What is the Purpose of Gay Marriage?

Such, is how homosexuality spreads ---- watching, experimentation... All of this is a part of Sodomy. Sex was never meant to be a spectator's sport.

ROFLMAO...you actually believe sexual orientation is learned? :lol: Such a child...

Does advertising work or is it a waste of corporate money. DO styles change because of what people see happening around them or is society unmoved by trends? You tell me! I think my "childish" imaginings are years beyond your "maturity."

advertising is what the progressive media is all about....and it's been pushing gay marriage hard....it's no wonder the polls reflect that....very trendy.....:rolleyes:
ROFLMAO...you actually believe sexual orientation is learned? :lol: Such a child...

Does advertising work or is it a waste of corporate money. DO styles change because of what people see happening around them or is society unmoved by trends? You tell me! I think my "childish" imaginings are years beyond your "maturity."

advertising is what the progressive media is all about....and it's been pushing gay marriage hard....it's no wonder the polls reflect that....very trendy.....:rolleyes:

Adverti9sing is not being used to persuade people into becoming gay. It is used to persuade those that are not homosexual, to recognize the loss of ceertain rights to gay americans.

Amd it is working. People are trending in support.

Thats what I found funny about the whole gun law trend.

Right after Newtown, a large majority supported gun law changes.

Then we had a national debate.

And the trend is now in the other direction.

And the media is looking to "blame" resons for the loss of support....and Obama outright blamed the people.

The debate opened peoples eyes. It works.

It is what "expressing ones views" is all about.
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Does advertising work or is it a waste of corporate money. DO styles change because of what people see happening around them or is society unmoved by trends? You tell me! I think my "childish" imaginings are years beyond your "maturity."

advertising is what the progressive media is all about....and it's been pushing gay marriage hard....it's no wonder the polls reflect that....very trendy.....:rolleyes:

Adverti9sing is not being used to persuade people into becoming gay. It is used to persuade those that are not homosexual, to recognize the loss of ceertain rights to gay americans.

Amd it is working. People are trending in support.

Thats what I found funny about the whole gun law trend.

Right after Newtown, a large majority supported gun law changes.

Then we had a national debate.

And the trend is now in the other direction.

And the media is looking to "blame" resons for the loss of support....and Obama outright blamed the people.

The debate opened peoples eyes. It works.

It is what "expressing ones views" is all about.

it's what propaganda is all about...
I believe civil rights should be founded on GODLY principle and not HUMANISTIC principles. Spiritualism vs Materialism. When a people seek the mind of GOD they do not seek to please RULERS, MAJORITIES and MINORITES. They strive to do what is right and wholesome and true. But when one seeks change, a majority concensus is much harder to manipulate than a minority. And rulers can be paid off. Clearly, 99% of homosexuals who want to get married are for "gay" marriage. They have their OWN self-interests at stake. However, within the majority, there are people who are pulled both ways and many have very logical reasons for how they feel on the subject. And logically children and the foundation for marriage should be the concern and not something to circumvent to impress one group at the risk of spoiling the stew for American society at large...

Every major innovation in Civil Rights has happened in spite of what God said

1. Slavery was justified because God permitted it in the bible
2. Restrictions on womens rights were justified because of the bible
3. Denial of Civil Rights and segregation were justified because of biblical references
4. Gays are being denied rights because of the bible

People who sell themselves so they can have what they wish are enslaved already. If you read the Bible you will find there were very strict rules that God put in place so that slaves would not be abused, and they could be freed. The Old Testament allows slavery, but the New Testament moves us from accepting slavery towards a position of brothers and sisters in the Lord Christ Jesus. In the ancient world EVERYONE with power had slaves; however, the best treated slaves were those under the Mosaic Law. And until America was founded, most of the world was still under the influences of PAGAN traditions. AND THE FACTS ARE THAT THE OLD SOUTH WAS NOT TREATING SLAVES IN ACCORDANCE WITH WHAT THE BIBLE CLEARLY PRESENTED. It was the fact that the United States prided itself to be the first nation to attempt to run under godly biblical principle that eventually brought about the Civil War. It was inevitable. Fundamentalism is what ended slavery and not atheism. An atheist believes he only has to answer to other men (ends justify the means). A Christian believes he must answer to GOD (means justify the ends).

Did you really post that?

Our secular society has higher moral values than GOD when it comes to slavery?
You can have a slave but just don't beat him to death?

And don't you dare try to justify that Chritians were not heavily involved in slavery in the south and blame atheists
ROFLMAO...you actually believe sexual orientation is learned? :lol: Such a child...

Does advertising work or is it a waste of corporate money. DO styles change because of what people see happening around them or is society unmoved by trends? You tell me! I think my "childish" imaginings are years beyond your "maturity."

So you actually believe that a glossy billboard or a funny commercial is going to make you want to suck another guy's dick?

Do you seriously believe that you chose your sexual orientation? When did you make the choice? How did you? Flip of a coin?

A tattoo was once the sign of a sailor, and any more tattoos than that a sideshow freak. And yet today seemingly "normal" individuals are having them done (regardless the pain or cost). My guess is that a person who would like to experiment, or make a friend or watch peep shows, would try it and then be stuck in the habit. I cannot imagine it hurts or "gays" would shudder...:eusa_silenced:
Every major innovation in Civil Rights has happened in spite of what God said

1. Slavery was justified because God permitted it in the bible
2. Restrictions on womens rights were justified because of the bible
3. Denial of Civil Rights and segregation were justified because of biblical references
4. Gays are being denied rights because of the bible

People who sell themselves so they can have what they wish are enslaved already. If you read the Bible you will find there were very strict rules that God put in place so that slaves would not be abused, and they could be freed. The Old Testament allows slavery, but the New Testament moves us from accepting slavery towards a position of brothers and sisters in the Lord Christ Jesus. In the ancient world EVERYONE with power had slaves; however, the best treated slaves were those under the Mosaic Law. And until America was founded, most of the world was still under the influences of PAGAN traditions. AND THE FACTS ARE THAT THE OLD SOUTH WAS NOT TREATING SLAVES IN ACCORDANCE WITH WHAT THE BIBLE CLEARLY PRESENTED. It was the fact that the United States prided itself to be the first nation to attempt to run under godly biblical principle that eventually brought about the Civil War. It was inevitable. Fundamentalism is what ended slavery and not atheism. An atheist believes he only has to answer to other men (ends justify the means). A Christian believes he must answer to GOD (means justify the ends).

Did you really post that?

Our secular society has higher moral values than GOD when it comes to slavery?
You can have a slave but just don't beat him to death?

And don't you dare try to justify that Chritians were not heavily involved in slavery in the south and blame atheists
Are you on drugs? Yes, I really post a lot of things, I imagine you wish I wouldn't. It doesn't make your position any easier to support...
If Christians were not involved in the fight against slavery (even in the Old SOUTH) do you really think the Underground railroad would have worked? When Harriet B. Stowe wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin, she also was composing Christian hymns. And while I can imagine that some atheists were influenced by their Christian friends to fight against slavery. I do not know of an atheist in the anti-slavery movement. Do you?
ROFLMAO...you actually believe sexual orientation is learned? :lol: Such a child...

Does advertising work or is it a waste of corporate money. DO styles change because of what people see happening around them or is society unmoved by trends? You tell me! I think my "childish" imaginings are years beyond your "maturity."

I dont like chocolate.

Some of those ads for chocolate are extremely appealing to others, but I was born with a natural aversion to chocolate...so when I see an ad for it, I have absolutely no desire "inspired".

Your problem is, you think homosexuality is "learned".

And your problem is you believe sex isn't learned. And you wouldn't know that you had an adversion to chocolate unless you tried it at least once ----- but I cannot imagine one can get AIDS from one try of coco. And the difference is chocolate doesn't have feelings or is insistant or persuasive. But my bet is you went "Trick or Treating" when & because everyone else did. And you took the chocolate candy just as fast as everyone else did too I would suppose...
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godless Secularism wants to undermine marriage, the family, and religion plus our whole society by forcing everybody to accept sodomy and homosexuality as being normal....they want to place the State in control of all morality.....this of course will lead to further abominations....such as fatherless or motherless children becoming a 'choice'....engineered children will be next....
.....dogs and cats, living together!!!......three headed ostriches!!!.......talking mice........dancing bears doing the Rhamba.....the implosion of Uncle Freddy's toupee......balls of flaming hot malted milk balls dipped in cheese sauce and smelling like kimchee, raining down from the heavens.......the end of sidewalks as we know them.....no more 7-11 stores.....the devil raaaaaiiiiisin' up from the ground, pitchforkin' poor innocent lil homophobes......muslim fundie-extremists and christian fundie-extremists banding together in their common crusade/jihad against the godless heathens who darest to refuseth to bow down and submit to the one true god Allah/Jehovah/Yahweh/Shiva/Odin/Ra/Mithras/Horus/Zeus.........

godless Secularism wants to undermine marriage, the family, and religion plus our whole society by forcing everybody to accept sodomy and homosexuality as being normal....they want to place the State in control of all morality.....this of course will lead to further abominations....such as fatherless or motherless children becoming a 'choice'....engineered children will be next....
.....dogs and cats, living together!!!......three headed ostriches!!!.......talking mice........dancing bears doing the Rhamba.....the implosion of Uncle Freddy's toupee......balls of flaming hot malted milk balls dipped in cheese sauce and smelling like kimchee, raining down from the heavens.......the end of sidewalks as we know them.....no more 7-11 stores.....the devil raaaaaiiiiisin' up from the ground, pitchforkin' poor innocent lil homophobes......muslim fundie-extremists and christian fundie-extremists banding together in their common crusade/jihad against the godless heathens who darest to refuseth to bow down and submit to the one true god Allah/Jehovah/Yahweh/Shiva/Odin/Ra/Mithras/Horus/Zeus.........

That just about covers it. :clap2:
And your problem is you believe sex isn't learned. And you wouldn't know that you had an adversion to chocolate unless you tried it at least once ...

Am i reading you right? So you're also implying that you wouldn't know that you had an aversion to gay sex unless you tried it at least once???

So do you have an aversion to gay sex?

Have you tried it at least once???

If not, then how would you know you have an aversion to it?

Does advertising work or is it a waste of corporate money. DO styles change because of what people see happening around them or is society unmoved by trends? You tell me! I think my "childish" imaginings are years beyond your "maturity."

advertising is what the progressive media is all about....and it's been pushing gay marriage hard....it's no wonder the polls reflect that....very trendy.....:rolleyes:

Adverti9sing is not being used to persuade people into becoming gay. It is used to persuade those that are not homosexual, to recognize the loss of ceertain rights to gay americans.

Amd it is working. People are trending in support.

Thats what I found funny about the whole gun law trend.

Right after Newtown, a large majority supported gun law changes.

Then we had a national debate.

And the trend is now in the other direction.

And the media is looking to "blame" resons for the loss of support....and Obama outright blamed the people.

The debate opened peoples eyes. It works.

It is what "expressing ones views" is all about.

They are trying to paint homosexuality in a "good" light. They speak of famous people who were/are gay (like that makes a difference). They present individuals whose children are "gay" and that caused them to rethink their views. Sounds just as logical as the mother crying, "My son was always a good boy," at a murder trial. Just because someone you or I love does something wrong, that doesn't make us love them any less; however, it doesn't make the act alright, either. The President says it is okay because of comments his little girls said. Parents need to be parents (even if a President). Little children do not have all the background needed to make an ethical decision. If the Pope can make mistakes, I'm sure Presidents can be clueless at times. And Obama is certainly not the best President we ever had. I would suggest he is even below Carter on that list. And Carter was a good person, but a very foolish rather naive individual. So my thoughts are that when Obama made the plea for "Gay marriage." There was a boost --- I mean he won the election. However, I feel that people might be having second and third thoughts on the subject, as they reevaluate Obama's views in general. And I imagine Obama would blame the people ----- Obama never blames HIMSELF for anything. That is one of his most stricking of character flaws. And the LIBERAL media doesn't want to expose any flaws that would harm their cause...
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Anal and oral sex should be outlawed as physically dangerous. That would end the issue.

Oh look, the "small government" bedroom police have arrived. Of course, you just want "the gheys" to stop sucking cock, but your "little nipper" still gets slobbered on (while watching girl on girl porn), right?

Such, is how homosexuality spreads ---- watching, experimentation... All of this is a part of Sodomy. Sex was never meant to be a spectator's sport.

It's true.

I watched two dudes kissing once. It turned me gay right then and there.

That's all it takes.

advertising is what the progressive media is all about....and it's been pushing gay marriage hard....it's no wonder the polls reflect that....very trendy.....:rolleyes:

Adverti9sing is not being used to persuade people into becoming gay. It is used to persuade those that are not homosexual, to recognize the loss of ceertain rights to gay americans.

Amd it is working. People are trending in support.

Thats what I found funny about the whole gun law trend.

Right after Newtown, a large majority supported gun law changes.

Then we had a national debate.

And the trend is now in the other direction.

And the media is looking to "blame" resons for the loss of support....and Obama outright blamed the people.

The debate opened peoples eyes. It works.

It is what "expressing ones views" is all about.

They are trying to paint homosexuality in a "good" light. They speak of famous people who were/are gay (like that makes a difference). They present individuals whose children are "gay" and that caused them to rethink their views. Sounds just as logical as the mother crying, "My son was always a good boy," at a murder trial. Just because someone you or I love does something wrong, that doesn't make us love them any less; however, it doesn't make the act alright, either. The President says it is okay because of comments his little girls said. Parents need to be parents (even if a President). Little children do not have all the background needed to make an ethical decision. If the Pope can make mistakes, I'm sure Presidents can be clueless at times. And Obama is certainly not the best President we ever had. I would suggest he is even below Carter on that list. And Carter was a good person, but a very foolish rather naive individual. So my thoughts are that when Obama made the plea for "Gay marriage." There was a boost --- I mean he won the election. However, I feel that people might be having second and third thoughts on the subject, as they reevaluate Obama's views in general. And I imagine Obama would blame the people ----- Obama never blames HIMSELF for anything. That is one of his most stricking of character flaws. And the LIBERAL media doesn't want to expose any flaws that would harm their cause...

^Comparing gay people to murderers, I see.
Oh look, the "small government" bedroom police have arrived. Of course, you just want "the gheys" to stop sucking cock, but your "little nipper" still gets slobbered on (while watching girl on girl porn), right?

Such, is how homosexuality spreads ---- watching, experimentation... All of this is a part of Sodomy. Sex was never meant to be a spectator's sport.

It's true.

I watched two dudes kissing once. It turned me gay right then and there.

That's all it takes.


Interesting that this super power only works one way. Heterosexuality is advertised more than beer and yet I'm still gay.
Such, is how homosexuality spreads ---- watching, experimentation... All of this is a part of Sodomy. Sex was never meant to be a spectator's sport.

It's true.

I watched two dudes kissing once. It turned me gay right then and there.

That's all it takes.


Interesting that this super power only works one way. Heterosexuality is advertised more than beer and yet I'm still gay.

I can understand why seeing two dudes kissing didn't do a thing for you.


Such, is how homosexuality spreads ---- watching, experimentation... All of this is a part of Sodomy. Sex was never meant to be a spectator's sport.

It's true.

I watched two dudes kissing once. It turned me gay right then and there.

That's all it takes.


Interesting that this super power only works one way. Heterosexuality is advertised more than beer and yet I'm still gay.
I see what these homophobes are so fearful about! They think homosexuality can be caught like a cold or the flu! Nothing could be further from the truth. Sexual orientation is not 'transmitted'. It is as immutable as eye color or complexion. But their misunderstanding contributes to their fears, as misunderstandings always do.

So the problem is one held by those holding these stupid assumptions. Therefore the problem is theirs to address. However, misunderstandings make for poor public policy. Those holding such warped conceptions of human behavior should not be allowed to legislate their fears. That's how we got Jim Crow laws.
It's true.

I watched two dudes kissing once. It turned me gay right then and there.

That's all it takes.


Interesting that this super power only works one way. Heterosexuality is advertised more than beer and yet I'm still gay.

I can understand why seeing two dudes kissing didn't do a thing for you.



Actually, I enjoy gay male porn, but that's not my argument. Nipper claims that advertising can turn straights gay, but the straight lifestyle is advertised more than any other "product" and yet it doesn't manage to turn us straight.
Interesting that this super power only works one way. Heterosexuality is advertised more than beer and yet I'm still gay.

I can understand why seeing two dudes kissing didn't do a thing for you.



Actually, I enjoy gay male porn, but that's not my argument. Nipper claims that advertising can turn straights gay, but the straight lifestyle is advertised more than any other "product" and yet it doesn't manage to turn us straight.

I take it Coasties don't get humor?


I can understand why seeing two dudes kissing didn't do a thing for you.



Actually, I enjoy gay male porn, but that's not my argument. Nipper claims that advertising can turn straights gay, but the straight lifestyle is advertised more than any other "product" and yet it doesn't manage to turn us straight.

I take it Coasties don't get humor?



No. They beat that out of us in boot camp.
I see what these homophobes are so fearful about! They think homosexuality can be caught like a cold or the flu! Nothing could be further from the truth. Sexual orientation is not 'transmitted'. It is as immutable as eye color or complexion. But their misunderstanding contributes to their fears, as misunderstandings always do.

So the problem is one held by those holding these stupid assumptions. Therefore the problem is theirs to address. However, misunderstandings make for poor public policy. Those holding such warped conceptions of human behavior should not be allowed to legislate their fears. That's how we got Jim Crow laws.

Can you show me a link from these people who think gay is contagious? I argue with religious right about the topic. I have zero wrong with gays being gay. I always ask the religious right why it bothers them so much or why God would make them gay and then when they are hurting no one why God would them command them to pretend to be straight.

But I've never heard anyone argue it's contagious. This seems like a typical liberal tactic to state a view no one thinks and then mock it. Show me wrong. Who thinks that?

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