What is the real cost of immigration in the US?


Senior Member
Dec 4, 2014
Just to clear , I have absolutely no problems with people immigrating to the US. However my Father does. He blames pretty much all or social and economical issues on them. I feel that most of his arguments come from sensationalised tabloid headlines, which has created a lot of unjust fear and resent. Has anyone got any statics or facts to help prove that it really isn't immigration destroying the USA?
Just to clear , I have absolutely no problems with people immigrating to the US. However my Father does. He blames pretty much all or social and economical issues on them. I feel that most of his arguments come from sensationalised tabloid headlines, which has created a lot of unjust fear and resent. Has anyone got any statics or facts to help prove that it really isn't immigration destroying the USA?

As long as they migrate here legally. Illegal immigration is unacceptable and against our laws. No one is saying that illegal aliens are the cause of all of our woes but they certainly are a contributing factor. The fear and resentment of illegal aliens is justified.
biggest problem is dissolution of the USA whether legal or illegal immigration . Lots of writing out there so just do some googling . Otherwise visit downtown 'los angeles' van nuys , and many other cities in 'california' . Think its the same in new York city , Chicago , san fransicko and all over the USA . Illegal or legal , makes no difference as its bad for Americans in the USA Buddah .

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