What is the Purpose of Gay Marriage?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
To obtain financial benefits (joint tax returns and spousal social security benefits) without having to rear children?
I think it is to acknowledge that homosexual couples are a relevant and equal asset to society as same sex couples are - and if one is recognized by the State then both should be. I think neither should be.
To obtain financial benefits (joint tax returns and spousal social security benefits) without having to rear children?

And also to brainwash society into thinking that a sexual perversion, homosexuality,
is somehow normal, and natural, which it most certainly is not.

There are countries outside of America were you will receive the death penalty for homosexual conduct. Marriage would be considered another aberation of the already
perverted act of homosexuality, when compared to a normal man and woman union.

It is a disgrace that America has degenerated to actually contemplating weather or not
to give sexually perverted homosexuals a titile that has been reserved for thousands of
years for a man and woman, whose purpose is for the procreation of life and family.

This is homo marriage issue is just another reason why America is so hated
throughout the rest of the world.
We have reached one of lowest moral states in all of our history.
godless Secularism wants to undermine marriage, the family, and religion plus our whole society by forcing everybody to accept sodomy and homosexuality as being normal....they want to place the State in control of all morality.....this of course will lead to further abominations....such as fatherless or motherless children becoming a 'choice'....engineered children will be next....
To obtain financial benefits (joint tax returns and spousal social security benefits) without having to rear children?

Why do heterosexual people who never want to have children get married?

Answer that one, and you have what you are looking for.
godless Secularism wants to undermine marriage, the family, and religion plus our whole society by forcing everybody to accept sodomy and homosexuality as being normal....they want to place the State in control of all morality.....this of course will lead to further abominations....such as fatherless or motherless children becoming a 'choice'....engineered children will be next....

The God less scum will be wanting beastiality marriage next, or marriage between
grown men and young under aged girls, and boys. This homosexual marriage is just
all a smokescreen, and or steping stone for other Secularist and New World Order
godless Secularism wants to undermine marriage, the family, and religion plus our whole society by forcing everybody to accept sodomy and homosexuality as being normal....they want to place the State in control of all morality.....this of course will lead to further abominations....such as fatherless or motherless children becoming a 'choice'....engineered children will be next....

The God less scum will be wanting beastiality marriage next, or marriage between
grown men and young under aged girls, and boys. This homosexual marriage is just
all a smokescreen, and or steping stone for other Secularist and New World Order

Dude, gay marriage is about two adult aged humans agreeing to get married. That's adult humans over the age of 17-18 who are old enough to make decisions for themselves.

On the flipside (see if you can follow me here)...

Adult humans marrying a non-consenting animal (who can't speak/think like a human), or a child (who's too young to make a decision) is an entirely different thing. Those are examples of a person infringing on the rights of another person and therefore NOT ALLOWED.

If you can't see the difference, you need to open your eyes up and start using that brain of yours, pal.

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What's the point of debate here, you can't reason with a bigot.


And insecure, to boot.

If your own marriage and your own leading by example are trumped by gay marriage and examples of gayness in society, you are severely lacking.
To obtain financial benefits (joint tax returns and spousal social security benefits) without having to rear children?

If you're going to spend the rest of your life with someone, it makes sense that you should be able to share assets (without being taxed), have access to one another's medical records, get on the other's work insurance, ect, ect, ect.

Kind of a dumb question, Jwoodie (I'm not trying to be offensive, just honest). Let's try to not be willfully ignorant here..

godless Secularism wants to undermine marriage, the family, and religion plus our whole society by forcing everybody to accept sodomy and homosexuality as being normal....they want to place the State in control of all morality.....this of course will lead to further abominations....such as fatherless or motherless children becoming a 'choice'....engineered children will be next....

Actually, in this case I think it's not the left - but the right - who are arguing in favor of state-controlled morality, right?

The left really just wants two adult humans to have the freedom to choose who they want to marry; those who oppose want the gov't to pro-actively make that decision for them (from a gender perspective), specifically for moral reasons.

If it were up to me, I say humans of adult age should have the freedom to choose. That's it.

The Republicans preach "less gov't" but on the flipside want that gov't to be more Authoritative. It's kind of hypocritical. You can see the same thing around the pot prohibition debate as well (if it aint hurtin' no one, just let people choose for themselves for pete's sake!).

I'm no Democrat, I'm just pointing out.

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godless Secularism wants to undermine marriage, the family, and religion plus our whole society by forcing everybody to accept sodomy and homosexuality as being normal....they want to place the State in control of all morality.....this of course will lead to further abominations....such as fatherless or motherless children becoming a 'choice'....engineered children will be next....

The God less scum will be wanting beastiality marriage next, or marriage between
grown men and young under aged girls, and boys. This homosexual marriage is just
all a smokescreen, and or steping stone for other Secularist and New World Order

Dude, gay marriage is about two adult aged humans agreeing to get married. That's adult humans over the age of 17-18 who are old enough to make decisions for themselves.

On the flipside (see if you can follow me here)...

Adult humans marrying a non-consenting animal (who can't speak/think like a human), or a child (who's too young to make a decision) is an entirely different thing. Those are examples of a person infringing on the rights of another person and therefore NOT ALLOWED.

If you can't see the difference, you need to open your eyes up and start using that brain of yours, pal.


Look at what it is they are consenting to, putting each others spern up their rectum!?
Consenting to a perverted sexual act is just as outrageous as beastiality, or wanting
to mate with an underage child.

Consenting adults does not make it ok, or right.
The God less scum will be wanting beastiality marriage next, or marriage between
grown men and young under aged girls, and boys. This homosexual marriage is just
all a smokescreen, and or steping stone for other Secularist and New World Order

Dude, gay marriage is about two adult aged humans agreeing to get married. That's adult humans over the age of 17-18 who are old enough to make decisions for themselves.

On the flipside (see if you can follow me here)...

Adult humans marrying a non-consenting animal (who can't speak/think like a human), or a child (who's too young to make a decision) is an entirely different thing. Those are examples of a person infringing on the rights of another person and therefore NOT ALLOWED.

If you can't see the difference, you need to open your eyes up and start using that brain of yours, pal.


Look at what it is they are consenting to, putting each others spern up their rectum!?
Consenting to a perverted sexual act is just as outrageous as beastiality, or wanting
to mate with an underage child.

Consenting adults does not make it ok, or right.

Except thats all opinion, so let's not be fascists and force our opinions on others, hey?
The God less scum will be wanting beastiality marriage next, or marriage between
grown men and young under aged girls, and boys. This homosexual marriage is just
all a smokescreen, and or steping stone for other Secularist and New World Order

Dude, gay marriage is about two adult aged humans agreeing to get married. That's adult humans over the age of 17-18 who are old enough to make decisions for themselves.

On the flipside (see if you can follow me here)...

Adult humans marrying a non-consenting animal (who can't speak/think like a human), or a child (who's too young to make a decision) is an entirely different thing. Those are examples of a person infringing on the rights of another person and therefore NOT ALLOWED.

If you can't see the difference, you need to open your eyes up and start using that brain of yours, pal.


Look at what it is they are consenting to, putting each others spern up their rectum!?
Consenting to a perverted sexual act is just as outrageous as beastiality, or wanting
to mate with an underage child.

Consenting adults does not make it ok, or right.

Listen, when an adult gets with a child that is a direct infringement on that child's rights (because they are too young to make decisions for themselves in the same way a fully matured adult could). When an adult gets with a dog that is a direct infringement on that dog's rights (because the dog cannot think like a human, and cannot talk and give consent).

Two same-sex adults getting married is NOT an infringement on anyone's rights.

That's why it's different. You're comparing apples and refrigerators; they two vastly different things. Try to keep up.

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