What is the main way the Democrats cheated to win the election?

I said the main thing was social media’s suppression of the Hunter laptop story, done under the direction of the U.S. intelligence officers. That is a violation of the 1st Amendment, and turned the election.
But you really have no proof that there was a suppression of it. What there probably went on is there was nothing to see, as nothing from the laptop came out, BY the Trump administration DOJ, because there was really nothing there, as there continues to be NOTHING there to this day.
I said the main thing was social media’s suppression of the Hunter laptop story, done under the direction of the U.S. intelligence officers. That is a violation of the 1st Amendment, and turned the election.

Exactly correct. It is a well known fact the FBI employed the unstoppable method of the Vulcan mind meld on employees at Twitter and Facebook to force them to do the FBI's bidding.


Poor folks never stood a chance.
But you really have no proof that there was a suppression of it. What there probably went on is there was nothing to see, as nothing from the laptop came out, BY the Trump administration DOJ, because there was really nothing there, as there continues to be NOTHING there to this day.
OMG. Of course there was suppression of it. Did you read the letter in which 51 intelligence officers, knowing the laptop story was TRUE, lied to social media and called it Russian disinformation?

And the judge ruled it a violation of Americans’ 1sr Amendment rights.
What this thread is revealing is how ignorant and how much in denial the leftists are. We have our work cut out for us getting information out to the voting public during the 2024 election and fight back against suppression of the truth.
Granted, there are lots of ways the Democrats cheated, but the single-most way was when 51 intelligence officers colluded with social media to block the 1st amendment rights of conservatives and thus suppress the Biden laptop story. Had that been reported, enough Biden voters would have NOT voted for him (surveys have shown as many as 15%), and Trump would have won.

Your thoughts?

Neither Hunter Biden, nor his laptop were running for president in 2020.
Granted, there are lots of ways the Democrats cheated, but the single-most way was when 51 intelligence officers colluded with social media to block the 1st amendment rights of conservatives and thus suppress the Biden laptop story. Had that been reported, enough Biden voters would have NOT voted for him (surveys have shown as many as 15%), and Trump would have won.

Your thoughts?

Using the fake leftyvirus to create and circulate millions of mailin ballots which were then forged and used to vote for only Biden....who fills out a ballot like that...and the fake signatures were never checked. That allowed the Dims to figure out how far behind Biden was in some key states, and crank out just enough fake ballots overnight.
What this thread is revealing is how ignorant and how much in denial the leftists are. We have our work cut out for us getting information out to the voting public during the 2024 election and fight back against suppression of the truth.

Yes, you better get your marching orders from Trump and shriek even louder. I don't believe America is hearing you.
Fully 15% of Biden voters said they wouldn’t have voted for Biden if they knew of Hunter’s laptop. The Dems knew that would be the case, and thus violated the 1st Amendment rights of American conservatives.
You post and post but I do not see one evidence or ANYTHING you have posted so far.

Words are just words. Proof is what matters.

Again, there was NOTHING in Hunter's laptop or the Trump appointed DOJ would have gladly let it be shown on Fox, and every other channel and media.

No ONE violated anyone's first amendment rights.

You are like some dog chasing its own tail. It will never catch it. But you should have gotten tired of chasing it by now especially when Barr and many others could not show anything of what you allege.
And the laptop issue is over. OVER.

Hunter was indicted for IRS and gun possession when he should not have had it. THAT is justice, and in the real world, had he not been a Biden the case would not have come up since he had already paid for the taxes he had not paid for before.

You wish to keep chasing a tail, go on. Nothing will come out of it because there is NOTHING there.
Granted, there are lots of ways the Democrats cheated, but the single-most way was when 51 intelligence officers colluded with social media to block the 1st amendment rights of conservatives and thus suppress the Biden laptop story. Had that been reported, enough Biden voters would have NOT voted for him (surveys have shown as many as 15%), and Trump would have won.

Your thoughts?

My thoughts are that most of us learned in grade school how to lose and not to just call the winner a cheater.

The Hunter Biden laptop story was a manufactured October surprise went bad. Nothing more. But Trump being Trump won’t let it go. His own DOJ didn’t act on it. Not because a bunch of retired intelligence agents wrote a letter but because they didn’t have verifiable evidence of crimes.

But if you think this letter is proof of something can you show the section where they specifically lied or made a false claim that resulted in election interference?
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OMG. Of course there was suppression of it. Did you read the letter in which 51 intelligence officers, knowing the laptop story was TRUE, lied to social media and called it Russian disinformation?

And the judge ruled it a violation of Americans’ 1sr Amendment rights.
Where is that letter?
Granted, there are lots of ways the Democrats cheated, but the single-most way was when 51 intelligence officers colluded with social media to block the 1st amendment rights of conservatives and thus suppress the Biden laptop story. Had that been reported, enough Biden voters would have NOT voted for him (surveys have shown as many as 15%), and Trump would have won.

Your thoughts?

Don't agree--not even a tad. Hunter was and still is a non-entity. His nonsense has no bearing on anything, except to give you pleasure at embarrassing his father. Trump lost partially because of his attempted shake-down of Zelensky, his divisive antics, his horrible foreign policy (if you want to describe his attitude toward friendly nations as policy) and almost starting a Middle East war with his visit and huddling with Arabian officials against Qatar (our sec'y of state informed Trump that we had a base in Qatar which trump didn't know about), his love of dictators, his failures in domestic policy(big money for the wealthy and 8 trillion dollar increase in the national debt, etc. He even lost in his sloppy attempt at a coup. A totally inept and insidious con man with no empathy or sole.
That being said, the Trump kids, while working for our government, arranged to accept 2 billion dollars from Arabia. Where is your outrage?
What this thread is revealing is how ignorant and how much in denial the leftists are. We have our work cut out for us getting information out to the voting public during the 2024 election and fight back against suppression of the truth.
You continue to have nothing.

Words do not prove anything, EVIDENCE does.

There was no evidence then, there is no evidence now. Barr did not act on it. None of Trump appointed Judges acted on it. The SIX Republicans in the Supreme Court would not act on it.

WORDS, especially empty ones, are nothing but a waste of time, and all of those Judges time were wasted by Trump lawyers who had NOTHING to show for anything which would have turned anything Trump's way.

Time to recognize that and move on.
OMG. Of course there was suppression of it. Did you read the letter in which 51 intelligence officers, knowing the laptop story was TRUE, lied to social media and called it Russian disinformation?

And the judge ruled it a violation of Americans’ 1sr Amendment rights.
They knew the laptop was true, they didn't know if it's contents were.

Moreover the Hunter Biden laptop could have been in the same league as the Al Capone vault, or the Hitler diaries.
What this thread is revealing is how ignorant and how much in denial the leftists are. We have our work cut out for us getting information out to the voting public during the 2024 election and fight back against suppression of the truth.
You do not have to worry about having your work cut out.

Dozens of bills in Red States suppressing votes, especially in Democratic majority areas, is an attempt to help the Republicans win in 2024.
Harris County, Texas, anyone?

Let us see how their hard work bears fruit in November of next year.
What this thread is revealing is how ignorant and how much in denial the leftists are. We have our work cut out for us getting information out to the voting public during the 2024 election and fight back against suppression of the truth.
On the contrary, this thread is showing you making a claim and then not being able to back it up. Plenty of counterpoints have been made and I haven’t seen you address any.

Can you show the section of this letter that you think was untrue and election interference?
There was no evidence then, there is no evidence now. Barr did not act on it. None of Trump appointed Judges acted on it. The SIX Republicans in the Supreme Court would not act on it.

They seem to forget that it was Trump's own handpicked AG running DOJ, and Trumps pick to run the FBI who were in charge. Not to mention all the US Attorneys, also picked by Trump like Horowitz and Durham. If there were crimes, why didn't Trump's handpicked collection of keystone kops catch anyone?

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