thing is that mrobama brought them in purposely to mess up Americas demographics .
--------------------------------------------------- and thats the same reason that 'jebito bush' wants all the mexicans or third world people in the USA .

No. Jeb wants them here cause his corporate pals pay him a fortune in bribes to support illegals.
--------------------------------------- thing is the 'jebito bush' might as well be mexican , see his entire family from mexican wife to drug using mexican kids . 'jebito bush' wants as many mex types as he can get embedded in the USA so as to vote for his mex kid that is ' jorge bush' that is already a politician in Texas Shoots .
Correct me if I'm wrong, but as I understand it, these are children brought to the country by their parents. What crimes did the children commit?
Remaining as adults who know better. That is their crime.
So, a six year old commits a crime by living with his/her parents who came here illegally ten years ago?
Returning him to the country where he is a citizen is not a punishment.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but as I understand it, these are children brought to the country by their parents. What crimes did the children commit?
Remaining as adults who know better. That is their crime.
So, a six year old commits a crime by living with his/her parents who came here illegally ten years ago?
Returning him to the country where he is a citizen is not a punishment.
He is a citizen of the US, because his parents were here four years when he was born. What is this child to do if his parents are deported to a country the child knows nothing about and he has no direct family here? Is he to be placed in foster care? Put yourself in the kid's place.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but as I understand it, these are children brought to the country by their parents. What crimes did the children commit?
Remaining as adults who know better. That is their crime.
So, a six year old commits a crime by living with his/her parents who came here illegally ten years ago?
Returning him to the country where he is a citizen is not a punishment.
He is a citizen of the US, because his parents were here four years when he was born. What is this child to do if his parents are deported to a country the child knows nothing about and he has no direct family here? Is he to be placed in foster care? Put yourself in the kid's place.
------------------------------ feck the kid , i suppose that the kid would go with his parents same as many American kids go with their parents when they went to different areas of the USA for better jobs . Heck my DAD was offered a job in Australia , what could i do if he had decided to be an 'aussie' rather than the superior American MHansen .
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But Trump isn't a politician, and does have a heart. His conscience will struggle with uprooting a generational family whose children have no tie to Mexico.

What about the american taxpayer? Is it fair to force us to provide welfare and free health care and free schooling for 40 million losers who have no legal right to be here?

No, it's not fair. Self sufficiency should be another consideration.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but as I understand it, these are children brought to the country by their parents. What crimes did the children commit?
Remaining as adults who know better. That is their crime.
So, a six year old commits a crime by living with his/her parents who came here illegally ten years ago?
Returning him to the country where he is a citizen is not a punishment.
He is a citizen of the US, because his parents were here four years when he was born. What is this child to do if his parents are deported to a country the child knows nothing about and he has no direct family here? Is he to be placed in foster care? Put yourself in the kid's place.
Something his parents should've thought of before they did it.
[So, a six year old commits a crime by living with his/her parents who came here illegally ten years ago?

These "dreamers" have no way to prove they were brought here by their parents. All illegals have learned to say they were.
[He is a citizen of the US, because his parents were here four years when he was born. What is this child to do if his parents are deported to a country the child knows nothing about and he has no direct family here? Is he to be placed in foster care? Put yourself in the kid's place.

Tough for the kid. You keep talking about how unfair it is to send the kid to mexico when he's never been there but OTOH it's unfair to the american taxpayer to let the kid and his family stay here collecting welfare and bankrupting our schools and hospitals.
The fact is that a President has discretion in deciding who is deported. A President can decide not to deport children who were brought here by their parents. There is nothing anyone can do about it.
So, a six year old commits a crime by living with his/her parents who came here illegally ten years ago?

No, he'd be a US citizen...
entitled to all the rights and benefits that come with citizenship.
The fact is that a President has discretion in deciding who is deported. A President can decide not to deport children who were brought here by their parents. There is nothing anyone can do about it.

And a future president can un-decide it. No Congress passed the Dream Act, not even the Dems when they had the chance.
We don't need new 'comprehensive' immigration law - we need comprehensive enforcement, and the border security as called for in the immigration law we already have...then the issue of those already here can be addressed legislatively.

The timing of Obama's xo is suspicious, at least to the cynical side of me. He had the opportunity and the votes to pass it but didn't even try - saved it for an election year. Cowardly or conniving, I don't kno. However, going beyond the hype on both sides - the parameters for eligibility are narrow. Age, length of time in the US, payment of a fee, clean record, enrollment in school, documentation...etc. It's a 2 year, renewable deferment from deportation as well as a work permit. It is a program limited in scope with a built in expiration date.

So for one side - no, tens of millions and newer arrivals are not eligible, and it doesn't confer citizenship. For the other side - infants are not being snatched from their mothers arms, these are teenagers and young adults, in US schools or with a diploma from a US school, stayed out of trouble, who have always been at very low risk of deportation...obviously. To those who claim the parents have contributed to taxes - probably not as much as the annual per student cost of education.

Think further - many of these kids have been in the country most of their lives, through several administrations - and have not been subjected to deportation.

We cannot deal with the issue of illegals already here until we have border security, and nationwide compliance with federal law...or it will be 1986 all over again and that dented can will continue to be kicked down the road.
The fact is that a President has discretion in deciding who is deported. A President can decide not to deport children who were brought here by their parents. There is nothing anyone can do about it.

Really? What law or section of the constitution gives him the authority to give illegals a certificate saying they are allowed to break the law??? To must people that is brazen obstruction of justice.

The constitution does say that one of the duties of the president is to "take care that the laws be faithfully executed".
So, a six year old commits a crime by living with his/her parents who came here illegally ten years ago?

No, he'd be a US citizen...
entitled to all the rights and benefits that come with citizenship.

The constitution does not say that . Nor does any law. Birthright citizenship was invented by the courts and they are not allowed to do that.

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