What is the proper medical treatment for transgender people?

I have no idea how to treat them but allowing them in women's restrooms where little girls are at is asinine. Children should not be subjected to that.

why would you let your little girls into a public restroom unattended

if i may ask
Because she's cruisin' chicks in the food section.

it is a serious question

more so if one is a conservative

why on earth would anyone trust the government

on who can and who cant be in a bathroom

i was brought up on personal responsibility and responsibility to my offspring

we never never let our small children into a public restroom unattended
I don't know that there is anyone on this forum who is medically-qualified to know how to treat this issue. There are some things that I think ought to be obvious, however.

There are other forms of body dysphoria. Anorexia, of course, is related, as well as disorders which cause someone to think that certain limbs or other body parts should not be there. I do not know what treatments are commonly used or are considered effective against dysphoria, but I am pretty sure that in no other form of it other than gender dysphoria is it considered a valid or effective treatment to amputate or otherwise damage healthy body parts, because the patient does not want those parts; nor to treat as valid the patient's distorted notion of what his form should be.

If a patient thinks that he should not have a right arm, I do not believe any competent and ethical doctor would recommend amputating that patient's healthy right arm, nor even in validating the patient's belief that that arm should not be there. The arm is, after all, healthy and proper, and is not the problem. The problem is in the brain.

We don't treat anorexics with liposuction, or with treatments aimed at helping them to eat even less.

I see no rational reason why gender dysphoria should be treated any differently. A healthy, properly-formed, functional reproductive system is not the problem in a person with this disorder. The problem is in the patient's head.

I cannot claim to know anything about how to treat such problems in one's head, but I think it is obvious that destroying healthy body parts is not the answer.
I have no idea how to treat them but allowing them in women's restrooms where little girls are at is asinine. Children should not be subjected to that.

why would you let your little girls into a public restroom unattended

if i may ask
Because she's cruisin' chicks in the food section.

it is a serious question

more so if one is a conservative

why on earth would anyone trust the government

on who can and who cant be in a bathroom

i was brought up on personal responsibility and responsibility to my offspring

we never never let our small children into a public restroom unattended
She doesn't feel that way.
I have no idea how to treat them but allowing them in women's restrooms where little girls are at is asinine. Children should not be subjected to that.

I'm not commenting anything, he thinks this is a game, so I'm not feeding it.

You’re dealing with the USMB right – most of whom are morons, racists, and bigots with the mentality of an 8-year-old.
I have no idea how to treat them but allowing them in women's restrooms where little girls are at is asinine. Children should not be subjected to that.

why would you let your little girls into a public restroom unattended

if i may ask
Because she's cruisin' chicks in the food section.

it is a serious question

more so if one is a conservative

why on earth would anyone trust the government

on who can and who cant be in a bathroom

i was brought up on personal responsibility and responsibility to my offspring

we never never let our small children into a public restroom unattended
She doesn't feel that way.

i guess i will let sassy speak
I have no idea how to treat them but allowing them in women's restrooms where little girls are at is asinine. Children should not be subjected to that.
No, this post is asinine – it’s ignorant, ridiculous, and fails as a red herring fallacy.

Take your red herring fallacy and stick it up your ass. You comment and run away and you're about one more red herring away from ignore. You're useless
I don't know that there is anyone on this forum who is medically-qualified to know how to treat this issue. There are some things that I think ought to be obvious, however.

There are other forms of body dysphoria. Anorexia, of course, is related, as well as disorders which cause someone to think that certain limbs or other body parts should not be there. I do not know what treatments are commonly used or are considered effective against dysphoria, but I am pretty sure that in no other form of it other than gender dysphoria is it considered a valid or effective treatment to amputate or otherwise damage healthy body parts, because the patient does not want those parts; nor to treat as valid the patient's distorted notion of what his form should be.

If a patient thinks that he should not have a right arm, I do not believe any competent and ethical doctor would recommend amputating that patient's healthy right arm, nor even in validating the patient's belief that that arm should not be there. The arm is, after all, healthy and proper, and is not the problem. The problem is in the brain.

We don't treat anorexics with liposuction, or with treatments aimed at helping them to eat even less.

I see no rational reason why gender dysphoria should be treated any differently. A healthy, properly-formed, functional reproductive system is not the problem in a person with this disorder. The problem is in the patient's head.

I cannot claim to know anything about how to treat such problems in one's head, but I think it is obvious that destroying healthy body parts is not the answer.
The answer is to stop being an arrogant bigot, acknowledge and respect the right of transgender Americans to express themselves as they see fit, and concern yourself with your own issues – of which you clearly have an abundance.
In the "Men in the women's bathroom" a common comment at me has been that I need therapy, I need medical help, I need Treatment.

Okay, I'll play along. What treatment?

So far the best given was a study of one patient, 20 years ago that was temporarily helped on a pill.

So what is the proper cure/treatment? Medical science has a path.
It starts with therapy. Then an evaluation. If it's determined you are suffering gender dysphoria you have treatment options.

One of which is to transition. I have spent 20 years looking for a way other than transitioning. From the commentary on this forum, obviously I missed some excellent treatments. People seem to think "Get help you need it" will fix the problem

What is that help? What is that treatment that fixes this?

Anyone of you have an answer?

novastevie? Did you go an get yourself a sock? :eek-52:
I have no idea how to treat them but allowing them in women's restrooms where little girls are at is asinine. Children should not be subjected to that.

why would you let your little girls into a public restroom unattended

if i may ask

Our twins are 11 years old, they are capable of going to a restroom alone....it's besides the point, they should not be subjected to having some mental misfit dude in a dress pretending he's female. It's not normal and never will be
I have no idea how to treat them but allowing them in women's restrooms where little girls are at is asinine. Children should not be subjected to that.

why would you let your little girls into a public restroom unattended

if i may ask

Our twins are 11 years old, they are capable of going to a restroom alone....it's besides the point, they should not be subjected to having some mental misfit dude in a dress pretending he's female. It's not normal and never will be
Your daughters will probably never know. . . .
I have no idea how to treat them but allowing them in women's restrooms where little girls are at is asinine. Children should not be subjected to that.

why would you let your little girls into a public restroom unattended

if i may ask

Our twins are 11 years old, they are capable of going to a restroom alone....it's besides the point, they should not be subjected to having some mental misfit dude in a dress pretending he's female. It's not normal and never will be
Your daughters will probably never know. . . .

Oh give it up, these tards running around in dresses fool nobody, there are very few that can pull it off. Just keep the defects away from the kids
I have no idea how to treat them but allowing them in women's restrooms where little girls are at is asinine. Children should not be subjected to that.

why would you let your little girls into a public restroom unattended

if i may ask
Because she's cruisin' chicks in the food section.

it is a serious question

more so if one is a conservative

why on earth would anyone trust the government

on who can and who cant be in a bathroom

i was brought up on personal responsibility and responsibility to my offspring

we never never let our small children into a public restroom unattended
She doesn't feel that way.

i guess i will let sassy speak
How's that workin out for ya?
I have no idea how to treat them but allowing them in women's restrooms where little girls are at is asinine. Children should not be subjected to that.

why would you let your little girls into a public restroom unattended

if i may ask
Because she's cruisin' chicks in the food section.

it is a serious question

more so if one is a conservative

why on earth would anyone trust the government

on who can and who cant be in a bathroom

i was brought up on personal responsibility and responsibility to my offspring

we never never let our small children into a public restroom unattended
Because it’s not about ‘bathrooms’ – it’s about conservatives contriving a façade behind which they can hide their bigotry and hate.

It’s a failed attempt to deflect, a red herring fallacy, demagoguery and fear-mongering common to most on the right.

Get people worked up about ‘children’ and ‘restrooms’ and let society attack and pillory transgender Americans in an effort to force them back into the shadows and exist on the fringe of society: humiliate them, disadvantage them, treat them like pariahs.

It’s truly among the more reprehensible aspects of conservatism.
I have no idea how to treat them but allowing them in women's restrooms where little girls are at is asinine. Children should not be subjected to that.

why would you let your little girls into a public restroom unattended

if i may ask
Because she's cruisin' chicks in the food section.

it is a serious question

more so if one is a conservative

why on earth would anyone trust the government

on who can and who cant be in a bathroom

i was brought up on personal responsibility and responsibility to my offspring

we never never let our small children into a public restroom unattended
Because it’s not about ‘bathrooms’ – it’s about conservatives contriving a façade behind which they can hide their bigotry and hate.

It’s a failed attempt to deflect, a red herring fallacy, demagoguery and fear-mongering common to most on the right.

Get people worked up about ‘children’ and ‘restrooms’ and let society attack and pillory transgender Americans in an effort to force them back into the shadows and exist on the fringe of society: humiliate them, disadvantage them, treat them like pariahs.

It’s truly among the more reprehensible aspects of conservatism.

Yawn...put a dress on and go into a restroom our daughters are in....you'll soon rue the day. Bank it
I have no idea how to treat them but allowing them in women's restrooms where little girls are at is asinine. Children should not be subjected to that.

why would you let your little girls into a public restroom unattended

if i may ask

Our twins are 11 years old, they are capable of going to a restroom alone....it's besides the point, they should not be subjected to having some mental misfit dude in a dress pretending he's female. It's not normal and never will be

Our twins are 11 years old, they are capable of going to a restroom alone

obviously they are not why would you put them at risk

it's besides the point, they should not be subjected to having some mental misfit dude in a dress

no that is the point

do you believe that pervs did not exist in public restrooms before this issue came up

as a conservative and responsible parent

you should insure that your child is not in harms way

regardless of what any silly bathroom law is

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