What is the Purpose of Gay Marriage?

Quote: Originally Posted by LittleNipper

Straight people do not engage in those "things" MORE that homosexuals do. That is an illogical remark. Many married couples (particularly religious) feel that such forms of sexual activity are a debasing of that person they love. They engage in sex and enjoy it (and if they have children --- so be it), but not the kind that is all that is left for homosexuals to accomplish.

From the CDC:


And you don't believe homosexuality is an influencing factor? How many of these couples had premarrital sex? How many of these couple also engaged in homosexual activities? How many of these couples experiance serious health issues? How many of these couples are sterile? How many of these couples continue in this practice throughout their sexual lives? ALL the important factors are not presented. How/where did they get the statistics? Who was interviewed? How many were interviewed? ETC., ETC., ETC...
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Right. Following this reasoning any two people that are in a plantonic realinship should be allowed to be married just for the benifits.

Do you honestly believe that isn't happening now? Could you really see people outside of a sitcom or Adam Sandler movie pretending to be gay just to get benefits? Why would they need to when they could find plenty of members of the opposite sex to marry for the bennies.

Do you realize that NONE of ya'll "arguments" even scratch the surface of being logical?

Did I say it isn't happening now? I said following his logic any couple, gay or straight should be able to do it. The point is - he's undermining the societal meaning of marriage by placing all the siginificance on each individuals abstract meaning of marriage.

How will allowing gay and lesbian consenting adults to get the same piece of paper heterosexuals get going to "undermine the societal meaning of marriage"? It would still mean the same thing. It would still come with the same rights, benefits and privileges. Voting wasn't undermined with more people accessing it. Marriage wasn't undermined when black could marry whites (although that argument was used then too).

Nothing is going to change when you allow tax paying gay and lesbian citizens the right to marry.
In reality, none of those. Want to know how it really happened? I was born this way, baby. There you have it. Eye witness, first-hand account. Born gay. No choice in who I was attracted to was ever made. The ONLY choice is in acting upon my natural inclinations. Since my attractions involve consenting adults, why do you care to the point of wanting to forbid some of the ways in which we have intercourse?

First off, I cannot imagine you wanted to marry your father. Boys tend to cling to mommy and girls to daddy. At the same time the boy likes to do what dad does. And girls like to play with babies. My feeling is that you cannot remember much further back then when you were ten or so. The proble is that the human mouth is the most filthy organ of the body --- even dirtier than the anus. Homsexuals commonly will engage in oral sex without a care of periodontal disease and gum bleeding (an obvious way of spreading all sorts of diseases). At the same time they may wear a condom when engaging in anal sex but will not consider the fact that the anus was not designed by God for things to go in but come out. This causes permanent stretching and tearing and irratation. This likely makes one prone to diseases that could lead to various viral cancers. All of this can lead to higher medical insurance costs, spreading diseases throughout a sexually active population, spreading of viral infections from saliva through kissing.

ok lol, you know, some things I do remember. back in school when girls supposedly had cooties, I never bought into that. for as long as I can remember I was always fascinated with girls. there was always this attraction. granted, back in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade I had no idea what it was, but I knew it was there.

and as far as oral sex and anal sex, i'm straight as hell but have totally done both. and giving oral to a woman, nothing I enjoy better. and my gums are fine. no bleeding going on there. I mean you are just talking shit here.

You are young --- give it time... No, that is what one gets out of the butt.
Quote: Originally Posted by LittleNipper

Straight people do not engage in those "things" MORE that homosexuals do. That is an illogical remark. Many married couples (particularly religious) feel that such forms of sexual activity are a debasing of that person they love. They engage in sex and enjoy it (and if they have children --- so be it), but not the kind that is all that is left for homosexuals to accomplish.

From the CDC:


And you don't believe homosexuality is an influencing factor? How many of these couples had premarrital sex? How many of these couple also engaged in homosexual activities? How many of these couples experiance serious health issues? How many of these couples are sterile? How many of these couples continue in this practice throughout their sexual lives? ALL the important factors are not presented. How/where did they get the statistics? Who was interviewed? How many were interviewed? ETC., ETC., ETC...

OMG...you are one piece of work. :lol:

You want to blame straight anal sex on the gays too? You take homophobia to a new level. Does the Westborough Baptist Church know about you?

What does sterility have to do with anal or oral sex?

Just because you don't do it doesn't mean everyone else isn't doing it.

One of my favorite lines from a book comes from "Half Asleep in Frog Pajamas" and it is: "Show me a wife that doesn't give head and I'll show you a husband I can steal".

Do you honestly believe that isn't happening now? Could you really see people outside of a sitcom or Adam Sandler movie pretending to be gay just to get benefits? Why would they need to when they could find plenty of members of the opposite sex to marry for the bennies.

Do you realize that NONE of ya'll "arguments" even scratch the surface of being logical?

Did I say it isn't happening now? I said following his logic any couple, gay or straight should be able to do it. The point is - he's undermining the societal meaning of marriage by placing all the siginificance on each individuals abstract meaning of marriage.

How will allowing gay and lesbian consenting adults to get the same piece of paper heterosexuals get going to "undermine the societal meaning of marriage"? It would still mean the same thing. It would still come with the same rights, benefits and privileges. Voting wasn't undermined with more people accessing it. Marriage wasn't undermined when black could marry whites (although that argument was used then too).

Nothing is going to change when you allow tax paying gay and lesbian citizens the right to marry.

Social Security is already reaching the breaking point. Homosexual couples will have to legally be treated by EVERYONE as equal. And this is religiously not the case or even possible. Homsexuality is a sin.
Do you honestly believe that isn't happening now? Could you really see people outside of a sitcom or Adam Sandler movie pretending to be gay just to get benefits? Why would they need to when they could find plenty of members of the opposite sex to marry for the bennies.

Do you realize that NONE of ya'll "arguments" even scratch the surface of being logical?

Did I say it isn't happening now? I said following his logic any couple, gay or straight should be able to do it. The point is - he's undermining the societal meaning of marriage by placing all the siginificance on each individuals abstract meaning of marriage.

How will allowing gay and lesbian consenting adults to get the same piece of paper heterosexuals get going to "undermine the societal meaning of marriage"? It would still mean the same thing. It would still come with the same rights, benefits and privileges. Voting wasn't undermined with more people accessing it. Marriage wasn't undermined when black could marry whites (although that argument was used then too).

Nothing is going to change when you allow tax paying gay and lesbian citizens the right to marry.

Will the meaning change if you allow incest couples to marry? Acording to your logic it won't.
From the CDC:


And you don't believe homosexuality is an influencing factor? How many of these couples had premarrital sex? How many of these couple also engaged in homosexual activities? How many of these couples experiance serious health issues? How many of these couples are sterile? How many of these couples continue in this practice throughout their sexual lives? ALL the important factors are not presented. How/where did they get the statistics? Who was interviewed? How many were interviewed? ETC., ETC., ETC...

OMG...you are one piece of work. :lol:

You want to blame straight anal sex on the gays too? You take homophobia to a new level. Does the Westborough Baptist Church know about you?

What does sterility have to do with anal or oral sex?

Just because you don't do it doesn't mean everyone else isn't doing it.

One of my favorite lines from a book comes from "Half Asleep in Frog Pajamas" and it is: "Show me a wife that doesn't give head and I'll show you a husband I can steal".


Well, stealing one's husband is adultery and having sex outside of marriage is fornication. So show me where such is ideal. One of my favorite lines comes from the Bible. "You reap what you sow. Sow to the wind and reap the whirlwind."
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How will allowing gay and lesbian consenting adults to get the same piece of paper heterosexuals get going to "undermine the societal meaning of marriage"? It would still mean the same thing. It would still come with the same rights, benefits and privileges. Voting wasn't undermined with more people accessing it. Marriage wasn't undermined when black could marry whites (although that argument was used then too).

Nothing is going to change when you allow tax paying gay and lesbian citizens the right to marry.

Will the meaning change if you allow incest couples to marry? Acording to your logic it won't.

Aaaaaannnnnddddd, we're back to the slippery slope fallacy. Hint for the cheap seats, incest is illegal. Marriage is a contract between non familial consenting adults. Allowing us equal access to civil marriage isn't going to change that.
Am i reading you right? So you're also implying that you wouldn't know that you had an aversion to gay sex unless you tried it at least once???

So do you have an aversion to gay sex?

Have you tried it at least once???

If not, then how would you know you have an aversion to it?


No. I have never had such an experiance and it will never happen. I am married and have a child. I'm saying that a drunk doesn't become a drunk by not drinking. And such is apples and oranges, but drunks usually are folks who started drinking to get drunk. This becomes habitual and the body begins to crave the alcohol. In the case of homosexuality the person craves friendship and wants to fit in. With boys it is with other boys. and with girls it is with other girls. The boy that doesn't fit in begins to crave any male affection. He begins to think himself an outcast. He sees a nice looking guy and wishes he was liked and accepted. The jump from this point is very easy, as any guy who feels the same need will be a draw. The teen grows into a man but the desires stay inmature and insecurities remain childlike. The homosexual becomes either overtly "macho" to compensate, or assumes a subordinate role as the "victim" and clinging vine. It is enough that God calls it a sin that makes me abhor the act and flee as Joseph did from Potiphar's wife. It is wrong according to God and that is enough... Sin is like a ladder. One needs only slowly decend one rung at a time.

And hence the Framers gave us the Constitution to protect all persons in the United States from the ignorance and hate exhibited above.

Hate and ignorance? Where do you see hate? Where do you see ignorance? Just because people disagree with you doesn't mean they hate you. And just because someone presents a train of logic, and another says, "Such is ignorance!" Doesn't make it so. If anything it would seem you harbor hate towards those you disagree with, because you are very short with your rebuttal. And likewise that tends to demonstrate ignorace on your part because you present nothing to back your opinion up.
Will the meaning change if you allow incest couples to marry? Acording to your logic it won't.

Aaaaaannnnnddddd, we're back to the slippery slope fallacy. Hint for the cheap seats, incest is illegal. Marriage is a contract between non familial consenting adults. Allowing us equal access to civil marriage isn't going to change that.

I didn't saying gay marriage is going to lead to incest marriage. Are you dense?

Let me ask you this - if incestual relationships were given marriage status, how would that change the meaning of marriage?
How will allowing gay and lesbian consenting adults to get the same piece of paper heterosexuals get going to "undermine the societal meaning of marriage"? It would still mean the same thing. It would still come with the same rights, benefits and privileges. Voting wasn't undermined with more people accessing it. Marriage wasn't undermined when black could marry whites (although that argument was used then too).

Nothing is going to change when you allow tax paying gay and lesbian citizens the right to marry.

Will the meaning change if you allow incest couples to marry? Acording to your logic it won't.

Bringing something like incest into the debate is no different than bringing private ownership of a nuclear bomb into the gun control deabte.

It clouds the issue, diminishes the importance of the position of your opponent, and makes a mockery of the whole idea of "honest debate".
Aaaaaannnnnddddd, we're back to the slippery slope fallacy. Hint for the cheap seats, incest is illegal. Marriage is a contract between non familial consenting adults. Allowing us equal access to civil marriage isn't going to change that.

I didn't saying gay marriage is going to lead to incest marriage. Are you dense?

Let me ask you this - if incestual relationships were given marriage status, how would that change the meaning of marriage?

It wouldn't.
The war isn't over until Judgment Day. And that outcome is unchangable. What prophet is it to a man to gain the entire world but lose his own soul?:(

I'm secure in the knowledge that my soul is safe. Not worried about what comes after, only with what goes on while I'm here.

And you base your salvation on what? This isn't a trick question. I sincerely want to know if you are in fact a saved individual.
The war isn't over until Judgment Day. And that outcome is unchangable. What prophet is it to a man to gain the entire world but lose his own soul?:(

I'm secure in the knowledge that my soul is safe. Not worried about what comes after, only with what goes on while I'm here.

And you base your salvation on what? This isn't a trick question. I sincerely want to know if you are in fact a saved individual.

an individuals interpretation of his or her own faith is my guess.
It wouldn't.

Well seawytch, do you agree with this gentleman??

it is based on the rediculous hypothesis that an incestuous marriage was legal.

But if such were the case, than anyone who is pro gay marriage who doesnt view it as "marriage" in the same light is a hypocrite.

And if they wouldnt view it in the same light, then their argument as to why gay marriage should be accepted is bullshit.
Let me ask you this - if incestual relationships were given marriage status, how would that change the meaning of marriage?

Since many have for years harped on the fact that "marriage is the joining of a man and a woman" then if incestual relationships between mother/son, father/daughter, brother/sister were allowed then in each case they (assuming they are consenting adults) a man and a woman.

Those people would then be fine with that right?

The simple truth is that married husband and wife couples have three basic forms of sexual contact. These are vaginal, oral, and anal. And of these three, only one has been demonstrated to produce a baby. And of the three only vaginal has been proven to be healthy and without serious complications under normal circumstances. Both anal and oral sex can bring about serious sanitary health risks to those involved.
With homosexuality, there is only two possible forms. They include anal and oral. No baby can be produced and both have serious sanitation/health risks involved.
The war isn't over until Judgment Day. And that outcome is unchangable. What prophet is it to a man to gain the entire world but lose his own soul?:(

I'm secure in the knowledge that my soul is safe. Not worried about what comes after, only with what goes on while I'm here.

And you base your salvation on what? This isn't a trick question. I sincerely want to know if you are in fact a saved individual.

My secret is that I don't believe in your sky pixie.

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