What is the Purpose of Gay Marriage?

Actually, I enjoy gay male porn, but that's not my argument. Nipper claims that advertising can turn straights gay, but the straight lifestyle is advertised more than any other "product" and yet it doesn't manage to turn us straight.

I take it Coasties don't get humor?



No. They beat that out of us in boot camp.


I thought Coastie boot camp was a week stay at Disney World.

Such, is how homosexuality spreads ---- watching, experimentation... All of this is a part of Sodomy. Sex was never meant to be a spectator's sport.

It's true.

I watched two dudes kissing once. It turned me gay right then and there.

That's all it takes.


Interesting that this super power only works one way. Heterosexuality is advertised more than beer and yet I'm still gay.

Maybe it was having too much time on your hands that turned you gay. Maybe it was simply wanting to fit in or have a best friend that turned you towards the 'gay' scene...
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And your problem is you believe sex isn't learned. And you wouldn't know that you had an adversion to chocolate unless you tried it at least once ...

Am i reading you right? So you're also implying that you wouldn't know that you had an aversion to gay sex unless you tried it at least once???

So do you have an aversion to gay sex?

Have you tried it at least once???

If not, then how would you know you have an aversion to it?


No. I have never had such an experiance and it will never happen. I am married and have a child. I'm saying that a drunk doesn't become a drunk by not drinking. And such is apples and oranges, but drunks usually are folks who started drinking to get drunk. This becomes habitual and the body begins to crave the alcohol. In the case of homosexuality the person craves friendship and wants to fit in. With boys it is with other boys. and with girls it is with other girls. The boy that doesn't fit in begins to crave any male affection. He begins to think himself an outcast. He sees a nice looking guy and wishes he was liked and accepted. The jump from this point is very easy, as any guy who feels the same need will be a draw. The teen grows into a man but the desires stay inmature and insecurities remain childlike. The homosexual becomes either overtly "macho" to compensate, or assumes a subordinate role as the "victim" and clinging vine. It is enough that God calls it a sin that makes me abhor the act and flee as Joseph did from Potiphar's wife. It is wrong according to God and that is enough... Sin is like a ladder. One needs only slowly decend one rung at a time.
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And your problem is you believe sex isn't learned. And you wouldn't know that you had an adversion to chocolate unless you tried it at least once ...

Am i reading you right? So you're also implying that you wouldn't know that you had an aversion to gay sex unless you tried it at least once???

So do you have an aversion to gay sex?

Have you tried it at least once???

If not, then how would you know you have an aversion to it?


No. I have never had such an experiance and it will never happen. I am married and have a child. I'm saying that a drunk doesn't become a drunk by not drinking. And such is apples and oranges, but drunks usually are folks who started drinking to get drunk. This becomes habitual and the body begins to crave the alcohol. In the case of homosexuality the person craves friendship and wants to fit in. With boys it is with other boys. and with girls it is with other girls. The boy that doesn't fit in begins to crave any male affection. He sees a nice looking guy and wishes he was liked and accepted. The jump from this point is very easy, as any guy who feels the same need will be a draw. The teen grow into a man but the desires stay inmature and insecurities remain childlike. The homosexual becomes either overtly "macho" to compensate, or assumes a subordinate role as the "victim"and clinging vine. It is enough that God calls it a sin that makes me abhore the act and flee as Joseph did from Potipher's wife. It is wrong and that is enough...

I don't know about that. I don't think being gay is any kind of deformity or something not working right. it just how people are wired for preference. just like you look at a member of the opposite sex and have feelings you can't control, a gay person has those same feelings with people of the same sex. its all a matter of attraction. its not like a gay person is just hooking up with any person because they happen to be gay too. there has to be the personal and physical attraction just like with a heterosexual person.
And your problem is you believe sex isn't learned. And you wouldn't know that you had an adversion to chocolate unless you tried it at least once ...

Am i reading you right? So you're also implying that you wouldn't know that you had an aversion to gay sex unless you tried it at least once???

So do you have an aversion to gay sex?

Have you tried it at least once???

If not, then how would you know you have an aversion to it?


No. I have never had such an experiance and it will never happen. I am married and have a child. I'm saying that a drunk doesn't become a drunk by not drinking. And such is apples and oranges, but drunks usually are folks who started drinking to get drunk. This becomes habitual and the body begins to crave the alcohol. In the case of homosexuality the person craves friendship and wants to fit in. With boys it is with other boys. and with girls it is with other girls. The boy that doesn't fit in begins to crave any male affection. He begins to think himself an outcast. He sees a nice looking guy and wishes he was liked and accepted. The jump from this point is very easy, as any guy who feels the same need will be a draw. The teen grows into a man but the desires stay inmature and insecurities remain childlike. The homosexual becomes either overtly "macho" to compensate, or assumes a subordinate role as the "victim" and clinging vine. It is enough that God calls it a sin that makes me abhor the act and flee as Joseph did from Potiphar's wife. It is wrong according to God and that is enough... Sin is like a ladder. One needs only slowly decend one rung at a time.

And hence the Framers gave us the Constitution to protect all persons in the United States from the ignorance and hate exhibited above.
It's true.

I watched two dudes kissing once. It turned me gay right then and there.

That's all it takes.


Interesting that this super power only works one way. Heterosexuality is advertised more than beer and yet I'm still gay.

Maybe it was having too much time on your hands that turned you gay. Maybe it was simply wanting to fit in or have a best friend that turned you towards the 'gay' scene...

In reality, none of those. Want to know how it really happened? I was born this way, baby. There you have it. Eye witness, first-hand account. Born gay. No choice in who I was attracted to was ever made. The ONLY choice is in acting upon my natural inclinations. Since my attractions involve consenting adults, why do you care to the point of wanting to forbid some of the ways in which we have intercourse?
Am i reading you right? So you're also implying that you wouldn't know that you had an aversion to gay sex unless you tried it at least once???

So do you have an aversion to gay sex?

Have you tried it at least once???

If not, then how would you know you have an aversion to it?


No. I have never had such an experiance and it will never happen. I am married and have a child. I'm saying that a drunk doesn't become a drunk by not drinking. And such is apples and oranges, but drunks usually are folks who started drinking to get drunk. This becomes habitual and the body begins to crave the alcohol. In the case of homosexuality the person craves friendship and wants to fit in. With boys it is with other boys. and with girls it is with other girls. The boy that doesn't fit in begins to crave any male affection. He sees a nice looking guy and wishes he was liked and accepted. The jump from this point is very easy, as any guy who feels the same need will be a draw. The teen grow into a man but the desires stay inmature and insecurities remain childlike. The homosexual becomes either overtly "macho" to compensate, or assumes a subordinate role as the "victim"and clinging vine. It is enough that God calls it a sin that makes me abhore the act and flee as Joseph did from Potipher's wife. It is wrong and that is enough...

I don't know about that. I don't think being gay is any kind of deformity or something not working right. it just how people are wired for preference. just like you look at a member of the opposite sex and have feelings you can't control, a gay person has those same feelings with people of the same sex. its all a matter of attraction. its not like a gay person is just hooking up with any person because they happen to be gay too. there has to be the personal and physical attraction just like with a heterosexual person.
There is a great push today to sow one's oats to prove one's manhood. Among girls it is to have a man at her shoulder. The painful thing is when the male is rejected or laughed at, or the girl is used and rejected. This only compounds the problem. Had the young man studied and waited until he was out of school and working and mature the wiring is less likely to get screwed up. The boy thinks he is a Poindexter, or a knothead or not masculine enough. The same goes for the lady who is reinforced with feeling of being ugly, too skinny or fat. Oddly enough, the US government is spending money to find out why Lesbians tend to be obese (how to waste taxpayer money without even trying). If she is hurt in love she will dodge such encounters and seek after someone who is sympathetic to her plight and she will find her with ease. She will seek to be mothered and be told what to do or dominate and instruct and direct... Had the girl only waited for Mister Right, and focused on character and honesty her wiring would not be messed up. I can honestly say that most geeks bloom later and blossom longer than their drug snorting, drinking, smoking, sexually active peers...
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To obtain financial benefits (joint tax returns and spousal social security benefits) without having to rear children?

The purpose is to piss off the religious right and get more benefits than just shit on your dick.

How is access to Civil Marriage designed to piss off the religious right since it has nothing to do with religious marriage?

You got legally married so that your relationship meant more than mucous on your member? (If you are married)I feel sorry for you.
No. I have never had such an experiance and it will never happen. I am married and have a child. I'm saying that a drunk doesn't become a drunk by not drinking. And such is apples and oranges, but drunks usually are folks who started drinking to get drunk. This becomes habitual and the body begins to crave the alcohol. In the case of homosexuality the person craves friendship and wants to fit in. With boys it is with other boys. and with girls it is with other girls. The boy that doesn't fit in begins to crave any male affection. He sees a nice looking guy and wishes he was liked and accepted. The jump from this point is very easy, as any guy who feels the same need will be a draw. The teen grow into a man but the desires stay inmature and insecurities remain childlike. The homosexual becomes either overtly "macho" to compensate, or assumes a subordinate role as the "victim"and clinging vine. It is enough that God calls it a sin that makes me abhore the act and flee as Joseph did from Potipher's wife. It is wrong and that is enough...

I don't know about that. I don't think being gay is any kind of deformity or something not working right. it just how people are wired for preference. just like you look at a member of the opposite sex and have feelings you can't control, a gay person has those same feelings with people of the same sex. its all a matter of attraction. its not like a gay person is just hooking up with any person because they happen to be gay too. there has to be the personal and physical attraction just like with a heterosexual person.
There is a great push today to sow one's oats to prove one's manhood. Among girls it is to have a man at her shoulder. The painful thing is when the male is rejected or laughed at, or the girl is used and rejected. This only compounds the problem. Had the young man studied and waited until he was out of school and working and mature the wiring is less likely to get screwed up. The boy thinks he is a Poindexter, or a knothead or not masculine enough. The same goes for the lady who is reinforced with feeling of being ugly, too skinny or fat. Oddly enough, the US government is spending money to find out why Lesbians tend to be obese (how to waste taxpayer money without even trying). If she is hurt in love she will dodge such encounters and seek after someone who is sympathetic to her plight and she will find her with ease. She will seek to be mothered and be told what to do or dominate and instruct and direct...

:lol: if rejection turned people gay, there'd be a LOT more gays. Jeez, where DO you people get this crap, NARTH?
No. I have never had such an experiance and it will never happen. I am married and have a child. I'm saying that a drunk doesn't become a drunk by not drinking. And such is apples and oranges, but drunks usually are folks who started drinking to get drunk. This becomes habitual and the body begins to crave the alcohol. In the case of homosexuality the person craves friendship and wants to fit in. With boys it is with other boys. and with girls it is with other girls. The boy that doesn't fit in begins to crave any male affection. He sees a nice looking guy and wishes he was liked and accepted. The jump from this point is very easy, as any guy who feels the same need will be a draw. The teen grow into a man but the desires stay inmature and insecurities remain childlike. The homosexual becomes either overtly "macho" to compensate, or assumes a subordinate role as the "victim"and clinging vine. It is enough that God calls it a sin that makes me abhore the act and flee as Joseph did from Potipher's wife. It is wrong and that is enough...

I don't know about that. I don't think being gay is any kind of deformity or something not working right. it just how people are wired for preference. just like you look at a member of the opposite sex and have feelings you can't control, a gay person has those same feelings with people of the same sex. its all a matter of attraction. its not like a gay person is just hooking up with any person because they happen to be gay too. there has to be the personal and physical attraction just like with a heterosexual person.
There is a great push today to sow one's oats to prove one's manhood. Among girls it is to have a man at her shoulder. The painful thing is when the male is rejected or laughed at, or the girl is used and rejected. This only compounds the problem. Had the young man studied and waited until he was out of school and working and mature the wiring is less likely to get screwed up. The boy thinks he is a Poindexter, or a knothead or not masculine enough. The same goes for the lady who is reinforced with feeling of being ugly, too skinny or fat. Oddly enough, the US government is spending money to find out why Lesbians tend to be obese (how to waste taxpayer money without even trying). If she is hurt in love she will dodge such encounters and seek after someone who is sympathetic to her plight and she will find her with ease. She will seek to be mothered and be told what to do or dominate and instruct and direct... Had the girl only waited for Mister Right, and focused on character and honesty her wiring would not be messed up. I can honestly say that most geeks bloom later and blossom longer than their drug snorting, drinking, smoking, sexually active peers...

i'm not sure what any of this has to do with being gay or not, but if you are trying to say being rejected makes you gay, i'm totally not buying that. hell I've been rejected a ton and it never influenced my sexual preference. everyone gets rejected.
It's true.

I watched two dudes kissing once. It turned me gay right then and there.

That's all it takes.


Interesting that this super power only works one way. Heterosexuality is advertised more than beer and yet I'm still gay.

Maybe it was having too much time on your hands that turned you gay. Maybe it was simply wanting to fit in or have a best friend that turned you towards the 'gay' scene...

Sure...tell us all about your expertise on what "turns" a person gay. Entertain us.
Interesting that this super power only works one way. Heterosexuality is advertised more than beer and yet I'm still gay.

Maybe it was having too much time on your hands that turned you gay. Maybe it was simply wanting to fit in or have a best friend that turned you towards the 'gay' scene...

In reality, none of those. Want to know how it really happened? I was born this way, baby. There you have it. Eye witness, first-hand account. Born gay. No choice in who I was attracted to was ever made. The ONLY choice is in acting upon my natural inclinations. Since my attractions involve consenting adults, why do you care to the point of wanting to forbid some of the ways in which we have intercourse?

First off, I cannot imagine you wanted to marry your father. Boys tend to cling to mommy and girls to daddy. At the same time the boy likes to do what dad does. And girls like to play with babies. My feeling is that you cannot remember much further back then when you were ten or so. The problem is that the human mouth is the most filthy organ of the body (according to the ADA) --- even dirtier than the anus. Homsexuals commonly will engage in oral sex without a care of periodontal disease and gum bleeding (an obvious way of spreading all sorts of diseases). At the same time they may wear a condom when engaging in anal sex but will not consider the fact that the anus was not designed by God for things to go in but come out. This causes permanent stretching and tearing and irratation. This likely makes one prone to diseases that could lead to various viral cancers. All of this can lead to higher medical insurance costs, spreading diseases throughout a sexually active population, spreading of viral infections from saliva through kissing... And now some liberal "feel-gooders" want to make this all socially acceptable with governmental seal of "marriage."
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Maybe it was having too much time on your hands that turned you gay. Maybe it was simply wanting to fit in or have a best friend that turned you towards the 'gay' scene...

In reality, none of those. Want to know how it really happened? I was born this way, baby. There you have it. Eye witness, first-hand account. Born gay. No choice in who I was attracted to was ever made. The ONLY choice is in acting upon my natural inclinations. Since my attractions involve consenting adults, why do you care to the point of wanting to forbid some of the ways in which we have intercourse?

First off, I cannot imagine you wanted to marry your father. Boys tend to cling to mommy and girls to daddy. At the same time the boy likes to do what dad does. And girls like to play with babies. My feeling is that you cannot remember much further back then when you were ten or so. The problem is that the human mouth is the most filthy organ of the body (according to the ADA) --- even dirtier than the anus. Homsexuals commonly will engage in oral sex without a care of periodontal disease and gum bleeding (an obvious way of spreading all sorts of diseases). At the same time they may wear a condom when engaging in anal sex but will not consider the fact that the anus was not designed by God for things to go in but come out. This causes permanent stretching and tearing and irratation. This likely makes one prone to diseases that could lead to various viral cancers. All of this can lead to higher medical insurance costs, spreading diseases throughout a sexually active population, spreading of viral infections from saliva through kissing.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: I see you've thought about this......a lot.
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Maybe it was having too much time on your hands that turned you gay. Maybe it was simply wanting to fit in or have a best friend that turned you towards the 'gay' scene...

In reality, none of those. Want to know how it really happened? I was born this way, baby. There you have it. Eye witness, first-hand account. Born gay. No choice in who I was attracted to was ever made. The ONLY choice is in acting upon my natural inclinations. Since my attractions involve consenting adults, why do you care to the point of wanting to forbid some of the ways in which we have intercourse?

First off, I cannot imagine you wanted to marry your father. Boys tend to cling to mommy and girls to daddy. At the same time the boy likes to do what dad does. And girls like to play with babies. My feeling is that you cannot remember much further back then when you were ten or so. The proble is that the human mouth is the most filthy organ of the body --- even dirtier than the anus. Homsexuals commonly will engage in oral sex without a care of periodontal disease and gum bleeding (an obvious way of spreading all sorts of diseases). At the same time they may wear a condom when engaging in anal sex but will not consider the fact that the anus was not designed by God for things to go in but come out. This causes permanent stretching and tearing and irratation. This likely makes one prone to diseases that could lead to various viral cancers. All of this can lead to higher medical insurance costs, spreading diseases throughout a sexually active population, spreading of viral infections from saliva through kissing.

ok lol, you know, some things I do remember. back in school when girls supposedly had cooties, I never bought into that. for as long as I can remember I was always fascinated with girls. there was always this attraction. granted, back in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade I had no idea what it was, but I knew it was there.

and as far as oral sex and anal sex, i'm straight as hell but have totally done both. and giving oral to a woman, nothing I enjoy better. and my gums are fine. no bleeding going on there. I mean you are just talking shit here.
Maybe it was having too much time on your hands that turned you gay. Maybe it was simply wanting to fit in or have a best friend that turned you towards the 'gay' scene...

In reality, none of those. Want to know how it really happened? I was born this way, baby. There you have it. Eye witness, first-hand account. Born gay. No choice in who I was attracted to was ever made. The ONLY choice is in acting upon my natural inclinations. Since my attractions involve consenting adults, why do you care to the point of wanting to forbid some of the ways in which we have intercourse?

First off, I cannot imagine you wanted to marry your father. Boys tend to cling to mommy and girls to daddy. At the same time the boy likes to do what dad does. And girls like to play with babies.

What? Seriously, what? no, I didn't want to play with babies. I wanted to play baseball and climb trees. I wanted to marry Julie Andrews.

My feeling is that you cannot remember much further back then when you were ten or so.

Nope. I started having crushes on girls and women at about five or six. Next?

The proble is that the human mouth is the most filthy organ of the body --- even dirtier than the anus. Homsexuals commonly will engage in oral sex without a care of periodontal disease and gum bleeding (an obvious way of spreading all sorts of diseases). At the same time they may wear a condom when engaging in anal sex but will not consider the fact that the anus was not designed by God for things to go in but come out. This causes permanent stretching and tearing and irratation. This likely makes one prone to diseases that could lead to various viral cancers. All of this can lead to higher medical insurance costs, spreading diseases throughout a sexually active population, spreading of viral infections from saliva through kissing.

Straight people engage in all those things more than we do.

Apparently you've never heard of frottage or tribbing?

How are you planning on enforcing your no gay fucking laws?
In reality, none of those. Want to know how it really happened? I was born this way, baby. There you have it. Eye witness, first-hand account. Born gay. No choice in who I was attracted to was ever made. The ONLY choice is in acting upon my natural inclinations. Since my attractions involve consenting adults, why do you care to the point of wanting to forbid some of the ways in which we have intercourse?

First off, I cannot imagine you wanted to marry your father. Boys tend to cling to mommy and girls to daddy. At the same time the boy likes to do what dad does. And girls like to play with babies.

What? Seriously, what? no, I didn't want to play with babies. I wanted to play baseball and climb trees. I wanted to marry Julie Andrews.

My feeling is that you cannot remember much further back then when you were ten or so.

Nope. I started having crushes on girls and women at about five or six. Next?

The proble is that the human mouth is the most filthy organ of the body --- even dirtier than the anus. Homsexuals commonly will engage in oral sex without a care of periodontal disease and gum bleeding (an obvious way of spreading all sorts of diseases). At the same time they may wear a condom when engaging in anal sex but will not consider the fact that the anus was not designed by God for things to go in but come out. This causes permanent stretching and tearing and irratation. This likely makes one prone to diseases that could lead to various viral cancers. All of this can lead to higher medical insurance costs, spreading diseases throughout a sexually active population, spreading of viral infections from saliva through kissing.

Straight people engage in all those things more than we do.

Apparently you've never heard of frottage or tribbing?

How are you planning on enforcing your no gay fucking laws?

ok I admit I had to just look those two things up. I think we used to call it dry humping
In reality, none of those. Want to know how it really happened? I was born this way, baby. There you have it. Eye witness, first-hand account. Born gay. No choice in who I was attracted to was ever made. The ONLY choice is in acting upon my natural inclinations. Since my attractions involve consenting adults, why do you care to the point of wanting to forbid some of the ways in which we have intercourse?

First off, I cannot imagine you wanted to marry your father. Boys tend to cling to mommy and girls to daddy. At the same time the boy likes to do what dad does. And girls like to play with babies. My feeling is that you cannot remember much further back then when you were ten or so. The problem is that the human mouth is the most filthy organ of the body (according to the ADA) --- even dirtier than the anus. Homsexuals commonly will engage in oral sex without a care of periodontal disease and gum bleeding (an obvious way of spreading all sorts of diseases). At the same time they may wear a condom when engaging in anal sex but will not consider the fact that the anus was not designed by God for things to go in but come out. This causes permanent stretching and tearing and irratation. This likely makes one prone to diseases that could lead to various viral cancers. All of this can lead to higher medical insurance costs, spreading diseases throughout a sexually active population, spreading of viral infections from saliva through kissing.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: I see you've thought about this......a lot.

Maybe you should think about it more before you make your bed...:eusa_hand:
First off, I cannot imagine you wanted to marry your father. Boys tend to cling to mommy and girls to daddy. At the same time the boy likes to do what dad does. And girls like to play with babies. My feeling is that you cannot remember much further back then when you were ten or so. The problem is that the human mouth is the most filthy organ of the body (according to the ADA) --- even dirtier than the anus. Homsexuals commonly will engage in oral sex without a care of periodontal disease and gum bleeding (an obvious way of spreading all sorts of diseases). At the same time they may wear a condom when engaging in anal sex but will not consider the fact that the anus was not designed by God for things to go in but come out. This causes permanent stretching and tearing and irratation. This likely makes one prone to diseases that could lead to various viral cancers. All of this can lead to higher medical insurance costs, spreading diseases throughout a sexually active population, spreading of viral infections from saliva through kissing.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: I see you've thought about this......a lot.

Maybe you should think about it more before you make your bed...:eusa_hand:

Why? I don't think about anal sex as much as you do. I bow to your resident expertise.

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