimate objects, but it doesn't stop the fact that humans with guns are more dangerous and will use them.

Hence why the US has a murder rate 4 to 5 times higher than most first world countries.
Blah,blah,blah. You want to give up some thing that makes you equal wqith the bad guys good luck. They will not take my gun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I do not make a living in crime. The crimnal alll ready does not care about law he will give it up never! We still have the problem that guns caused none of what you quoted and you still want to give them to the people that did. Futher more what happened to the american indian? They did not have guns and we did ! How did that turn out for them. Does a gun make me a more effective killer? You bet! It also allows me to stand against another killer. If people wewre noit ass holes we would not have these issues. You can not regulate assholes away any more than guns. You have a simple view of the world. You want to give all of your guns away that is fine, you have no right to make me as stupid and defensless as you. Do to my job, I have to some times be in some pretty bad areas and would not be here to day if it were not for my fire arm.

And that's what it boils down to, isn't it? You want your guns and you will do ANYTHING to make sure you keep them.

You'll ignore reality.

To get the guns, you’ll ignore reality, history, logic, and even natural law. Plants struggle for dominance to survive. Animals struggle to survive. Plants adapt and try to find a way to win the evolutionary struggle, to survive against a more prolific species of plant. Animals adapt to defend themselves. Turtles developed a hard shell that was nearly impenetrable by predators. Puffer Fish swell to appear larger, to frighten predators away, and are poisonous to make sure the predator does not profit from the kill.

Cats, rats, dogs, and hogs. All of them fight to survive. Humanity is the only species that honestly believes that self defense, the ability to defend oneself, is a problem.

I can study for years and become an expert knife fighter. I can study the techniques, developed the skills necessary to defeat a Navy Seal in a knife fight. I would certainly defeat the average person, and kill them with impunity. That average person can easily negate all my training with one thing, a gun.

I can face a black belt martial artist, and defend myself successfully. I can face a man hopped up on drugs, to the point where no amount of pain compliance will stop him, and defend myself. A woman who weighs 110 lbs soaking wet can defend herself against a 225 pound weight lifter. Talk about the literal definition of no means no.

While walking in my woods, I can kill a rattlesnake before it harms my pets, or my self, or the others in my rural areas. I can kill a coyote, and we have those here, or a wild boar. I can take on animals that would otherwise have a great advantage over me that nature has provided. An unarmed man versus a boar is what we call a meal, the boar will kill the man. Even a man armed with a club or other basic weapon is at a severe disadvantage.

But a man with a gun, or a woman, has at least a good chance of coming out alive. Or of saving their children.

The gun is a tool. A hammer drives nails, and has been used through history to smash skulls. It breaks rocks, and bones. A saw was used to cut wood, or by doctors to cut bones during amputations. Doctor Mengala used the saw to cut into living people, to see what he could find.

The hammer is not evil, nor is the saw. Neither is the gun evil. It is a tool, the great equalizer according to Sam Colt. The police can not guarantee your safety. They can perhaps catch the person who raped, or robbed, or murdered you. I say perhaps because many, if not most crimes go unsolved, including murders.

You believe civilization means we don’t have a need to have that silly Wild West mentality of armed defense. Yet, the Wild West just wasn’t all that wild. Most people who emigrated West were veterans of the Civil War. A man who faced the line at Shiloh was not likely to be all that impressed by a yahoo with a pistol. He had already seen much much worse.

The outlaws who were lionized and became legendary were few and far between. The truth is that the world is far more dangerous today, in the civilized sections. The only difference, the Doctor might actually save your life. It wasn’t until the Civil War that Doctors started to learn that bacteria might actually be killing people. So they began the outrages practice of washing up between patients. Oh and washing the wound out with Whiskey.

Perhaps one day the world will be civilized, and weapons won’t be a tool needed to protect and defend. Even then, I would argue for the rights of Gun Owners. Because civilized today, does not mean civilized tomorrow. Civil Order lasted less than three days in New Orleans during Katrina. The cops just left. They stole cars and left. You believe that if we remove the tool, the nature of man will change. That denies what man is, an animal just like those above, struggling to survive.

Basically you think we live in an uncivilized world.

Well, you people are working your hardest to make it an uncivilized world.

You want to take away education so that all that is left is Neanderthal.

I get it, I don't get why you'd want that, but I get that this is what you want.
If you all were more like me, then the world would be better, if not perfect. That is arrogance beyond belief.

It is huh.

So you're saying we should all walk around with stupid ideas that won't work?

Think I'll pass.

Jerry Clower, a noted comedian, once put forth an observation. Everyone has an ideal, of what a perfect world would be. That idea is unique, and always has one similarity. Everyone’s point of view is that they themselves, are perfect, and if everyone was more like them, the world would be as perfect as humanly possible.

If you all were more like me, then the world would be better, if not perfect. That is arrogance beyond belief. We all know we can be better, and some of us admit we could be much better. We read, watch documentaries and otherwise try and learn. Yet, the more perfect we see ourselves as, the less we need to learn, the less we need to change. Hogg and the students are in their own eyes, perfect. It’s all of us who are wrong. We aren’t as enlightened, as woke as they are.

All of the visions of the future require one other thing. We all have to give up our rights, and our individuality, to conform to their view.

Hogg has no issue with everyone else giving up their rights, be they the first, or second amendment rights. He denigrates NRA and the members, and the people who support the ideals of the NRA while not actually joining. Yet his favorite Amendment is the First, which among other things protects the right of free association. It is actually peaceably assemble, but you get the idea.

We are free to join any group, and advocate for any cause we like. Just as Hogg is. The difference is what those associations hope to gain. For the NRA, and the supporters of the Second Amendment, they are advocating for their rights under the 2nd Amendment. An Amendment that young Mr. Hogg and the Students haven’t ever heard of, or studied apparently.

History is vital. It tells the story of how we got here. The more history you learn, the smarter choices you can make, and this is the key, the more mistakes you can avoid.

Do I want all of you to be like me? No. One of me is plenty. Mr. Hogg has the first amendment right to say any crazy thing he wants. But the lesson Hogg is learning is this. So does everyone else. I would argue to the limit of my ability for Hogg to be able to speak his mind. I would argue the same for anyone, no matter how much I disagree. I know that principle is not unique, it comes from the world history I’ve studied. Voltaire talked about it much. I’ve quoted the principles of St. Augustine more than once on this board.

I believe what I believe, and I have reasons to believe it, not just an idea, or a feeling. I have a foundation for that belief, which is why I am able to write about the subjects I comment on with some ease, because it’s not just a knee jerk reaction, but a considered opinion. I may be wrong according to you, and I may not be as well read as some others, but that is a failing I am still trying to rectify by reading and studying history. A better understanding of how we got to this point, and a better more complete view going forward. With luck, I’ll be smarter than I ever was just as I die, because I never stopped learning.

Hogg and the students demand that we become more like them, because in their views, they are perfect. When I was a kid, there was a bumper sticker my Mother got and put on her car. It said. “Teenagers, move out of your parents house now, while you still know everything.”

I was once young, and arrogant enough to think I knew it all. We all were. My parents tolerated me some, and corrected my erroneous beliefs often. It’s a shame that young Mr. Hogg hasn’t had the advantage of that kind of care from his parents. Because it will make him a better person, even if after he learns what he is talking about, he continues to disagree with me.

Oh, and the only change I’d make if I was in control of the world. I’d call on the people to stop worrying about what everyone else is doing. Focus on your own life, and you’ll probably be a lot happier.



The term "snowflake" keeps running across my screen when I read this butthurt shit.

Hogg and the rest of the gun grabbing students are a perfect example of what is wrong with humanity

Yeah it's so "wrong" to protest being shot at. The wrongest wrongity of wrongitude imaginable.


Well, young Mr. Hogg seems to think we should embrace stupid ideals that won’t work. You seem to think he is right. The fact that his views are both wrong logically, and he can’t accurately point out what part of the Constitution applies, much less identify the type of Government we have is what makes it stupid. Or do you think he is right?
Embracing stupid ideals that won’t work is something you and Hogg have in common.
If you all were more like me, then the world would be better, if not perfect. That is arrogance beyond belief.

It is huh.

So you're saying we should all walk around with stupid ideas that won't work?

Think I'll pass.

Jerry Clower, a noted comedian, once put forth an observation. Everyone has an ideal, of what a perfect world would be. That idea is unique, and always has one similarity. Everyone’s point of view is that they themselves, are perfect, and if everyone was more like them, the world would be as perfect as humanly possible.

If you all were more like me, then the world would be better, if not perfect. That is arrogance beyond belief. We all know we can be better, and some of us admit we could be much better. We read, watch documentaries and otherwise try and learn. Yet, the more perfect we see ourselves as, the less we need to learn, the less we need to change. Hogg and the students are in their own eyes, perfect. It’s all of us who are wrong. We aren’t as enlightened, as woke as they are.

All of the visions of the future require one other thing. We all have to give up our rights, and our individuality, to conform to their view.

Hogg has no issue with everyone else giving up their rights, be they the first, or second amendment rights. He denigrates NRA and the members, and the people who support the ideals of the NRA while not actually joining. Yet his favorite Amendment is the First, which among other things protects the right of free association. It is actually peaceably assemble, but you get the idea.

We are free to join any group, and advocate for any cause we like. Just as Hogg is. The difference is what those associations hope to gain. For the NRA, and the supporters of the Second Amendment, they are advocating for their rights under the 2nd Amendment. An Amendment that young Mr. Hogg and the Students haven’t ever heard of, or studied apparently.

History is vital. It tells the story of how we got here. The more history you learn, the smarter choices you can make, and this is the key, the more mistakes you can avoid.

Do I want all of you to be like me? No. One of me is plenty. Mr. Hogg has the first amendment right to say any crazy thing he wants. But the lesson Hogg is learning is this. So does everyone else. I would argue to the limit of my ability for Hogg to be able to speak his mind. I would argue the same for anyone, no matter how much I disagree. I know that principle is not unique, it comes from the world history I’ve studied. Voltaire talked about it much. I’ve quoted the principles of St. Augustine more than once on this board.

I believe what I believe, and I have reasons to believe it, not just an idea, or a feeling. I have a foundation for that belief, which is why I am able to write about the subjects I comment on with some ease, because it’s not just a knee jerk reaction, but a considered opinion. I may be wrong according to you, and I may not be as well read as some others, but that is a failing I am still trying to rectify by reading and studying history. A better understanding of how we got to this point, and a better more complete view going forward. With luck, I’ll be smarter than I ever was just as I die, because I never stopped learning.

Hogg and the students demand that we become more like them, because in their views, they are perfect. When I was a kid, there was a bumper sticker my Mother got and put on her car. It said. “Teenagers, move out of your parents house now, while you still know everything.”

I was once young, and arrogant enough to think I knew it all. We all were. My parents tolerated me some, and corrected my erroneous beliefs often. It’s a shame that young Mr. Hogg hasn’t had the advantage of that kind of care from his parents. Because it will make him a better person, even if after he learns what he is talking about, he continues to disagree with me.

Oh, and the only change I’d make if I was in control of the world. I’d call on the people to stop worrying about what everyone else is doing. Focus on your own life, and you’ll probably be a lot happier.



The term "snowflake" keeps running across my screen when I read this butthurt shit.

Hogg and the rest of the gun grabbing students are a perfect example of what is wrong with humanity

Yeah it's so "wrong" to protest being shot at. The wrongest wrongity of wrongitude imaginable.


Well, young Mr. Hogg seems to think we should embrace stupid ideals that won’t work. You seem to think he is right. The fact that his views are both wrong logically, and he can’t accurately point out what part of the Constitution applies, much less identify the type of Government we have is what makes it stupid. Or do you think he is right?

I'm not even familiar with his comments. Nor certainly would I depend on an echo-chamber parrot site like this to tell me. That's all irrelevant. I'm more interested here in the psychology of attacking, denigrating and dehumanizing victims just because they dare stand up for their own lives.

For literally the entire time I've been on this site (and before) I've been pointing out this firearm fetishism that drives this sicko shit. And y'all fetish-parrots keep on proving me right.

A Chiropractor assumes that everything that is wrong can be cured by his talents. In other words, you find what you are looking for, even if it isn’t there.

No weapon in my collection has ever killed anyone. Does that mean I was lucky that my weapons did not go out on a killing spree? Have I somehow managed to avoid the temptation of the demons contained within those inanimate objects? No, it means that I am a rational person who views lethal force as the last answer, not the first.

Yet, you call such people as myself firearm fetishized folks. Fine. You expect to find it, and you remind me of another person. A friend in the Army got a DUI. As part of his sentence, he had to attend alcohol awareness classes. The classes only ended when the instructor found them to be suitably educated. This instructor believed that anyone who had a drink, even once a year, was an alcoholic. One drink, on your birthday, or to ring in the new year, was enough to make you an alcoholic. You could not pass the course until you had confirmed, in writing, your status as an alcoholic.

The instructor, such as yourself, saw only what they wanted to see, and used the intense hatred they felt towards alcohol, and their power, to confirm their beliefs. A mistake, and that was what my friend made, was about to be compounded. His career in the military would be seriously harmed if he was foolish enough to sign the document.

You see what you are looking for. I’m not surprised, and I’m not at all disappointed. I’m used to it, as are many who debate for their beliefs. Fools such as yourself, and anyone who categorizes an entire group of people in such a way, are common. Your ignorance, and hatred speak for themselves, and like the instructor of the class I mentioned above, it will be your undoing. The instructor was eventually fired. Because many like my friend, objected, and filed complaints. Her hatred of anyone who had a drink, even a single drink, consumed her. There was no such thing as the responsible use of alcohol in her mind. Just as I suspect that there is no such thing as a reasonable or responsible gun owner in yours.

So go ahead. Condemn me all you want. In the end, it won’t matter. You are too stupid to learn, and too ignorant to debate. I honestly wish you well, because I suspect you have enough problems already.
You’re in no position to tell others that they are too stupid to learn and too ignorant to debate, given the fact this post fails as a hasty generalization fallacy.
I can never remember in my own lifetime or in any of the history of the US I have read since I was in elementary school a time where people marched to beg the government to take away any rights but it's happening today.

What does that tell you abut the future of this country?

You are joking right?

Maybe you can tell me the last time people marched to have a Constitutionally guaranteed right taken away
Well, it wasn’t last Saturday – none of the participants in that march advocated for ‘taking away’ a Constitutional right.

And rights can’t be ‘taken away’ – the notion is as ignorant as it is wrong.

Rights can be limited or regulated consistent with Constitutional case law, but not ‘taken away’ because our rights are inalienable.

With regard to limiting or regulating the rights enshrined in the Second Amendment, none of the measures the student marchers seek to be enacted have been invalidated by the Supreme Court, measures perfectly consistent with Second Amendment jurisprudence, measures that in now way ‘take away’ a Constitutional right.

This post is yet another lie from the right, and yet another example of the ignorance of the law common to most conservatives.
Actually they are the perfect example... it is how democracy works. If you have a cause, you use your right to freedom of speech in order to protest and try to get your message across to representatives so that they can make legislation that relates to the stance of their constituents. Are you against democracy?

This is the political (democratic) process.

And if citizens succeed in having their issue, cause, or position enacted into law, those who believe that the new law violates their Constitutional rights are at liberty to seek relief by filing suit in Federal court, where the new law will be either upheld or invalidated by the courts.

That’s the judicial process.

None of the measures the Parkland students advocate for have been invalidated by the courts; none of the measures they seek to enact are ‘anti-Second Amendment’ because they’re perfectly consistent with Second Amendment case law.

Consequently, conservatives’ fear of the Parkland students is unwarranted, and their attacks on the students unjustified.

That most conservatives have no faith in the democratic process or the judicial process comes as no surprise.
Jerry Clower, a noted comedian, once put forth an observation. Everyone has an ideal, of what a perfect world would be. That idea is unique, and always has one similarity. Everyone’s point of view is that they themselves, are perfect, and if everyone was more like them, the world would be as perfect as humanly possible.

If you all were more like me, then the world would be better, if not perfect. That is arrogance beyond belief. We all know we can be better, and some of us admit we could be much better. We read, watch documentaries and otherwise try and learn. Yet, the more perfect we see ourselves as, the less we need to learn, the less we need to change. Hogg and the students are in their own eyes, perfect. It’s all of us who are wrong. We aren’t as enlightened, as woke as they are.

All of the visions of the future require one other thing. We all have to give up our rights, and our individuality, to conform to their view.

Hogg has no issue with everyone else giving up their rights, be they the first, or second amendment rights. He denigrates NRA and the members, and the people who support the ideals of the NRA while not actually joining. Yet his favorite Amendment is the First, which among other things protects the right of free association. It is actually peaceably assemble, but you get the idea.

We are free to join any group, and advocate for any cause we like. Just as Hogg is. The difference is what those associations hope to gain. For the NRA, and the supporters of the Second Amendment, they are advocating for their rights under the 2nd Amendment. An Amendment that young Mr. Hogg and the Students haven’t ever heard of, or studied apparently.

History is vital. It tells the story of how we got here. The more history you learn, the smarter choices you can make, and this is the key, the more mistakes you can avoid.

Do I want all of you to be like me? No. One of me is plenty. Mr. Hogg has the first amendment right to say any crazy thing he wants. But the lesson Hogg is learning is this. So does everyone else. I would argue to the limit of my ability for Hogg to be able to speak his mind. I would argue the same for anyone, no matter how much I disagree. I know that principle is not unique, it comes from the world history I’ve studied. Voltaire talked about it much. I’ve quoted the principles of St. Augustine more than once on this board.

I believe what I believe, and I have reasons to believe it, not just an idea, or a feeling. I have a foundation for that belief, which is why I am able to write about the subjects I comment on with some ease, because it’s not just a knee jerk reaction, but a considered opinion. I may be wrong according to you, and I may not be as well read as some others, but that is a failing I am still trying to rectify by reading and studying history. A better understanding of how we got to this point, and a better more complete view going forward. With luck, I’ll be smarter than I ever was just as I die, because I never stopped learning.

Hogg and the students demand that we become more like them, because in their views, they are perfect. When I was a kid, there was a bumper sticker my Mother got and put on her car. It said. “Teenagers, move out of your parents house now, while you still know everything.”

I was once young, and arrogant enough to think I knew it all. We all were. My parents tolerated me some, and corrected my erroneous beliefs often. It’s a shame that young Mr. Hogg hasn’t had the advantage of that kind of care from his parents. Because it will make him a better person, even if after he learns what he is talking about, he continues to disagree with me.

Oh, and the only change I’d make if I was in control of the world. I’d call on the people to stop worrying about what everyone else is doing. Focus on your own life, and you’ll probably be a lot happier.

yes, how dare they not want to be shot at by trash with guns.

they are what is RIGHT about humanity.

NRA shills are what is wrong with it.

The NRA never once bullied the shooters at school, nor did they make them outcasts. The NRA cannot prescribe mood altering drugs because parents don’t want to take control of their children.

Better parenting through prescriptions?

Grow up.
Hahahahaha. Keep lying dear

Care to point out the lie?

Oops, you can’t, can you?

Grow up lil fella. There’s still time.
Guns did none of what you are quoting. A gun is an inanimate object. people did what you are talking about. Cause and effect fallacy. How ever if I have a gun and you do not and we are in an argument, I win period. If you want to trust your safety and your care on others, you are going to be sorely disappoiinted. We the people elected representatives that thought private prisons was a good idea. We put proffit in prisons. Guns did not do that. Now we have a duley elected governent in which you want to have all the guns all ready puting more people in prison than any where on earth and have shown they are willing to incarcerate you for money.; You are willing for these same people to be your safety net and they are going to protect you. You are going to give them your guns and they now make your decissions for you. You now have no guns and no where to turn but the same peop[le that brought you all of the above. Great plan buddy.

Guns in the hands of humans make humans much more effective killers.

You can post all the crap you like about how guns are inanimate objects, but it doesn't stop the fact that humans with guns are more dangerous and will use them.

Hence why the US has a murder rate 4 to 5 times higher than most first world countries.

So one question comes to mind. A gun that hasn’t killed, Why is that? My father died without ever killing someone with the guns he had owned for more than fifty years. If a person with a gun “will” use them, what was wrong with my Father, Uncles, or Aunts? Why haven’t I killed anyone? Is it merely a matter of time? Or does the scary gun that makes loud noises really disturb you that much?

And what kind of argument is this?

A gun makes a human more dangerous. More dangerous doesn't mean that human will kill.

However you get down to the place where the line is, where there are people who will kill with a gun in a certain situation, and without a gun they won't... now there's a difference.

Who are these people? Sometimes you can't tell. Sometimes a person who could be borderline won't commit such an act. Sometimes someone not so borderline might just lose it.

Sometimes people have mental health issues.

Sometimes people have financial issues.

Somethings people have greed issues.

Sometimes they just small moments of intense anger and they can't control what they're doing very well.

Either way, with a gun they're much more dangerous.
For the person who is going to just lose it and then regain control there are a multitude of different weopons that will leave the same body count. Where guns become the larger issue is in pre meditated situations that same gun that akes out alot of people ion the premeditated situtation also will take out large numbers of people that have premeditated against you. Again back the the american indian lack of guns cost them 25 million people, or the jews in germany how many people. I get attacked and have my gun I may live. I get atacked and do n ot have my gun I will die. When violence completely disappears then maybe a gun take would work but why do it then.

Guns are the number one choice of weapon for killing in the US.

Comparing Gun Deaths by Country: The U.S. Is in a Different World

There's a nice chart at the bottom showing gun murders per day (if they had the same population as the US), not one other country on that chart gets above 5, the US is at 27.

Yes, other weapons can be used, and people do kill with other weapons.

However I'm not sure I agree with you on the whole pre-meditated murder thing. Are you going to back your argument up with something?

As for Native Americans, your argument falls apart when you actually look at other examples.

Firstly, they started to get guns.



Didn't do them much good though, did it?

How about Iraq in 2003? Yep, they had guns, they had lots of guns, and what? They lost the war in a very short amount of time.

We could go through multiple examples of countries losing wars even though they have weapons. The Vietnamese would never have beaten the US with a bunch of handguns. They had SAMs and all sorts of Soviet weaponry that they were getting for free.

Yeah instead they USED IED's doofus..


The people you're arguing against... It's not even about the gun. It's about the freedom and the right... And you can't win an argument against that, nor should you (In most cases). The reality is humans gonna human and when humans human bad things happen sometimes but on the grand scale of things... Like 99.999% of people are good. Yes, let's find ways to deter those .001% of people as best we can but they’re gonna accomplish their task regardless... Most likely.

Veteran Who Lost a Leg in Iraq Takes on David Hogg in Rant All of America Needs to See
I can never remember in my own lifetime or in any of the history of the US I have read since I was in elementary school a time where people marched to beg the government to take away any rights but it's happening today.

What does that tell you abut the future of this country?

You are joking right?

Maybe you can tell me the last time people marched to have a Constitutionally guaranteed right taken away
Well, it wasn’t last Saturday – none of the participants in that march advocated for ‘taking away’ a Constitutional right.

And rights can’t be ‘taken away’ – the notion is as ignorant as it is wrong.

Rights can be limited or regulated consistent with Constitutional case law, but not ‘taken away’ because our rights are inalienable.

With regard to limiting or regulating the rights enshrined in the Second Amendment, none of the measures the student marchers seek to be enacted have been invalidated by the Supreme Court, measures perfectly consistent with Second Amendment jurisprudence, measures that in now way ‘take away’ a Constitutional right.

This post is yet another lie from the right, and yet another example of the ignorance of the law common to most conservatives.
So you didn't see the ban guns signs

I sure as hell did

And yes our rights can be taken away. If the second amendment is repealed we will have our right to keep and bear arms stripped from us.

Don't be so naive
Guns did none of what you are quoting. A gun is an inanimate object. people did what you are talking about. Cause and effect fallacy. How ever if I have a gun and you do not and we are in an argument, I win period. If you want to trust your safety and your care on others, you are going to be sorely disappoiinted. We the people elected representatives that thought private prisons was a good idea. We put proffit in prisons. Guns did not do that. Now we have a duley elected governent in which you want to have all the guns all ready puting more people in prison than any where on earth and have shown they are willing to incarcerate you for money.; You are willing for these same people to be your safety net and they are going to protect you. You are going to give them your guns and they now make your decissions for you. You now have no guns and no where to turn but the same peop[le that brought you all of the above. Great plan buddy.

Guns in the hands of humans make humans much more effective killers.

You can post all the crap you like about how guns are inanimate objects, but it doesn't stop the fact that humans with guns are more dangerous and will use them.

Hence why the US has a murder rate 4 to 5 times higher than most first world countries.

So one question comes to mind. A gun that hasn’t killed, Why is that? My father died without ever killing someone with the guns he had owned for more than fifty years. If a person with a gun “will” use them, what was wrong with my Father, Uncles, or Aunts? Why haven’t I killed anyone? Is it merely a matter of time? Or does the scary gun that makes loud noises really disturb you that much?

And what kind of argument is this?

A gun makes a human more dangerous. More dangerous doesn't mean that human will kill.

However you get down to the place where the line is, where there are people who will kill with a gun in a certain situation, and without a gun they won't... now there's a difference.

Who are these people? Sometimes you can't tell. Sometimes a person who could be borderline won't commit such an act. Sometimes someone not so borderline might just lose it.

Sometimes people have mental health issues.

Sometimes people have financial issues.

Somethings people have greed issues.

Sometimes they just small moments of intense anger and they can't control what they're doing very well.

Either way, with a gun they're much more dangerous.
For the person who is going to just lose it and then regain control there are a multitude of different weopons that will leave the same body count. Where guns become the larger issue is in pre meditated situations that same gun that akes out alot of people ion the premeditated situtation also will take out large numbers of people that have premeditated against you. Again back the the american indian lack of guns cost them 25 million people, or the jews in germany how many people. I get attacked and have my gun I may live. I get atacked and do n ot have my gun I will die. When violence completely disappears then maybe a gun take would work but why do it then.

Guns are the number one choice of weapon for killing in the US.

Comparing Gun Deaths by Country: The U.S. Is in a Different World

There's a nice chart at the bottom showing gun murders per day (if they had the same population as the US), not one other country on that chart gets above 5, the US is at 27.

Yes, other weapons can be used, and people do kill with other weapons.

However I'm not sure I agree with you on the whole pre-meditated murder thing. Are you going to back your argument up with something?

As for Native Americans, your argument falls apart when you actually look at other examples.

Firstly, they started to get guns.



Didn't do them much good though, did it?

How about Iraq in 2003? Yep, they had guns, they had lots of guns, and what? They lost the war in a very short amount of time.

We could go through multiple examples of countries losing wars even though they have weapons. The Vietnamese would never have beaten the US with a bunch of handguns. They had SAMs and all sorts of Soviet weaponry that they were getting for free.
You left out the part where regardless of the weapons anyone has, there is still the person behind those weapons who either has a righteous cause or an unrighteous cause in which determines the outcomes of the battles 100% of the time...

The battles are fought whether they are personal or national, and weapons aren't ever the cause of an assault, duel, battle, skirmish or war. The person is or a nation is the operative behind the weapon's either in defence mode or in offensive mode.

What we have to do in this nation again, is to determine what a righteous cause is and what an unrighteous cause is. Somehow we have lost our way on that one. Infact because we have lost our way, this nation more than ever needs to be armed to the teeth for defensive purposes whether they are domestic or national security reasons.

When the enemy is within the perimeter, you don't give up your weapons and surrender to the hell that is to come next. Fight for righteousness and a righteous cause America, and quit being fooled in life.
Young is exactly what Mr. Hogg is. His views will change with experience. We have a right to be wrong when we are young. Wrong is what he is, there is a reason we have the second ammendment and it was a good one.. I am not concerned that the second ammendment will lose it's teeth. Too many support it.

Is he wrong? Or is it just that with age and "experience" people see the futility in fighting the system any more. Or they just get lazy?
Yes, he is wrong. People see weakness and attack period. If one person has a gun and you do not you have zero say in your future, that is the way it is. That is human nature. You want to give up your ability to defend your self bad things will happen. These are the natural laws we face. We are animals and there has been an arms race from the beginning it will never stop. To think it will is folley. Every animal in the animal kingdom follows the same rules you can not ignore them.

And I could point out many ways in which you are wrong.

You're basically trying to take civilization backwards in time, in order to fit your view of the world.

The US is the least safe first world country.

It has the highest prison population of first world countries.
It has the highest gun ownership of first world countries.
It has the highest wealth gap of first world countries.

What you're telling me isn't based on facts, or reality, but on some twisted view you have in your head that you're unwilling to see is plain wrong.
.Your stats are the very reason this is the safest nation in the world. Duh. Better to have criminals locked up instead of running around lose like that numbskull Jerry Brown out in California is doing for them.

Is it April Fool's Day already? You must be in Australia.

The US has the highest murder rate of any first world country.... think about it before you talk complete and utter nonsense.
The cost of freedom is high, and if you don't want to live here, then you know what you can do right ?? Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
Guns in the hands of humans make humans much more effective killers.

You can post all the crap you like about how guns are inanimate objects, but it doesn't stop the fact that humans with guns are more dangerous and will use them.

Hence why the US has a murder rate 4 to 5 times higher than most first world countries.

So one question comes to mind. A gun that hasn’t killed, Why is that? My father died without ever killing someone with the guns he had owned for more than fifty years. If a person with a gun “will” use them, what was wrong with my Father, Uncles, or Aunts? Why haven’t I killed anyone? Is it merely a matter of time? Or does the scary gun that makes loud noises really disturb you that much?

And what kind of argument is this?

A gun makes a human more dangerous. More dangerous doesn't mean that human will kill.

However you get down to the place where the line is, where there are people who will kill with a gun in a certain situation, and without a gun they won't... now there's a difference.

Who are these people? Sometimes you can't tell. Sometimes a person who could be borderline won't commit such an act. Sometimes someone not so borderline might just lose it.

Sometimes people have mental health issues.

Sometimes people have financial issues.

Somethings people have greed issues.

Sometimes they just small moments of intense anger and they can't control what they're doing very well.

Either way, with a gun they're much more dangerous.
For the person who is going to just lose it and then regain control there are a multitude of different weopons that will leave the same body count. Where guns become the larger issue is in pre meditated situations that same gun that akes out alot of people ion the premeditated situtation also will take out large numbers of people that have premeditated against you. Again back the the american indian lack of guns cost them 25 million people, or the jews in germany how many people. I get attacked and have my gun I may live. I get atacked and do n ot have my gun I will die. When violence completely disappears then maybe a gun take would work but why do it then.

Guns are the number one choice of weapon for killing in the US.

Comparing Gun Deaths by Country: The U.S. Is in a Different World

There's a nice chart at the bottom showing gun murders per day (if they had the same population as the US), not one other country on that chart gets above 5, the US is at 27.

Yes, other weapons can be used, and people do kill with other weapons.

However I'm not sure I agree with you on the whole pre-meditated murder thing. Are you going to back your argument up with something?

As for Native Americans, your argument falls apart when you actually look at other examples.

Firstly, they started to get guns.



Didn't do them much good though, did it?

How about Iraq in 2003? Yep, they had guns, they had lots of guns, and what? They lost the war in a very short amount of time.

We could go through multiple examples of countries losing wars even though they have weapons. The Vietnamese would never have beaten the US with a bunch of handguns. They had SAMs and all sorts of Soviet weaponry that they were getting for free.
You left out the part where regardless of the weapons anyone has, there is still the person behind those weapons who either has a righteous cause or an unrighteous cause in which determines the outcomes of the battles 100% of the time...

The battles are fought whether they are personal or national, and weapons aren't ever the cause of an assault, duel, battle, skirmish or war. The person is or a nation is the operative behind the weapon's either in defence mode or in offensive mode.

What we have to do in this nation again, is to determine what a righteous cause is and what an unrighteous cause is. Somehow we have lost our way on that one. Infact because we have lost our way, this nation more than ever needs to be armed to the teeth for defensive purposes whether they are domestic or national security reasons.

When the enemy is within the perimeter, you don't give up your weapons and surrender to the hell that is to come next. Fight for righteousness and a righteous cause America, and quit being fooled in life.

I don't get your mentality at all.

Your logic seems to be that "we've lost our way so fuck it, let's just go out with guns blazing.
I can never remember in my own lifetime or in any of the history of the US I have read since I was in elementary school a time where people marched to beg the government to take away any rights but it's happening today.

What does that tell you abut the future of this country?

You are joking right?

Maybe you can tell me the last time people marched to have a Constitutionally guaranteed right taken away
Well, it wasn’t last Saturday – none of the participants in that march advocated for ‘taking away’ a Constitutional right.

And rights can’t be ‘taken away’ – the notion is as ignorant as it is wrong.

Rights can be limited or regulated consistent with Constitutional case law, but not ‘taken away’ because our rights are inalienable.

With regard to limiting or regulating the rights enshrined in the Second Amendment, none of the measures the student marchers seek to be enacted have been invalidated by the Supreme Court, measures perfectly consistent with Second Amendment jurisprudence, measures that in now way ‘take away’ a Constitutional right.

This post is yet another lie from the right, and yet another example of the ignorance of the law common to most conservatives.
So you didn't see the ban guns signs

I sure as hell did

And yes our rights can be taken away. If the second amendment is repealed we will have our right to keep and bear arms stripped from us.

Don't be so naive
What scares you the most, David Hogg or signs carried by teenagers.

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