What is the main way the Democrats cheated to win the election?

You don’t need to teach me anything. Just back up the things you say. Hiding behind “it’s been reported” is weak. If you have an argument to make then make it and then back it up. Otherwise you just sound like a parrot who doesn’t know what you’re talking about
No. Ignorant people who act like they never heard of this tells me that you only watch liberal media whose job it was to defeat Trump.

I really think liberals are beyond hope.
This just shows how desperate liberals are to deny the many ways the Democrats used unethical, if not unconstitutional, ways to take the election - because you all are planning to do it again.

And the sad thing is, you think it was for the good. The damage to our country, thanks to Biden, may well be irreparable.
You are defaming all of us. Lucky you we do not have your name and address to take you to court to not prove any of your allegations anymore than Trump was able to prove any of his lies because he was desperate to stay in as President to not face the indictments he is finally facing in his life.

So, show us evidence and not a load of nonsense which passes as proof to someone who does not understand what she is reading.
Vote Spikes for D in all Swing states after Midnight NOV03 would prove you extremely wrong.
Thank you! These Dems think that a synchronized halt in the six swing states where Trump was well ahead, only to reopen with thousands of new ballots where 99% went for Biden. A statistical impossibilty.

And the excuses for the synchronized halt? OMG. Everything from a toilet leading elsewhere in the building to their counters being “tired.“
No. Ignorant people who act like they never heard of this tells me that you only watch liberal media whose job it was to defeat Trump.

I really think liberals are beyond hope.
Of course all sane people and media wanted to defeat Trump. Mr. I want to become a dictator like Putin.

It does not mean that Democrats and lots of Republicans lied or colluded to win the election by cheating.

Republicans in droves voted for Biden to get Trump out of office, and have been doing the same in 2018 and 2022.

The same is going to happen in 2024, because Republicans in their right mind DO NOT want a crook who does not care about the country or the laws, or their lives, to become President again.

Wait for the election and you will see that it will be exactly what is going to happen because Republican officials are doing their darnedest to take away people's rights. And the people are saying NO.
More ignorance. People didn't read about the laptop story before the election because social media was suppressing it.

Try again.
Jebus! The N.Y. POST was NOT shut down!

Anyone could go to the Post site and read the article!

And they did go there to read the article, in record breaking numbers.

They did not need to read it on twitter....what the heck???
Wray and Barr? OMG.
How amazingly well trained you are to dismiss any Republican Trump appointed officials, lawyers and staff, and there are over a thousand of them, who have told the truth about what happened during the election with proof of it.

Stay on the same track......to nowhere.
This thread illustrates a phenomenon I have noticed since I was young.

When I was a kid in the 60s, the dull, plodding people of the country who always believed the official story and who never questioned anything were generally republicans. They went about their life being underinformed about the world around them and didn't want to understand why anything was the way it was, as they just wanted to be like everybody else. It was the Democrats of the day, precisely, the liberal democrats who were the ones who encouraged people to question authority and analyze events on their own.

As we can see in this thread, today the roles are completely reversed. The dull, plodding conformists with absolutely no curiosity about the world are all Democrats. They see nothing, they question nothing, and they are NOT liberal. They are very nearly the antithesis thereof.

To look as to the reason for this reversal of roles, one needs to look no further than our media. In the 60s, the mainstream media at least TRIED to be objective and did have some ethical standards it upheld. Today, it is 24/7 one-party propaganda.

60s rebels were left. 2020s rebels are right.
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You are defaming all of us. Lucky you we do not have your name and address to take you to court to not prove any of your allegations anymore than Trump was able to prove any of his lies because he was desperate to stay in as President to not face the indictments he is finally facing in his life.

So, show us evidence and not a load of nonsense which passes as proof to someone who does not understand what she is reading.
There is nothing defaming you other than noting your denial of the unethical, questionable, and in one case unconstitutional actions of Dems to sway the elections.

Your threat to “take me to court” if you knew my name is just another way Dems silence opposing voices. Always with a threat.
No. Ignorant people who act like they never heard of this tells me that you only watch liberal media whose job it was to defeat Trump.

I really think liberals are beyond hope.
I’ve heard of it. But asking you to explain why you’re making the absurd claim that it would swing an election is totally legit. And why waste time dodging. You have a point of view… so back it up
How amazingly well trained you are to dismiss any Republican Trump appointed officials, lawyers and staff, and there are over a thousand of them, who have told the truth about what happened during the election with proof of it.

Stay on the same track......to nowhere.
How amazingly well-trained you are to deny the partisans in the FBI who went down the Russia conspiracy hoax hole in the eagerness to destroy Trump. The fact that Trump appointed them shows that even he didn’t think the depths of biased officials would sink so low. I never thought so either, but now I see what the Dems have turned this country into.
I’ve heard of it. But asking you to explain why you’re making the absurd claim that it would swing an election is totally legit. And why waste time dodging. You have a point of view… so back it up
It was reported that as many as 15% of Biden voters would have changed their vote if they knew about the Hunter laptop. In an election that was won by slim margins in the swing states (that halted the count while they trucked in the harvested ballots), even a 5% swing would have done it.
How does one fake the barcode that traces to a registered,voter?
How do you prevent a legitimate registered voter from casting a ballot and having duplicates
The barcodes do not trace to a registered voter. It’s impossible to trace a ballot to a voter, they are anonymous. Plus insiders just use up fake addresses and have ghost accounts linked to random addresses, that way they can dump a “registered” ballot in, even though the person does not exist.

When we did canvassing here in AZ after the 2020 steal, we found addresses with dozens of “registered voters” that never lived there. Fraudulent addresses like an empty lot. These are used to build fake accounts and then they dump the ballots into the system on election night, or even after during the counting/recounts in order to get the physical ballots to match the digital ones they forged on election night.
There is nothing defaming you other than noting your denial of the unethical, questionable, and in one case unconstitutional actions of Dems to sway the elections.

Your threat to “take me to court” if you knew my name is just another way Dems silence opposing voices. Always with a threat.
WHERE is the proof??????

Of course one cannot take you to court, you fool.

The proof of the pudding will be November 5, 2024, which if Trump loses again, he will be crying crocodile tears and yelling for his supporters to hear:

It was reported that as many as 15% of Biden voters would have changed their vote if they knew about the Hunter laptop. In an election that was won by slim margins in the swing states (that halted the count while they trucked in the harvested ballots), even a 5% swing would have done it.
They did not change their votes. And since the truth of what was in the laptop came out, they would have been very happy that they did not change their votes, as many did when Comey came up with allegations about emails a few days before the 2016 election.

You have nothing, because there was nothing in the laptop, as there was nothing in the other laptop with Hilary a few days before the 2016 election.
Thank you! These Dems think that a synchronized halt in the six swing states where Trump was well ahead, only to reopen with thousands of new ballots where 99% went for Biden. A statistical impossibilty.

And the excuses for the synchronized halt? OMG. Everything from a toilet leading elsewhere in the building to their counters being “tired.“
Words. How come you never post links to the sources, to the evidence?
Granted, there are lots of ways the Democrats cheated, but the single-most way was when 51 intelligence officers colluded with social media to block the 1st amendment rights of conservatives and thus suppress the Biden laptop story. Had that been reported, enough Biden voters would have NOT voted for him (surveys have shown as many as 15%), and Trump would have won.

Your thoughts?

On election day the Democrat assholes used the scam of the Pandemic as a cover to create fraudulent mail in and harvested ballots in Democrat controlled swing districts and denied the American people of Trump's Electoral College victory.

Remember that voters decide nothing. Those who count the voted decide everything. Democracy only works with honest vote counters and the Democrats ain't honest. Not by a long shot. They are like all Leftest revolutionaries and believe that they should get power by any means necessary.

The only question is was the Democrats in collusion with the Chinese to unleash the virus as a bio weapon to undermine Trump or did they simply take advantage of it to steal the election? Since the Biden family got to be filthy ass rich because of the Chinese then that points to the Democrats being in bed with the Chinese from the get go.
The barcodes do not trace to a registered voter. It’s impossible to trace a ballot to a voter, they are anonymous. Plus insiders just use up fake addresses and have ghost accounts linked to random addresses, that way they can dump a “registered” ballot in, even though the person does not exist.

When we did canvassing here in AZ after the 2020 steal, we found addresses with dozens of “registered voters” that never lived there. Fraudulent addresses like an empty lot. These are used to build fake accounts and then they dump the ballots into the system on election night, or even after during the counting/recounts in order to get the physical ballots to match the digital ones they forged on election night.
  • State laws protect the right of citizens to cast secret ballots.
  • Many states include some type of tracking number for each absentee or mail ballot, often on the envelope. But once the completed ballot is received, elections workers separate it from the envelope to protect the voter’s privacy.

The really amazing thing is the always lack of evidence for what any of you claim. Didn't Lake learn the lesson from having her lawsuits fall flat?

And Trump's 60 plus lawsuits?

Amazing how the theatre must continue.

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