What is the U.S. goal in Ukraine?

thankfully biden blew up that idea
What the fuck are you talking about...

Biden has done very well at having all countries doing their bit... Germany has contributed less weapons but has taken over a million refugees... (Don't think US would have liked over a million refugees, they took 1,600 so far)...

So for the cost of about 6 weeks in Iraq, US has Russia(an enemy of US) in a quagmire. US or EU didn't cause the war, Putin did and he is making Russia pay the price.
We as Americans really need to think about why we have the pathological need to be constantly at war.
America is not at war in Ukraine... Ukraine and Russia are...

Russia(an enemy of US) attacked an ally of US. An ally US had a memorandum to protect.

Let us be very clear, Putin wanted to take Ukraine and when he did he would have gone for another country and another until he gets to a NATO country... US would have had to invest boots on the ground to fight Russia. US men and women would have died in Europe in that war...

Ukraine is fighting a war now so US doesn't have to fight one later, US is just backing them in that fight..
America is not at war in Ukraine... Ukraine and Russia are...

Russia(an enemy of US) attacked an ally of US. An ally US had a memorandum to protect.

Let us be very clear, Putin wanted to take Ukraine and when he did he would have gone for another country and another until he gets to a NATO country... US would have had to invest boots on the ground to fight Russia. US men and women would have died in Europe in that war...

Ukraine is fighting a war now so US doesn't have to fight one later, US is just backing them in that fight..
It's only a matter of time before Ukraine becomes another Vietnam.
It's only a matter of time before Ukraine becomes another Vietnam.

Big Difference

The US sent hundreds of thousands of troops to defend S Vietnam
We are sending no troops to defend Ukraine
Big Difference

The US sent hundreds of thousands of troops to defend S Vietnam
We are sending no troops to defend Ukraine
Not yet.

But we're certainly spending like we are. And now we're funding Ukrainian pensions too.
If that consensus happens to be accurate, then no. We shouldn’t support it.

But I’m not completely convinced that. The consensus is accurate.

Plus, I do see world value in denying Putin’s Russia the benefit of any rewards for his aggression.

Is the entire argument able to be wrapped up in such tidy propositions? I doubt it. But one consensus I do see is that nobody supports Putin.
The international community know what Putin is...

We saw him coming up the line and there was a genuine belief that he could bring order to Russia and reduce the corruption when he first started. Some commentators thought that Russia could join the EU in the future...
Then we saw Putin set up a Oligarch structure with him at the top taking a share of everything.
It's only a matter of time before Ukraine becomes another Vietnam.
It might be Vietnam for Russia but not America...

Ukraine didn't attack Russia. Russia attacked, they are just defending themselves...
You are not in war with Russia. Russia is in war with the Ukraine - what means Russia attacks Europe. The Ukraine is no nuclear power - specially because they had been so wise to listen to their friends in the world - also to Europe and the USA - to give all nukes "back" to Russia when they became independent and to stop all nuclear weapon programs in the Ukraine. Russia is a nuclear power. This means: Russia is not able to lose this war because in case she is losing this war she could destroy the whole world. On the other side will start an international arms race in context nukes when this is the only guarantee not to be attacked from one of the nuclear powers - what will be a damned uncalculable situation with tendence to heavy man made catastrophes.

So I would say the only military goal for Europe and the USA is to give then Ukraine a best chance also not to lose this war. And the political goal has to be to make sure that such an attack never again will happen - for example also not an attack of China (nuclear power) on Taiwan. So this means Russia has to have to suffer for this very heavy mistake from the 21st century BC which they made now in the 21st century. War crimes should not be a business modell any longer.

The current situation is: Still the Ukraine is not lost and Russia is not able to win easily. And as far as I heard lost the Russian federation about 50% of their current receipts with oil- and gas - which are in total about 1/3 of their receipts. So Russia lost about 1/6 - maybe more - of their government revenue.
They also have no real industrial capacity to replace their lost equipment and munitions.
It’s only a matter of time before their war making abilities are hopelessly diminished.
Not yet.

But we're certainly spending like we are. And now we're funding Ukrainian pensions too.
West has $300bn of Russia assets frozen right now.

This war wasn't wanted but it doesn't mean it is not economical as wars go...

Russia is taking far more of the losses... So far we have spent about 2 months worth of Iraq war and we have the Russian on their knees..
This shows the world how strong US is and how they can defeat you without having one boot on the ground... Internationally this makes US very powerful...
China is looking and having serious reservations about Taiwan... They are even better prepared than Ukraine and they better support from US... China doesn't want a Vietnam either...

But the big think is... If Putin got Ukraine he wouldn't stop there... He would keep going and he would eventually invade an American ally member of NATO...
The biggest risk to Biden’s Ukraine strategy is Republicans winning control of the Government.

Republicans would cut off aid to Ukraine, end Russian sanctions and allow a Russian victory.
Biden played the situation perfectly

Avoiding the temptation to send US troops while trusting Ukraine to be able to defend themselves with arms from NATO

The Biden Doctrine is working
of course it's working, it's keeping the war industrial complex afoot. When ukraine winds down China will be ratcheted up to keep the stock price as well as sales high.
You are being so manipulted
of course it's working, it's keeping the war industrial complex afoot. When ukraine winds down China will be ratcheted up to keep the stock price as well as sales high.
You are being so manipulted

It is working because Ukraine has a steady supply of munitions and weapons systems and Russias supplies are being depleted
Republicans are a bigger threat to Ukraine than the Russian Army.

As long as we continue to fund Ukraine, Russia will punch itself out.

Republicans are looking for the chance to end funding to Ukraine and ease sanctions on Russia
It would guarantee a Russian victory
To explain to Russia where a border is and why you don't cross it...

This is a simple case of a Autocrat not liking a functioning democracy next door showing that it is better and more prosperous..

Putin biggest fear is EU... It is not NATO... EU will cause the real problems... EU bring worker rights, transparency, far less corruption...

Putin invaded, success is Ukraine not being part of Russia..
Looks like Putin is emulating Open Borders Biden in regards to Ukraine. You folks really never miss an opportunity to prove your hypocrisy.
Did Putin make an offer for Alaska and profit-sharing withTrump?

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