What is the Republican solution to stagnant wages in the face of increasing corporate profits?

Which ones are you even referring to? The tax law that republicans passed under Trump for the middle class and poor expires in 3 years. The cut for the wealthy was permanent.

Because the rich enjoy a certain financial certainty that the middle and poor do not. You can't set a permanent flat rate for classes that don't enjoy that kind of certainty. You may need to adjust the rate higher or lower depending on certain economic factors. What would be sufficient now may be insufficient later.
Nothing. It is not the job of the Government to increase private sector wages. It is the job of the employees to make themselves worth more if they want to be paid more.
Do you actually see this as a solution? When businesses decide what they want to pay their employees, they are not taking into account their work ethic for the base wage. For any wage, corporations ask the question “How low can we make this wage that will still ensure enough people will apply for the position?”.
Because the rich enjoy a certain financial certainty that the middle and poor do not. You can't set a permanent flat rate for classes that don't enjoy that kind of certainty. You may need to adjust the rate higher or lower depending on certain economic factors. What would be sufficient now may be insufficient later.
I’m not even sure what exactly you are referring to but it’s not like republicans give a fuck if the middle class or poor have less of tax burden. They only care about the wealthy’s interest. Either way, people are stupid enough to vote Republican.
Wow. The point went right over your head. It's not a problem the government should solve. We're not socialists. Government isn't there do dictate wages and prices.
Oh so capitalism sucks donkey dick and you want to be a defeatist pussy and just accept it?
I’m not even sure what exactly you are referring to but it’s not like republicans give a fuck if the middle class or poor have less of tax burden. They only care about the wealthy’s interest. Either way, people are stupid enough to vote Republican.

I know I've defeated your argument when you launch screeds like "it's not like republicans give a fuck if" (fill in the blank) as a defense for your position.
When you print money, you create inflation, not only that you essentially devalue it. That devaluation will lead to less buying power of the person's wages, therefore leading to stagnant wages or wages that can't keep up with the current rate of inflation. Excess spending also does the same thing to the value of our money.

That's what it has to do with corporate wages.

And since neither party will address over spending, what is your solution?
Wages have remained stagnant for decades while corporate profits have only increased. This has happened with or without inflation issues.
Of course you are simply lying to the USMB forum again, as usual. You're nothing but a lying low IQ moronic moonbat.

FYI: Under DJT, wages outpaced inflation and the poverty rate reached an all-time record low.

Do you LWNJ moronic moonbats have some sort of problem with real wages going up and poverty rates going down?
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Wages have remained stagnant for decades while corporate profits have only increased. This has happened with or without inflation issues.

Let’s pretend republicans had full control of congress and the presidency. What, exactly, could they do to fix this problem? We already know that regulations have a very insignificant effect on corporate profits, wages, and job growth. We also know that cutting taxes for the wealthy does not do jack shit either.

What else is there when it comes to republican solutions? It’s kind of sad and pathetic just how limited GOP economic policy is.

Vote out Biden and put in Trump.

You didn't make a coherent point, or offer any criticism that requires a defense.
But rest easy, Billy. Most Republicans agree with you - government should be calling the shots. They just have a different list of "beneficiaries".
I know I've defeated your argument when you launch screeds like "it's not like republicans give a fuck if" (fill in the blank) as a defense for your position.
Lol umm okay well that really doesn’t make any sense given what we discussed but whatever helps you TK.
Wages have remained stagnant for decades while corporate profits have only increased. This has happened with or without inflation issues.

Let’s pretend republicans had full control of congress and the presidency. What, exactly, could they do to fix this problem? We already know that regulations have a very insignificant effect on corporate profits, wages, and job growth. We also know that cutting taxes for the wealthy does not do jack shit either.

What else is there when it comes to republican solutions? It’s kind of sad and pathetic just how limited GOP economic policy is.

What is your Vegetable Messiah's solution to his stagnant wages? Dimtards control the House, Senate, and White House.

WTF have they done Billy000 ?
STAGNANT WAGES? Are you fucking kidding me. In the last four years, the minimum wage has more than doubled in many places in the US and the vegetable is calling for $15 in the fed min. This is flat ass inflationary in itself. Then the foolish democrats implement policies that more than double energy costs with all the inflation that causes and the minions are again saying "stagnant wages." PUT PEOPLE TO WORK MAKING SOMETHING BESIDES COFFEE AND BURGERS. The US needs to become a manufacturing nation again. Skilled labor wages support themselves without any government help.
Lol oh right like that is supposed to be relevant to their employees in general. Do you not understand how this works?

How this works is they can work or quit. If enough quit, they will pay more. If not, then no more pay. Workers are increasingly irrelavant. High school dropouts and graduates even more so. If you are not willing to invest in your retirement, then starve. In the mean time, those of us who are smart enough to plan life more than 1 paycheck ahead, appreciate the dreg's contributions to our comfort. Keep up the good work.

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