What is the real reason that our Government is making gun laws stricter and stricter?

Actually the 2nd Amendment gives All citizens of the U.S. the irrevocable(not able to be changed, reversed, or recovered; final) right to obtain, keep and bear arms, and NOBODY can hinder, obstruct, impede, thwart, violate, or prevent ones 2nd Amendment. It means United States citizens have a God given right to keep and bear arms.

So honestly, according to the 2nd Amendment can the Government really prevent and/or deny or take the 2nd Amendment right away from convicts? No where does it say anything about loosing that right? It says that EVERYONE has that right and NOBODY can say otherwise.

We can discuss that if you want to, but you claimed the government made the laws more strict. Convicts not being allowed to have guns is a very old law. Please show how the laws have become stricter in the last couple of decades. If anything they have become less strict.

That all depends on what state (or city) you're talking about.
Over the years gun laws have got stricter all over. Some states now require background checks at gun shows, that once never required. Some states are making more gun restricted places. So on and so on. But we can discuss don't have time right this minute just wanted to respond fast to my alerts.
Actually the 2nd Amendment gives All citizens of the U.S. the irrevocable(not able to be changed, reversed, or recovered; final) right to obtain, keep and bear arms, and NOBODY can hinder, obstruct, impede, thwart, violate, or prevent ones 2nd Amendment. It means United States citizens have a God given right to keep and bear arms.

So honestly, according to the 2nd Amendment can the Government really prevent and/or deny or take the 2nd Amendment right away from convicts? No where does it say anything about loosing that right? It says that EVERYONE has that right and NOBODY can say otherwise.

We can discuss that if you want to, but you claimed the government made the laws more strict. Convicts not being allowed to have guns is a very old law. Please show how the laws have become stricter in the last couple of decades. If anything they have become less strict.

That all depends on what state (or city) you're talking about.
Over the years gun laws have got stricter all over. Some states now require background checks at gun shows, that once never required. Some states are making more gun restricted places. So on and so on. But we can discuss don't have time right this minute just wanted to respond fast to my alerts.
More public places not only places
Do you think the government has already made our gun laws stricter?
Every state has different gun laws. One state may deny you purchase and the neighboring state may let you purchase as many as you want.
The Government already made the gun laws more strict. How much more strict can they get until they start to interfere with our constitutional rights. I mean it is the 2nd Amendment, obviously at the time the Amendments of The United States Constitution were first developed, the right to keep and bear arms must of been a pretty important belief to the Government officials responsible in creating them.

The 2nd Amendment declares;
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Shall not be infringed means that the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution gives all citizens of the United States the irrevocable right to obtain, keep and bear arms, and this right shall NOT be infringed upon by ANYBODY. It means United States citizens have a God given right to keep and bear arms/guns.

Infringe- actively break terms of a law or agreement.

So what is the real reason behind the Government wanting to make stricter gun laws? I hope they know that its not going to stop the violence. If someone wants a gun they can get one off the streets cheaper than a gun store. Strict gun laws aren't preventing criminals or potential criminals from obtaining any firearm. All its doing is preventing innocent citizens from protecting themselves from criminals.

Also restricting places that you can carry a gun on your person isn't doing anything. The law abiding citizen will follow it when the criminal will still carry it.

All its really doing is making innocent citizens more vulnerable to be a victim or target for a criminal.
If gun laws get to strict to the point no one can carry a gun anywhere, strict where you can not purchase a gun, or a longer wait or process, or stricter requirements to legally own a firearm, its just preventing a law abiding citizen to be able to protect their life in a violent situation. It would be like opening season for fishing. Streams are fully stocked with innocent fish with no way to protect themselves from being caught by a fishermen. Criminals will know that there will be less innocent law abiding citizens that have protection on their person, so they will be an easier victim to a crime.

To me, stricter gun laws wont prevent crime it will increase crime.

What's wrong? You get one question and then weasel out to start another thread? I thought you might be more than the average coward RWNJ. I guess not.
He just proves the point that the average IQ for a gun nut is 70.
I'm just making the point that no where in the constitution does it say that you can loose your right to bear or keep arms. However it does say that everyone has the right to bear and keep arm and that this right shall not be infringed upon by anybody.
Because people are slaughtering people, perhaps?

Which they have been doing since the dawn of time. Laws don't prevent crime you know. If they did we wouldn't have assholes killing people for fun. Just sayin...
The Government already made the gun laws more strict. How much more strict can they get until they start to interfere with our constitutional rights. I mean it is the 2nd Amendment, obviously at the time the Amendments of The United States Constitution were first developed, the right to keep and bear arms must of been a pretty important belief to the Government officials responsible in creating them.

The 2nd Amendment declares;
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Shall not be infringed means that the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution gives all citizens of the United States the irrevocable right to obtain, keep and bear arms, and this right shall NOT be infringed upon by ANYBODY. It means United States citizens have a God given right to keep and bear arms/guns.

Infringe- actively break terms of a law or agreement.

So what is the real reason behind the Government wanting to make stricter gun laws? I hope they know that its not going to stop the violence. If someone wants a gun they can get one off the streets cheaper than a gun store. Strict gun laws aren't preventing criminals or potential criminals from obtaining any firearm. All its doing is preventing innocent citizens from protecting themselves from criminals.

Also restricting places that you can carry a gun on your person isn't doing anything. The law abiding citizen will follow it when the criminal will still carry it.

All its really doing is making innocent citizens more vulnerable to be a victim or target for a criminal.
If gun laws get to strict to the point no one can carry a gun anywhere, strict where you can not purchase a gun, or a longer wait or process, or stricter requirements to legally own a firearm, its just preventing a law abiding citizen to be able to protect their life in a violent situation. It would be like opening season for fishing. Streams are fully stocked with innocent fish with no way to protect themselves from being caught by a fishermen. Criminals will know that there will be less innocent law abiding citizens that have protection on their person, so they will be an easier victim to a crime.

To me, stricter gun laws wont prevent crime it will increase crime.

The 2nd only says that you have a right to bear arms. It in no way specifies what those arms may be.
Actually the 2nd Amendment gives All citizens of the U.S. the irrevocable(not able to be changed, reversed, or recovered; final) right to obtain, keep and bear arms, and NOBODY can hinder, obstruct, impede, thwart, violate, or prevent ones 2nd Amendment. It means United States citizens have a God given right to keep and bear arms.

So honestly, according to the 2nd Amendment can the Government really prevent and/or deny or take the 2nd Amendment right away from convicts? No where does it say anything about loosing that right? It says that EVERYONE has that right and NOBODY can say otherwise.
"As part of a well regulated militia".
"All American Citizens."
Actually the 2nd Amendment gives All citizens of the U.S. the irrevocable(not able to be changed, reversed, or recovered; final) right to obtain, keep and bear arms, and NOBODY can hinder, obstruct, impede, thwart, violate, or prevent ones 2nd Amendment. It means United States citizens have a God given right to keep and bear arms.

So honestly, according to the 2nd Amendment can the Government really prevent and/or deny or take the 2nd Amendment right away from convicts? No where does it say anything about loosing that right? It says that EVERYONE has that right and NOBODY can say otherwise.

We can discuss that if you want to, but you claimed the government made the laws more strict. Convicts not being allowed to have guns is a very old law. Please show how the laws have become stricter in the last couple of decades. If anything they have become less strict.

That all depends on what state (or city) you're talking about.
Over the years gun laws have got stricter all over. Some states now require background checks at gun shows, that once never required. Some states are making more gun restricted places. So on and so on. But we can discuss don't have time right this minute just wanted to respond fast to my alerts.

It's not an unlimited right. If one restriction is permissible, than any is.
The Government already made the gun laws more strict. How much more strict can they get until they start to interfere with our constitutional rights. I mean it is the 2nd Amendment, obviously at the time the Amendments of The United States Constitution were first developed, the right to keep and bear arms must of been a pretty important belief to the Government officials responsible in creating them.

The 2nd Amendment declares;
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Shall not be infringed means that the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution gives all citizens of the United States the irrevocable right to obtain, keep and bear arms, and this right shall NOT be infringed upon by ANYBODY. It means United States citizens have a God given right to keep and bear arms/guns.

Infringe- actively break terms of a law or agreement.

So what is the real reason behind the Government wanting to make stricter gun laws? I hope they know that its not going to stop the violence. If someone wants a gun they can get one off the streets cheaper than a gun store. Strict gun laws aren't preventing criminals or potential criminals from obtaining any firearm. All its doing is preventing innocent citizens from protecting themselves from criminals.

Also restricting places that you can carry a gun on your person isn't doing anything. The law abiding citizen will follow it when the criminal will still carry it.

All its really doing is making innocent citizens more vulnerable to be a victim or target for a criminal.
If gun laws get to strict to the point no one can carry a gun anywhere, strict where you can not purchase a gun, or a longer wait or process, or stricter requirements to legally own a firearm, its just preventing a law abiding citizen to be able to protect their life in a violent situation. It would be like opening season for fishing. Streams are fully stocked with innocent fish with no way to protect themselves from being caught by a fishermen. Criminals will know that there will be less innocent law abiding citizens that have protection on their person, so they will be an easier victim to a crime.

To me, stricter gun laws wont prevent crime it will increase crime.
What exactly constitutes ‘the government’ – it’s been more than 20 years since the last significant Federal firearm regulatory measure was enacted.

'The government' is not making gun laws 'stricter.'

This thread’s premise is sophomoric, ridiculous, ignorant, and wrong.
The Government already made the gun laws more strict. How much more strict can they get until they start to interfere with our constitutional rights. I mean it is the 2nd Amendment, obviously at the time the Amendments of The United States Constitution were first developed, the right to keep and bear arms must of been a pretty important belief to the Government officials responsible in creating them.

The 2nd Amendment declares;
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Shall not be infringed means that the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution gives all citizens of the United States the irrevocable right to obtain, keep and bear arms, and this right shall NOT be infringed upon by ANYBODY. It means United States citizens have a God given right to keep and bear arms/guns.

Infringe- actively break terms of a law or agreement.

So what is the real reason behind the Government wanting to make stricter gun laws? I hope they know that its not going to stop the violence. If someone wants a gun they can get one off the streets cheaper than a gun store. Strict gun laws aren't preventing criminals or potential criminals from obtaining any firearm. All its doing is preventing innocent citizens from protecting themselves from criminals.

Also restricting places that you can carry a gun on your person isn't doing anything. The law abiding citizen will follow it when the criminal will still carry it.

All its really doing is making innocent citizens more vulnerable to be a victim or target for a criminal.
If gun laws get to strict to the point no one can carry a gun anywhere, strict where you can not purchase a gun, or a longer wait or process, or stricter requirements to legally own a firearm, its just preventing a law abiding citizen to be able to protect their life in a violent situation. It would be like opening season for fishing. Streams are fully stocked with innocent fish with no way to protect themselves from being caught by a fishermen. Criminals will know that there will be less innocent law abiding citizens that have protection on their person, so they will be an easier victim to a crime.

To me, stricter gun laws wont prevent crime it will increase crime.

The 2nd only says that you have a right to bear arms. It in no way specifies what those arms may be.

Yes, it does. According to US v Miller, (decision made in 1934) the ONLY weapons specifically protected by the 2nd are those which have a military purpose. You are factually wrong.
Actually the 2nd Amendment gives All citizens of the U.S. the irrevocable(not able to be changed, reversed, or recovered; final) right to obtain, keep and bear arms, and NOBODY can hinder, obstruct, impede, thwart, violate, or prevent ones 2nd Amendment. It means United States citizens have a God given right to keep and bear arms.

So honestly, according to the 2nd Amendment can the Government really prevent and/or deny or take the 2nd Amendment right away from convicts? No where does it say anything about loosing that right? It says that EVERYONE has that right and NOBODY can say otherwise.

I just sent your post to my nephew, who works for Remington. He thanked me, and is sending catalogs addressed to all the occupants of Folsom prison and San Quentin!
Actually the 2nd Amendment gives All citizens of the U.S. the irrevocable(not able to be changed, reversed, or recovered; final) right to obtain, keep and bear arms, and NOBODY can hinder, obstruct, impede, thwart, violate, or prevent ones 2nd Amendment. It means United States citizens have a God given right to keep and bear arms.

So honestly, according to the 2nd Amendment can the Government really prevent and/or deny or take the 2nd Amendment right away from convicts? No where does it say anything about loosing that right? It says that EVERYONE has that right and NOBODY can say otherwise.
Actually, the Constitution exists solely in the context of its case law – including the Second Amendment; the Supreme Court alone determines what the Second Amendment ‘says,’ not message board posters.

And that case law clearly reaffirms the fact that the rights enshrined in the Second Amendment are not ‘unlimited’ – that government has the authority to place restrictions on the sale and possession of firearms consistent with Second Amendment jurisprudence, such as prohibiting convicted felons from possessing firearms.
The Government already made the gun laws more strict. How much more strict can they get until they start to interfere with our constitutional rights. I mean it is the 2nd Amendment, obviously at the time the Amendments of The United States Constitution were first developed, the right to keep and bear arms must of been a pretty important belief to the Government officials responsible in creating them.

The 2nd Amendment declares;
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Shall not be infringed means that the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution gives all citizens of the United States the irrevocable right to obtain, keep and bear arms, and this right shall NOT be infringed upon by ANYBODY. It means United States citizens have a God given right to keep and bear arms/guns.

Infringe- actively break terms of a law or agreement.

So what is the real reason behind the Government wanting to make stricter gun laws? I hope they know that its not going to stop the violence. If someone wants a gun they can get one off the streets cheaper than a gun store. Strict gun laws aren't preventing criminals or potential criminals from obtaining any firearm. All its doing is preventing innocent citizens from protecting themselves from criminals.

Also restricting places that you can carry a gun on your person isn't doing anything. The law abiding citizen will follow it when the criminal will still carry it.

All its really doing is making innocent citizens more vulnerable to be a victim or target for a criminal.
If gun laws get to strict to the point no one can carry a gun anywhere, strict where you can not purchase a gun, or a longer wait or process, or stricter requirements to legally own a firearm, its just preventing a law abiding citizen to be able to protect their life in a violent situation. It would be like opening season for fishing. Streams are fully stocked with innocent fish with no way to protect themselves from being caught by a fishermen. Criminals will know that there will be less innocent law abiding citizens that have protection on their person, so they will be an easier victim to a crime.

To me, stricter gun laws wont prevent crime it will increase crime.
What exactly constitutes ‘the government’ – it’s been more than 20 years since the last significant Federal firearm regulatory measure was enacted.

'The government' is not making gun laws 'stricter.'

This thread’s premise is sophomoric, ridiculous, ignorant, and wrong.
Every state has different guns laws. Like I just said one state might deny you purchase and the neighboring state maight let you purchase as many as you can afford. Gun shows that once didn't require a person to undergo a background check, now has too. There are more public please where guns are restricted. They are making background checks for extensive. Ammunition regulation. Waiting periods. You can get denied even with no criminal or mental background. Who is trying to gun laws more strict?
The Government already made the gun laws more strict. How much more strict can they get until they start to interfere with our constitutional rights. I mean it is the 2nd Amendment, obviously at the time the Amendments of The United States Constitution were first developed, the right to keep and bear arms must of been a pretty important belief to the Government officials responsible in creating them.

The 2nd Amendment declares;
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Shall not be infringed means that the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution gives all citizens of the United States the irrevocable right to obtain, keep and bear arms, and this right shall NOT be infringed upon by ANYBODY. It means United States citizens have a God given right to keep and bear arms/guns.

Infringe- actively break terms of a law or agreement.

So what is the real reason behind the Government wanting to make stricter gun laws? I hope they know that its not going to stop the violence. If someone wants a gun they can get one off the streets cheaper than a gun store. Strict gun laws aren't preventing criminals or potential criminals from obtaining any firearm. All its doing is preventing innocent citizens from protecting themselves from criminals.

Also restricting places that you can carry a gun on your person isn't doing anything. The law abiding citizen will follow it when the criminal will still carry it.

All its really doing is making innocent citizens more vulnerable to be a victim or target for a criminal.
If gun laws get to strict to the point no one can carry a gun anywhere, strict where you can not purchase a gun, or a longer wait or process, or stricter requirements to legally own a firearm, its just preventing a law abiding citizen to be able to protect their life in a violent situation. It would be like opening season for fishing. Streams are fully stocked with innocent fish with no way to protect themselves from being caught by a fishermen. Criminals will know that there will be less innocent law abiding citizens that have protection on their person, so they will be an easier victim to a crime.

To me, stricter gun laws wont prevent crime it will increase crime.

The 2nd only says that you have a right to bear arms. It in no way specifies what those arms may be.

Yes, it does. According to US v Miller, (decision made in 1934) the ONLY weapons specifically protected by the 2nd are those which have a military purpose. You are factually wrong.
Whose wrong?
Actually the 2nd Amendment gives All citizens of the U.S. the irrevocable(not able to be changed, reversed, or recovered; final) right to obtain, keep and bear arms, and NOBODY can hinder, obstruct, impede, thwart, violate, or prevent ones 2nd Amendment. It means United States citizens have a God given right to keep and bear arms.

So honestly, according to the 2nd Amendment can the Government really prevent and/or deny or take the 2nd Amendment right away from convicts? No where does it say anything about loosing that right? It says that EVERYONE has that right and NOBODY can say otherwise.
Actually, the Constitution exists solely in the context of its case law – including the Second Amendment; the Supreme Court alone determines what the Second Amendment ‘says,’ not message board posters.

And that case law clearly reaffirms the fact that the rights enshrined in the Second Amendment are not ‘unlimited’ – that government has the authority to place restrictions on the sale and possession of firearms consistent with Second Amendment jurisprudence, such as prohibiting convicted felons from possessing firearms.
What did I say that it doesn't say?
Do you think the government has already made our gun laws stricter?
Every state has different gun laws. One state may deny you purchase and the neighboring state may let you purchase as many as you want.

Those more restrictive firearm regulatory measures are perfectly Constitutional and consistent with current Second Amendment jurisprudence.

According to conservative “states’ rights” dogma, the states are at liberty to enact what laws they see fit, at the behest of the will of the people.

Certainly conservatives oppose activist Federal judges, tyrants in black robes, legislating from the bench, striking down firearm laws enacted by the states consistent with “states’ rights.”
The Government already made the gun laws more strict. How much more strict can they get until they start to interfere with our constitutional rights. I mean it is the 2nd Amendment, obviously at the time the Amendments of The United States Constitution were first developed, the right to keep and bear arms must of been a pretty important belief to the Government officials responsible in creating them.

The 2nd Amendment declares;
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Shall not be infringed means that the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution gives all citizens of the United States the irrevocable right to obtain, keep and bear arms, and this right shall NOT be infringed upon by ANYBODY. It means United States citizens have a God given right to keep and bear arms/guns.

Infringe- actively break terms of a law or agreement.

So what is the real reason behind the Government wanting to make stricter gun laws? I hope they know that its not going to stop the violence. If someone wants a gun they can get one off the streets cheaper than a gun store. Strict gun laws aren't preventing criminals or potential criminals from obtaining any firearm. All its doing is preventing innocent citizens from protecting themselves from criminals.

Also restricting places that you can carry a gun on your person isn't doing anything. The law abiding citizen will follow it when the criminal will still carry it.

All its really doing is making innocent citizens more vulnerable to be a victim or target for a criminal.
If gun laws get to strict to the point no one can carry a gun anywhere, strict where you can not purchase a gun, or a longer wait or process, or stricter requirements to legally own a firearm, its just preventing a law abiding citizen to be able to protect their life in a violent situation. It would be like opening season for fishing. Streams are fully stocked with innocent fish with no way to protect themselves from being caught by a fishermen. Criminals will know that there will be less innocent law abiding citizens that have protection on their person, so they will be an easier victim to a crime.

To me, stricter gun laws wont prevent crime it will increase crime.

The 2nd only says that you have a right to bear arms. It in no way specifies what those arms may be.

Yes, it does. According to US v Miller, (decision made in 1934) the ONLY weapons specifically protected by the 2nd are those which have a military purpose. You are factually wrong.

Hmm...so I can purchase any weapon I'd like without restriction?
Do you think the government has already made our gun laws stricter?
Every state has different gun laws. One state may deny you purchase and the neighboring state may let you purchase as many as you want.

Those more restrictive firearm regulatory measures are perfectly Constitutional and consistent with current Second Amendment jurisprudence.

According to conservative “states’ rights” dogma, the states are at liberty to enact what laws they see fit, at the behest of the will of the people.

Certainly conservatives oppose activist Federal judges, tyrants in black robes, legislating from the bench, striking down firearm laws enacted by the states consistent with “states’ rights.”
Over the years gun laws have gotten more strict.
The Government already made the gun laws more strict. How much more strict can they get until they start to interfere with our constitutional rights. I mean it is the 2nd Amendment, obviously at the time the Amendments of The United States Constitution were first developed, the right to keep and bear arms must of been a pretty important belief to the Government officials responsible in creating them.

The 2nd Amendment declares;
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Shall not be infringed means that the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution gives all citizens of the United States the irrevocable right to obtain, keep and bear arms, and this right shall NOT be infringed upon by ANYBODY. It means United States citizens have a God given right to keep and bear arms/guns.

Infringe- actively break terms of a law or agreement.

So what is the real reason behind the Government wanting to make stricter gun laws? I hope they know that its not going to stop the violence. If someone wants a gun they can get one off the streets cheaper than a gun store. Strict gun laws aren't preventing criminals or potential criminals from obtaining any firearm. All its doing is preventing innocent citizens from protecting themselves from criminals.

Also restricting places that you can carry a gun on your person isn't doing anything. The law abiding citizen will follow it when the criminal will still carry it.

All its really doing is making innocent citizens more vulnerable to be a victim or target for a criminal.
If gun laws get to strict to the point no one can carry a gun anywhere, strict where you can not purchase a gun, or a longer wait or process, or stricter requirements to legally own a firearm, its just preventing a law abiding citizen to be able to protect their life in a violent situation. It would be like opening season for fishing. Streams are fully stocked with innocent fish with no way to protect themselves from being caught by a fishermen. Criminals will know that there will be less innocent law abiding citizens that have protection on their person, so they will be an easier victim to a crime.

To me, stricter gun laws wont prevent crime it will increase crime.
What exactly constitutes ‘the government’ – it’s been more than 20 years since the last significant Federal firearm regulatory measure was enacted.

'The government' is not making gun laws 'stricter.'

This thread’s premise is sophomoric, ridiculous, ignorant, and wrong.
Every state has different guns laws. Like I just said one state might deny you purchase and the neighboring state maight let you purchase as many as you can afford. Gun shows that once didn't require a person to undergo a background check, now has too. There are more public please where guns are restricted. They are making background checks for extensive. Ammunition regulation. Waiting periods. You can get denied even with no criminal or mental background. Who is trying to gun laws more strict?

And still you have a right to a gun. The 2nd is intact.
The Government already made the gun laws more strict. How much more strict can they get until they start to interfere with our constitutional rights. I mean it is the 2nd Amendment, obviously at the time the Amendments of The United States Constitution were first developed, the right to keep and bear arms must of been a pretty important belief to the Government officials responsible in creating them.

The 2nd Amendment declares;
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Shall not be infringed means that the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution gives all citizens of the United States the irrevocable right to obtain, keep and bear arms, and this right shall NOT be infringed upon by ANYBODY. It means United States citizens have a God given right to keep and bear arms/guns.

Infringe- actively break terms of a law or agreement.

So what is the real reason behind the Government wanting to make stricter gun laws? I hope they know that its not going to stop the violence. If someone wants a gun they can get one off the streets cheaper than a gun store. Strict gun laws aren't preventing criminals or potential criminals from obtaining any firearm. All its doing is preventing innocent citizens from protecting themselves from criminals.

Also restricting places that you can carry a gun on your person isn't doing anything. The law abiding citizen will follow it when the criminal will still carry it.

All its really doing is making innocent citizens more vulnerable to be a victim or target for a criminal.
If gun laws get to strict to the point no one can carry a gun anywhere, strict where you can not purchase a gun, or a longer wait or process, or stricter requirements to legally own a firearm, its just preventing a law abiding citizen to be able to protect their life in a violent situation. It would be like opening season for fishing. Streams are fully stocked with innocent fish with no way to protect themselves from being caught by a fishermen. Criminals will know that there will be less innocent law abiding citizens that have protection on their person, so they will be an easier victim to a crime.

To me, stricter gun laws wont prevent crime it will increase crime.

What's wrong? You get one question and then weasel out to start another thread? I thought you might be more than the average coward RWNJ. I guess not.
He just proves the point that the average IQ for a gun nut is 70.
I'm just making the point that no where in the constitution does it say that you can loose your right to bear or keep arms. However it does say that everyone has the right to bear and keep arm and that this right shall not be infringed upon by anybody.
You’re not making any ‘point’ at all – because you don’t have one.

All you’re doing is making a fool of yourself, exhibiting your ignorance, and your inane, wrongheaded opinion of the Second Amendment.

Again: the Supreme Court alone determines the meaning of the Second Amendment – what firearm regulatory measures are Constitutional, and what laws are not.

And the Supreme Court has held that individuals designated as prohibited persons is authorized under the Second Amendment:

“Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose: For example, concealed weapons prohibitions have been upheld under the Amendment or state analogues. The Court’s opinion should not be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms.”


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