What is the Republican solution to stagnant wages in the face of increasing corporate profits?

Wages have remained stagnant for decades while corporate profits have only increased. This has happened with or without inflation issues.

Let’s pretend republicans had full control of congress and the presidency. What, exactly, could they do to fix this problem? We already know that regulations have a very insignificant effect on corporate profits, wages, and job growth. We also know that cutting taxes for the wealthy does not do jack shit either.

What else is there when it comes to republican solutions? It’s kind of sad and pathetic just how limited GOP economic policy is.

For progs it's to throw thier support behind big pharma , the M.I.C for demockwacy in Ukraine, and Disney....

Frigging retard

Let's pretend that Ole' Joe and the Democrats are in charge and that gas just went to $4.50 a galloon after being around only $2.00 a gallon less than two years ago and that food prices are over 50% more than what they were.....

Oh wait!!!


Wages have remained stagnant for decades while corporate profits have only increased. This has happened with or without inflation issues.

Let’s pretend republicans had full control of congress and the presidency. What, exactly, could they do to fix this problem? We already know that regulations have a very insignificant effect on corporate profits, wages, and job growth. We also know that cutting taxes for the wealthy does not do jack shit either.

What else is there when it comes to republican solutions? It’s kind of sad and pathetic just how limited GOP economic policy is.

Thing is the Ds claim to care about the working class, but they don’t. They are bigger frauds than the Rs.
Wages have remained stagnant for decades while corporate profits have only increased. This has happened with or without inflation issues.

Let’s pretend republicans had full control of congress and the presidency. What, exactly, could they do to fix this problem? We already know that regulations have a very insignificant effect on corporate profits, wages, and job growth. We also know that cutting taxes for the wealthy does not do jack shit either.

What else is there when it comes to republican solutions? It’s kind of sad and pathetic just how limited GOP economic policy is.

They had that set up the first half of the Trump admin.

They cut their own taxes and gave corporate donors tax cuts.

That is the extent of Republican economics.

Seems to have worked so well the last 40 years.
Wages have remained stagnant for decades while corporate profits have only increased. This has happened with or without inflation issues.

Let’s pretend republicans had full control of congress and the presidency. What, exactly, could they do to fix this problem? We already know that regulations have a very insignificant effect on corporate profits, wages, and job growth. We also know that cutting taxes for the wealthy does not do jack shit either.

What else is there when it comes to republican solutions? It’s kind of sad and pathetic just how limited GOP economic policy is.

Learn to code.
Wages have remained stagnant for decades while corporate profits have only increased. This has happened with or without inflation issues.

Let’s pretend republicans had full control of congress and the presidency. What, exactly, could they do to fix this problem? We already know that regulations have a very insignificant effect on corporate profits, wages, and job growth. We also know that cutting taxes for the wealthy does not do jack shit either.

What else is there when it comes to republican solutions? It’s kind of sad and pathetic just how limited GOP economic policy is.

get dems out of office. When the GOP had the white house and congress we saw the first real increase in wages.
Other than Passed the American Rescue Plan, passed an Infrastructure Bill, reduced the deficit, got the American economy moving again, clearly, not nearly enough to make YOU happy.
haha the american economy is moving? well yeah backwards
Wages have remained stagnant for decades while corporate profits have only increased. This has happened with or without inflation issues.

Let’s pretend republicans had full control of congress and the presidency. What, exactly, could they do to fix this problem? We already know that regulations have a very insignificant effect on corporate profits, wages, and job growth. We also know that cutting taxes for the wealthy does not do jack shit either.

What else is there when it comes to republican solutions? It’s kind of sad and pathetic just how limited GOP economic policy is.

Trump gave us some of the answers but Progs would have none of it. A little bit more of the traditional ways may go a long way. Government is humongous at al levels.
Golfing Gator
Do we or do we not have a spending problem within our government?

If you say they do not, then why not? What makes you think our government is spending the money wisely?

If you say they do, then no further questions.
Golfing Gator
Do we or do we not have a spending problem within our government?

If you say they do not, then why not? What makes you think our government is spending the money wisely?

If you say they do, then no further questions.

We have a huge spending problem within our government. It is the main reason I do not vote for the duopoly.

I am not sure what our government having a spending problem has to do with private corporations wages
Wages have remained stagnant for decades while corporate profits have only increased. This has happened with or without inflation issues.

Let’s pretend republicans had full control of congress and the presidency. What, exactly, could they do to fix this problem? We already know that regulations have a very insignificant effect on corporate profits, wages, and job growth. We also know that cutting taxes for the wealthy does not do jack shit either.

What else is there when it comes to republican solutions? It’s kind of sad and pathetic just how limited GOP economic policy is.

You really aren't up on your current events are ya.... .if ya were you wouldn't ask such a stupid question.
Wages have remained stagnant for decades while corporate profits have only increased. This has happened with or without inflation issues.

Let’s pretend republicans had full control of congress and the presidency. What, exactly, could they do to fix this problem? We already know that regulations have a very insignificant effect on corporate profits, wages, and job growth. We also know that cutting taxes for the wealthy does not do jack shit either.

What else is there when it comes to republican solutions? It’s kind of sad and pathetic just how limited GOP economic policy is.

Stagnant for decades, WTF. So the $20+/hour at Taco Bell and McD's are lying? Fricken idiot.
Nothing. It is not the job of the Government to increase private sector wages. It is the job of the employees to make themselves worth more if they want to be paid more.
Stagnant for decades, WTF. So the $20+/hour at Taco Bell and McD's are lying? Fricken idiot.
The point is that they have barely budged. This is despite record high profits and being way behind on the cost living.
We have a huge spending problem within our government. It is the main reason I do not vote for the duopoly.

I am not sure what our government having a spending problem has to do with private corporations wages

When you print money, you create inflation, not only that you essentially devalue it. That devaluation will lead to less buying power of the person's wages, therefore leading to stagnant wages or wages that can't keep up with the current rate of inflation. Excess spending also does the same thing to the value of our money.

That's what it has to do with corporate wages.
What if I told you those tax cuts are for each tier of the tax bracket? Why this singular focus on the rich?
Which ones are you even referring to? The tax law that republicans passed under Trump for the middle class and poor expires in 3 years. The cut for the wealthy was permanent.

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