What is the difference between Schizophrenia and fundementalist Christianity

The definition of schizophrenia
Any of a group of psychotic disorders usually characterized by withdrawal from reality, illogical patterns of thinking, delusions, and hallucinations, and accompanied in varying degrees by other emotional, behavioral, or intellectual disturbances.

People with schizophrenia may experience hallucinations. That is, they may hear, see, feel things that are not there. Just as in a dream, where fantastic events can not be distinguished from real events, hallucinations can not be distinguished from real events. Thus, the hallucination of a voice talking is perceived in the brain just like a real person talking.

Abraham was going to murder his son because the voices in his head told him so

Guno is bat shit crazy
The Christian gawds murdered their sons (and daughters) by drowning the vast majority of them because they were a disappointment.

Really, who's bat shit crazy - the worshipper of a serial mass murderer?

Have you ever actually read ANY of the Bible?
I've read many of the various bibles. That's why I'm surprised at your stunted understanding.

I guess your attendance at the Benny Hinn madrassah left you with a somewhat skewed version of Christianity.

You think Christ closed the Red Sea on Pharaoh's Army. Not sure what "Version" covers that
The definition of schizophrenia
Any of a group of psychotic disorders usually characterized by withdrawal from reality, illogical patterns of thinking, delusions, and hallucinations, and accompanied in varying degrees by other emotional, behavioral, or intellectual disturbances.

People with schizophrenia may experience hallucinations. That is, they may hear, see, feel things that are not there. Just as in a dream, where fantastic events can not be distinguished from real events, hallucinations can not be distinguished from real events. Thus, the hallucination of a voice talking is perceived in the brain just like a real person talking.

Abraham was going to murder his son because the voices in his head told him so

Guno is bat shit crazy
The Christian gawds murdered their sons (and daughters) by drowning the vast majority of them because they were a disappointment.

Really, who's bat shit crazy - the worshipper of a serial mass murderer?

Have you ever actually read ANY of the Bible?
I've read many of the various bibles. That's why I'm surprised at your stunted understanding.

I guess your attendance at the Benny Hinn madrassah left you with a somewhat skewed version of Christianity.

You think Christ closed the Red Sea on Pharaoh's Army. Not sure what "Version" covers that
No, I don't accept that fable as accurate.
Abraham was going to murder his son because the voices in his head told him so

Guno is bat shit crazy
The Christian gawds murdered their sons (and daughters) by drowning the vast majority of them because they were a disappointment.

Really, who's bat shit crazy - the worshipper of a serial mass murderer?

Have you ever actually read ANY of the Bible?
I've read many of the various bibles. That's why I'm surprised at your stunted understanding.

I guess your attendance at the Benny Hinn madrassah left you with a somewhat skewed version of Christianity.

You think Christ closed the Red Sea on Pharaoh's Army. Not sure what "Version" covers that
No, I don't accept that fable as accurate.

Go visit beforeus.com, they have infrared satellite images of the Exodus and they found skeletons and chariot wheels underwater along the route
What is the difference between Schizophrenia and Judaism?

So Jews run around trying to convert people? Most Jews do not take the Torahs literally or try to get people to believe it. Did you every hear someone who is Jewish spouting off "praise whoever" when winning a game or talking in tongues, bowing to statues

Doesn't matter. Passover is celebrating the murder of every first born son in Egypt. See where religious comparisons get you? For every fucked up thing you point out about Christians I can point out one for Jews. Instead of travelling down that road, we instead honor the fact that religion is a very old institution. Religion has good points and bad points, and we need to concentrate on the good. Or, we can be intolerant fuckwads, like you, and we can enjoy religious war for the next millennia or two until the idiots like you are finally killed off.
Schizophrenics have distinct charateristics that the majority of Christian fundies do not have.

Schizophrenia.com - Schizophrenia symptoms possible early warning signs

This lists some of the traits schizophrenics have. Notice this part of the list:

Changes in Behavior associated with schizophrenia ----

--Dropping out of activities and life in general
--Inability to form or keep relationships
--Social isolation- few close friends if any. Little interaction outside of immediate family.
--Increased withdrawal, spending most of the days alone.
--Becoming lost in thoughts and not wanting to be disturbed with human contact
--Neglect in self-care- i.e. hygiene, clothing, or appearance
--Replaying or rehearsing conversations out loud- i.e. talking to yourself (very common sign)
--Finding it difficult to deal with stressful situations
--Inability to cope with minor problems
--Lack of goal-directed behavior. Not being able to engage in purposeful activity
--Functional impairment in interpersonal relationships, work, education, or self-care
--Deterioration of academic or job-related performance
--Inappropriate responses- laughing or smiling when talking of a sad event, making irrational statements.
--Catatonia- staying in the same rigid position for hours, as if in a daze.
--Intense and excessive preoccupation with religion or spirituality
--Drug or alcohol abuse
--Smoke or have the desire to want to smoke (70-90% do smoke) - note: this is a very normal behavior for people who do not have schizophrenia also!
--Frequent moves, trips, or walks that lead nowhere

As you can see, there is only one characteristic that you can associate with christian fundamentalism--if you are going to say that makes them schizoid, then smokers, introverts and heavy drinkers are also schizoid.

So, no--It is unlikely that the majority of fundies are schizoid. Can I now recommend sending this thread to the flame zone?

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