What is the solution? Or at least what action should be taken?

Over 18 million of these rifles in private hands.......3 used to kill people..... you are irrational and fairly stupid too...

Gilroy, 3 killed.

Ohio 9 killed...

El Paso, 20 killed..

Russia Polytechnic School shooting..... 5 shot, pump action shot gun....20 killed 40 injured

Virginia Tech, 32 killed 2 pistols

Luby's Cafe 24 killed, 2 pistols...

You don't know what you are talking about.
You seem to be ignoring that like 9 of our 10 worst mass shootings all used semi-auto rifles with high capacity magazines....

You mean except for the ones that used pistols...except for those.....and the one in Russia they used a 5 shot pump action shotgun....... the gun doesn't matter, the gun free zone is the cause of the deaths....
I clearly said reduced, not eliminate.

If the fun doesn't matter, why do you want an assault type rifle?

It isn't an Assault type rifle.....how many times do you have to be told that.

These rifles are not military weapons...they are regular, semi-auto rifles, no different from any other semi-auto rifle........

Why would someone want an AR-15, the most common type of rifle in the country with likely 10 million in private hands....?

One, it is customizable, unlike the same rifle in a wood stock...that means the husband can shoot it, adjust the stock, and the wife can shoot, adjust the stock again and the kids can shoot it......then you can change barrels for different size bullets, you can have a rail on the top, unlike many wood rifles, where you can attach different types of sites and scopes....and on the bottom of the barrel you can add a laser and a light for home defense....

That's why...also, it is light, and you can carry it around the house more easily than a shotgun.

Oh Jesus Fuck. You assfucks & your " OMG OMG OMG that is not an assault rifle" bullshit

People are DYING & you play these games. I said assault TYPE weapons. I know what they are. You know whsat we are talking about, So how about you shove your crap up your fat dishonest ass.

People are dying because of assfucks like you.

Funny shit how Remmington can sell deer rifles that are bolt action & not adjustable. People buy them & actually hit the deer they shoot at. Really.

There is no need for semi-automatic rifles with detachable magazines. Ban them now. Trust me, you can survive without your toys.
Why do you support handguns? Blood is on your hands.
----------------------------------- people die all the time due to all sorts of causes . But RDAVE and crew / ilk want to take the Effective guns that are important to the Furthering the REASONING behind the Second Amendment away from Americans . ------------------- some would wonder WHY RDave and ilk want to neuter Americans eh ??
I am not looking for "We needs armed good guys!" or "Ban all privately owned guns!".

I am looking for actual, workable things that can be done to prevent the kinds of tragedies we have seen in the last week.

For conservatives, the time for Thoughts & Prayers is over. If you won't come up with solutions, someone else will. If the population is afraid, they will surrender their freedoms for a sense of safety. You have to do something.

For liberals, the knee-jerk reaction of banning guns is not a viable answer. Fuck party lines. This is about a balance of safety and individual freedom (especially the freedom to defend ourselves).

So what are the answer(s)?

Its very very simple, put all of the nuts back into the nuthouses where we once had them and where they were before all of this bullshit got started and the problem will go away. We had a lot more guns around back then but none of this kinda shit going on. We not only didnt sell them guns of any kind, they were kept out of society altogether receiving treatment for their mental conditions.
Its a simple and very obvious problem with a solution that is just as simple to implement.
Ban Assault type rifles, semi-automatic rifles that accept detachable magazines. For current owners, make it illegal to carry one off one's property or sell it.

Ban large capacity magazines.

Put a gag on Trump.

Give Republicans a back bone

Pass the Democrat bills that passed the House. These look at mental aspects.

Over 18 million of these rifles in private hands.......3 used to kill people..... you are irrational and fairly stupid too...

Gilroy, 3 killed.

Ohio 9 killed...

El Paso, 20 killed..

Russia Polytechnic School shooting..... 5 shot, pump action shot gun....20 killed 40 injured

Virginia Tech, 32 killed 2 pistols

Luby's Cafe 24 killed, 2 pistols...

You don't know what you are talking about.

18 million toys sitting in a closet with no practical use outside of plying with them.

Ban these weapons & reduce these mass killings.

Lives saved is worth more than toys owned.

STFU Commie scum, you just want Americans disarmed. You're as transparent as Scotch tape, bitch.
Over 18 million of these rifles in private hands.......3 used to kill people..... you are irrational and fairly stupid too...

Gilroy, 3 killed.

Ohio 9 killed...

El Paso, 20 killed..

Russia Polytechnic School shooting..... 5 shot, pump action shot gun....20 killed 40 injured

Virginia Tech, 32 killed 2 pistols

Luby's Cafe 24 killed, 2 pistols...

You don't know what you are talking about.

18 million toys sitting in a closet with no practical use outside of plying with them.

Ban these weapons & reduce these mass killings.

Lives saved is worth more than toys owned.
----------------------------------------- read about the PURPOSE of the Second Amendment RDave .
That purpose is served by other weapons.
-------------------------- in Your OPINION RDave .
I get it. If you don't have an AR-15 you are not armed
--------------------------------------- some people think that LEGAL way RDave .
I am not looking for "We needs armed good guys!" or "Ban all privately owned guns!".

I am looking for actual, workable things that can be done to prevent the kinds of tragedies we have seen in the last week.

For conservatives, the time for Thoughts & Prayers is over. If you won't come up with solutions, someone else will. If the population is afraid, they will surrender their freedoms for a sense of safety. You have to do something.

For liberals, the knee-jerk reaction of banning guns is not a viable answer. Fuck party lines. This is about a balance of safety and individual freedom (especially the freedom to defend ourselves).

So what are the answer(s)?

I know the answer.
But it's beyond reach anymore.
America is shot out.
Hang on.

Bet I can come up with more examples of mass shootings....

1.1 million times a year....rapes, robberies, murders stopped with guns and lives saved.......according to the Centers for Disease Control.....

12 mass public shootings in 2018....93 killed....

1,100,000 vs. 93

Can you tell which number is bigger?


More people die because of stupidity than by a mass shooter but the mass shootings being shown on air make it seem there is more mass shooting than realized...

More people fie of....... (fill ion the blank)

Therefore we should do nothing about mass killings.

Great thinking.

No...we should do something, but nothing you suggest does anything about them..

What should we do that would actually achieve something?

1) get news media to stop giving it 24/7 coverage, stop printing their manifestos...put them down a memory hole...

2) end gun free zones...we know from actual mass shooters, including the El Paso shooter that they choose targets they think won't have armed resistance.....

Two actual suggestions that would help.....

Bet I can come up with more examples of mass shootings....

1.1 million times a year....rapes, robberies, murders stopped with guns and lives saved.......according to the Centers for Disease Control.....

12 mass public shootings in 2018....93 killed....

1,100,000 vs. 93

Can you tell which number is bigger?


More people die because of stupidity than by a mass shooter but the mass shootings being shown on air make it seem there is more mass shooting than realized...

More people fie of....... (fill ion the blank)

Therefore we should do nothing about mass killings.

Great thinking.

Yeah, and your answer is what?

No-Fly list?

Ted Kennedy was on it and it can be used by the government as a hit list...

Mental Health Evaluation?

You can pay a doctor off...

So what is your solution Dave?
Over 18 million of these rifles in private hands.......3 used to kill people..... you are irrational and fairly stupid too...

Gilroy, 3 killed.

Ohio 9 killed...

El Paso, 20 killed..

Russia Polytechnic School shooting..... 5 shot, pump action shot gun....20 killed 40 injured

Virginia Tech, 32 killed 2 pistols

Luby's Cafe 24 killed, 2 pistols...

You don't know what you are talking about.
You seem to be ignoring that like 9 of our 10 worst mass shootings all used semi-auto rifles with high capacity magazines....

You mean except for the ones that used pistols...except for those.....and the one in Russia they used a 5 shot pump action shotgun....... the gun doesn't matter, the gun free zone is the cause of the deaths....
I clearly said reduced, not eliminate.

If the fun doesn't matter, why do you want an assault type rifle?

It isn't an Assault type rifle.....how many times do you have to be told that.

These rifles are not military weapons...they are regular, semi-auto rifles, no different from any other semi-auto rifle........

Why would someone want an AR-15, the most common type of rifle in the country with likely 10 million in private hands....?

One, it is customizable, unlike the same rifle in a wood stock...that means the husband can shoot it, adjust the stock, and the wife can shoot, adjust the stock again and the kids can shoot it......then you can change barrels for different size bullets, you can have a rail on the top, unlike many wood rifles, where you can attach different types of sites and scopes....and on the bottom of the barrel you can add a laser and a light for home defense....

That's why...also, it is light, and you can carry it around the house more easily than a shotgun.

Oh Jesus Fuck. You assfucks & your " OMG OMG OMG that is not an assault rifle" bullshit

People are DYING & you play these games. I said assault TYPE weapons. I know what they are. You know whsat we are talking about, So how about you shove your crap up your fat dishonest ass.

People are dying because of assfucks like you.

Funny shit how Remmington can sell deer rifles that are bolt action & not adjustable. People buy them & actually hit the deer they shoot at. Really.

There is no need for semi-automatic rifles with detachable magazines. Ban them now. Trust me, you can survive without your toys.

More people are killed by knives but I don't see you complaining about knives.....

2018, 12 mass public shootings... total killed for the year, 93

Knives kill over 1,500 every single year....yet you don't care about that, and don't call for banning knives.

Cars killed over 38,000 people.... vs ..... 93.... yet you aren't calling for banning cars....

You are irrational....and stupid.....and a moron.....

Again..... a 5 shot, tube fed pump action shotgun killed more people than Gilroy and Ohio combined......3 in Gilroy, 9 in ohio, 20 killed by the tube fed, pump action shotgun....

It isn't the gun you twit...it is the gun free zone where the shooter has free reign until someone points a gun at them.....

Then you have the 32 people killed at Virgingia Tech...with 2 pistols...

The 12 people killed at the navy yard, with a pump action shotgun...

the 24 people killed with the 2 pistols at Luby's Cafe....

It isn't the rifle you asshat.......gun free zones....
I am not looking for "We needs armed good guys!" or "Ban all privately owned guns!".

I am looking for actual, workable things that can be done to prevent the kinds of tragedies we have seen in the last week.

For conservatives, the time for Thoughts & Prayers is over. If you won't come up with solutions, someone else will. If the population is afraid, they will surrender their freedoms for a sense of safety. You have to do something.

For liberals, the knee-jerk reaction of banning guns is not a viable answer. Fuck party lines. This is about a balance of safety and individual freedom (especially the freedom to defend ourselves).

So what are the answer(s)?
Within 4 posts, they said what you did not want, and the other is fruit loops. The only way to stop the killing and keep the guns is to change the bullets-rubber, tin, plastic-whatever experts can come up with.
And yes , expurts might agree that widdle tiny feather or down pillow bullets might work . 'Mr . Pillow' might even make the 'down' or 'feather' bullets out at his Pillow shop in 'Miny soda' '3RDP .
So because Democrats refuse to deal with illegal immigration in any way.....don't you think they deserves some blame?

Illegal immigration has been an issue for decades. No one has done anything, republican or democrat.
Republicans are at least trying very very hard. Meanwhile, Democrats are ensuring it will never be fixed.
Very hard to do what? What is their plan?
If you have to ask that question, you dont follow politics enough to even be in this conversation.
So, you have nothing to post about Republicans.

What are they dong to address mass killings.

Here is what they are not doing:
1) not addressing guns
2) Not admitting their fat assed loud mouthed, hate spewing President has anything to do with it.
If you have a way to stop random acts from crazy people, let me know.
Were it u p to me I would do several things:

1. ban gun free zones. all the massacres have happened at gun free zone, Get rid of them and the shootings will stop after a few aborted attempts.
2. Have concealed carry in all states and encourage people to carry
3. Stop telling their story as if they were some kind of martyr. Title them Cretins for the rest of eternity. And when anyone mentions their name for any reason, it isn't MrJones who massacred 30 people, it will be the Cretin Jones who slaughtered innocent helpless civilians. Bury him in a cesspool and leave no marker.
4. Enforce current laws
5. Follow up on reports of people talking violent nonsense online or at school. Take it seriously because they *could* be serious.
6. Have a no appeal process for mass murderers who are videoed in their massacres, and who have multiple witness and victims. They will be executed within a week in the same way they killed others, firing squad, poison, true justice.
7. Immediately jail all Oakland Raider fans for life. They just suck that much. :p
Over 18 million of these rifles in private hands.......3 used to kill people..... you are irrational and fairly stupid too...

Gilroy, 3 killed.

Ohio 9 killed...

El Paso, 20 killed..

Russia Polytechnic School shooting..... 5 shot, pump action shot gun....20 killed 40 injured

Virginia Tech, 32 killed 2 pistols

Luby's Cafe 24 killed, 2 pistols...

You don't know what you are talking about.
You seem to be ignoring that like 9 of our 10 worst mass shootings all used semi-auto rifles with high capacity magazines....

You mean except for the ones that used pistols...except for those.....and the one in Russia they used a 5 shot pump action shotgun....... the gun doesn't matter, the gun free zone is the cause of the deaths....
I clearly said reduced, not eliminate.

If the fun doesn't matter, why do you want an assault type rifle?

It isn't an Assault type rifle.....how many times do you have to be told that.

These rifles are not military weapons...they are regular, semi-auto rifles, no different from any other semi-auto rifle........

Why would someone want an AR-15, the most common type of rifle in the country with likely 10 million in private hands....?

One, it is customizable, unlike the same rifle in a wood stock...that means the husband can shoot it, adjust the stock, and the wife can shoot, adjust the stock again and the kids can shoot it......then you can change barrels for different size bullets, you can have a rail on the top, unlike many wood rifles, where you can attach different types of sites and scopes....and on the bottom of the barrel you can add a laser and a light for home defense....

That's why...also, it is light, and you can carry it around the house more easily than a shotgun.

Oh Jesus Fuck. You assfucks & your " OMG OMG OMG that is not an assault rifle" bullshit

People are DYING & you play these games. I said assault TYPE weapons. I know what they are. You know whsat we are talking about, So how about you shove your crap up your fat dishonest ass.

People are dying because of assfucks like you.

Funny shit how Remmington can sell deer rifles that are bolt action & not adjustable. People buy them & actually hit the deer they shoot at. Really.

There is no need for semi-automatic rifles with detachable magazines. Ban them now. Trust me, you can survive without your toys.
Many people may believe you are right. It is a matter of trust. I don't trust you. I do not even trust the law/corrections/political/judicial/media/entertainment fiefdoms. We get lied to to our faces every day. This has been going on for years and decades. It seem that 95% of these things happen in cities. And in mostly Prog controlled cities at that. To many coo koos without guns having laws changed like they have guns that have gone excessive and interfered with to many other people in to many ways is what it is about guns. And the agendas that have driven people crazy (like they really need help) does not add any lustre. Change the rules for school a bit. Simplify them and make the course a bit tougher with dress codes as a start or option. Poverty neighborhoods seemed to have made their demands on schools to their own detriment. No more social justice warriors at schools. Both teachers and students. Protesting to a minimum. Classes for protesting that stays within the classroom. Violence is not tolerated. Reruen disciplinarians to schools. Also some teachers can be tough as needed or be tough. A student tries to knock out a teacher, the teacher can defend himself and return the favor without fear of disgrace and even prison. Some students will not make it. It is built in. We did not fix the problems after spending all this money. We can spend less and educate a bit less people a lot more.
Illegal immigration has been an issue for decades. No one has done anything, republican or democrat.
Republicans are at least trying very very hard. Meanwhile, Democrats are ensuring it will never be fixed.
Very hard to do what? What is their plan?
If you have to ask that question, you dont follow politics enough to even be in this conversation.
So, you have nothing to post about Republicans.

What are they dong to address mass killings.

Here is what they are not doing:
1) not addressing guns
2) Not admitting their fat assed loud mouthed, hate spewing President has anything to do with it.
If you have a way to stop random acts from crazy people, let me know.
Stop? Maybe not. But we can take away the access to powerful weapons. We can stop the inciters.
You seem to be ignoring that like 9 of our 10 worst mass shootings all used semi-auto rifles with high capacity magazines....

You mean except for the ones that used pistols...except for those.....and the one in Russia they used a 5 shot pump action shotgun....... the gun doesn't matter, the gun free zone is the cause of the deaths....
I clearly said reduced, not eliminate.

If the fun doesn't matter, why do you want an assault type rifle?

It isn't an Assault type rifle.....how many times do you have to be told that.

These rifles are not military weapons...they are regular, semi-auto rifles, no different from any other semi-auto rifle........

Why would someone want an AR-15, the most common type of rifle in the country with likely 10 million in private hands....?

One, it is customizable, unlike the same rifle in a wood stock...that means the husband can shoot it, adjust the stock, and the wife can shoot, adjust the stock again and the kids can shoot it......then you can change barrels for different size bullets, you can have a rail on the top, unlike many wood rifles, where you can attach different types of sites and scopes....and on the bottom of the barrel you can add a laser and a light for home defense....

That's why...also, it is light, and you can carry it around the house more easily than a shotgun.

Oh Jesus Fuck. You assfucks & your " OMG OMG OMG that is not an assault rifle" bullshit

People are DYING & you play these games. I said assault TYPE weapons. I know what they are. You know whsat we are talking about, So how about you shove your crap up your fat dishonest ass.

People are dying because of assfucks like you.

Funny shit how Remmington can sell deer rifles that are bolt action & not adjustable. People buy them & actually hit the deer they shoot at. Really.

There is no need for semi-automatic rifles with detachable magazines. Ban them now. Trust me, you can survive without your toys.

More people are killed by knives but I don't see you complaining about knives.....

2018, 12 mass public shootings... total killed for the year, 93

Knives kill over 1,500 every single year....yet you don't care about that, and don't call for banning knives.

Cars killed over 38,000 people.... vs ..... 93.... yet you aren't calling for banning cars....

You are irrational....and stupid.....and a moron.....

Again..... a 5 shot, tube fed pump action shotgun killed more people than Gilroy and Ohio combined......3 in Gilroy, 9 in ohio, 20 killed by the tube fed, pump action shotgun....

It isn't the gun you twit...it is the gun free zone where the shooter has free reign until someone points a gun at them.....

Then you have the 32 people killed at Virgingia Tech...with 2 pistols...

The 12 people killed at the navy yard, with a pump action shotgun...

the 24 people killed with the 2 pistols at Luby's Cafe....

It isn't the rifle you asshat.......gun free zones....
Another copy & paste post. You just can't learn. Pathetic.

38,000 people killed in casr crashes. You do know how much has been done to make cars safer. We make people wear selt belts - OMG OMG OMG.

We tell them how fast they can drive.

We have millions of cars & trucks on the road. If say 6 models catch fire, there is a recall. Maybe 6 our of 100,000 on the road. According to you, they should havre ignored it & done nothing.

5 babies get hiurt when a brand of baby furniture fails, there is a recall.

^ people die of food poisoning, tons of food is recalled.

100 people die in mass shootings and we do nothing? Mass shooters tend to use assault type weapons, they want the killing power. Would they do it without this power? Maybe not.

Weapons that are not needed.

Stop? Maybe not. But we can take away the access to powerful weapons. We can stop the inciters.

You can't "take away the access" without infringing upon the Constitutional rights of Americans so that is not a solution. Opppression of Liberty is never a solution for anything.

Besides, the great majority of gun deaths in this country are made with guns that don't meet the definition of powerful weapons. Mostly low caliber handguns with only one or two shots being fired.

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