What is the reason republicans have to explain why the US has 25% of all COVID deaths worldwide?

Most deaths are in Dem run cities in Dem run states with Dem leaders populated by Dems. Oh snap!!
Standard trumper response.

Truth is our standard. I'm sorry your point was?
Most deaths are in Dem run cities in Dem run states with Dem leaders populated by Dems. Oh snap!!
I don't understand why this home so hard.for you to understand, but the issue is population density.

You of all people should understand "density".

Aren't Dems maintaining social distancing?
Have you ever been to a really big city like New York?

Been there, was there just before the lockdown and didn't get the virus.
Trump has zero leadership ability with respect to the American public at-large.

Oh, he can motivate his own collection of butt-sniffers, but he comes up vastly short of the mark, when it comes to the country as a whole.

If he was smart, he would have left the daily Coronavirus Response Press Briefings to Mike Pence, whom he originally placed in charge of all of this.

But, true to form, this Orange Attention Seeker couldn't stay off the main stage, and shunted his own Vice President off to the side, as a mere figurehead.

His lack of communications skills, managerial skills (in a public-sector setting), lack of empathy, and lack of common sense and good taste, will be remembered.

Every time he opens his mouth he inserts his foot deeper and deeper down his own throat, and ends-up doing harm to the country and his own party.

He was never truly ready for Prime Time in this context, and is obviously and grotesquely unfit for his high office during a period of crisis and tragedy such as this.

Even though I share some of his views ( immigration, manufacturing and trade, defense reset, etc. ), his personality, nature, behaviors and instability weigh against him.

Come November 3, I would rather vote for a wooden fence post than to vote for him.

God save the Republic.

Come November a wooden fence post will make more sense than Dementia Joe.
Won't matter. It won't take any effort to beat the person who sacrificed 70-100,000 live to his election campaign.
Yep, the US has 1/3 of the worlds virus cases (and still climbing), but we DON'T have 1/3 of the population.

If this is Trump and his "winning", I'm tired of it. Instead of holding rallies and telling people not to worry because it would be gone by summer, or go away "like a miracle", he should have started looking at preparation when he did his China ban.

But, here it is, several months later, and Trump is JUST NOW starting to get the tests ordered. Should have been done a long time ago, not started yesterday when he had his virus briefing. He paraded a whole bunch of people who he said were going to be making the tests.

Sorry, but Trump's response has been worse than horrible. But, we already knew he didn't pay much attention to his PDB's, and there were several of them that were all the way back in Jan, warning him of this coming to America, but he ignored it.

Now? He's let it bite the whole country in the ass, while he did nothing.

Tell the board exactly what he should have done during a impeachment hearing?

Back in January no one in this country was taking this virus seriously and even when Trump issued bans from Europe and China the WHO and E.U. objected to it.

It is so amazing how many now scream he should have done more but when he did anything back in January he was told he was wrong, so come on give a detailed list on what you believe he should have done in JANUARY and let me ask you how many of you on the left would have accepted his plan back then?
January? What about February? March? April?

Where is our widespread testing? What exactly has he been doing? Why did states have to bid against each other for supplies, wasting taxpayer $$? Why couldn't the Feds use their immense purchasing power to avoid this? Why didn't the Feds have a plan? Why did they trash the pandemic plan hand delivered to them by the Obama administration? Why do the Feds still not have a plan?

The IMPOTUS is an INCOMPETENT IMBECILE. Just like his VP who wouldn't wear a mask at the Mayo Clinic because he wanted to look workers 'in the eye'.

Do you understand a new virus has no test. They must be researched and invented? So you're either dumb or just spout off what you hear from whoopi and joy on the view.wich is it?
Most deaths are in Dem run cities in Dem run states with Dem leaders populated by Dems. Oh snap!!
Standard trumper response.

Truth is our standard. I'm sorry your point was?
Most deaths are in Dem run cities in Dem run states with Dem leaders populated by Dems. Oh snap!!
I don't understand why this home so hard.for you to understand, but the issue is population density.

You of all people should understand "density".

Aren't Dems maintaining social distancing?
Have you ever been to a really big city like New York?

Been there, was there just before the lockdown and didn't get the virus.
Then I shouldn't have to explain population density to you.

Subways, elevators, apartment building hallways busses, cabs, hell street corners are too crowded.
Trump has zero leadership ability with respect to the American public at-large.

Oh, he can motivate his own collection of butt-sniffers, but he comes up vastly short of the mark, when it comes to the country as a whole.

If he was smart, he would have left the daily Coronavirus Response Press Briefings to Mike Pence, whom he originally placed in charge of all of this.

But, true to form, this Orange Attention Seeker couldn't stay off the main stage, and shunted his own Vice President off to the side, as a mere figurehead.

His lack of communications skills, managerial skills (in a public-sector setting), lack of empathy, and lack of common sense and good taste, will be remembered.

Every time he opens his mouth he inserts his foot deeper and deeper down his own throat, and ends-up doing harm to the country and his own party.

He was never truly ready for Prime Time in this context, and is obviously and grotesquely unfit for his high office during a period of crisis and tragedy such as this.

Even though I share some of his views ( immigration, manufacturing and trade, defense reset, etc. ), his personality, nature, behaviors and instability weigh against him.

Come November 3, I would rather vote for a wooden fence post than to vote for him.

God save the Republic.

Come November a wooden fence post will make more sense than Dementia Joe.
Won't matter. It won't take any effort to beat the person who sacrificed 70-100,000 live to his election campaign.

Good luck selling that to anyone with an ounce of common sense.
Yep, the US has 1/3 of the worlds virus cases (and still climbing), but we DON'T have 1/3 of the population.

If this is Trump and his "winning", I'm tired of it. Instead of holding rallies and telling people not to worry because it would be gone by summer, or go away "like a miracle", he should have started looking at preparation when he did his China ban.

But, here it is, several months later, and Trump is JUST NOW starting to get the tests ordered. Should have been done a long time ago, not started yesterday when he had his virus briefing. He paraded a whole bunch of people who he said were going to be making the tests.

Sorry, but Trump's response has been worse than horrible. But, we already knew he didn't pay much attention to his PDB's, and there were several of them that were all the way back in Jan, warning him of this coming to America, but he ignored it.

Now? He's let it bite the whole country in the ass, while he did nothing.

Tell the board exactly what he should have done during a impeachment hearing?

Back in January no one in this country was taking this virus seriously and even when Trump issued bans from Europe and China the WHO and E.U. objected to it.

It is so amazing how many now scream he should have done more but when he did anything back in January he was told he was wrong, so come on give a detailed list on what you believe he should have done in JANUARY and let me ask you how many of you on the left would have accepted his plan back then?
January? What about February? March? April?

Where is our widespread testing? What exactly has he been doing? Why did states have to bid against each other for supplies, wasting taxpayer $$? Why couldn't the Feds use their immense purchasing power to avoid this? Why didn't the Feds have a plan? Why did they trash the pandemic plan hand delivered to them by the Obama administration? Why do the Feds still not have a plan?

The IMPOTUS is an INCOMPETENT IMBECILE. Just like his VP who wouldn't wear a mask at the Mayo Clinic because he wanted to look workers 'in the eye'.

Do you understand a new virus has no test. They must be researched and invented? So you're either dumb or just spout off what you hear from whoopi and joy on the view.wich is it?

If that was true, then why in the hell was S. Korea able to get a handle on this early? Hint: It's because they had people research and make a test, then went into high gear production to make them, then got it out to the people.

And.......................they did this several weeks back. Trump has just NOW gotten the CEO's of the companies that are going to make ours together. He paraded them at last nights virus briefing, and said they would start soon.

Shit..........................soon is what Trump has been saying for the past 3 months. When is he actually going to get something done?
Yep, the US has 1/3 of the worlds virus cases (and still climbing), but we DON'T have 1/3 of the population.

If this is Trump and his "winning", I'm tired of it. Instead of holding rallies and telling people not to worry because it would be gone by summer, or go away "like a miracle", he should have started looking at preparation when he did his China ban.

But, here it is, several months later, and Trump is JUST NOW starting to get the tests ordered. Should have been done a long time ago, not started yesterday when he had his virus briefing. He paraded a whole bunch of people who he said were going to be making the tests.

Sorry, but Trump's response has been worse than horrible. But, we already knew he didn't pay much attention to his PDB's, and there were several of them that were all the way back in Jan, warning him of this coming to America, but he ignored it.

Now? He's let it bite the whole country in the ass, while he did nothing.

Tell the board exactly what he should have done during a impeachment hearing?

Back in January no one in this country was taking this virus seriously and even when Trump issued bans from Europe and China the WHO and E.U. objected to it.

It is so amazing how many now scream he should have done more but when he did anything back in January he was told he was wrong, so come on give a detailed list on what you believe he should have done in JANUARY and let me ask you how many of you on the left would have accepted his plan back then?
January? What about February? March? April?

Where is our widespread testing? What exactly has he been doing? Why did states have to bid against each other for supplies, wasting taxpayer $$? Why couldn't the Feds use their immense purchasing power to avoid this? Why didn't the Feds have a plan? Why did they trash the pandemic plan hand delivered to them by the Obama administration? Why do the Feds still not have a plan?

The IMPOTUS is an INCOMPETENT IMBECILE. Just like his VP who wouldn't wear a mask at the Mayo Clinic because he wanted to look workers 'in the eye'.

Do you understand a new virus has no test. They must be researched and invented? So you're either dumb or just spout off what you hear from whoopi and joy on the view.wich is it?
South Korea managed to do it. I guess we must be really stupid.
Yep, the US has 1/3 of the worlds virus cases (and still climbing), but we DON'T have 1/3 of the population.

If this is Trump and his "winning", I'm tired of it. Instead of holding rallies and telling people not to worry because it would be gone by summer, or go away "like a miracle", he should have started looking at preparation when he did his China ban.

But, here it is, several months later, and Trump is JUST NOW starting to get the tests ordered. Should have been done a long time ago, not started yesterday when he had his virus briefing. He paraded a whole bunch of people who he said were going to be making the tests.

Sorry, but Trump's response has been worse than horrible. But, we already knew he didn't pay much attention to his PDB's, and there were several of them that were all the way back in Jan, warning him of this coming to America, but he ignored it.

Now? He's let it bite the whole country in the ass, while he did nothing.

Tell the board exactly what he should have done during a impeachment hearing?

Back in January no one in this country was taking this virus seriously and even when Trump issued bans from Europe and China the WHO and E.U. objected to it.

It is so amazing how many now scream he should have done more but when he did anything back in January he was told he was wrong, so come on give a detailed list on what you believe he should have done in JANUARY and let me ask you how many of you on the left would have accepted his plan back then?

Instead of golfing, holding rallies, and telling everyone that it was gonna be fine, he should have been looking at getting PPE, ventilators, as well as should have been screening EVERYONE coming back from overseas. The reason that New York is being hit so hard is because of all the people traveling between Europe and the US who had it. But, we didn't worry about that, we just banned China from coming here.

Then, he should have been listening to his doctor advisors, and started calling for tests to be made so that people can be screened back at the end of Jan/beginning of Feb. South Korea handled the situation pretty well, and managed to flatten the curve way before most, but that is because they had widespread testing.
And snot-smearing Covid-Pelosi shouldn't have been urging folks to celebrate in Chinatown.

Pelosi wasn't the one getting the briefings on this, Trump was, and because he downplayed it so much, that is why others did as well. I mean, isn't the president supposed to be the leader of the country, and not Pelosi?

Pelosi is the Speaker of the House and Trump is not a damn dictator!

Fact is reports were out by the WHO in January and the CDC was updating it restrictions and guidelines since January, so are you telling me Pelosi does not know how to read and tell me who hires and fires the heads of the CDC and when you answer that can you tell me if all you say is true then why the hell was the CDC updating it restrictions and guidelines since January?
Everything that snot-smearing Covid-Pelosi does centers around political advantage and to Hell with the American people.

Let me be clear every politician does that and not just her...
Pelosi was responsible for the wasted 4 years of investigating Trump on fake allegations. It was all political.
Yep, the US has 1/3 of the worlds virus cases (and still climbing), but we DON'T have 1/3 of the population.

If this is Trump and his "winning", I'm tired of it. Instead of holding rallies and telling people not to worry because it would be gone by summer, or go away "like a miracle", he should have started looking at preparation when he did his China ban.

But, here it is, several months later, and Trump is JUST NOW starting to get the tests ordered. Should have been done a long time ago, not started yesterday when he had his virus briefing. He paraded a whole bunch of people who he said were going to be making the tests.

Sorry, but Trump's response has been worse than horrible. But, we already knew he didn't pay much attention to his PDB's, and there were several of them that were all the way back in Jan, warning him of this coming to America, but he ignored it.

Now? He's let it bite the whole country in the ass, while he did nothing.

Tell the board exactly what he should have done during a impeachment hearing?

Back in January no one in this country was taking this virus seriously and even when Trump issued bans from Europe and China the WHO and E.U. objected to it.

It is so amazing how many now scream he should have done more but when he did anything back in January he was told he was wrong, so come on give a detailed list on what you believe he should have done in JANUARY and let me ask you how many of you on the left would have accepted his plan back then?
January? What about February? March? April?

Where is our widespread testing? What exactly has he been doing? Why did states have to bid against each other for supplies, wasting taxpayer $$? Why couldn't the Feds use their immense purchasing power to avoid this? Why didn't the Feds have a plan? Why did they trash the pandemic plan hand delivered to them by the Obama administration? Why do the Feds still not have a plan?

The IMPOTUS is an INCOMPETENT IMBECILE. Just like his VP who wouldn't wear a mask at the Mayo Clinic because he wanted to look workers 'in the eye'.

Do you understand a new virus has no test. They must be researched and invented? So you're either dumb or just spout off what you hear from whoopi and joy on the view.wich is it?
South Korea managed to do it. I guess we must be really stupid.

You're right, S. Korea managed to do it. But, it's not because WE are stupid, it's because TRUMP is an idiot, and won't listen to anyone else other than his own fevered thoughts.
Trump has zero leadership ability with respect to the American public at-large.

Oh, he can motivate his own collection of butt-sniffers, but he comes up vastly short of the mark, when it comes to the country as a whole.

If he was smart, he would have left the daily Coronavirus Response Press Briefings to Mike Pence, whom he originally placed in charge of all of this.

But, true to form, this Orange Attention Seeker couldn't stay off the main stage, and shunted his own Vice President off to the side, as a mere figurehead.

His lack of communications skills, managerial skills (in a public-sector setting), lack of empathy, and lack of common sense and good taste, will be remembered.

Every time he opens his mouth he inserts his foot deeper and deeper down his own throat, and ends-up doing harm to the country and his own party.

He was never truly ready for Prime Time in this context, and is obviously and grotesquely unfit for his high office during a period of crisis and tragedy such as this.

Even though I share some of his views ( immigration, manufacturing and trade, defense reset, etc. ), his personality, nature, behaviors and instability weigh against him.

Come November 3, I would rather vote for a wooden fence post than to vote for him.

God save the Republic.

Come November a wooden fence post will make more sense than Dementia Joe.
Won't matter. It won't take any effort to beat the person who sacrificed 70-100,000 live to his election campaign.

Good luck selling that to anyone with an ounce of common sense.
Should be easy then, tRumplings don't have that ounce.
Yep, the US has 1/3 of the worlds virus cases (and still climbing), but we DON'T have 1/3 of the population.

If this is Trump and his "winning", I'm tired of it. Instead of holding rallies and telling people not to worry because it would be gone by summer, or go away "like a miracle", he should have started looking at preparation when he did his China ban.

But, here it is, several months later, and Trump is JUST NOW starting to get the tests ordered. Should have been done a long time ago, not started yesterday when he had his virus briefing. He paraded a whole bunch of people who he said were going to be making the tests.

Sorry, but Trump's response has been worse than horrible. But, we already knew he didn't pay much attention to his PDB's, and there were several of them that were all the way back in Jan, warning him of this coming to America, but he ignored it.

Now? He's let it bite the whole country in the ass, while he did nothing.

Tell the board exactly what he should have done during a impeachment hearing?

Back in January no one in this country was taking this virus seriously and even when Trump issued bans from Europe and China the WHO and E.U. objected to it.

It is so amazing how many now scream he should have done more but when he did anything back in January he was told he was wrong, so come on give a detailed list on what you believe he should have done in JANUARY and let me ask you how many of you on the left would have accepted his plan back then?

Instead of golfing, holding rallies, and telling everyone that it was gonna be fine, he should have been looking at getting PPE, ventilators, as well as should have been screening EVERYONE coming back from overseas. The reason that New York is being hit so hard is because of all the people traveling between Europe and the US who had it. But, we didn't worry about that, we just banned China from coming here.

Then, he should have been listening to his doctor advisors, and started calling for tests to be made so that people can be screened back at the end of Jan/beginning of Feb. South Korea handled the situation pretty well, and managed to flatten the curve way before most, but that is because they had widespread testing.
And snot-smearing Covid-Pelosi shouldn't have been urging folks to celebrate in Chinatown.

Pelosi wasn't the one getting the briefings on this, Trump was, and because he downplayed it so much, that is why others did as well. I mean, isn't the president supposed to be the leader of the country, and not Pelosi?

Pelosi is the Speaker of the House and Trump is not a damn dictator!

Fact is reports were out by the WHO in January and the CDC was updating it restrictions and guidelines since January, so are you telling me Pelosi does not know how to read and tell me who hires and fires the heads of the CDC and when you answer that can you tell me if all you say is true then why the hell was the CDC updating it restrictions and guidelines since January?
Everything that snot-smearing Covid-Pelosi does centers around political advantage and to Hell with the American people.

Let me be clear every politician does that and not just her...
Pelosi was responsible for the wasted 4 years of investigating Trump on fake allegations. It was all political.
Yep, the US has 1/3 of the worlds virus cases (and still climbing), but we DON'T have 1/3 of the population.

If this is Trump and his "winning", I'm tired of it. Instead of holding rallies and telling people not to worry because it would be gone by summer, or go away "like a miracle", he should have started looking at preparation when he did his China ban.

But, here it is, several months later, and Trump is JUST NOW starting to get the tests ordered. Should have been done a long time ago, not started yesterday when he had his virus briefing. He paraded a whole bunch of people who he said were going to be making the tests.

Sorry, but Trump's response has been worse than horrible. But, we already knew he didn't pay much attention to his PDB's, and there were several of them that were all the way back in Jan, warning him of this coming to America, but he ignored it.

Now? He's let it bite the whole country in the ass, while he did nothing.

Tell the board exactly what he should have done during a impeachment hearing?

Back in January no one in this country was taking this virus seriously and even when Trump issued bans from Europe and China the WHO and E.U. objected to it.

It is so amazing how many now scream he should have done more but when he did anything back in January he was told he was wrong, so come on give a detailed list on what you believe he should have done in JANUARY and let me ask you how many of you on the left would have accepted his plan back then?
January? What about February? March? April?

Where is our widespread testing? What exactly has he been doing? Why did states have to bid against each other for supplies, wasting taxpayer $$? Why couldn't the Feds use their immense purchasing power to avoid this? Why didn't the Feds have a plan? Why did they trash the pandemic plan hand delivered to them by the Obama administration? Why do the Feds still not have a plan?

The IMPOTUS is an INCOMPETENT IMBECILE. Just like his VP who wouldn't wear a mask at the Mayo Clinic because he wanted to look workers 'in the eye'.

Do you understand a new virus has no test. They must be researched and invented? So you're either dumb or just spout off what you hear from whoopi and joy on the view.wich is it?

If that was true, then why in the hell was S. Korea able to get a handle on this early? Hint: It's because they had people research and make a test, then went into high gear production to make them, then got it out to the people.

And.......................they did this several weeks back. Trump has just NOW gotten the CEO's of the companies that are going to make ours together. He paraded them at last nights virus briefing, and said they would start soon.

Shit..........................soon is what Trump has been saying for the past 3 months. When is he actually going to get something done?

Fact is what I wrote is the damn truth and let be clear you are comparing our Government to South Korea?

Are you seriously attempting to do that?

How ignorant are you when we have fifty fucking States!
Yep, the US has 1/3 of the worlds virus cases (and still climbing), but we DON'T have 1/3 of the population.

If this is Trump and his "winning", I'm tired of it. Instead of holding rallies and telling people not to worry because it would be gone by summer, or go away "like a miracle", he should have started looking at preparation when he did his China ban.

But, here it is, several months later, and Trump is JUST NOW starting to get the tests ordered. Should have been done a long time ago, not started yesterday when he had his virus briefing. He paraded a whole bunch of people who he said were going to be making the tests.

Sorry, but Trump's response has been worse than horrible. But, we already knew he didn't pay much attention to his PDB's, and there were several of them that were all the way back in Jan, warning him of this coming to America, but he ignored it.

Now? He's let it bite the whole country in the ass, while he did nothing.

Tell the board exactly what he should have done during a impeachment hearing?

Back in January no one in this country was taking this virus seriously and even when Trump issued bans from Europe and China the WHO and E.U. objected to it.

It is so amazing how many now scream he should have done more but when he did anything back in January he was told he was wrong, so come on give a detailed list on what you believe he should have done in JANUARY and let me ask you how many of you on the left would have accepted his plan back then?
January? What about February? March? April?

Where is our widespread testing? What exactly has he been doing? Why did states have to bid against each other for supplies, wasting taxpayer $$? Why couldn't the Feds use their immense purchasing power to avoid this? Why didn't the Feds have a plan? Why did they trash the pandemic plan hand delivered to them by the Obama administration? Why do the Feds still not have a plan?

The IMPOTUS is an INCOMPETENT IMBECILE. Just like his VP who wouldn't wear a mask at the Mayo Clinic because he wanted to look workers 'in the eye'.

Seeing the other poster stated January I am using the month he started with!

Also widespread testing for over tree hundred million people not including illegals take time to make and can not be fart from his fat ass.

It also has to be proven the test works and is not faulty but let keep on comparing the U.S. government to South Korea because simple minded people like you do not live in reality!
lso let remember Super Tuesday was in February, Chinese New Year was around the same time, and how many Democrats like Pelosi took the virus seriously in late January and early February?
That's a lie you all tell yourselves, but it is another hoax fed to you to repeat like good little parrots.


Joe Biden wrote an op-ed on January 27: Joe Biden: Trump is worst possible leader to deal with coronavirus outbreak

Elizabeth Warren released a plan to contain the virus on January 28: Elizabeth Warren releases plan to prevent and contain infectious diseases amid coronavirus outbreak

And medical experts were calling for immediate action:

We all know what Trump and Fox News said in response to these calls for action, now don't we.

They called it a "Democrat hoax".

And our Naked Emperor went golfing and to his rallies.
Oh gee...'Trump went golfing'....blub, blub, blub, and "Fox News said" blub, blub, blub,....... :spinner: :boo_hoo14:
And you still get in line to drink their piss.


Take two hydroxychloroquine with a bleach chaser, and call me in the morning.
lso let remember Super Tuesday was in February, Chinese New Year was around the same time, and how many Democrats like Pelosi took the virus seriously in late January and early February?
That's a lie you all tell yourselves, but it is another hoax fed to you to repeat like good little parrots.


Joe Biden wrote an op-ed on January 27: Joe Biden: Trump is worst possible leader to deal with coronavirus outbreak

Elizabeth Warren released a plan to contain the virus on January 28: Elizabeth Warren releases plan to prevent and contain infectious diseases amid coronavirus outbreak

And medical experts were calling for immediate action:

We all know what Trump and Fox News said in response to these calls for action, now don't we.

They called it a "Democrat hoax".

And our Naked Emperor went golfing and to his rallies.
Oh gee...'Trump went golfing'....blub, blub, blub, and "Fox News said" blub, blub, blub,....... :spinner: :boo_hoo14:
And you still get in line to drink their piss.


Take two hydroxychloroquine with a bleach chaser, and call me in the morning.
Blub, Blub, Blub...'drink their piss" Blub, Blub, Blub......Poor little TDSer got triggered......:poke: :boo_hoo14: :auiqs.jpg:

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