What is the difference between a wall and a barrier?

Trumpicans will go to extremes and ridiculous nonsense to avoid having to admit their Emperor with no clothes caved on his wall scam. Nancy slapped him silly and dragged him around by his ear like the child he is.
Just remember this. The only people who ever got shot by the Berlin Wall guards were the people trying to escape from it. Thousands. Yet, not one single person who was shot was tryiing to get in.

Be careful what you wish for. You just might get it.

We're half-way there, kiddies...in fact, we're already getting it nice and good...they hated us for our freedoms, they told us. Rememember?

They told us the terrorists hated us for our freedoms. I think we all know who it is that really hates us for our freedoms. Those terrorist cells in Washington DC known as the Legislative, Executive and Judicial branches.








And now it's the brown people south of the border we need to be afraid of.

Look at those photos and take a minute to reflect what happened the last time they told us we should be afraid and that we needed the government to protect us from brown people.

That wall is just an extention of those pictures. Same charade, though. I'm surprised nobody's yet said it's for the childrens.

Similar to the fact that a criminal will stil get a gun if you ban certain ones, criminals will still get across the border if you put up a wall. And the feds know it.

In the end, it's war on us! It always is. And it always has been. Since 911 anyway. Never let a perfectly good crisis go to waste, I think it was. Wake the fuck up, please. How about we do that for our children? Hm? Because we're pissing away their last bastion of any kind of semblance of the expectation of the freedom that good men fought and died for them to have.Those are your real heroes. Not these thugs you're calling heroes these days. Huh uh.
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Trump wants to build a wall to keep 15 million Mexicans in the country for 2 reasons.

1. He can bitch about voter fraud 24/7
2. he will have immediate access to workers for his golf courses.

wall, win - win.
Yet this was his original proposal-

In addition to the $18 billion in wall funding, the CBP also requested $8 billion for additional personnel and training, $5 billion for new border technology and at least $1 billion to build more access roads. The final price tag for the CBP spending plan would exceed $33 billion over the next decade, according to a copy of the document obtained by The Washington Post.

Benjamin L. Cassidy, the DHS assistant secretary for legislative affairs, said in a letter to Durbin that the funding requests “were developed through a rigorous assessment and are derived directly from the experience and insight of U.S. Border Patrol Agents in the field, supported by operational data and analysis.”

So, Democrats want to go against the advice of the people who actually do the job. An $33 billion over the next decade is a small price to pay for border security.

A wall is a primitive technology most people use for shelter and privacy. It can be easily beaten though, so you better have something else prepared. A barrier can be all kinds of things. Not having a degree can be a barrier against a job you want. Having a brain can be a barrier towards becoming a Trump supporter.
And that was in his plans, including technology. You guys just don’t hear about it, so they can make a dumb argument against.
Everybody’s plan includes tech. Trump’s plan, much like with healthcare (“nobody knew healthcare could be so complicated”), is based 100% on total ignorance of the topic. His “plan” was a slogan, “we’re going to build a wall and Mexico’s going to pay for it!” That’s as far as your retarded hero has thought about it.
A wall is a primitive technology most people use for shelter and privacy. It can be easily beaten though, so you better have something else prepared. A barrier can be all kinds of things. Not having a degree can be a barrier against a job you want. Having a brain can be a barrier towards becoming a Trump supporter.
Yet this was his original proposal-

In addition to the $18 billion in wall funding, the CBP also requested $8 billion for additional personnel and training, $5 billion for new border technology and at least $1 billion to build more access roads. The final price tag for the CBP spending plan would exceed $33 billion over the next decade, according to a copy of the document obtained by The Washington Post.

Benjamin L. Cassidy, the DHS assistant secretary for legislative affairs, said in a letter to Durbin that the funding requests “were developed through a rigorous assessment and are derived directly from the experience and insight of U.S. Border Patrol Agents in the field, supported by operational data and analysis.”

So, Democrats want to go against the advice of the people who actually do the job. An $33 billion over the next decade is a small price to pay for border security.

A wall is a primitive technology most people use for shelter and privacy. It can be easily beaten though, so you better have something else prepared. A barrier can be all kinds of things. Not having a degree can be a barrier against a job you want. Having a brain can be a barrier towards becoming a Trump supporter.
And that was in his plans, including technology. You guys just don’t hear about it, so they can make a dumb argument against.
Everybody’s plan includes tech. Trump’s plan, much like with healthcare (“nobody knew healthcare could be so complicated”), is based 100% on total ignorance of the topic. His “plan” was a slogan, “we’re going to build a wall and Mexico’s going to pay for it!” That’s as far as your retarded hero has thought about it.
A wall is a primitive technology most people use for shelter and privacy. It can be easily beaten though, so you better have something else prepared. A barrier can be all kinds of things. Not having a degree can be a barrier against a job you want. Having a brain can be a barrier towards becoming a Trump supporter.
Every group and agency wants more money.
Yet you want to deny all those other things as well, as deny that Trump wanted everything that works- not just a wall, as you all claim. Hypocrite .
Yet this was his original proposal-

In addition to the $18 billion in wall funding, the CBP also requested $8 billion for additional personnel and training, $5 billion for new border technology and at least $1 billion to build more access roads. The final price tag for the CBP spending plan would exceed $33 billion over the next decade, according to a copy of the document obtained by The Washington Post.

Benjamin L. Cassidy, the DHS assistant secretary for legislative affairs, said in a letter to Durbin that the funding requests “were developed through a rigorous assessment and are derived directly from the experience and insight of U.S. Border Patrol Agents in the field, supported by operational data and analysis.”

So, Democrats want to go against the advice of the people who actually do the job. An $33 billion over the next decade is a small price to pay for border security.

A wall is a primitive technology most people use for shelter and privacy. It can be easily beaten though, so you better have something else prepared. A barrier can be all kinds of things. Not having a degree can be a barrier against a job you want. Having a brain can be a barrier towards becoming a Trump supporter.
And that was in his plans, including technology. You guys just don’t hear about it, so they can make a dumb argument against.
Everybody’s plan includes tech. Trump’s plan, much like with healthcare (“nobody knew healthcare could be so complicated”), is based 100% on total ignorance of the topic. His “plan” was a slogan, “we’re going to build a wall and Mexico’s going to pay for it!” That’s as far as your retarded hero has thought about it.
A wall is a primitive technology most people use for shelter and privacy. It can be easily beaten though, so you better have something else prepared. A barrier can be all kinds of things. Not having a degree can be a barrier against a job you want. Having a brain can be a barrier towards becoming a Trump supporter.
Every group and agency wants more money.
Yet you want to deny all those other things as well, as deny that Trump wanted everything that works- not just a wall, as you all claim. Hypocrite .
Yet this was his original proposal-

In addition to the $18 billion in wall funding, the CBP also requested $8 billion for additional personnel and training, $5 billion for new border technology and at least $1 billion to build more access roads. The final price tag for the CBP spending plan would exceed $33 billion over the next decade, according to a copy of the document obtained by The Washington Post.

Benjamin L. Cassidy, the DHS assistant secretary for legislative affairs, said in a letter to Durbin that the funding requests “were developed through a rigorous assessment and are derived directly from the experience and insight of U.S. Border Patrol Agents in the field, supported by operational data and analysis.”

So, Democrats want to go against the advice of the people who actually do the job. An $33 billion over the next decade is a small price to pay for border security.

A wall is a primitive technology most people use for shelter and privacy. It can be easily beaten though, so you better have something else prepared. A barrier can be all kinds of things. Not having a degree can be a barrier against a job you want. Having a brain can be a barrier towards becoming a Trump supporter.
And that was in his plans, including technology. You guys just don’t hear about it, so they can make a dumb argument against.
Everybody’s plan includes tech. Trump’s plan, much like with healthcare (“nobody knew healthcare could be so complicated”), is based 100% on total ignorance of the topic. His “plan” was a slogan, “we’re going to build a wall and Mexico’s going to pay for it!” That’s as far as your retarded hero has thought about it.
A wall is a primitive technology most people use for shelter and privacy. It can be easily beaten though, so you better have something else prepared. A barrier can be all kinds of things. Not having a degree can be a barrier against a job you want. Having a brain can be a barrier towards becoming a Trump supporter.
Every group and agency wants more money.
Trump said Mexico would pay for a wall. He didn’t know about the other things because he didn’t care. Same thing with healthcare. “Nobody knew healthcare could be so complicated” after spending months saying it was simple and easy and he knew what to do about it.
I notice you keep moving the goalposts.
They will in the long term. More money staying in the country with less illegals sending it back to Mexico, less we visits by illegals, less schools overburdened, etc.
Yet you want to deny all those other things as well, as deny that Trump wanted everything that works- not just a wall, as you all claim. Hypocrite .
Yet this was his original proposal-

In addition to the $18 billion in wall funding, the CBP also requested $8 billion for additional personnel and training, $5 billion for new border technology and at least $1 billion to build more access roads. The final price tag for the CBP spending plan would exceed $33 billion over the next decade, according to a copy of the document obtained by The Washington Post.

Benjamin L. Cassidy, the DHS assistant secretary for legislative affairs, said in a letter to Durbin that the funding requests “were developed through a rigorous assessment and are derived directly from the experience and insight of U.S. Border Patrol Agents in the field, supported by operational data and analysis.”

So, Democrats want to go against the advice of the people who actually do the job. An $33 billion over the next decade is a small price to pay for border security.

And that was in his plans, including technology. You guys just don’t hear about it, so they can make a dumb argument against.
Everybody’s plan includes tech. Trump’s plan, much like with healthcare (“nobody knew healthcare could be so complicated”), is based 100% on total ignorance of the topic. His “plan” was a slogan, “we’re going to build a wall and Mexico’s going to pay for it!” That’s as far as your retarded hero has thought about it.
A wall is a primitive technology most people use for shelter and privacy. It can be easily beaten though, so you better have something else prepared. A barrier can be all kinds of things. Not having a degree can be a barrier against a job you want. Having a brain can be a barrier towards becoming a Trump supporter.
Every group and agency wants more money.
Trump said Mexico would pay for a wall. He didn’t know about the other things because he didn’t care. Same thing with healthcare. “Nobody knew healthcare could be so complicated” after spending months saying it was simple and easy and he knew what to do about it.
I notice you keep moving the goalposts.
They will in the long term. More money staying in the country with less illegals sending it back to Mexico, less we visits by illegals, less schools overburdened, etc.
Yet you want to deny all those other things as well, as deny that Trump wanted everything that works- not just a wall, as you all claim. Hypocrite .
Yet this was his original proposal-

In addition to the $18 billion in wall funding, the CBP also requested $8 billion for additional personnel and training, $5 billion for new border technology and at least $1 billion to build more access roads. The final price tag for the CBP spending plan would exceed $33 billion over the next decade, according to a copy of the document obtained by The Washington Post.

Benjamin L. Cassidy, the DHS assistant secretary for legislative affairs, said in a letter to Durbin that the funding requests “were developed through a rigorous assessment and are derived directly from the experience and insight of U.S. Border Patrol Agents in the field, supported by operational data and analysis.”

So, Democrats want to go against the advice of the people who actually do the job. An $33 billion over the next decade is a small price to pay for border security.

Everybody’s plan includes tech. Trump’s plan, much like with healthcare (“nobody knew healthcare could be so complicated”), is based 100% on total ignorance of the topic. His “plan” was a slogan, “we’re going to build a wall and Mexico’s going to pay for it!” That’s as far as your retarded hero has thought about it.
A wall is a primitive technology most people use for shelter and privacy. It can be easily beaten though, so you better have something else prepared. A barrier can be all kinds of things. Not having a degree can be a barrier against a job you want. Having a brain can be a barrier towards becoming a Trump supporter.
Every group and agency wants more money.
Trump said Mexico would pay for a wall. He didn’t know about the other things because he didn’t care. Same thing with healthcare. “Nobody knew healthcare could be so complicated” after spending months saying it was simple and easy and he knew what to do about it.
I never moved any goal posts. I pointed out that everybody’s plan includes technology, and that Trump’s only differed in the Mexico was going to pay for a border wall. Beyond that, Trump didn’t know a single thing about border security.

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