What is the gay agenda?

They don't teach sex ed worth a crap either or we wouldn't have ruaway VD rates and higher levels of VD everytime we do give a kid a condom sex ed.

Actually, it's inverse. Areas with less sex ed have higher pregnancies and VD rates, those with more sex ed have lower. It's because the parents aren't doing their part, they don't talk to their kids about it at all most of the time. If parents actually taught their kids something then they wouldn't find out about it on TV, movies, or the streets. Kids ask questions, they're curious, if they don't get the answers from someone they will find them out themselves, usually through experimentation.
the agenda depends on who you speak with......

there is the militant crowd that wants the gay life style and gay sex taught in public schools alongside the straight lifestyle and straight sex.......

no more father daughter mother son father son mother daughter events....parent child and gender neutral....

then there is the crowd that simply wants the legal right to marry and all the legal goodies that go with it......

had this conversation with both groups last friday....

the agenda depends on who you speak with......

there is the militant crowd that wants the gay life style and gay sex taught in public schools alongside the straight lifestyle and straight sex.......

no more father daughter mother son father son mother daughter events....parent child and gender neutral....

then there is the crowd that simply wants the legal right to marry and all the legal goodies that go with it......

had this conversation with both groups last friday....

Really? They teach about sex in school? Damn, I must have been sick those days.

Actually, he said they "want the gay life style and gay sex taught in public schools". He did not say that the do teach it.

There are many GLBT groups that want simple equality and to be treated fairly. Then there are some groups that down right want to force their lifestyles on everyone else. You have to ask each group what their agenda is, just as you would have to ask a Christian organization what its agenda is. The KKK claims to be a Christian organization. What is its agenda? Catholic Charities? Lutheran World Relief? If I am not mistaken Save the Children is also a Christian Organization. The agendas for each of these organizations is different and the same goes for GLBT organizations.


The problem is this, no extreme either way is good. There are gay kids, whether the parents want to admit it or not, and if they don't know how to be safe they won't be. You can't just let them feel like shit their whole childhoods for being different or they will become ... well ... monsters when they grow up.
The problem is this, no extreme either way is good. There are gay kids, whether the parents want to admit it or not, and if they don't know how to be safe they won't be. You can't just let them feel like shit their whole childhoods for being different or they will become ... well ... monsters when they grow up.

I completely agree.

I wish equality was all it was. I also wish the gys got it but they don't get it any more than the drinlkers or the skirt chasers.

The complication is in generalizing. There really is about as much of a gay agenda as there is of a straight agenda. Some gays might want “A”. Some might want “A” and “B”. Some more demanding gays might want “A” and “B” and “C” and “D”.
I hear about the gay agenda all the time but I've never known exactly what it is. It seems to mean that gays wish to force everyone to be gay, disband religion and even bludgeon people to death.

I have a hard time believing any of that is true and I'd appreciate it if someone could tell me what the gay agenda actually is.

Interesting question. Most gays will say that their agenda is just to be treated equally and fairly in society as every non-gay supposedly is. The problem for a lot of us is that many of them actually go well beyond this, wanting us not only to accept their way of life but to celebrate it with open arms and as if their way of life is just as normal as anyone else.

Well, their way of life is not normal to everyone else. It is for them, but not for the rest of society, and the rest of society is not comfortable with many of the things they do in public, and I personally don't believe it should be expected of the rest of society to openly celebrate their gayness. Personally, I'm not happy for a gay person's gayness, but I do accept it and believe they should not be discriminated against.

What do gays do in public?

Check out a gay pride parade. It isn't something I would willingly take my kids to see.
Oh, for crying out loud. How long do we have to put up with this disingenuous "Every single homosexual in America doesn't want the exact same things, so there can't possibly be a gay agenda" crap? Would that the left had such strict standards for deciding whether the "Religious Right" has an agenda.

You want to know about the homosexual agenda?

Homosexual : Gay News from Gay Agenda - GayAgenda.com


And while we're at the ACLU:

American Civil Liberties Union : Lesbian Gay Rights


You want to know about an agenda? Go to the activists. Read the websites, cut out all the buzzwords and touchy-feely propaganda, and you'll have the agenda. It's not rocket magic.
Wrong the few surveys that make that claim are almost based on assumption rather than actual fact. Every state teaches sex ed It's preety much required by the Feds.
I wish equality was all it was. I also wish the gys got it but they don't get it any more than the drinlkers or the skirt chasers.

The complication is in generalizing. There really is about as much of a gay agenda as there is of a straight agenda. Some gays might want “A”. Some might want “A” and “B”. Some more demanding gays might want “A” and “B” and “C” and “D”.

Wrong. There are no activist groups for straight people, promoting and lobbying for "straight rights". Is that true of homosexuals? No. So don't piss down our legs and tell us it's raining, and don't tell us there's no gay agenda.
Oh, for crying out loud. How long do we have to put up with this disingenuous "Every single homosexual in America doesn't want the exact same things, so there can't possibly be a gay agenda" crap? Would that the left had such strict standards for deciding whether the "Religious Right" has an agenda.

You want to know about the homosexual agenda?

Homosexual : Gay News from Gay Agenda - GayAgenda.com


And while we're at the ACLU:

American Civil Liberties Union : Lesbian Gay Rights


You want to know about an agenda? Go to the activists. Read the websites, cut out all the buzzwords and touchy-feely propaganda, and you'll have the agenda. It's not rocket magic.

you have shown nothing but a quest for equality. Next.
Oh, for crying out loud. How long do we have to put up with this disingenuous "Every single homosexual in America doesn't want the exact same things, so there can't possibly be a gay agenda" crap? Would that the left had such strict standards for deciding whether the "Religious Right" has an agenda.

You want to know about the homosexual agenda?

Homosexual : Gay News from Gay Agenda - GayAgenda.com


And while we're at the ACLU:

American Civil Liberties Union : Lesbian Gay Rights


You want to know about an agenda? Go to the activists. Read the websites, cut out all the buzzwords and touchy-feely propaganda, and you'll have the agenda. It's not rocket magic.

you have shown nothing but a quest for equality. Next.

Maybe that is exactly what she is trying to say, "all they want is equality".

Oh, for crying out loud. How long do we have to put up with this disingenuous "Every single homosexual in America doesn't want the exact same things, so there can't possibly be a gay agenda" crap? Would that the left had such strict standards for deciding whether the "Religious Right" has an agenda.

You want to know about the homosexual agenda?

Homosexual : Gay News from Gay Agenda - GayAgenda.com


And while we're at the ACLU:

American Civil Liberties Union : Lesbian Gay Rights


You want to know about an agenda? Go to the activists. Read the websites, cut out all the buzzwords and touchy-feely propaganda, and you'll have the agenda. It's not rocket magic.

you have shown nothing but a quest for equality. Next.

Maybe that is exactly what she is trying to say, "all they want is equality".


Probably, I'm a bit grouchy today, not feeling well so I am a bit snippy and posting very short responses ... compared to my usual long windedness.
Okay, so far we have: equality, the ability to teach gay sex in school, the ability to be celebrated (which I'm guessing means being allowed to have gay parades).

Anything else? Not saying any of these are true, I'm really just trying to get a feel for what people think.
Okay, so far we have: equality, the ability to teach gay sex in school, the ability to be celebrated (which I'm guessing means being allowed to have gay parades).

Anything else? Not saying any of these are true, I'm really just trying to get a feel for what people think.

equality, which is the only thing that matters.
the rest is bullshit.
I hear about the gay agenda all the time but I've never known exactly what it is. It seems to mean that gays wish to force everyone to be gay, disband religion and even bludgeon people to death.

I think a quote like this belongs in the conspiracy theory section.

Gays just want equal rights for themselves, dude. They want to be able to have the same benefits you and I have. That's it. They don't want you to be gay, they don't want you to stop believing in religion and they... *laugh* don't want to bludgeon people to death.
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the agenda depends on who you speak with......

there is the militant crowd that wants the gay life style and gay sex taught in public schools alongside the straight lifestyle and straight sex.......

Gay sex taught in schools??? What the fuck are you smoking??
I hear about the gay agenda all the time but I've never known exactly what it is. It seems to mean that gays wish to force everyone to be gay, disband religion and even bludgeon people to death.

I think a quote like this belongs in the conspiracy theory section.

Gays just want equal rights for themselves, dude. They want to be able to have the same benefits you and I have. That's it. They don't want you to be gay, they don't want you to stop believing in religion and they... *laugh* don't want to bludgeon people to death.

Um, David, you misquoted auditor. The quote you used came from Ravi in the opening post and then auditor quoted Ravi and Ravi wasn't saying that was the agenda but rather that was what she had heard others claim it was.

I hear about the gay agenda all the time but I've never known exactly what it is. It seems to mean that gays wish to force everyone to be gay, disband religion and even bludgeon people to death.

I think a quote like this belongs in the conspiracy theory section.

Gays just want equal rights for themselves, dude. They want to be able to have the same benefits you and I have. That's it. They don't want you to be gay, they don't want you to stop believing in religion and they... *laugh* don't want to bludgeon people to death.

I didn't make that quote David. Read back and correct please.
Okay, so far we have: equality, the ability to teach gay sex in school, the ability to be celebrated (which I'm guessing means being allowed to have gay parades).

Anything else? Not saying any of these are true, I'm really just trying to get a feel for what people think.

equality, which is the only thing that matters.
the rest is bullshit.
I agree with you but it seems others see it differently.
I hear about the gay agenda all the time but I've never known exactly what it is. It seems to mean that gays wish to force everyone to be gay, disband religion and even bludgeon people to death.

I think a quote like this belongs in the conspiracy theory section.

Gays just want equal rights for themselves, dude. They want to be able to have the same benefits you and I have. That's it. They don't want you to be gay, they don't want you to stop believing in religion and they... *laugh* don't want to bludgeon people to death.
I do, too...but Aud didn't say it, I was quoting something Cecilie said on another thread. More than likely hyperbole but as far as I know she thinks gays are hanging out waiting to bludgeon people.
Oh, for crying out loud. How long do we have to put up with this disingenuous "Every single homosexual in America doesn't want the exact same things, so there can't possibly be a gay agenda" crap? Would that the left had such strict standards for deciding whether the "Religious Right" has an agenda.

You want to know about the homosexual agenda?

Homosexual : Gay News from Gay Agenda - GayAgenda.com


And while we're at the ACLU:

American Civil Liberties Union : Lesbian Gay Rights


You want to know about an agenda? Go to the activists. Read the websites, cut out all the buzzwords and touchy-feely propaganda, and you'll have the agenda. It's not rocket magic.

I guess that by your reasoning, the Christian agenda is perhaps best exemplified by Westboro Baptist Church. After all, it is an organization of Christians with an agenda.

Westboro Baptist Church - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You want to know about an agenda? Go to the activists. Read the website, cut out all the buzzwords and touchy-feely propaganda, and you'll have the agenda. It's not rocket magic.

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