What IS The Free Market

Businesses don't restrict economic rights. Government does. Businesses also don't restrict so-called "social rights." Most "social rights" are just faux rights invented by liberals.
When business contaminates local water tables or fails to provide a wage sufficient for a decent living, it violates the economic rights of its workers.

Local water only becomes contaminated because nobody owns it. Where water rights are privates owned, the owners can sue anyone who contaminates their water. Clearly, the problem here is government owned or non owned water. There is no right to any wage, so your second claim is pure bullshit.

When business destroys or contaminates sources of food, it violates the economic and social rights of its workers and their families.

Business produces food, so why would it contaminate the food it produces? When does business destroy the product it hopes to sell to consumers?
If I quoted the entire article you wouldn't be satisfied. Other forum members aren't so lazy they can't read a 1000 word piece. I'll leave them to make their own determination.
From your link:
"So what’s the bottom line?

"Mr. Piketty’s premonition of soaring U.S. wealth shares for the top 1% finds no credible support in his book or elsewhere."
^^^Do you agree?

Piketty s Class-Warfare Tome Bad Numbers Bad Analysis - Daniel J. Mitchell - Townhall Finance Conservative Columnists and Financial Commentary - Page 2
ocal water only becomes contaminated because nobody owns it. Where water rights are privates owned

"The Lago Agrio oil field is an oil-rich area near the city of Nueva Loja in the province of Sucumbíos,Ecuador. It is located in the Western Oriente Basin. Hydrocarbon-bearing formations are the CretaceousNapo and Hollin formations.[1][2] Oil was discovered in the area in 1960s. The Lago Agrio field is known internationally for the serious ecological problems that oil development has created there, including water pollution, soil contamination, deforestation and cultural upheaval."
Lago Agrio oil field - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Tragedy of the commons.
ocal water only becomes contaminated because nobody owns it. Where water rights are privates owned

"The Lago Agrio oil field is an oil-rich area near the city of Nueva Loja in the province of Sucumbíos,Ecuador. It is located in the Western Oriente Basin. Hydrocarbon-bearing formations are the CretaceousNapo and Hollin formations.[1][2] Oil was discovered in the area in 1960s. The Lago Agrio field is known internationally for the serious ecological problems that oil development has created there, including water pollution, soil contamination, deforestation and cultural upheaval."
Lago Agrio oil field - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Tragedy of the commons.

That's just a pond, and it looks artificial. For all you know, it was created to trap runoff from the oil field so it wouldn't contaminate the nearby streams.

To prove me wrong you have to show that a corporation contaminated water that was privately owned without getting sued.
To prove me wrong you have to show that a corporation contaminated water that was privately owned without getting sued.
Why would you believe the water has to be privately owned?

Because it's not an economy based on private property and free exchange if it isn't. The premise behind laissez faire is that private property owners will look after their own property better than government ever could. Your example just proves the point. The oil leases were on public land. Ever heard of an oil company polluting private land or water rights without paying a hefty price to clean it up?
who takes better care of a house: renter or owner?
Tragedy of the commons.
"The tragedy of the commons is an economic theory by Garrett Hardin, which states that individuals acting independently and rationally according to each's self-interest behave contrary to the best interests of the whole group by depleting some common resource. The term is taken from the title of an article written by Hardin in 1968, which is in turn based upon an essay by a Victorian economist on the effects of unregulated grazing on common land."
Tragedy of the commons - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
who takes better care of a house: renter or owner?
Tragedy of the commons.
"The tragedy of the commons is an economic theory by Garrett Hardin, which states that individuals acting independently and rationally according to each's self-interest behave contrary to the best interests of the whole group by depleting some common resource. The term is taken from the title of an article written by Hardin in 1968, which is in turn based upon an essay by a Victorian economist on the effects of unregulated grazing on common land."
Tragedy of the commons - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

dear, tragedy of commons can read tragedy of communism. It is used to support conservatism not communism. What grade are you in?
who takes better care of a house: renter or owner?
Tragedy of the commons.
"The tragedy of the commons is an economic theory by Garrett Hardin, which states that individuals acting independently and rationally according to each's self-interest behave contrary to the best interests of the whole group by depleting some common resource. The term is taken from the title of an article written by Hardin in 1968, which is in turn based upon an essay by a Victorian economist on the effects of unregulated grazing on common land."
Tragedy of the commons - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The tragedy of the commons only proves the point that private property owners take care of the land then when property is publicly owned. "The commons" is public land.

You really don't get how capitalism works, do you?
Texaco produces oil. Other corporations produce food.
How do other corporations produce food after Texaco has contaminated the land and water?

George, you simply aren't educable.

Private corporations produce food on land they own. The land in your picture is public land that was never used to produce food. Please explain what your example has to do with food production by private companies. I'm dying to know.
who takes better care of a house: renter or owner?
Tragedy of the commons.
"The tragedy of the commons is an economic theory by Garrett Hardin, which states that individuals acting independently and rationally according to each's self-interest behave contrary to the best interests of the whole group by depleting some common resource. The term is taken from the title of an article written by Hardin in 1968, which is in turn based upon an essay by a Victorian economist on the effects of unregulated grazing on common land."
Tragedy of the commons - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

dear, tragedy of commons can read tragedy of communism. It is used to support conservatism not communism. What grade are you in?


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