What is the main way the Democrats cheated to win the election?

Irrelevant. Had the news been reported, rather than suppressed, Trump would have won. The Dems knew that, and that’s why they violated the 1st Amendment to suppress the story.
No way he would have won.... Everyone read the lap top story before the election that would have read it, and some.

the 7 days following the article release and Twitter official ban, the N.Y. POST had more views of this article than any other story it ever released!!!! Record breaker views!!!!

the Twitter ban did the opposite and AMPLIFIED the views of the lap top article! And Biden still won!

try again!
No way he would have won.... Everyone read the lap top story before the election that would have read it, and some.

the 7 days following the article release and Twitter official ban, the N.Y. POST had more views of this article than any other story it ever released!!!! Record breaker views!!!!

the Twitter ban did the opposite and AMPLIFIED the views of the lap top article! And Biden still won!

try again!
More ignorance. People didn't read about the laptop story before the election because social media was suppressing it.

Try again.
More ignorance. People didn't read about the laptop story before the election because social media was suppressing it.

Try again.
Only the Post accepted the story. Because all other media and social media wanted to verify the story.

You continue to have nothing but hope that your allegations are true, when they are not.
More ignorance. People didn't read about the laptop story before the election because social media was suppressing it.

Try again.
And we try again and you continue to not believe it. Here is the evidence:

  • 2020
    • Three weeks before the 2020 United States presidential election, the New York Post published a front page story that presented emails from the laptop, alleging they showed corruption by Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden.
    en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Hunter_Biden_laptop_controversy
    Hunter Biden laptop controversy - Wikipedia
Anyway, I see that the suppression of the Hunter laptop story, in violation of the First Amendment as rules by a judge, and the likelihood that has the truth not been hidden the election would have turned out differently, has been moved to Conspiracy theories.

Thus, my truthful OP has been sent “downstairs“ as a conspiracy theory, and I won’t be engaging any more.
More ignorance. People didn't read about the laptop story before the election because social media was suppressing it.

Try again.
What laptop story?! What’s this blockbuster that you think would swing an election??
Only the Post accepted the story. Because all other media and social media wanted to verify the story.

NO. The 51 government officials LIED to them and directed them to hide the story. That you don’t know this is more evidence of how the media hides stories.
NO. The 51 government officials LIED to them and directed them to hide the story. That you don’t know this is more evidence of how the media hides stories.
What you just wrote is a lie. Show that I’m wrong and prove what you said is true
More ignorance. People didn't read about the laptop story before the election because social media was suppressing it.

Try again.

So it's the fault of the left that the right gets their news from Twitter instead of from news agencies like the NY Post?
I’m not going to waste time teaching a pig to sing. It’s been reported by honest media - and hidden by leftist media.
And not even Wray and Barr, still during the Trump administration, could find it.

Rudy and all others cannot find that evidence.

Because there is truly none. None. None
I didn't deny anything, I asked you a question. Explain what part of the ”laptop story” would swing an election
The part that polls showed that a sufficient percentage of Biden voters would have changed their vote, had the liberal media not hidden it from them. Why do you THINK the libs in the government lied to get social media to suppress this true story! They KNEW it would likely cost the corrupted, demented Biden the election.
I’m not going to waste time teaching a pig to sing. It’s been reported by honest media - and hidden by leftist media.
You don’t need to teach me anything. Just back up the things you say. Hiding behind “it’s been reported” is weak. If you have an argument to make then make it and then back it up. Otherwise you just sound like a parrot who doesn’t know what you’re talking about
Till next time when you will start another thread with the same lies which you have no evidence of, and we will keep showing evidence that the allegations are nothing but lies.

This just shows how desperate liberals are to deny the many ways the Democrats used unethical, if not unconstitutional, ways to take the election - because you all are planning to do it again.

And the sad thing is, you think it was for the good. The damage to our country, thanks to Biden, may well be irreparable.
The part that polls showed that a sufficient percentage of Biden voters would have changed their vote, had the liberal media not hidden it from them. Why do you THINK the libs in the government lied to get social media to suppress this true story! They KNEW it would likely cost the corrupted, demented Biden the election.
Polls?! Really? Your argument is based on polls?? Ok then. Can you show the polls you’re talking about?
The part that polls showed that a sufficient percentage of Biden voters would have changed their vote, had the liberal media not hidden it from them. Why do you THINK the libs in the government lied to get social media to suppress this true story! They KNEW it would likely cost the corrupted, demented Biden the election.
A poll? A poll of people who were not shown evidence is your evidence?

You do not have a story, anymore than Trump has EVER been able to prove that the election was stolen from him.

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