What is the main way the Democrats cheated to win the election?

Irrelevant. Had the news been reported, rather than suppressed, Trump would have won. The Dems knew that, and that’s why they violated the 1st Amendment to suppress the story.
Like this?

Breaking news: Hunter Biden can't remember where he left his laptop
disagree wholeheartedly. They kept the count going as long as neccessary to get enough BS mail in ballots added in to overcome in the final 5-6 targeted (needed) States.

They were going to manufacture this invalid victory no matter what it took. Knowing the Courts would not allow any look into it. No Signatures exposed, no ballots examined for folds in GA, no tabulation of Biden only votes, no Military breakdown (hand-entered), no ballot accounting (ordered, used, remaining). All purposely vauge or stalled or denied by Courts or corrupt Politicians such as MCBOS, rat-kemp etc.

p.s. See post #48 above
So what’s to stop the cheats from doing the same thing? We can all go to bed with Trump or DeSantis way ahead, and wake up to learn that they’ve decided to continue counting mail-in ballots for as many more days as needed to truck in harvested ballots marked for the Dem.
Interesting claim

Democrats have warehouses full of fake ballots ready to stuff into ballot boxes

Problem is there is no generic ballot with just Trump or Biden on it.
Every polling district has a unique ballot with not just the President but Congress, Governor, local politicians, dog catcher
If a poling district receives more ballots than it has registered voters then alarms are set off
Also ballots are bar coded to a specific registered voter and signature
So what’s to stop the cheats from doing the same thing? We can all go to bed with Trump or DeSantis way ahead, and wake up to learn that they’ve decided to continue counting mail-in ballots for as many more days as needed to truck in harvested ballots marked for the Dem.
You go to bed however you want. The count continues until all the ballots are counted. That’s how it has always worked
So what’s to stop the cheats from doing the same thing? We can all go to bed with Trump or DeSantis way ahead, and wake up to learn that they’ve decided to continue counting mail-in ballots for as many more days as needed to truck in harvested ballots marked for the Dem.
What’s to stop election boards from doing the same thing? What same thing? Counting votes?! Y’all are beyond brainwashed
B. They offered their OPINION that the whole thing sounded like Russian propaganda. Mixing fact and fiction to make something look more important and factual than it actually is.

The news media keeps trying to stifle Nigerian princes from asking people for help.
Irrelevant. Had the news been reported, rather than suppressed, Trump would have won. The Dems knew that, and that’s why they violated the 1st Amendment to suppress the story.

You mean like how if the FBI didn't publicly announce they were investigating Hillary, she would have won?
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So what’s to stop the cheats from doing the same thing? We can all go to bed with Trump or DeSantis way ahead, and wake up to learn that they’ve decided to continue counting mail-in ballots for as many more days as needed to truck in harvested ballots marked for the Dem.
Veterans mail in ballots come in late, and are counted late.

Voters can send the mail in ballots until the last day of voting, which will be November 5th, 2024

ALL of those ballots, Republicans, Democrats, Independent, etc will be counted after November 5th, as they ALWAYS are. It has never been any different, and one cannot understand why you keep alleging something else then what ALWAYS happens.
Fraudulent mail in ballots dumped into the system by the corrupt shit bags running the elections in the large blue cities.

I mean we literally saw video of them dismissing Republican watchers and pulling suitcases of Biden ballots out and scanning them.

They of course used every technique available. Ballot harvesting. Going to retirement homes and nursing homes and filling out their ballots for them. Digital manipulation to bump up the vote count on election night, then dumping the necessary extra ballots in after.

Thanks for explaining how Trump managed to get as many votes as he got.
So what’s to stop the cheats from doing the same thing? We can all go to bed with Trump or DeSantis way ahead, and wake up to learn that they’ve decided to continue counting mail-in ballots for as many more days as needed to truck in harvested ballots marked for the Dem.

So what’s to stop the cheats from doing the same thing? We can all go to bed with Trump or DeSantis way ahead, and wake up to learn that they’ve decided to continue counting mail-in ballots for as many more days as needed to truck in harvested ballots marked for the Dem.
Have you ever watched track and field. The guy in the outside lane starts out beating everybody else.

And then almost always loses.

Shame on you, AGAIN.

Keep lying to satisfy your inability to accept facts when facts are provided.
I suspect we'll just need to be patient. Look at the history of cults (that survive): People can't be attracted out with traditional reason, but they do slowly wake up over time. That creates a momentum, and then you start getting more detailed stories about why and how they were so lost in it.

I'm looking forward to finding out how many of them knew the rigged election farce was real, and how many just went along with the tribe.
Fraudulent mail in ballots dumped into the system by the corrupt shit bags running the elections in the large blue cities.

I mean we literally saw video of them dismissing Republican watchers and pulling suitcases of Biden ballots out and scanning them.

They of course used every technique available. Ballot harvesting. Going to retirement homes and nursing homes and filling out their ballots for them. Digital manipulation to bump up the vote count on election night, then dumping the necessary extra ballots in after.
You don’t give it a test do you?! Even after your BS gets debunked.

There were no suitcases. They were normal ballot containers. Stop parroting the Hannity BS you’re fed.

And why are you complaining about watchers being dismissed when the whole thing was videoed?! We can watch the video. Watchers leaving is a non-issue. You're whining about nothing. Grow up
Irrelevant. Had the news been reported, rather than suppressed, Trump would have won. The Dems knew that, and that’s why they violated the 1st Amendment to suppress the story.
If it was suppressed, good. These acts by a non entity should be irrelevant. However, y'all pick this to hang your hat on, like grade schoolers. What a joke. If the Dems had gone after trump's kids, who did much worse than Hunter's indiscretions ......oh well. Concentrate on the person and not the party he or she belongs to. Hunter and trump's kids are bad eggs.
Granted, there are lots of ways the Democrats cheated, but the single-most way was when 51 intelligence officers colluded with social media to block the 1st amendment rights of conservatives and thus suppress the Biden laptop story. Had that been reported, enough Biden voters would have NOT voted for him (surveys have shown as many as 15%), and Trump would have won.

Your thoughts?

One lie after another.....


they were private citizen's and WERE NOT working in or for our government.

and they NEVER claimed in their opinion piece/letter that IT WAS Russian operatives....

they said, there were signs to them, that IT COULD BE disinformation from the Russians.

and it is NOT ILLEGAL OR CHEATING OR Fraud or the GOVERNMENT WEAPONIZATION for these citizens to have an opinion or to campaign for Biden...

TRUMP and Giuliani and Bannon last minute political OCTOBER SURPRISE against Trump's opponent failed because they rushed it, through the tabloid the N.Y. POST instead of letting the Wall Street Journal, who they initially picked to get and exclusively write the lap top story do the story.

And the N.Y. POST's fault for not letting the lap top files be released to the media so they could vet it and give legitimacy to it...And their story....which made it appear to be illegitimate and just another Trump and Giuliani scam.
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If it was suppressed, good. These acts by a non entity should be irrelevant. However, y'all pick this to hang your hat on, like grade schoolers. What a joke. If the Dems had gone after trump's kids, who did much worse than Hunter's indiscretions ......oh well. Concentrate on the person and not the party he or she belongs to. Hunter and trump's kids are bad eggs.
The other side of the coin.

If Trumps taxes had not been suppressed, Biden would have won by an even bigger landslide. A victory so big, nobody would claim election fraud.
OMG. Of course there was suppression of it. Did you read the letter in which 51 intelligence officers, knowing the laptop story was TRUE, lied to social media and called it Russian disinformation?

And the judge ruled it a violation of Americans’ 1sr Amendment rights.
More than 50 former intelligence officials said emails alleged to have been found on a laptop belonging to Hunter Biden show signs of a Russian disinformation operation.

Several of the signers have endorsed Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden,according to Politico, which first reported the letter. The letter states that its signers do not have new information about the emails and their authenticity.

“We want to emphasize that we do not know if the emails, provided to the New York Post by President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, are genuine or not and that we do not have evidence of Russian involvement — just that our experience makes us deeply suspicious that the Russian government played a significant role in this case,” the letter, released Monday, states.

“If we are right, this is Russia trying to influence how Americans vote in this election, and we believe strongly that Americans need to be aware of this,” the signers added.

The letter is signed by both former Trump administration and former Obama administration officials, including former CIA directors John Brennan, who served under Obama and has battled with President Trump,and Leon Panetta, who also served under Obama.

Former National Counterterrorism Center acting Director Russ Travers, who served under Trump, and former National Security Agency general counsel Glenn Gerstell, who served in that roll from 2015 to 2020 under Obama and Trump, also signed the letter.

Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe said Monday that his office does not consider the contents of the laptop “part of some Russian disinformation campaign,” but the FBI is reportedly investigating the possibility.

While the New York Post has stood by its initial reporting of the emails, a New York Times story published Sunday said several Post reporters were concerned about the accuracy of the story and did not want their bylines on it.

Giuliani suggested he took the material to the Post because other outlets wanted to verify its authenticity,
telling the Times “either nobody else would take it, or if they took it, they would spend all the time they could to try to contradict it before they put it out.”

Fraudulent mail in ballots dumped into the system by the corrupt shit bags running the elections in the large blue cities.

I mean we literally saw video of them dismissing Republican watchers and pulling suitcases of Biden ballots out and scanning them.

They of course used every technique available. Ballot harvesting. Going to retirement homes and nursing homes and filling out their ballots for them. Digital manipulation to bump up the vote count on election night, then dumping the necessary extra ballots in after.
During the 2018 midterm election, GOP ballot harvester Leslie McCrae Dowless handed Mark Harris an election night victory. The Republican Party’s apparent win was quickly snatched away, however, as members of the Dowless-Harris team quickly fessed up to illegally collecting ballots. In North Carolina, only designated relatives are allowed to collect another voter’s absentee ballots.

Allegations and evidence quickly piled up that not only were ballots unlawfully harvested in the first place, but some of those local Republican operatives also altered ballots and destroyed them when the choices couldn’t be flipped from Democrat to Republican. Local county boards refused to certify the results. At least one county board’s results were overturned. In the end, the state board of elections refused to certify the race and a new election was held.

After all that, Tarheel voters did return a Republican to Congress.

Of more recent vintage is a similar set of shenanigans that allegedly occurred in Florida earlier this year.

According to the New York Times, Cheryl Hall is a stalwart supporter of President Donald Trump and an apparatchik working for a dark money group directly connected to the president’s 2020 campaign manager. That group, Florida First Inc., is part of a $20 million effort to register Republican voters for the fall election.

Florida First doesn’t advise employees to alter voter registration information, but according to Sunshine State election authorities, that’s exactly what Hall did. In early March, she was slapped with 10 felony charges after allegedly switching the party-affiliations of 10 Independents and Democrats to Republicans. And she’s suspected of improperly filling out registrations for some 100 additional voters.

In the interest of fairness to McDaniel, Law&Crime has also reported on Democratic fraud as well.

Onetime Southfield, Michigan city clerk Sherikia L. Hawkins was charged with six felony counts related to election fraud in September 2019. Initial reports were vague as to what occurred but the eventual release of an affidavit cleared things up about Hawkins’ alleged effforts.

“There were no races that were won or lost as a result, and there were no voters that were disenfranchised,” Michigan Secretary of State Joceyln Benson said during a press conference. “All valid votes in the election were ultimately counted, and the final official vote total was accurate.”
I suspect we'll just need to be patient. Look at the history of cults (that survive): People can't be attracted out with traditional reason, but they do slowly wake up over time. That creates a momentum, and then you start getting more detailed stories about why and how they were so lost in it.

I'm looking forward to finding out how many of them knew the rigged election farce was real, and how many just went along with the tribe.

Yeah, but often they don't wake up before drinking the Kool-aid or igniting the Coleman fuel.

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