What is the limit of inflation in Karachi


VIP Member
Mar 4, 2011
Karachi, Pakistan
What is the limit of inflation in Karachi

I want to drawn attention of Commissioner of Karachi in order to control the prices of kitchen items which is increasing day by day very regret and dis-appointment on other hand petrol prices reduce than what reason inflation is rising and concern authority COMMISSIONER OF KARACHI look help less or no courage to control the prices and reduce the inflation.

More shameful are those traders who are rising prices of Ghee, Oil, Sugar, Pulses, Tea and other useful kitchen items which are increasing trend but why prices are increasing when fuel prices are reduce. It means Pakistan is the only country where the greedy traders increasing prices according to their wishes and no authority can control them or keep an eye for those who are over charging, must fine those greedy traders those who are responsible are over charging in which only salaried or low income group are badly hit.

I request to Commissioner of Karachi to strictly enforce their prices to sale in wholesale or retail and those who are over charging must be fine and expose them so other traders do not dare to over charge.

It is only a sweet dream when inflation will down perhaps it will achieve when NAWAZ SHARIF elected 4th time PM or possible in New Pakistan when PTI Imran Khan will be PM, than what are our politician doing to control the inflation, if they are not doing any work for the betterment of common people to relief them from inflation than no people will remember them when they are not in power or die.

Before to late please do some special thing to control the prices so every common citizen of Pakistan must be benefited.

Thanking You.

Yours faithfully

( Ashfaq Sharif )

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