What is the USA becoming?

Ok folks....this is NOT about a tv show...which Big Brother is. Its about the howlings to remove a girl from the show because she said niggah on the live feed. Um. She was SINGING a song. But, many are now claiming it is hate speech. Um. How can it be hate speech if it on the fucking radio? At least, I assume its on the radio. Some rap "song" if you can call that shit music.
My point is..she is WHITE...said the word "niggah" and all hell is breaking loose. Yet, if it were a black guy on that show singing the song...no problem, right???? This double standard bullshit is WAYYYYY out of hand now.

What is next? The government hands out flyers with banned words or else you get arrested as a racist committing a hate crime? Statues are already being taken down...flags are considered no no, speech is now not so free. Soon the word WHITE will be removed from all books and many other books will be burned because they may be "racist". This is just the start. The #metoo movement went haywire and it started with one schmuck being busted but now....if someone is pissed off at someone else..all they have to do is say that person touched them 40 fucking years ago and on their word alone...the person accused is fucked. Without vaseline so it BURNS forever. On heresay.

Oh, we are so doomed.
I got a little off track, Gracie--sorry. But my original point was that the "government" is not interfering. It is just sensitive souls on FB, killing time with one more issue to get riled up about.
I'm not sure where you've been for the past ten years, but it is commonly known that "n*gger" is not allowed out of a white person's mouth. Blacks have reappropriated it to themselves and it is their word now.
So for both those reasons, I'm not sure this is the greatest example of government censorship.
Ok folks....this is NOT about a tv show...which Big Brother is. Its about the howlings to remove a girl from the show because she said niggah on the live feed. Um. She was SINGING a song. But, many are now claiming it is hate speech. Um. How can it be hate speech if it on the fucking radio? At least, I assume its on the radio. Some rap "song" if you can call that shit music.
My point is..she is WHITE...said the word "niggah" and all hell is breaking loose. Yet, if it were a black guy on that show singing the song...no problem, right???? This double standard bullshit is WAYYYYY out of hand now.

What is next? The government hands out flyers with banned words or else you get arrested as a racist committing a hate crime? Statues are already being taken down...flags are considered no no, speech is now not so free. Soon the word WHITE will be removed from all books and many other books will be burned because they may be "racist". This is just the start. The #metoo movement went haywire and it started with one schmuck being busted but now....if someone is pissed off at someone else..all they have to do is say that person touched them 40 fucking years ago and on their word alone...the person accused is fucked. Without vaseline so it BURNS forever. On heresay.

Oh, we are so doomed.
I got a little off track, Gracie--sorry. But my original point was that the "government" is not interfering. It is just sensitive souls on FB, killing time with one more issue to get riled up about.
I'm not sure where you've been for the past ten years, but it is commonly known that "n*gger" is not allowed out of a white person's mouth. Blacks have reappropriated it to themselves and it is their word now.
So for both those reasons, I'm not sure this is the greatest example of government censorship.
One can't "own" a word. They can try, but good fucking luck with making it stick.
When blacks stop using it...so will everyone else. Period.
The OP asks whether anyone has noticed that we are gradually losing all of our rights.

Yes, millions of Americans have noticed that trend for decades.

That is why they voted for Donald J. Trump in 2016.

I have a level of intelligence to know that I haven't lost any rights. I also have a level of intelligence to know tRump is BAD.

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