What is the Republican solution to stagnant wages in the face of increasing corporate profits?

Wages have remained stagnant for decades while corporate profits have only increased. This has happened with or without inflation issues.

Let’s pretend republicans had full control of congress and the presidency. What, exactly, could they do to fix this problem? We already know that regulations have a very insignificant effect on corporate profits, wages, and job growth. We also know that cutting taxes for the wealthy does not do jack shit either.

What else is there when it comes to republican solutions? It’s kind of sad and pathetic just how limited GOP economic policy is.

The more important question right now is what is Joe 'The Buck Stops Here' Biden's plan to un-fuck this country he f*ed up in less than 2 years in office.
Wages have remained stagnant for decades while corporate profits have only increased. This has happened with or without inflation issues.

Let’s pretend republicans had full control of congress and the presidency. What, exactly, could they do to fix this problem? We already know that regulations have a very insignificant effect on corporate profits, wages, and job growth. We also know that cutting taxes for the wealthy does not do jack shit either.

What else is there when it comes to republican solutions? It’s kind of sad and pathetic just how limited GOP economic policy is.

Bullshit. Profits are about the same they have always been.

What is the Republican solution to stagnant wages in the face of increasing corporate profits?​

Lower taxation across the board.
Then everyone except the government has more money.
That should be the solution to every problem.
The left's solution is to throw OPM at it.
That's their solution to every problem.
If an employer doesn't pay me the wage I want I don't ever work for that employer. Or I quit, without 2 weeks notice, and move into a better job. Loyalty to an employer has no place in the american workforce anymore.
If an employer doesn't pay me the wage I want I don't ever work for that employer. Or I quit, without 2 weeks notice, and move into a better job. Loyalty to an employer has no place in the american workforce anymore.
But you expect loyalty FROM your employer. Sorry dude, it doesn't work that way. Everyone is understandably protective of their loyalty and the employer is no different than you are. I worked for one employer for 33 years and must admit that I had my share of grievances. However, I also have to say that the employer was honest and I could depend on them performing by their word--good or bad. I retired and was shown the greatest loyalty and support that could be asked by anyone of an employer. Loyalty doesn't come overnight.
Wages have remained stagnant for decades while corporate profits have only increased. This has happened with or without inflation issues.

Let’s pretend republicans had full control of congress and the presidency. What, exactly, could they do to fix this problem? We already know that regulations have a very insignificant effect on corporate profits, wages, and job growth. We also know that cutting taxes for the wealthy does not do jack shit either.

What else is there when it comes to republican solutions? It’s kind of sad and pathetic just how limited GOP economic policy is.

Do you really want to solve the problem? Would you support another Operation Wetback to send 40 million wetbacks home if you knew it would drive wages up?
Wages have remained stagnant for decades while corporate profits have only increased. This has happened with or without inflation issues.

Let’s pretend republicans had full control of congress and the presidency. What, exactly, could they do to fix this problem? We already know that regulations have a very insignificant effect on corporate profits, wages, and job growth. We also know that cutting taxes for the wealthy does not do jack shit either.

What else is there when it comes to republican solutions? It’s kind of sad and pathetic just how limited GOP economic policy is.

Why ask?

Don't you totalitarian fascist just force everyone to go along with whatever you decide or else?
Do you really want to solve the problem? Would you support another Operation Wetback to send 40 million wetbacks home if you knew it would drive wages up?

I’m going to ask you this question again because you didn’t answer it when I last asked it. I’m sure you will dodge it again. If we got rid of all those Mexicans, what then would exactly happen? What would be the effect of that?
Wages have remained stagnant for decades while corporate profits have only increased. This has happened with or without inflation issues.

Let’s pretend republicans had full control of congress and the presidency. What, exactly, could they do to fix this problem? We already know that regulations have a very insignificant effect on corporate profits, wages, and job growth. We also know that cutting taxes for the wealthy does not do jack shit either.

What else is there when it comes to republican solutions? It’s kind of sad and pathetic just how limited GOP economic policy is.

Stop deflating the wage market with illegals.

Secure the southern border and start mass deportations.

Problem solved.
Stop deflating the wage market with illegals.

Secure the southern border and start mass deportations.

Problem solved.
If we got rid of all illegals tomorrow, the economy would shrink because of a big drop in consumer spending. Legal or not, they are consumers. They are tied into the economy whether you like it or not.
If we got rid of all illegals tomorrow, the economy would shrink because of a big drop in consumer spending. Legal or not, they are consumers. They are tied into the economy whether you like it or not.
In part I agree with you. Most "illegal" immigrants i wish were "legal". It's a safety issue where we differ.
Quit spending billions of dollars on foreign wars?

Stop printing money?

Quit spending trillions of dollars we don't have?

Yanno, simple stuff like that?
But the Republicans love doing those things

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