What is the reckless spending?


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009

All I hear from GOP is cut the reckless spending but no one has said what the reckless spending really is. Was it the stimulus that created and saved 3 million jobs? Was it the two wars that Bush started? Was it the tax cuts for the rich? Was it Obama care that gives healthcare to million of Americans that cannot afford healthcare and saved lives? Was it the Medicare perscription drug program for seniors? Was it food stamps for the hungry Americans? Was it social security payment to those who most of their lives paid into the program? Was it Medicare? Was it the bail out for Banks, the auto industry that save millions of jobs? Paying Congress big salaries, healthcare better than Obamacare and retirement.

Entitlement programs are not reckless spending, half the cuts in spending to balance the budget are entitlement programs and services which are used by the elderly, children, poor and disabled. GOP tea baggers want to kill granny, junior and the disabled.

What is the reckless spending:confused:
Sincerely - I don't mean to insult...but this is a stupid question.
Reckless spending is ANY spending that is more than you take in...and doing it over and over.

It does not matter whatsoever what it is spent on...nada...what matters is consistently spending money YOU DON'T HAVE.

See this..

The U.S. debt reached 100 percent of gross domestic product after the government's debt ceiling was lifted, Treasury figures showed Wednesday, according to AFP.

Debt shot up $238 billion immediately after President Obama signed the deficit-reduction bill into law Tuesday to avoid the country's first-ever default.

The U.S. has been put in the league with highly indebted countries like Italy and Belgium after the new borrowing took public debt to $14.58 trillion from $14.53 trillion.

The last time the debt topped the size of its annual economy was in 1947 during World War II, according to AFP.

Raising the debt ceiling came hours before Treasury would have to default on the country's loans after the Senate approved the measure. President Obama then signed it into law.

The contentious debate on Capitol Hill rattled Wall Street for more than a week, as the Dow slid for eight straight days before finishing up 29 points Wednesday.

Read more: U.S. Debt Reaches 100 Percent of Country's GDP - FoxNews.com

All I hear from GOP is cut the reckless spending but no one has said what the reckless spending really is. Was it the stimulus that created and saved 3 million jobs? Was it the two wars that Bush started? Was it the tax cuts for the rich? Was it Obama care that gives healthcare to million of Americans that cannot afford healthcare and saved lives? Was it the Medicare perscription drug program for seniors? Was it food stamps for the hungry Americans? Was it social security payment to those who most of their lives paid into the program? Was it Medicare? Was it the bail out for Banks, the auto industry that save millions of jobs? Paying Congress big salaries, healthcare better than Obamacare and retirement.

Entitlement programs are not reckless spending, half the cuts in spending to balance the budget are entitlement programs and services which are used by the elderly, children, poor and disabled. GOP tea baggers want to kill granny, junior and the disabled.

What is the reckless spending:confused:

Reckless spending is spending more then you take in...in my opinion.Until income increases
Government should adjust and not spend as much.Even with the cuts that were agreed to
with the raising of the debt ceiling we will still be spending more then we take in...
How much longer will it be before our debt equals our GDP? :(

All I hear from GOP is cut the reckless spending but no one has said what the reckless spending really is. Was it the stimulus that created and saved 3 million jobs? Was it the two wars that Bush started? Was it the tax cuts for the rich? Was it Obama care that gives healthcare to million of Americans that cannot afford healthcare and saved lives? Was it the Medicare perscription drug program for seniors? Was it food stamps for the hungry Americans? Was it social security payment to those who most of their lives paid into the program? Was it Medicare? Was it the bail out for Banks, the auto industry that save millions of jobs? Paying Congress big salaries, healthcare better than Obamacare and retirement.

Entitlement programs are not reckless spending, half the cuts in spending to balance the budget are entitlement programs and services which are used by the elderly, children, poor and disabled. GOP tea baggers want to kill granny, junior and the disabled.

What is the reckless spending:confused:

Reckless spending is spending more then you take in...in my opinion.Until income increases
Government should adjust and not spend as much.Even with the cuts that were agreed to
with the raising of the debt ceiling we will still be spending more then we take in...
How much longer will it be before our debt equals our GDP? :(

It already does...

U.S. Debt Reaches 100 Percent of Country's GDP - FoxNews.com

The U.S. debt surpassed 100 percent of gross domestic product after the government's debt ceiling was lifted, Treasury figures showed Wednesday, according to AFP.

The debt, which had been in somewhat of a holding pattern over the past several weeks, rose $238 billion after President Obama signed the debt-ceiling deal into law Tuesday to avoid the country's first-ever default.

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