What is the source of the President's internal guidance?

Well sure, if you want to assume the worse possible motives about someone because you disagree with them politically. But that says nothing about them and a whole lot about you.
You sure are an asshole...whining like that when you are a "Crawling bitch" for the Orange Anus whose ENTIRE ATTRACTION is that he was politically incorrect and willing to insult POW s and the Disabled women Gold Star families what have you ...what an asshole for you to post that...have you No decency ?
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To know what anyone's internal guidance is, you would have to ask that person.

What will democrats do when 2018 sees them lose even more seats and 2020 sees a landslide Trump reelection.?
He will lead the GOP with his 35 percent approval sure enuff...
I imagine his guidance is his life's experience. He knows what works and what doesn't. He knows you cannot simply spend yourself into prosperity, you have to take in more money than you spend. Something Washington cannot fathom.
you do understand the Orange Anus has declared business bankruptcies 6 times in his career ? that he is having to pay restitution to victims of his University scam and is involved in 4000 other law suits..

More than the source of Trump's Internal Guidance what guides you to have pathetic Faith in a proven documented Fraud...?
Maybe the Russkie Ambassador was the Internal Guidance...Trump has "only the best" Imported Internal guidance

The steady "drip drip drip" of stomach acid...
Key Claim In Trump-Russia Dossier Verified
March 30, 2017

U.S. officials have “verified” a key claim in a report about Kremlin involvement in Donald Trump’s election — that a Russian diplomat in Washington was in fact a spy, the BBC reports.

Washington Post: Who is “Source D”? The man said to be behind the Trump-Russia dossier’s most salacious claim.
No one has shown that there is an element in his life that has been missed by the rest of us. He is guided by subjective self interest, we must assume.
Well sure, if you want to assume the worse possible motives about someone because you disagree with them politically. But that says nothing about them and a whole lot about you.
How does this say the worse (sic) about a person? "Subjective self interest" is a pretty moderate, neutral expression, isn't it? There is no 'right-left' bias implied, nor 'evil' or even 'wrong'. A simple statement.
This is yet another example of how anything mildly interpreted as not fitting into one's person political litany immediately becomes relegated to an imagined opposite camp.
Trump does not appear to be an ideologue, a religious enthusiast, a humanist, creationist, imperialist (in the classic sense) and certainly not a philosopher. Does saying that mean Trump is being attacked?
No one has shown that there is an element in his life that has been missed by the rest of us. He is guided by subjective self interest, we must assume.
Well sure, if you want to assume the worse possible motives about someone because you disagree with them politically. But that says nothing about them and a whole lot about you.
How does this say the worse (sic) about a person? "Subjective self interest" is a pretty moderate, neutral expression, isn't it? There is no 'right-left' bias implied, nor 'evil' or even 'wrong'. A simple statement.
This is yet another example of how anything mildly interpreted as not fitting into one's person political litany immediately becomes relegated to an imagined opposite camp.
Trump does not appear to be an ideologue, a religious enthusiast, a humanist, creationist, imperialist (in the classic sense) and certainly not a philosopher. Does saying that mean Trump is being attacked?
Being guided by subjective self interest is just a complicated way of saying selfish. If you don't consider that an insult then you are admitting to having no moral compass. I personally don't think he needed the fame, he was much more popular as a TV personality and making a lot more money as a developer.

Fair minded people give the benefit of doubt, until they demonstrate otherwise. You keep trying to twist people up with your metaphysical bullshit and I like to call a spade a spade.
The President doesn't appear to adhere to a particular ideology, nor particularly to any religion. From what source does he receive his inspiration? What guides him?

According to anonymous sources close the President it's a combination of Mad Magazine and the NY Times Astrology Column. :p
The President doesn't appear to adhere to a particular ideology, nor particularly to any religion. From what source does he receive his inspiration? What guides him?
Egotism as reaffirmed by his successes. True in his business past and true in the presidency role... I do believe that his legacy is the driving force behind him as shaped through the tenets of his ideology. For the most part, his ideology is congruent with mine so I'm fully on board with him and continue to support him. For me it's less important what went into shaping his ideology, rather, what his ideology actually is... To borrow from Michael Savage "borders, language, culture" I will get behind that even though the vehicle of that mantra may be inherently flawed...
The President doesn't appear to adhere to a particular ideology, nor particularly to any religion. From what source does he receive his inspiration? What guides him?

According to anonymous sources close the President it's a combination of Mad Magazine and the NY Times Astrology Column. :p
What, Me Worry?

Dumbo Dubya looked more like Alfred E. Neuman.
The President doesn't appear to adhere to a particular ideology, nor particularly to any religion. From what source does he receive his inspiration? What guides him?

Where in the hell do Lefties like you get this crap? He regularly attends church, starts and ends each day with prayer, and has prayer at almost every event he holds.
The President doesn't appear to adhere to a particular ideology, nor particularly to any religion. From what source does he receive his inspiration? What guides him?
In order of priority:

1 - ego

2 - fame

3 - revenge

4 - wealth

5 - popularity
The President doesn't appear to adhere to a particular ideology, nor particularly to any religion. From what source does he receive his inspiration? What guides him?

Where in the hell do Lefties like you get this crap? He regularly attends church, starts and ends each day with prayer, and has prayer at almost every event he holds.
Is this to suggest some supreme being is responsible for what has come out of the current White House occupant, or is that something that "you righties" say amongst yourselves?
Does anyone detect a consistent ethical standard in President Trumps's history?
The President doesn't appear to adhere to a particular ideology, nor particularly to any religion. From what source does he receive his inspiration? What guides him?

Where in the hell do Lefties like you get this crap? He regularly attends church, starts and ends each day with prayer, and has prayer at almost every event he holds.

You're with Trump when he starts his day? That's intriguing...
Does anyone detect a consistent ethical standard in President Trumps's history?

I think I can measure Trump's integrity, honesty, decency, and ethics by the one example of Trump University.

Trump started Trump University long after he was a billionaire. Trump U was a standard issue get rich quick real estate con.

By design it was meant to make a few million bucks (at best) here and there, by duping people FAR less wealthy than Trump into paying him thousands, sometimes tens of thousands of dollars to participate in this scam -

participate as the marks, mind you.

What kind of man who is already a BILLIONAIRE feels compelled to cheat regular folks out of their oftentimes hard earned cash, sometimes their life savings,

all for the sake of added a few bucks to his BILLIONS?

I say, a man with no integrity, no decency, no ethics, no honesty.

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