What is the Republican solution to stagnant wages in the face of increasing corporate profits?

ILMAO. Yeah, what you do is send a message that we're too good to work, compliments covid.

Then you increase minimum wage only to find an immediate net loss due its contribution to inflation. Love them Democrats.

Then what you do is increase taxes right, only to fuck the average to below average citizen most. Fuck, it fucks the wealthy too, but WTF, so long as special interests are happy.

Billionaire globalists are primarily the left elite, do you expect them to compete with China paying $40 an hour in wages and benefits here at home or? Ha ha ha ha haaa!, HA! We sold out for globalism, love me a Democrat.

Democrats could sit and do nothing and see rapid inflation, just for their existence. They can't do anything right.
If we got rid of all illegals tomorrow, the economy would shrink because of a big drop in consumer spending. Legal or not, they are consumers. They are tied into the economy whether you like it or not.
Since it would take at least a decade to remove even a substantial portion of them there would be no noticeable damage to the economy.

As wages and prices rise that loss would quickly be remedied.
Then you increase minimum wage only to find an immediate net loss due its contribution to inflation. Love them Democrats.
There's also an immediate increase in unemployment because employers don't have an endless pool of money to pay people.

X number of man hours are only worth so much, raise that cost per worker and the end result is fewer workers will be hired.
If we got rid of all those Mexicans, what then would exactly happen? What would be the effect of that?
Public education would improve immediately
Healthcare / emergency services would improve immediately
The cost of healthcare and emergency services would decrease immediately
Social services for your beloved blacks would improve immediately
Public services (fire and police) would improve immediately
Rent costs would fall immediately
Employment opportunity for blacks and real Americans would increase immediately
Collegiate and trade school opportunity would increase immediately
Wages all across the board would rise immediately
Blue collar trade work would become legitimate careers again
Traffic and crowds would decrease immediately
The citizenry would become unified again as they’d be more likeminded

Yeah, it would totally suck if they were all gone because the quality of life for REAL Americans would improve dramatically and happy prosperous people vote republican.
There's also an immediate increase in unemployment because employers don't have an endless pool of money to pay people.

X number of man hours are only worth so much, raise that cost per worker and the end result is fewer workers will be hired.
The bottom line is if the employers labor, materials and profit don't pan out, something has to be cut and the easiest cut is profit to an extent, but labor will suffer first.
There's also an immediate increase in unemployment because employers don't have an endless pool of money to pay people.

X number of man hours are only worth so much, raise that cost per worker and the end result is fewer workers will be hired.

Neat how the left finished off so many small businesses for sake of Amazon and such under the disguise of covid. Surely Amazon can compete with Amazon for wages, cough!
If we got rid of all illegals tomorrow, the economy would shrink because of a big drop in consumer spending. Legal or not, they are consumers. They are tied into the economy whether you like it or not.
Hahaha…all sane people not named Humberto know that illegals are a net loss for Americans. We also know that REAL Americans value quality of life over GDP.
You started a thread about wages…I gave you a real solution to wages and now you‘re saying you wouldn’t support a real solution?
Neat how the left finished so many small businesses for sake of Amazon and the like under the disguise of covid. Surely Amazon can compete with Amazon for wages, cough!
Walmart and Amazon have made mom and pop stores both endangered species.
Hahaha…all sane people not named Humberto know that illegals are a net loss for Americans. We also know that REAL Americans value quality of life over GDP.
You started a thread about wages…I gave you a real solution to wages and now you‘re saying you wouldn’t support a real solution?
They are already costing us upwards of 200Bn dollars per year.
If we got rid of all illegals tomorrow, the economy would shrink because of a big drop in consumer spending. Legal or not, they are consumers. They are tied into the economy whether you like it or not.

We have enough consuming going on. When I think back to what we spent money on in the 70's when I was a kid compared to today, it's laughable that we don't spend enough today.

The population would decrease and that would be a good thing for our country. As leftists use our available land for solar panels, windmills, and illegals, the price of land increases. When land increases, so does the price of homes which we are experiencing today. A decent home is almost unaffordable today for many Americans.
We have enough consuming going on. When I think back to what we spent money on in the 70's when I was a kid compared to today, it's laughable that we don't spend enough today.

The population would decrease and that would be a good thing for our country. As leftists use our available land for solar panels, windmills, and illegals, the price of land increases. When land increases, so does the price of homes which we are experiencing today. A decent home is almost unaffordable today for many Americans.
If I had thrown a tantrum because I didn't get a 500.00 game system or smart phone for Christmas instead of getting either of those I'd have probably taken a beating with a wet wooden spoon to my bare ass.

There's a word parents need to learn again, it's "No".
If an employer doesn't pay me the wage I want I don't ever work for that employer. Or I quit, without 2 weeks notice, and move into a better job. Loyalty to an employer has no place in the american workforce anymore.
You've either picked the wrong employer or have been a shitty employee. I've considered my employers throughout life to be part of the same team, not an adversary. That has led to many jobs that are beneficial to both my employers and I. When I want to move on, I do it the right way, with advance warning, and I can usually come back if I decide to. Life doesn't have to be a battle, especially with the entity that helps pay your bills.
Lol it doesn’t matter if someone overvalues their skills or not. They still have no control over their wages either way.

Of course they do. We all have control over what we make. We are not assigned jobs or pay by the government. If my grandfather was a shoemaker, and my father was a shoemaker, that doesn't mean I have to be a shoemaker.

There are all kinds of good paying jobs out there, but no-skill manual labor is not one of them. We have to come to the realization that turning nuts onto bolts will never pay anything, and automation took over most of those jobs anyway.

In order to make it in today's America, you have to gain a skill or trade. The harder the job, the more training you need for that profession, the likely it will pay more than others. That's the solution to your problem.
Lol it doesn’t matter if someone overvalues their skills or not. They still have no control over their wages either way. Also, it’s funny when republicans support unions when they are part of one. In any other case, they whine about them.
Of course you do. If an employer won't pay you what you think you're worth move on to the next one.
None of this explains how the private sector operates if corporate taxes just get reduced under Republican presidents.
You know what the answer is..cutting corporate taxes incentatives more money to spent creating a larger economy that is taxes. Kennedy, Trump and others have cut taxes in order to spur the economy long term.
If I had thrown a tantrum because I didn't get a 500.00 game system or smart phone for Christmas instead of getting either of those I'd have probably taken a beating with a wet wooden spoon to my bare ass.

There's a word parents need to learn again, it's "No".

When I was a kid we got a puzzle or a box of chalk to play hop scotch. On a good birthday you got a bag of rubber solders and marbles to roll them down with.

My father laughs when we talk about cell phones. He said he spends more every month on his cell phone bill than he did on the mortgage on the house we grew up in. What did we have to spend money on years ago? A new set of rabbit ears for the television? A new 8-track tape? Fast food was a three or four time event per year. Today it's a normal part of your weekly diet.

I'll admit guilt when it comes to spending. I love technology. But I also won't complain about wages either. We spend a lot of our money on things that are not absolutely necessary even if people think they are.
Which is why it will never happen until we have term limits.

two things Reagan wanted: Term limits and a balanced budget Amendment. Just think how much better off the country would be today if he got his way.

The man that came close to tripling the national debt did not really want a balanced budget Amendment, it was just talk

Term limits also would not help as long as people kept voting for the same two parties
We also know that REAL Americans value quality of life over GDP.
REAL Americans value freedom over either of those. And they don't hide behind walls. They welcome huddled masses yearning to breathe free. They aren't afraid of competition.

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