Zone1 What Is The Law Of Birth?


Diamond Member
Jan 30, 2024
It is well known that America was founded after the pattern of ancient Israel. The first of America's foundation stones were laid in Massachusetts Bay. Those who laid those stones spoke of its calling in terms of "A Holy Commonwealth" an Israel of the New World.
During the American Revolution, America's departure from English rule was linked to the exodus of Israel from the rule of Pharaoh?

What is the law of birth? Where is it? One of the distinctions that separated Israel from the nations surrounding it was the prohibition against killing of children. The Canaanites were especially known for offering their children as sacrifices to their gods. Israel was warned by their prophets NEVER to take part in such horrors.

Just before Israel's exodus from Egypt they were given a unique law concerning birth, the women, and one's children. What is the law they were given?
This unique law was given to Israel. It is known as the law of firstborn. God told Israel... The law also states that one's child is a gift from God. Meaning that one could NOT do to one's child as one pleased, or as the pagans did to their children.

The law of birth (Law of firstborn) states...

12 That thou shalt set apart unto the Lord all that openeth the matrix (womb), and every firstling that cometh of a beast which thou hast; the males shall be the Lord's. Exodus 13:12
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The child of one's womb is holy. That child is to be treated as such. Birth is sacred, ad life is a miracle. One's children, as represented by the firstborn, belongs to God.

Just before America's decent into child killing with New York signing it into law on January 20, 1970, an appointed scripture was read. It declared that the child who open's the womb is sacred, set apart, and belongs to God and is to be consecrated to Him. Amen
Can you imagine a natural born male and a natural born female both being believers of God and Christ Jesus... both being married to one another, and both being firstborns. That is blessings on top of blessings.

...both having opened the matrix (womb)
It is well known that America was founded after the pattern of ancient Israel. The first of America's foundation stones were laid in Massachusetts Bay. Those who laid those stones spoke of its calling in terms of "A Holy Commonwealth" an Israel of the New World.
During the American Revolution, America's departure from English rule was linked to the exodus of Israel from the rule of Pharaoh?

What is the law of birth? Where is it? One of the distinctions that separated Israel from the nations surrounding it was the prohibition against killing of children. The Canaanites were especially known for offering their children as sacrifices to their gods. Israel was warned by their prophets NEVER to take part in such horrors.

Just before Israel's exodus from Egypt they were given a unique law concerning birth, the women, and one's children. What is the law they were given?
it is even more well known that the usa was founded after the pattern of the iraquois confederation.

israel had nothing to do with it, though much of the masonic rigamorole is supposed to be the symbolic well, i just can't tell you more than that.
it is even more well known that the usa was founded after the pattern of the iraquois confederation.

israel had nothing to do with it, though much of the masonic rigamorole is supposed to be the symbolic well, i just can't tell you more than that.
c'mon tell me just a little bit more, I'm trying to learn
It is well known that America was founded after the pattern of ancient Israel. The first of America's foundation stones were laid in Massachusetts Bay. Those who laid those stones spoke of its calling in terms of "A Holy Commonwealth" an Israel of the New World.
During the American Revolution, America's departure from English rule was linked to the exodus of Israel from the rule of Pharaoh?

What is the law of birth? Where is it? One of the distinctions that separated Israel from the nations surrounding it was the prohibition against killing of children. The Canaanites were especially known for offering their children as sacrifices to their gods. Israel was warned by their prophets NEVER to take part in such horrors.

Just before Israel's exodus from Egypt they were given a unique law concerning birth, the women, and one's children. What is the law they were given?
The Law and the Prophets......including all Jewish laws based upon Jewish custom applied only to one nation on earth. "Biblical Israel". (Deut. 5:2-3) The Law would be replaced by a A spiritual Law residing in the heart of those who serve God as foretold by the prophet Jer. 31:31-34.....unlike the Law of Moses. Jesus FULFILLED THE LAW and PROPHETS (Matthew 5:17-19) The law was nailed to the cross of Jesus Christ, ( Col. 2:14 ) Jesus declared the Kingdom of God now resides within the Christian ( Luke 17:21 ). Spiritual Israel and New Jerusalem exist in the Spiritual Kingdom of Heaven serving the Father after the final judgment in........the abode of God. Jerusalem is mentioned as both a physical city and a spiritual city that is free (Gal. 4:26). In ( 2 Chron. 6:6 ) Jerusalem refers to the place where God is worshiped. Spiritual Jerusalem is where the Christian Nation will serve the Father forever. ( Rev. 21:9-27)

There are no Gentile Nations bound by any other Law than the New Testament covenant of Christ Jesus, as Jew and Gentile became one within a nation called Spiritual Israel. (Gal. 3:28-29)....there are no Jews or Gentiles, Male or Female, Free or Slave all are one and heirs to the promises made to Father Abraham. Biblical Israel has not existed on the earth since 70 AD.

The entire governing system of the United States of America is based upon English Law as provided via Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England. Blackstone was the cornerstone of American Jurisprudence until.......the liberals of the 20th century corrupted it by propagating Secular Humanism and using the Court System to dictate law from the bench and politically appointed Self Professing geniuses in the 115 bureaucratic agencies that make law void of the people's representation (Congress....).
The Law and the Prophets......including all Jewish laws based upon Jewish custom applied only to one nation on earth. "Biblical Israel". (Deut. 5:2-3) The Law would be replaced by a A spiritual Law residing in the heart of those who serve God as foretold by the prophet Jer. 31:31-34.....unlike the Law of Moses. Jesus FULFILLED THE LAW and PROPHETS (Matthew 5:17-19) The law was nailed to the cross of Jesus Christ, ( Col. 2:14 ) Jesus declared the Kingdom of God now resides within the Christian ( Luke 17:21 ). Spiritual Israel and New Jerusalem exist in the Spiritual Kingdom of Heaven serving the Father after the final judgment in........the abode of God. Jerusalem is mentioned as both a physical city and a spiritual city that is free (Gal. 4:26). In ( 2 Chron. 6:6 ) Jerusalem refers to the place where God is worshiped. Spiritual Jerusalem is where the Christian Nation will serve the Father forever. ( Rev. 21:9-27)

There are no Gentile Nations bound by any other Law than the New Testament covenant of Christ Jesus, as Jew and Gentile became one within a nation called Spiritual Israel. (Gal. 3:28-29)....there are no Jews or Gentiles, Male or Female, Free or Slave all are one and heirs to the promises made to Father Abraham. Biblical Israel has not existed on the earth since 70 AD.

The entire governing system of the United States of America is based upon English Law as provided via Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England. Blackstone was the cornerstone of American Jurisprudence until.......the liberals of the 20th century corrupted it by propagating Secular Humanism and using the Court System to dictate law from the bench and politically appointed Self Professing geniuses in the 115 bureaucratic agencies that make law void of the people's representation (Congress....).
Thank you for posting all of that really good information about the old law v. the new law. You are correct in what you are saying.

However, the only problem with it is that the "Law of Birth" is not apart of the Old Law because it was given by God way before the Old Law was ever presented to Moses. The Law of Birth, God gave to us all in Exodus chapter13:12, and it stands alone outside of the Old Law which was not given to Moses until Exodus chapter 24:12.

The law of Birth can never ever be done away with.

Exodus 13:12
That thou shalt set apart unto the Lord all that openeth the matrix (womb), and every firstling that cometh of a beast which thou hast; the males shall be the Lord's.
Thank you for posting all of that really good information about the old law v. the new law. You are correct in what you are saying.

However, the only problem with it is that the "Law of Birth" is not apart of the Old Law because it was given by God way before the Old Law was ever presented to Moses. The Law of Birth, God gave to us all in Exodus chapter13:12, and it stands alone outside of the Old Law which was not given to Moses until Exodus chapter 24:12.

The law of Birth can never ever be done away with.

Exodus 13:12
That thou shalt set apart unto the Lord all that openeth the matrix (womb), and every firstling that cometh of a beast which thou hast; the males shall be the Lord's.
You attempting to apply a Custom established by Moses in demanding that the first born MALE BEAST be presented to God as a sacrifice. Just what do you assume........"that cometh of a beast which THOU HAST......" means? The book of Exodus was written by Moses as the central figure of the entire declared by Jesus Christ (Mark 12:26).........When Jesus is quoting from Ex. 3:6

We no longer offer our first born Beasts as burnt offerings sacrificed to God. The Blood of Christ covers the sins of the World. "For if the blood of bulls and goats, and the ashes of an heifer sprinkling the unclean, sanctifieth to the purifying of the flesh: How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without spot to God.......purge you...........?" -- Heb. 9:13-14

All other covenants (past/historical), to include the Covenant of Adam, the Covenant of Abraham and the Covenant of Moses was nailed to the cross of Jesus Christ. There has been 3 major covenants/contracts/agreements between God and man, Abraham, Moses, and Christ Jesus. The covenant of Christ Jesus ushered in the "Last Days" of mankind, (Acts 2:17) meaning the New Testament Covenant of Jesus Christ is the last and final covenant between God and man. Abraham's covenant was fulfilled when God delivered all that was promised to Abraham............leaving no promise that was not fulfilled, except the promise of Abraham's seed becoming the greatest nation on earth by numbers......this promise is still ongoing with each new person that is baptized into the Christian Nation through Jesus Christ, all of mankind can be heir to this promise simply by becoming a Christian (Gal. 3:28-29).

God made a series of promises to Abraham (Gen. 12:1-3, 15:18). There were 3 basic elements to those promises. Land, A Nation, with Abraham's seed becoming a blessing to all nations (Jesus Christ was and is that seed of Abraham (Gal. 3:16). The scriptures teach that God has kept His promises to Abraham (Heb. 3:13-18). God fulfilled the promise of land when He gave to Abraham's descendants the land of Canaan (Ex. 6:4-8l, Deut. 1:6-8). God multiplied Abraham's seed as promised while Abraham's descendants were still in captivity in the Land of Egypt...........God had told Jacob........this would happen while Abraham's descendants were in Egypt, the population increased greatly (Gen. 46:3, Ex. 1:7). God was faithful in keeping His promises to Abraham......and declared that not one good promise went unfulfilled.........all that was promised had been fulfilled save the seed of Abraham being a blessing to All Nations on earth (Jos. 21:43-45)
You attempting to apply a Custom established by Moses in demanding that the first born MALE BEAST be presented to God as a sacrifice. Just what do you assume........"that cometh of a beast which THOU HAST......" means? The book of Exodus was written by Moses as the central figure of the entire declared by Jesus Christ (Mark 12:26).........When Jesus is quoting from Ex. 3:6

We no longer offer our first born Beasts as burnt offerings sacrificed to God. The Blood of Christ covers the sins of the World. "For if the blood of bulls and goats, and the ashes of an heifer sprinkling the unclean, sanctifieth to the purifying of the flesh: How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without spot to God.......purge you...........?" -- Heb. 9:13-14

All other covenants (past/historical), to include the Covenant of Adam, the Covenant of Abraham and the Covenant of Moses was nailed to the cross of Jesus Christ. There has been 3 major covenants/contracts/agreements between God and man, Abraham, Moses, and Christ Jesus. The covenant of Christ Jesus ushered in the "Last Days" of mankind, (Acts 2:17) meaning the New Testament Covenant of Jesus Christ is the last and final covenant between God and man. Abraham's covenant was fulfilled when God delivered all that was promised to Abraham............leaving no promise that was not fulfilled, except the promise of Abraham's seed becoming the greatest nation on earth by numbers......this promise is still ongoing with each new person that is baptized into the Christian Nation through Jesus Christ, all of mankind can be heir to this promise simply by becoming a Christian (Gal. 3:28-29).

God made a series of promises to Abraham (Gen. 12:1-3, 15:18). There were 3 basic elements to those promises. Land, A Nation, with Abraham's seed becoming a blessing to all nations (Jesus Christ was and is that seed of Abraham (Gal. 3:16). The scriptures teach that God has kept His promises to Abraham (Heb. 3:13-18). God fulfilled the promise of land when He gave to Abraham's descendants the land of Canaan (Ex. 6:4-8l, Deut. 1:6-8). God multiplied Abraham's seed as promised while Abraham's descendants were still in captivity in the Land of Egypt...........God had told Jacob........this would happen while Abraham's descendants were in Egypt, the population increased greatly (Gen. 46:3, Ex. 1:7). God was faithful in keeping His promises to Abraham......and declared that not one good promise went unfulfilled.........all that was promised had been fulfilled save the seed of Abraham being a blessing to All Nations on earth (Jos. 21:43-45)
It has absolutely NOTHING to do with Moses.

God spoke this way before he gave Moses the old law.

Both the law of birth and the Ten Commandments were both given way before Moses received the Old Law. Neither the Law of Birth nor the Ten Commandments are part of the Old Law as they were given way before the old law. It is nothing to do with Moses- process that.
It has absolutely NOTHING to do with Moses.

God spoke this way before he gave Moses the old law.

Both the law of birth and the Ten Commandments were both given way before Moses received the Old Law. Neither the Law of Birth nor the Ten Commandments are part of the Old Law as they were given way before the old law. It is nothing to do with Moses- process that.
If you continue to offer your firstborn as some sacrifice to make the Blood of Jesus Christ null and void. Nothing to do with Moses? Moses is the author of the Book of Exodus, that's all. Without Moses, just how would know this history in the first place if not recorded by Moses? All scripture is inspired by the same God of Creation (2 Tim. 3:16-17) You can't cherry pick scripture away from its content, subject matter and context. Clearly the passage you referenced was speaking of ANIMAL SACRIFICES ........not the first born human. Why did God require the sacrifice of a BEAST to demonstrate faith? Because God stayed the hand of Abraham in sacrificing his son at the alter and informed Abraham that the blood of Beasts would stand in as sacrifice in the place of his son. (Genesis 22:1-14)

Just what part of Jesus Christ being the "First and Only Born of God the Father" (John 3:16) do you fail to comprehend? Jesus Fulfilled the requirement of the Law's demand to offer the firstborn BEAST as a sacrifice. "God so loved the world that He gave His ONLY BEGOTTEN SON to stand in as the perfect spotless sacrifice for the sins of the World". (Hebrews 9:13-14, 1 John 2:2) God's sacrifice of His only Begotten Son reflects the mirror image of Abraham proving his faith by offering His son at the alter.........whereas God stayed the hand of Abraham........God, literally sacrificed His Son (Jesus) to stand in as sin for the entire world. Abraham proved his faith by offering his son............God proved His love of mankind by providing HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN as the perfect lamb of God (John 1:29, 1:36).

Fact: the entire sacrificial system established in the Old Testament by the God of creation (Isa. 53:10) set the stage for the coming of Jesus Christ, who is the perfect sacrifice God would provide as atonement for the sins of His faithful (Romans 8:3, Hebrews 10)

Today.......animal sacrifices are no longer required to roll sin over from season to season, Jesus fulfilled that requirement, ".........He has appeared ONCE FOR ALL (forever and ever) at the end of the age (Acts 2....the last days, beginning in the 1st century AD) TO PUT AWAY SIN BY THE SACRIFICE OF HIMSELF......" -- Hebrews 9:26

If you attempt to justify your faith by requiring just one part of the Old Laws and Customs in the history of the Judeo/Christian must practice ALL or be found guilty of breaking all. The history of the Judeo/Christian faith is used as our Schoolmaster, to study, in order not to make the same mistakes as those found in its history (Gal. 3:11-29) This schoolmaster proves that Jesus Christ was and is the Messiah of Prophecy. When you accept this no longer require a schoolmaster, you live by faith and grace.

God would have no man lost but would hope that everyone be saved by coming to the knowledge of this truth (1 Tim. 2:4)
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If you continue to offer your firstborn as some sacrifice to make the Blood of Jesus Christ null and void. Nothing to do with Moses? Moses is the author of the Book of Exodus, that's all. Without Moses, just how would know this history in the first place if not recorded by Moses? All scripture is inspired by the same God of Creation (2 Tim. 3:16-17) You can't cherry pick scripture away from its content, subject matter and context. Clearly the passage you referenced was speaking of ANIMAL SACRIFICES ........not the first born human. Why did God require the sacrifice of a BEAST to demonstrate faith? Because God stayed the hand of Abraham in sacrificing his son at the alter and informed Abraham that the blood of Beasts would stand in as sacrifice in the place of his son. (Genesis 22:1-14)

Just what part of Jesus Christ being the "First and Only Born of God the Father" (John 3:16) do you fail to comprehend? Jesus Fulfilled the requirement of the Law's demand to offer the firstborn BEAST as a sacrifice. "God so loved the world that He gave His ONLY BEGOTTEN SON to stand in as the perfect spotless sacrifice for the sins of the World". (Hebrews 9:13-14, 1 John 2:2) God's sacrifice of His only Begotten Son reflects the mirror image of Abraham proving his faith by offering His son at the alter.........whereas God stayed the hand of Abraham........God, literally sacrificed His Son (Jesus) to stand in as sin for the entire world. Abraham proved his faith by offering his son............God proved His love of mankind by providing HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN as the perfect lamb of God (John 1:29, 1:36).

Fact: the entire sacrificial system established in the Old Testament by the God of creation (Isa. 53:10) set the stage for the coming of Jesus Christ, who is the perfect sacrifice God would provide as atonement for the sins of His faithful (Romans 8:3, Hebrews 10)

Today.......animal sacrifices are no longer required to roll sin over from season to season, Jesus fulfilled that requirement, ".........He has appeared ONCE FOR ALL (forever and ever) at the end of the age (Acts 2....the last days, beginning in the 1st century AD) TO PUT AWAY SIN BY THE SACRIFICE OF HIMSELF......" -- Hebrews 9:26

If you attempt to justify your faith by requiring just one part of the Old Laws and Customs in the history of the Judeo/Christian must practice ALL or be found guilty of breaking all. The history of the Judeo/Christian faith is used as our Schoolmaster, to study, in order not to make the same mistakes as those found in its history (Gal. 3:11-29) This schoolmaster proves that Jesus Christ was and is the Messiah of Prophecy. When you accept this no longer require a schoolmaster, you live by faith and grace.

God would have no man lost but would hope that everyone be saved by coming to the knowledge of this truth (1 Tim. 2:4)
Once again....
The Law of Birth which has nothing to do with offering a dead child to God.

Exodus 13:12 That thou shalt set apart unto the Lord all that openeth the matrix (womb), and every firstling that cometh of a beast which thou hast; the males shall be the Lord's.

You're confusing "set apart" with offerings and sacrifices of the Old Law. We saw this done by Hannah who was the second wife to Elkanah. She was barren but prayed to God year after year for a child. The Lord granted her request and gave her Samuel, the gift-child she offered back to Him. Samuel became a great prophet and judge over Israel.

1 Samuel 1:21 When her husband Elkanah went up with all his family to offer the annual sacrifice to the Lord and to fulfill his vow, 22 Hannah did not go. She said to her husband, “After the boy is weaned, I will take him and present him before the Lord, and he will live there always.
Once again....
The Law of Birth which has nothing to do with offering a dead child to God.

Exodus 13:12 That thou shalt set apart unto the Lord all that openeth the matrix (womb), and every firstling that cometh of a beast which thou hast; the males shall be the Lord's.

You're confusing "set apart" with offerings and sacrifices of the Old Law. We saw this done by Hannah who was the second wife to Elkanah. She was barren but prayed to God year after year for a child. The Lord granted her request and gave her Samuel, the gift-child she offered back to Him. Samuel became a great prophet and judge over Israel.

1 Samuel 1:21 When her husband Elkanah went up with all his family to offer the annual sacrifice to the Lord and to fulfill his vow, 22 Hannah did not go. She said to her husband, “After the boy is weaned, I will take him and present him before the Lord, and he will live there always.

No parent can offer a child to God..........each person, father and son...etc. are responsible for their own sins or lack thereof. This is much akin to the RCC attempting to baptize an infant for sins not yet child can sin until they reach the age of reason to know right from wrong in a premeditated fashion. Does an infant actually comprehend why someone is throwing water on its face? :no_text11:

You are attempting to apply Old Testament Custom to the New Testament of Jesus Christ. Its clear that no parent can dedicate their child to serve God, "The soul who sins shall die. The SON SHALL NOT BEAR THE GUILT OF THE FATHER, NOR THE FATHER THE GUILT OF THE SON. The righteousness of the righteous shall be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked upon himself." -- Ez. 18:20

The Old Testament in its entirety is simply a historical record.......with non application to the New Testament Covenant of Jesus Christ save.........the eternally righteous laws of God, i.e, the 10 commandments. All the commandments are carried forward into the New Law, except sabbath worship which was nailed to the cross of Jesus Christ. ( Col. 2)

All men, from Adam to Moses were under a sentence of death as there was no law of atonement prior to the Law of Moses. All men are sentenced to die because of the sin of one man, Adam. The atonement for All Mean came because of One Man, Christ Jesus. "Therefore just as through one man sin entered the world, and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men, BECAUSE ALL MEN SIN (not because of some dedication sacrifice to God)..........FOR UNTIL THE LAW (of Moses) sin was in the world, but sin is not imputed where there is no law. Nevertheless, death reigned from Adam to Moses, EVEN OVER THOSE WHO HAD NOT SINNED ACCORDING TO THE LIKENESS OF THE TRANSGRESSION OF ADAM, WHO IS A TYPE OF HIM WHO WAS TO COME." -- Romans 5:12-14

There is a reason that Jesus Christ went to Hades for 3 days after His death, the realm of the dead.....the grave, for all those awaiting final judgment) There was no atonement for Sin prior to Jesus Christ......the blood of Jesus historically flows backwards as well as forward. Jesus preached to the righteous dead in Hades (not hell but hades, the grave). Jesus' Spirit/Soul went to Hades to preach to the Spirits awaiting judgment while His body remained in the tomb for 3 days (1 Peter 3:19)
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No parent can offer a child to God..........each person, father and son...etc. are responsible for their own sins or lack thereof. This is much akin to the RCC attempting to baptize an infant for sins not yet child can sin until they reach the age of reason to know right from wrong in a premeditated fashion. Does an infant actually comprehend why someone is throwing water on its
No parent can offer a child to God..........each person, father and son...etc. are responsible for their own sins or lack thereof. This is much akin to the RCC attempting to baptize an infant for sins not yet child can sin until they reach the age of reason to know right from wrong in a premeditated fashion. Does an infant actually comprehend why someone is throwing water on

You are attempting to apply Old Testament Custom to the New Testament of Jesus Christ. Its clear that no parent can dedicate their child to serve God, "The soul who sins shall die.
You being silly now- I'm done with this.
You being silly now- I'm done with this. can't match wits with the Holy Spirit inspired Scriptures. "All scripture is inspired by the God of Creation" -- 2 Tim. 3:16 And is good for doctrine, correction, teaching, for REPROOF, training in righteousness........totally equipping those who read and study for good works." (Vs 17). Attempting to offer your first born as some token sacrifice at the supposed alter of not a good work, even if its symbolic in nature.......its paganism. The God of creation needs nothing from man. (Acts 17:25-31
Passover is a celebration of God killing all the first born children in every household in Egypt. Apparently God was okay with murdering children as long as they weren't being sacrificed to other gods.
Passover is a celebration of God killing all the first born children in every household in Egypt. Apparently God was okay with murdering children as long as they weren't being sacrificed to other gods.
All Children go to heaven (Deut. 1:39)...........God is OK in dishing out righteous justice. The death of Egypt's first born rests entirely as Pharaoh's fault. The Pharaoh ordered the midwives to kill all of the Hebrew's baby boys. (Exodus 1:15-22)

What would be better.....allowing the children of these pagan false gods to grow to maturity and face the final judgment as unrepentant sinners? God did not kill the first born of was the "Destroyer" that came because of the defiance of Pharaoh who had every chance to save the children. Pharaoh did not have faith as did the Hebrews who believed God when He informed them to mark their doors with the blood of a sacrifical lamb in order to save their first born.........he did not believe that God would lose such as the destroyer of life on Egypt's firstborn. Death is the destroyer.........God allowed death to take the Pharaoh's children while protecting the children of the Hebrews.

Innocent children die everyday around the world.........the destroyer of life is still practicing his trade even today. Why? Mankind has been under the curse of sin/death since Adam brought sin into the world.
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