Hogg and the rest of the gun grabbing students are a perfect example of what is wrong with humanity.

I'm not even familiar with his comments. Nor certainly would I depend on an echo-chamber parrot site like this to tell me. That's all irrelevant. I'm more interested here in the psychology of attacking, denigrating and dehumanizing victims just because they dare stand up for their own lives.

For literally the entire time I've been on this site (and before) I've been pointing out this firearm fetishism that drives this sicko shit. And y'all fetish-parrots keep on proving me right.

You literally proved the OP is correct. Your response was that you have lost all ability to reason.

Oh look. It's the asscrack who tried to float the turd-premise of some sort of inverse relationship between degree of sexual activity and "credibility" and then couldn't get it to float.

You just won an all-expense paid trip to beautiful Flushing NY.

Oh look. It's asscrack who tried to float the absurd notion that a crime victim should not report a crime once the criminal has left the area.

And he's commenting on what the victims should now do after a crime was committed.

Credibility?, You have no idea how foolish you look.

Oh look. The Butthurt Store™ got restocked, and they's havin' a sale! :eusa_dance:

Thanks for playin.

Every game has a winner and a pogo.

Every bullshit point has a point where it's proven to be bullshit.

You just whizzed past that point. Even now you could throw 'er in reverse and back up to it if you had any way to defend that proctologicaly-inspired point.

But you don't. It's gone. Forever. And you're stranded.

BUH bye now. BUH bye.
Jerry Clower, a noted comedian, once put forth an observation. Everyone has an ideal, of what a perfect world would be. That idea is unique, and always has one similarity. Everyone’s point of view is that they themselves, are perfect, and if everyone was more like them, the world would be as perfect as humanly possible.

If you all were more like me, then the world would be better, if not perfect. That is arrogance beyond belief. We all know we can be better, and some of us admit we could be much better. We read, watch documentaries and otherwise try and learn. Yet, the more perfect we see ourselves as, the less we need to learn, the less we need to change. Hogg and the students are in their own eyes, perfect. It’s all of us who are wrong. We aren’t as enlightened, as woke as they are.

All of the visions of the future require one other thing. We all have to give up our rights, and our individuality, to conform to their view.

Hogg has no issue with everyone else giving up their rights, be they the first, or second amendment rights. He denigrates NRA and the members, and the people who support the ideals of the NRA while not actually joining. Yet his favorite Amendment is the First, which among other things protects the right of free association. It is actually peaceably assemble, but you get the idea.

We are free to join any group, and advocate for any cause we like. Just as Hogg is. The difference is what those associations hope to gain. For the NRA, and the supporters of the Second Amendment, they are advocating for their rights under the 2nd Amendment. An Amendment that young Mr. Hogg and the Students haven’t ever heard of, or studied apparently.

History is vital. It tells the story of how we got here. The more history you learn, the smarter choices you can make, and this is the key, the more mistakes you can avoid.

Do I want all of you to be like me? No. One of me is plenty. Mr. Hogg has the first amendment right to say any crazy thing he wants. But the lesson Hogg is learning is this. So does everyone else. I would argue to the limit of my ability for Hogg to be able to speak his mind. I would argue the same for anyone, no matter how much I disagree. I know that principle is not unique, it comes from the world history I’ve studied. Voltaire talked about it much. I’ve quoted the principles of St. Augustine more than once on this board.

I believe what I believe, and I have reasons to believe it, not just an idea, or a feeling. I have a foundation for that belief, which is why I am able to write about the subjects I comment on with some ease, because it’s not just a knee jerk reaction, but a considered opinion. I may be wrong according to you, and I may not be as well read as some others, but that is a failing I am still trying to rectify by reading and studying history. A better understanding of how we got to this point, and a better more complete view going forward. With luck, I’ll be smarter than I ever was just as I die, because I never stopped learning.

Hogg and the students demand that we become more like them, because in their views, they are perfect. When I was a kid, there was a bumper sticker my Mother got and put on her car. It said. “Teenagers, move out of your parents house now, while you still know everything.”

I was once young, and arrogant enough to think I knew it all. We all were. My parents tolerated me some, and corrected my erroneous beliefs often. It’s a shame that young Mr. Hogg hasn’t had the advantage of that kind of care from his parents. Because it will make him a better person, even if after he learns what he is talking about, he continues to disagree with me.

Oh, and the only change I’d make if I was in control of the world. I’d call on the people to stop worrying about what everyone else is doing. Focus on your own life, and you’ll probably be a lot happier.
Young is exactly what Mr. Hogg is. His views will change with experience. We have a right to be wrong when we are young. Wrong is what he is, there is a reason we have the second ammendment and it was a good one.. I am not concerned that the second ammendment will lose it's teeth. Too many support it.

Be concerned, be VERY concerned. Eliminating the 2A is their goal and it will be death by 1000 papercuts.
I will take our knowlege and experience over their youthfull enthusasm any day of the week. They will become complacent we will not! You and I will remain for ever vigilant, we know the stakes they do not!

PS Remain vigilant.

"Remain vigilant" is a good add to the mix. So far I've got "remain vigilant against kids who dare to stand up for their right to be alive, because that makes them snot-nosed lying little toe rags who tear up the Constitution, and also Hitler" and of course lest we forget the title of this very thread, such exercise of free expression also represents "a perfect example of what's wrong with humanity". :laughing0301:

I'm sure there's more I left out but just keepin' score here. I know "crisis actor" was trotted out onto the field but that seems to have fizzled.
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I'm laughing.... you just take a gander at some of the posts here by the gun grabbers.... the moral authorities on everything. And for a week or two they'll be all giddy and then they'll go back to sleep having been duped again. Big on the good intentions they bite the big one on delivering results. Remember after Sandy Hook they told us well now the world is going to change forever..... but they didn't change dick. Why? Because most people out there can connect the dots on this stuff.... they know with 100% certainty that no gun law is going to stop some k00k who wants to slaughter innocent children.

So to the David Hoggs of the world..... go go go:113::113::113:
You literally proved the OP is correct. Your response was that you have lost all ability to reason.

Oh look. It's the asscrack who tried to float the turd-premise of some sort of inverse relationship between degree of sexual activity and "credibility" and then couldn't get it to float.

You just won an all-expense paid trip to beautiful Flushing NY.

Oh look. It's asscrack who tried to float the absurd notion that a crime victim should not report a crime once the criminal has left the area.

And he's commenting on what the victims should now do after a crime was committed.

Credibility?, You have no idea how foolish you look.

Oh look. The Butthurt Store™ got restocked, and they's havin' a sale! :eusa_dance:

Thanks for playin.

Every game has a winner and a pogo.

Every bullshit point has a point where it's proven to be bullshit.

You just whizzed past that point. Even now you could throw 'er in reverse and back up to it if you had any way to defend that proctologicaly-inspired point.

But you don't. It's gone. Forever. And you're stranded.

BUH bye now. BUH bye.

Do you never tire at being laughed at? Or you just used to it?
Just words. It's all good.

Nothing she said was wrong, liar.

Right. Words are just words. It's fine. She's a model citizen.

Irrelevant, liar, nothing she said was wrong.

You are calling me a liar here. Do you know what that word means?

I believe that you and I are of differing opinions regarding whether or not what she said was "wrong".

I actually don't believe that you think her comments were appropriate. So, that makes you the one lying here. Why would you lie for that idiot?

I’m calling you a liar because you are. As I have proven in the past. Do you understand the difference between “appropriate” and “wrong”? Of course you don’t liar, you are an idiot.

You've proven nothing.
Think about how brainwashed you have to be to be a liberal: You march in the street demanding that your kids are NOT protected in school, beg the government to take away your guns, raise your taxes, harbor criminals, take away your jobs, your independence, and freedom of speech
Why is Ted Nugent being viciously attacked by the left? He’s absolutely right, David Hogg and these punk ass kids have NO SOULS. They have totally surrendered to the marxist media, fully embracing them. Anybody advocating to leave Americans unarmed & helpless are truly evil.
These kids have no souls? Am I the only one here thaty has kids? If I am going to sit around and wait on my kids being right, I am going to be waiting for a while. They are kids and they are having a knee jerk reaction. They have not payed bills nor faced the natural consequenses of life. They do have souls, just yound,stupid and inexperienced lives. I am significantly brighter than I was when I was 18. I hope you are also! I also hope they will be at some time these kids will be too. You are allowed to be wrong, this does not make you evil, it makes you ill inofrmed!
.All true, but when you involve yourself in politics far beyond the normal reaction to an event, and if you start insisting that adults are idiots, and that you are going to over throw them, then lines can be crossed. Yes the adult reaction to the students strong reaction can be excessive, but when kids begin attempting to run the adult world with strong rehtoric involved, and with open threats being involved to include adult careers being threatened, and strong labeling used, then the students should expect adult reactions to their attempted attacks on the adult world. Everybody just needs to calm down, and begin to work together for practical and wise solutions to these problems.
Oh look. It's the asscrack who tried to float the turd-premise of some sort of inverse relationship between degree of sexual activity and "credibility" and then couldn't get it to float.

You just won an all-expense paid trip to beautiful Flushing NY.

Oh look. It's asscrack who tried to float the absurd notion that a crime victim should not report a crime once the criminal has left the area.

And he's commenting on what the victims should now do after a crime was committed.

Credibility?, You have no idea how foolish you look.

Oh look. The Butthurt Store™ got restocked, and they's havin' a sale! :eusa_dance:

Thanks for playin.

Every game has a winner and a pogo.

Every bullshit point has a point where it's proven to be bullshit.

You just whizzed past that point. Even now you could throw 'er in reverse and back up to it if you had any way to defend that proctologicaly-inspired point.

But you don't. It's gone. Forever. And you're stranded.

BUH bye now. BUH bye.

Do you never tire at being laughed at? Or you just used to it?

Lol... one of those people who always got picked last for the team. They get used to it
Actually they are the perfect example... it is how democracy works. If you have a cause, you use your right to freedom of speech in order to protest and try to get your message across to representatives so that they can make legislation that relates to the stance of their constituents. Are you against democracy?
Actually they are the perfect example... it is how democracy works. If you have a cause, you use your right to freedom of speech in order to protest and try to get your message across to representatives so that they can make legislation that relates to the stance of their constituents. Are you against democracy?

And if we were a democracy you and the mob would be correct.

Mobs don’t decide in this country. If they did, you’d leave.

But rant on, you always do
Actually they are the perfect example... it is how democracy works. If you have a cause, you use your right to freedom of speech in order to protest and try to get your message across to representatives so that they can make legislation that relates to the stance of their constituents. Are you against democracy?

And if we were a democracy you and the mob would be correct.

Mobs don’t decide in this country. If they did, you’d leave.

But rant on, you always do

Mob? Why do you hate rights and the Constitution? It's called a protest and it is a RIGHT given to us through the Constitution.

In a democracy it is the majority that decides the laws and the way the country it run... and the majority of the country thinks the U.S. needs better gun laws. Maybe if you don't like the Constitution, freedom, and rights... you should leave the country?
Actually they are the perfect example... it is how democracy works. If you have a cause, you use your right to freedom of speech in order to protest and try to get your message across to representatives so that they can make legislation that relates to the stance of their constituents. Are you against democracy?
. It's one thing to get your message across to your reps in order to get legislation passed that could help, but it's another thing to be high jacked by political activist or groups who have an agenda, and won't let a good crisis go to waste. Everyone knows what's going on with these young folks, and how they have been duped into asking for the ridiculous in which caused the entire protest to fail in the end.
Actually they are the perfect example... it is how democracy works. If you have a cause, you use your right to freedom of speech in order to protest and try to get your message across to representatives so that they can make legislation that relates to the stance of their constituents. Are you against democracy?
. It's one thing to get your message across to your reps in order to get legislation passed that could help, but it's another thing to be high jacked by political activist or groups who have an agenda, and won't let a good crisis go to waste. Everyone knows what's going on with these young folks, and he they have been duped into asking for the ridiculous in which caused the entire protest to fail in the end.

EVERY group has an agenda. People don't march and do protests to get a sun tan. What a ridiculous fucking thing to say.
Actually they are the perfect example... it is how democracy works. If you have a cause, you use your right to freedom of speech in order to protest and try to get your message across to representatives so that they can make legislation that relates to the stance of their constituents. Are you against democracy?

And if we were a democracy you and the mob would be correct.

Mobs don’t decide in this country. If they did, you’d leave.

But rant on, you always do

Mob? Why do you hate rights and the Constitution? It's called a protest and it is a RIGHT given to us through the Constitution.

In a democracy it is the majority that decides the laws and the way the country it run... and the majority of the country thinks the U.S. needs better gun laws. Maybe if you don't like the Constitution, freedom, and rights... you should leave the country?
. The greatest protest ever, was the peaceful March to Washington by a United people under Martin Luther King. That was the way you do it, and also having an adult speaker with years of experience and knowledge as Martin Luther King had (in order to conduct and convey the grievences of the period), was a very powerful thing, and the right way to do it.
Actually they are the perfect example... it is how democracy works. If you have a cause, you use your right to freedom of speech in order to protest and try to get your message across to representatives so that they can make legislation that relates to the stance of their constituents. Are you against democracy?
. It's one thing to get your message across to your reps in order to get legislation passed that could help, but it's another thing to be high jacked by political activist or groups who have an agenda, and won't let a good crisis go to waste. Everyone knows what's going on with these young folks, and he they have been duped into asking for the ridiculous in which caused the entire protest to fail in the end.

EVERY group has an agenda. People don't march and do protests to get a sun tan. What a ridiculous fucking thing to say.
.Your suggestion that all agenda's are the same, and that they can be applied in any given situation, and under the same reasoning is a very stupid thing to say, and basically that is what you tried to get away with in this attack.
Actually they are the perfect example... it is how democracy works. If you have a cause, you use your right to freedom of speech in order to protest and try to get your message across to representatives so that they can make legislation that relates to the stance of their constituents. Are you against democracy?

And if we were a democracy you and the mob would be correct.

Mobs don’t decide in this country. If they did, you’d leave.

But rant on, you always do

Mob? Why do you hate rights and the Constitution? It's called a protest and it is a RIGHT given to us through the Constitution.

In a democracy it is the majority that decides the laws and the way the country it run... and the majority of the country thinks the U.S. needs better gun laws. Maybe if you don't like the Constitution, freedom, and rights... you should leave the country?
. The greatest protest ever, was the peaceful March to Washington by a United people under Martin Luther King. That was the way you do it, and also having an adult speaker with years of experience and knowledge as Martin Luther King had (in order to conduct and convey the grievences of the period), was a very powerful thing, and the right way to do it.

So was there a bunch of violence at the March for life rally? You do realize that MOST people in the U.S. believe we need better gun laws right?

Also, what another dumb fucking thing to say... protest can only be lead by adults? Kids don't matter? Are they not citizens too? Do kids not have rights? I know this is going to scare the shit out of you, but kids don't stay kids forever... and when they turn 18 they can vote. Not to mention, the majority of people at the rally in Washington were ADULTS with college degrees.
Actually they are the perfect example... it is how democracy works. If you have a cause, you use your right to freedom of speech in order to protest and try to get your message across to representatives so that they can make legislation that relates to the stance of their constituents. Are you against democracy?
. It's one thing to get your message across to your reps in order to get legislation passed that could help, but it's another thing to be high jacked by political activist or groups who have an agenda, and won't let a good crisis go to waste. Everyone knows what's going on with these young folks, and he they have been duped into asking for the ridiculous in which caused the entire protest to fail in the end.

EVERY group has an agenda. People don't march and do protests to get a sun tan. What a ridiculous fucking thing to say.
.Your suggestion that all agenda's are the same, and that they can be applied in any given situation, and under the same reasoning is a very stupid thing to say, and basically that is what you tried to get away with in this attack.

No, I didn't say all agendas are the same. Again, they aren't agendas, they are CAUSES... and if everyone had the same CAUSES, there would be no reason to march and protest.

You've hit the dumbass trifecta. Are you going to go for the Golden Sombrero?

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