What is Trump waiting for?

Should Trump have already ordered a strike against North Korea?

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Gold Member
Sep 29, 2017
I know a lot of people got mixed feelings about the whole North Korea issue. My opinion Trump should of ordered an attack on North Korea by now. Did Trump really think North Korea wouldn't eventually come up with ICBM that could hit America's mainland? North Korea has been experimenting and determined to develop an ICBM that has the capability that can travel across the Pacific with a nuclear warhead attached and hit American land, did every one think that North Korea was just going to back down and comply?

Kim Jong-UN has been making some threats that take some balls and his threats are loud and clear. By not showing force sooner it just gave Kim Jong-UN time and now North Korea claims they now have developed AN ICBM capable to hit American mainland.

China, Russia, all those other countries over there are not making any kind of effort to stop North Korea, its like they want it to happen. What are these countries going to do if we strike first? Are they going to say we were wrong and have an issue with us? What if they do hit America with a nuke? What then?
its all up to the President and thats partly why he is President but i am looking forward to some action pretty soon . What kinda shape is Pittsburgh in , do you guys have public or private air raid shelters ?? Seriously though i think that 'kalifornia' , Long Beach would be target number one target Dude .
Kim will not strike, unless Trump tries to go after him.

Because of the failures of Clinton, Bush, and Obama, we must sit down and have US-NK face to face discussions.
Everett Washington has our Trident subs so that's number 1
Oakland I think would be number 2
It's not like him hitting California is really going to hurt us.
Kim will not strike, unless Trump tries to go after him.

Because of the failures of Clinton, Bush, and Obama, we must sit down and have US-NK face to face discussions.
Face to face had led from one failure to another.
Kim will not strike, unless Trump tries to go after him.

Because of the failures of Clinton, Bush, and Obama, we must sit down and have US-NK face to face discussions.
We'll never know whether NK would have abided by the WJC deal if the congress had gone along with it. I doubt it. I think NK noted what happened in Iraq, and then in Iran, and decided the only way to insure the US or anyone else would not try regieme change is to be able to nuke the WC.

I don't think SK will agree to war unless NK is seen as preparing a first strike on them or possibly the US.
Kim will not strike, unless Trump tries to go after him.

Because of the failures of Clinton, Bush, and Obama, we must sit down and have US-NK face to face discussions.
Face to face had led from one failure to another.
We have no had face to face with Kim. The admins were trying to get the Kims to sit down with us, SK, Japan, China, and Russia. The Kims refused to seriously negotiate.
we lost our best chance we he gathered all their leaders in one building for the first time in 30 years.

All we have to do is kill the leadership for the commie machine to fail.

w/o leaders giving orders, only a few hard core soldiers would fight.

But we are not allowed to fight that way, so we'd have to slaughter 100k civilians, so no, we do nothing except in response.
Kim will not strike, unless Trump tries to go after him.

Because of the failures of Clinton, Bush, and Obama, we must sit down and have US-NK face to face discussions.
Face to face had led from one failure to another.
We have no had face to face with Kim. The admins were trying to get the Kims to sit down with us, SK, Japan, China, and Russia. The Kims refused to seriously negotiate.
Clinton had a face to face with him and we got NOTHING.
Kim will not strike, unless Trump tries to go after him.

Because of the failures of Clinton, Bush, and Obama, we must sit down and have US-NK face to face discussions.
Face to face had led from one failure to another.
We have no had face to face with Kim. The admins were trying to get the Kims to sit down with us, SK, Japan, China, and Russia. The Kims refused to seriously negotiate.
Clinton had a face to face with him and we got NOTHING.
Go back and read which year Clinton visited. Sigh.
Kim will not strike, unless Trump tries to go after him.

Because of the failures of Clinton, Bush, and Obama, we must sit down and have US-NK face to face discussions.
Face to face had led from one failure to another.
We have no had face to face with Kim. The admins were trying to get the Kims to sit down with us, SK, Japan, China, and Russia. The Kims refused to seriously negotiate.

The main obstacles was the nuclear arms of NK. It’s non negotiable.
Kim will not strike, unless Trump tries to go after him.

Because of the failures of Clinton, Bush, and Obama, we must sit down and have US-NK face to face discussions.

Kim knew that if he strikes first his regime and NK will be annihilated.
Any preemptive strikes against NK by this lousy US president ............. China will side with NK. Xi already gave that warning in September.
Any preemptive strikes against NK millions will die in SK and possibly Japan. Whole world will blame US. Remember the only people that are so concerned about nuking US are we Americans.
Because of how we are being represented by this lousy president to the world as arrogant, ignorant, racist, insulting and promoting hatred. I doubt it if they care.

I doubt it this lousy president will do any military action soon except more sanctions.
Kim will not strike, unless Trump tries to go after him.

Because of the failures of Clinton, Bush, and Obama, we must sit down and have US-NK face to face discussions.

Kim knew that if he strikes first his regime and NK will be annihilated.
Any preemptive strikes against NK by this lousy US president ............. China will side with NK. Xi already gave that warning in September.
Any preemptive strikes against NK millions will die in SK and possibly Japan. Whole world will blame US. Remember the only people that are so concerned about nuking US are we Americans.
Because of how we are being represented by this lousy president to the world as arrogant, ignorant, racist, insulting and promoting hatred. I doubt it if they care.

I doubt it this lousy president will do any military action soon except more sanctions.
There are those in this world who want Total power and are willing to risk death or complete annihilation to get it. Some who truly believes it is better to be king of a small hill than to be equals on a planet.
Kim will not strike, unless Trump tries to go after him.

Because of the failures of Clinton, Bush, and Obama, we must sit down and have US-NK face to face discussions.

Kim knew that if he strikes first his regime and NK will be annihilated.
Any preemptive strikes against NK by this lousy US president ............. China will side with NK. Xi already gave that warning in September.
Any preemptive strikes against NK millions will die in SK and possibly Japan. Whole world will blame US. Remember the only people that are so concerned about nuking US are we Americans.
Because of how we are being represented by this lousy president to the world as arrogant, ignorant, racist, insulting and promoting hatred. I doubt it if they care.

I doubt it this lousy president will do any military action soon except more sanctions.
China will not side with NK. We are their major trading partner. They lose their ability to sell here their economy falls over night.

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