What is the Purpose of Gay Marriage?

It's not about whether you like gays, or think thye are wrong. It's about people rights. and all people have the same rights. it's like every issue, it has to be broken down to the very simple basic rights. Do people have the right to marry - yes or no? of course we say yes. So that should be the end of the discussion. People have the right to marry - period. as soon as you start to muddy the water and say, blacks can't marry whites or browns can't marry yellow, jews can't marry christians, women can't marry women, you are introducing a personal feeling and it is no longer about the right. if people have the right to marry then all people do. if people have the right to free speech then all people do. if people have the right to free religion, they are free to choose any religion. it all has to be broken down to the simple element. what is the basic right.
To obtain financial benefits (joint tax returns and spousal social security benefits) without having to rear children?

To obtain legal and financial protections for a relationship. Same as heterosexual marriage.

At this moment the issue is not an issue of defining "deviant behavior" but an issue of redefining a traditional institution under the guise of equality.
But equality already exists in the area of marriage. Those who lobby for sexual deviancies seek over-and-above rights that simply do not exist.
godless Secularism wants to undermine marriage, the family, and religion plus our whole society by forcing everybody to accept sodomy and homosexuality as being normal....they want to place the State in control of all morality.....this of course will lead to further abominations....such as fatherless or motherless children becoming a 'choice'....engineered children will be next....

The God less scum will be wanting beastiality marriage next, or marriage between
grown men and young under aged girls, and boys. This homosexual marriage is just
all a smokescreen, and or steping stone for other Secularist and New World Order

Dude, gay marriage is about two adult aged humans agreeing to get married. That's adult humans over the age of 17-18 who are old enough to make decisions for themselves.

On the flipside (see if you can follow me here)...

Adult humans marrying a non-consenting animal (who can't speak/think like a human), or a child (who's too young to make a decision) is an entirely different thing. Those are examples of a person infringing on the rights of another person and therefore NOT ALLOWED.

If you can't see the difference, you need to open your eyes up and start using that brain of yours, pal.


Really... What about parent marrying their adult kids, who can clearly speak and think for themselves? All this gay marriage is about redefining what marriage is under some "equality" bullshit. If is not, then explain why should society cave in to the demands of gays any more than we have to change laws to accommodate Mormon beliefs?
To obtain financial benefits (joint tax returns and spousal social security benefits) without having to rear children?

If you're going to spend the rest of your life with someone, it makes sense that you should be able to share assets (without being taxed), have access to one another's medical records, get on the other's work insurance, ect, ect, ect.

Kind of a dumb question, Jwoodie (I'm not trying to be offensive, just honest). Let's try to not be willfully ignorant here..


Whats the condition to do that? Love?

So father should be allowed to marry his adult son and share assets without being taxed.

Just sayin'...
I think it is to acknowledge that homosexual couples are a relevant and equal asset to society as same sex couples are - and if one is recognized by the State then both should be. I think neither should be.

"If one is recognized by the State."

This is what is wrong with this country.








READ YOUR FOUNDING DOCUMENTS (Common Sense, Federalist Papers, Ratification debates, Constitutional Convention, Articles of Confederation, EVERYTHING DURING THAT TIME THAT CONCERNED THE TOPIC)


You sound like you need to walk away, and go enjoy the life you have while you have it.
Well, I don't know if I fully agree with that (with regards to marriage specifically... the left is VERY forceful with initiatives in other areas that I absolutely abhor).

Sounds to me like (A) one side is saying two consenting adults can only marry in this one specific way, and (B) the other is saying "well if they're adults, and can make sound decisions for themselves, they should have a choice of who they marry and the gov't should not butt in and define it for them".


traditional marriage is about having and raising children with both a mother and a father and promoting a stable society.....'gay marriage' only undermines that stability....because children become pawns and are denied either their real father or real mother and real parents become dispensible....so which marriage do you think is morally superior...?

That is opinion, not fact.

Same goes for infertile couples wanting to raise children.

I see some started using children to justify gay marriage.

Maybe you should check some of the facts first.

Netherland Study
Ame®icano;7048950 said:
To obtain financial benefits (joint tax returns and spousal social security benefits) without having to rear children?

To obtain legal and financial protections for a relationship. Same as heterosexual marriage.

At this moment the issue is not an issue of defining "deviant behavior" but an issue of redefining a traditional institution under the guise of equality.
But equality already exists in the area of marriage. Those who lobby for sexual deviancies seek over-and-above rights that simply do not exist.
No one is lobbying for sexual deviance. Don't over-dramatize a simple issue. This is about loving commitment. Emotions. And the legal equality that goes along with it. After all, is there any homosexual act performed by two men that can't be performed between a heterosexual couple? Marriage of either couple neither ensures nor prevents sexual practices performed in the private of people's own homes. Perhaps you don't understand the difference between marriage and sex, which makes me feel quite sorry for you.
Ame®icano;7049025 said:
traditional marriage is about having and raising children with both a mother and a father and promoting a stable society.....'gay marriage' only undermines that stability....because children become pawns and are denied either their real father or real mother and real parents become dispensible....so which marriage do you think is morally superior...?

That is opinion, not fact.

Same goes for infertile couples wanting to raise children.

I see some started using children to justify gay marriage.

Maybe you should check some of the facts first.

Netherland Study

You saw wrong if it's me you were referring to.
Ame®icano;7049025 said:
traditional marriage is about having and raising children with both a mother and a father and promoting a stable society.....'gay marriage' only undermines that stability....because children become pawns and are denied either their real father or real mother and real parents become dispensible....so which marriage do you think is morally superior...?

That is opinion, not fact.

Same goes for infertile couples wanting to raise children.

I see some started using children to justify gay marriage.

Maybe you should check some of the facts first.

Netherland Study

Crap from NARTH and some blog? (Which you tried to pass off as being from Slate) Are you fucking kidding me?
Ame®icano;7048978 said:
To obtain financial benefits (joint tax returns and spousal social security benefits) without having to rear children?

If you're going to spend the rest of your life with someone, it makes sense that you should be able to share assets (without being taxed), have access to one another's medical records, get on the other's work insurance, ect, ect, ect.

Kind of a dumb question, Jwoodie (I'm not trying to be offensive, just honest). Let's try to not be willfully ignorant here..


Whats the condition to do that? Love?

So father should be allowed to marry his adult son and share assets without being taxed.

Just sayin'...
No. Nor is anyone proposing that. Ever. Nor is anyone proposing heterosexual incest. When hicks such as yourself take a simple issue to an extreme which NO ONE has ever proposed, you make yourself look moronic. This is called muddying the waters with a slippery slope straw man argument, which in fact no one has supported, but you have made up to suit your needs. It's pathetic.

Ame®icano;7049025 said:
traditional marriage is about having and raising children with both a mother and a father and promoting a stable society.....'gay marriage' only undermines that stability....because children become pawns and are denied either their real father or real mother and real parents become dispensible....so which marriage do you think is morally superior...?

That is opinion, not fact.

Same goes for infertile couples wanting to raise children.

I see some started using children to justify gay marriage.

Maybe you should check some of the facts first.

Netherland Study
The netherlands study is true here in America too. If you take any minority group, place social injustices and prejudices against them, they are bound to exhibit more depressive symptoms. Is it really a surprise that people feel sad as a result of constant bigotry from people such as yourself? People like you CAUSE that effect. And then you turn around and claim it's their fault. It's like throwing a stone threw someone's window and then exclaiming they don't take care of their house well.

The lower link from a random blog is actually not accurate. Studies show kids from stable homosexual households due just as well or better than their heterosexual counterparts. Let's replace random blog with science and education sites.
Children Raised by Lesbians Do Just Fine, Studies Show | LiveScience
Families with Lesbian or Gay Parents | Education.com
Nontraditional Families and Childhood Progress Through School

And sure, you can find studies that say children coming from separated homosexual households have issues. The same is true for broken heterosexual households. This should tell you that unstable parental structure is harmful to children, not sexuality.
is there any homosexual act performed by two men that can't be performed between a heterosexual couple?

Technically there is. 69

Two guys can perform double fellatio, while a heterosexual couple would be performing fellatio and cunnilingus.


what if one guy tucks it between his legs?

Then he's not doing it right which changes the condition.

And speaking form experience from my adolescent days, it's pretty painful also.

is there any homosexual act performed by two men that can't be performed between a heterosexual couple?

Technically there is. 69

Two guys can perform double fellatio, while a heterosexual couple would be performing fellatio and cunnilingus.


And are you claiming the fellatio or the cunnilingus is sexual deviance?

Not in the least.

I'm just pointing out some thing two dudes can do that a man and a woman cannot do. Dual oral stimulation is different between same-sex and different-sex couples.

Personally I'd rather watch/think about two chicks, but the "two guys" was your example so I went with that.

Ame®icano;7048959 said:
The God less scum will be wanting beastiality marriage next, or marriage between
grown men and young under aged girls, and boys. This homosexual marriage is just
all a smokescreen, and or steping stone for other Secularist and New World Order

Dude, gay marriage is about two adult aged humans agreeing to get married. That's adult humans over the age of 17-18 who are old enough to make decisions for themselves.

On the flipside (see if you can follow me here)...

Adult humans marrying a non-consenting animal (who can't speak/think like a human), or a child (who's too young to make a decision) is an entirely different thing. Those are examples of a person infringing on the rights of another person and therefore NOT ALLOWED.

If you can't see the difference, you need to open your eyes up and start using that brain of yours, pal.


Really... What about parent marrying their adult kids, who can clearly speak and think for themselves? All this gay marriage is about redefining what marriage is under some "equality" bullshit. If is not, then explain why should society cave in to the demands of gays any more than we have to change laws to accommodate Mormon beliefs?

You and many others are perceiving the issue incorrectly.

All rights are inalienable, they can be neither taken nor granted by any government, constitution, or man.

Same-sex couples have always enjoyed equal protection rights, well before 1868.

Consequently, there is no such thing as ‘gay marriage,’ and acknowledging same-sex couples’ equal protection rights will in no way ‘redefine’ marriage. Indeed, same-sex couples seek only to participate in marriage exactly as it exists now, unchanged.

If the state wishes to deny same-sex couples their equal protection rights, then that opposition must be rationally based, reflect a legitimate governmental interest, be documented and supported by evidence, and free of animus toward same-sex couples.

With Proposition 8, the state of California has failed to realize these requirements in every regard.

Therefore, gays are not ‘demanding’ anything, society is not being asked to ‘cave in’; rather, the burden of proof lies with the state in its desire to take from same-sex couples what they currently possess.
society is simply a reflection of the morals held by the people reflected in their laws....

in this case both sides are arguing for a state-condoned form of morality....on one side you have traditional morals based on natural law......on the other you have godless relativistic Secularism....

Well, I don't know if I fully agree with that (with regards to marriage specifically... the left is VERY forceful with initiatives in other areas that I absolutely abhor).

Sounds to me like (A) one side is saying two consenting adults can only marry in this one specific way, and (B) the other is saying "well if they're adults, and can make sound decisions for themselves, they should have a choice of who they marry and the gov't should not butt in and define it for them".


traditional marriage is about having and raising children with both a mother and a father and promoting a stable society.....'gay marriage' only undermines that stability....because children become pawns and are denied either their real father or real mother and real parents become dispensible....so which marriage do you think is morally superior...?

“Morally superior,” the last refuge of a conservative when all other arguments have failed.

Otherwise, that something is perceived to be ‘traditional’ is legally and Constitutionally irrelevant.

And in order for your argument to be legally valid, you must provide proof that same-sex families ‘undermine’ a stable society, or that children raised in a home other than opposite-sex parents somehow adversely effects children.

To date, no such evidence has been provided from an acknowledge reliable and reputable source.

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