What is the main way the Democrats cheated to win the election?

  • State laws protect the right of citizens to cast secret ballots.
  • Many states include some type of tracking number for each absentee or mail ballot, often on the envelope. But once the completed ballot is received, elections workers separate it from the envelope to protect the voter’s privacy.

The really amazing thing is the always lack of evidence for what any of you claim. Didn't Lake learn the lesson from having her lawsuits fall flat?

And Trump's 60 plus lawsuits?

Amazing how the theatre must continue.

Just STHU. You know very well without access to the Envelopes or the scans........to track bar codes to legit voters with legit signatures no Evidence is possible. The AZ audit was another GOVT sham simply a recount of hundreds of thousands of "accepted" mail-in ballots. 1.9million voted by mail in Maricopa alone. but you know all of this. you are just another dic roaming around looking for attention from your pathetically criminalistic useless existence. Nobody cares about you? attention hunter. cry more.
It was reported that as many as 15% of Biden voters would have changed their vote if they knew about the Hunter laptop. In an election that was won by slim margins in the swing states (that halted the count while they trucked in the harvested ballots), even a 5% swing would have done it.
I asked you to provide that poll. Let’s dig in. Or do you just blindly believe anything that’s “reported”?
I asked you to provide that poll. Let’s dig in. Or do you just blindly believe anything that’s “reported”?
It was hard to find, since liberal social media isn’t reporting it, but o found it.

How amazingly well-trained you are to deny the partisans in the FBI who went down the Russia conspiracy hoax hole in the eagerness to destroy Trump. The fact that Trump appointed them shows that even he didn’t think the depths of biased officials would sink so low. I never thought so either, but now I see what the Dems have turned this country into.
But you show no proof. Because you have none.

Words are are worthless.
And….you will also see in that poll how few Biden voters knew of Trump’s accomplishments. The media did an excellent job of both suppressing Biden’s negatives AND Trump’s positives.
It was hard to find, since liberal social media isn’t reporting it, but o found it.

An article by a Republican pro Trump. That is ok.

Now, my question is, how much of what he wrote is actually provable. I mean the polls and anything else.

Was any of this data published by any other source, any Fact Check site, fact checked it?

www.facebook.com › romenewstribune › postsClint Cooper is the Free Press editor... - Rome News-Tribune ...

Rome News-Tribune. December 7, 2021. Clint Cooper is the Free Press editor at the Chattanooga Times Free Press, representing the conservative side of the newspaper's opinion
An article by a Republican pro Trump. That is ok.

Now, my question is, how much of what he wrote is actually provable. I mean the polls and anything else.

Was any of this data published by any other source, any Fact Check site, fact checked it?

www.facebook.com › romenewstribune › postsClint Cooper is the Free Press editor... - Rome News-Tribune ...

Rome News-Tribune. December 7, 2021. Clint Cooper is the Free Press editor at the Chattanooga Times Free Press, representing the conservative side of the newspaper's opinion
It was a POLL, dummy.
And….you will also see in that poll how few Biden voters knew of Trump’s accomplishments. The media did an excellent job of both suppressing Biden’s negatives AND Trump’s positives.
Where is the factchecking on that article and those polls.

I think that 2022 was more than proof that not only Democrats did not want Trump, but many more republicans and independents did not want Republican candidates to win seats or anything else.

The Tsunami was a drip, drip, drip.

Paint it anyway you like, most voters did not want Trump to become President for a second term.

The voters and the Electoral college spoke.
It was a POLL, dummy.
By whom?

This is like the anti Israel people saying that Palestinians have been around for 10,000 years, or that "studies" show that a lot of Palestinians have DNA which finds them coming from the land of Israel, etc etc.

Who did they poll? Who was polled? How many?

Where is this poll shown anywhere else, as there are so many Republican outlets?
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But never has cheating been done to this degree, on so many levels.

And in the Blaggo case, there were circumstances. In this case, the wrong candidate was put into the WH via massive cheating.
All of which has never stood the test of the court or the audits you speculate because you have no facts, no truth.
House Republicans are convinced the FBI and the Department of Justice and basically any law enforcement agency that hasn’t found President Joe Biden guilty of being a global criminal mastermind is corrupt – CORRUPT, I TELL YOU! – and in cahoots with Democrats.

But the steaming hot conspiracy bubbles belching up from the right-wing fever swamps are occasionally pierced by facts, and a rather thunderous bubble-popping took place Wednesday during a House Judiciary Committee hearing featuring FBI Director Christopher Wray.

The overall tenor of questioning from Republican lawmakers during the hearing was: “YOU GUYS TOTALLY FOMENTED THE JAN. 6 ATTACK ON THE U.S. CAPITOL, DIDNYA? AND YOU ALL HATE DONALD TRUMP TOO, DONTCHA?? AND YOU ALL LOVE JOE BIDEN TOO, RIGHT?!?”

'Are you protecting the Bidens?' and other really dumb questions​

Rep. Matt Gaetz railed at Wray and the FBI for not finding greater criminality in the actions of the president’s son, Hunter Biden, and for not linking Joe Biden in with the hysterical, evidence-free allegations Republicans have cooked up.

“You seem deeply uncurious about it don’t you? Almost suspiciously uncurious?” asked Gaetz, R-Fla., sounding like a cartoon villain, only dumber. “Are you protecting the Bidens?”

It was all just a giant load of nonsense, which makes sense, as the House Republicans' current motto is: “A giant load of nonsense.”

OK, who let a Republican ask a smart and relevant question? THAT'S NOT HOW THIS WORKS!!​

But then, in less than a minute, one line of questioning made the GOP’s entire line of hooey about the FBI having it in for Republicans and being in the bag for Biden go poof.

Rep. Ken Buck, R-Colo. – yes, a Republican – began asking Wray about his career.

Buck said: “You were nominated by Republican President (George. W.) Bush for the position of assistant attorney general in the criminal division at the Department of Justice and you were confirmed by a Republican Senate?”

Wray replied: “Yes, by unanimous voice vote.”

Buck continued: “And you were then nominated by Republican President Donald Trump to be the FBI director and again confirmed by a Republican Senate for that position?”

“Yes,” Wray said. “I think there were only five votes against me and they were all from Democrats.”

Buck concluded: “According to Wikipedia, you’re still a registered Republican, and I hope you don’t change your party affiliation after this hearing is over.”

So the Republicans who want to defund and discredit the FBI, the ones who eagerly dragged the FBI director through the mud Wednesday with absurd allegations grounded in zero facts, want you, the American people, to believe this: The nation’s premier law enforcement agency has been weaponized against Republicans under a director who is a lifelong Republican and who reached his current post by being selected and confirmed to positions by two Republican presidents and two Republican-led Senate bodies.

Even as a conspiracy theory the GOP's anti-FBI theory doesn't make sense​

Forget that all this is in defense of former President Donald Trump, a one-term, twice-impeached lifelong con artist who now faces more than 70 felony charges in two cases, with more indictments on the horizon.

Forget that Hunter Biden was actually charged with two misdemeanor tax offenses and a felony firearm offense.

Forget that, despite relentless investigation, Republicans have produced nothing linking President Biden to his son’s activity, or the fact that the person they touted as a key whistleblower was just charged with arms trafficking and acting as an unregistered agent for China.

Before you even get into details of the conspiracies, you have to believe the FBI director at the center of it all is corrupt. And he was appointed first by President Bush and then again by President Trump! This conspiracy is now an unusually large footprint shy of Bigfoot.


House Republicans are convinced the FBI and the Department of Justice and basically any law enforcement agency that hasn’t found President Joe Biden guilty of being a global criminal mastermind is corrupt – CORRUPT, I TELL YOU! – and in cahoots with Democrats.

That's pretty much their argument. The less evidence they have, the more sure they are.

Conspiracy, thy name is Dunning-Kruger.
It was hard to find, since liberal social media isn’t reporting it, but o found it.

Thank you for posting… it is hard for me to take seriously a conservative polling org (Media Research Center) using an “admittedly small sample size” I feel like any pollster with an agenda can find the results they want by using small samples and crafty questions. But the link you posted didn’t provide any details on the questions asked or how the people questioned were verified as Biden voters.

But if this kind of thing is enough to convince you that the election actually would have been flipped by people learning about Hunter underpaying taxes then that’s your right. Just doesn’t make sense to me.

Have you seen this analysis of your poll?
Thank you for posting… it is hard for me to take seriously a conservative polling org (Media Research Center) using an “admittedly small sample size” I feel like any pollster with an agenda can find the results they want by using small samples and crafty questions. But the link you posted didn’t provide any details on the questions asked or how the people questioned were verified as Biden voters.

But if this kind of thing is enough to convince you that the election actually would have been flipped by people learning about Hunter underpaying taxes then that’s your right. Just doesn’t make sense to me.

Have you seen this analysis of your poll?
It was hardly underpaying taxes. It was about the millions of dollars he didn’t report, as the money came from foreign enemies of America.

Also, you discredit MRC as being to much to the right, but then you post an “analysis” by the leftist Politico.
Interesting claim

Democrats have warehouses full of fake ballots ready to stuff into ballot boxes

Problem is there is no generic ballot with just Trump or Biden on it.
Every polling district has a unique ballot with not just the President but Congress, Governor, local politicians, dog catcher
If a poling district receives more ballots than it has registered voters then alarms are set off
Also ballots are bar coded to a specific registered voter and signature

All this was proven as fact in the last presidential election, to attest to the fact that there were hundreds of thousands, if not millions of FRAUDULENT ballots with Biden checked on them. People who were dead, people who voted for Trump, people who didn't exist.

And STILL the lying, twofaced, lifetime criminal politicians lied, cheated, bribed, and threatened their way into the White House.
It was hardly underpaying taxes. It was about the millions of dollars he didn’t report, as the money came from foreign enemies of America.

Also, you discredit MRC as being to much to the right, but then you post an “analysis” by the leftist Politico.
Your article said MEX was a right wing org. And it doesn’t matter who does an anlaysis as long as they present facts. Was there anything in the politico fact check that you think is inaccurate? Let’s dig in
All this was proven as fact in the last presidential election, to attest to the fact that there were hundreds of thousands, if not millions of FRAUDULENT ballots with Biden checked on them. People who were dead, people who voted for Trump, people who didn't exist.

And STILL the lying, twofaced, lifetime criminal politicians lied, cheated, bribed, and threatened their way into the White House.
The brainwash is deep in this one. Do you truly believe that BS?! Where do you get this crap from?!
All this was proven as fact in the last presidential election, to attest to the fact that there were hundreds of thousands, if not millions of FRAUDULENT ballots with Biden checked on them. People who were dead, people who voted for Trump, people who didn't exist.

And STILL the lying, twofaced, lifetime criminal politicians lied, cheated, bribed, and threatened their way into the White House.
You have yet to provide a plausible explanation as to how millions of fake votes can be introduced into the count.

The final tally is an accumulation of ballots cast at local election districts. Each district knows how many people cast ballots and how many total ballots were counted…they must match

Your fake ballots would throw that off
Your article said MEX was a right wing org. And it doesn’t matter who does an anlaysis as long as they present facts. Was there anything in the politico fact check that you think is inaccurate? Let’s dig in
So a right-wing source isn’t acceptable, but a left-wing one is? As long as they present facts?

MRC presented facts, as well. The poll showed that 15% of Biden voters wouldn’t have voted for him had they known, and also showed they they were ignorant of Trump’s accomplishments. That is because the left-wing media didn’t report Biden’s negatives or Trump’s positives.

It would not have taken even 5% of Boden voters to change their vote to change the outcome of the election, and the poll shows 3x as many would have.

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