What is "Unfettered Capitalism"?

The problem with these threads is always the same. The term "capitalism" does not include the grand enchilada that many people tend to attribute to it. The same is true for socialism, fascism, communism, etc. The result is that when 20 people engage in a discussion they're going to be talking about 12 different enchiladas, and invariably fail to find sufficient common ground to support a debate.

In this thread, most people have once again made the wrong assumptions because they are confusing capitalism with free markets.

The defining feature of capitalism has to do with ownership of the fruits of labor, i.e. profits. In capitalism, ownership of profits stems from supplying the capital. Hence, the name capitalism. If I own the capital that it took to produce a watermelon, then I own the product. That is where capitalism ends. What comes next is no longer about capitalism and is about the free market.

In a free market, I get to decide what I'm going to do with any watermelon that I happen to own. If I want to sell it, I can. If I want to eat it, I can. If I choose to sell it, I can charge whatever price I want. If someone agrees to buy at the price I choose to charge, then the price is adequately fair to all people who matter (the buyer and seller).

Capitalism does not require a free market to exist, nor does a free market require capitalism to exist.
If capitalism is controlled by the state it's fascism. But it isn't a misunderstanding at all. The left deliberately lies about what it is in order to forward socialism. That's why they insist on using the made up term unfettered capitalism, they put a qualifier on it and pretend that's what it is without state control.

Capitalism in the US is controlled by the state.



When Capitalists's collude with government officials, it is called a Plutocracy; when the power of money controls a nations dialogue, we have achieved the 21st Century iteration of Fascism.

In other words, never. Money never controls the nation's dialogue, except for the money the politicians loot from the taxpayers.
Based on what? You've drawn a conclusion with nothing but a wild ass opinion for support.

Based on history. Ask any economist what is the most fundamental thing that keeps a country from going into recession. One word: growth.

A recession is just the absence of growth, so what you said is to the cure for the absence of growth is growth.

You're an idiot.
No, a recession is not just the absence of growth but two consecutive quarters of reduction in economic activity as measured by the GDP.

Spare me. You offered a distinction without a difference.
Q. What is unfettered Capitalism

A. A Plutocracy

Capitalism is a social system based on the recognition of individual rights, including property rights, in which all property is privately owned.

The recognition of individual rights entails the banishment of physical force from human relationships: basically, rights can be violated only by means of force. In a capitalist society, no man or group mayinitiate the use of physical force against others. The only function of the government, in such a society, is the task of protecting man’s rights, i.e., the task of protecting him from physical force; the government acts as the agent of man’s right of self-defense, and may use force only in retaliation and only against those who initiate its use; thus the government is the means of placing the retaliatory use of force under objective control.

Oh baloney. Propaganda works. It is a science and one used to propagate BIG LIES. There is no need to use violence to convince those who have been indoctrinated to believe the BIG LIES and hold them to be absolute truths.
Q. What is unfettered Capitalism

A. A Plutocracy

The term "plutocracy" is meaningless. Dims apply it to any society that has some people more wealthy than others. In other words, they apply it to every society.

government by the wealthy.
  • a country or society governed by the wealthy.
    plural noun: plutocracies
  • an elite or ruling class of people whose power derives from their wealth.
The problem with these threads is always the same. The term "capitalism" does not include the grand enchilada that many people tend to attribute to it. The same is true for socialism, fascism, communism, etc. The result is that when 20 people engage in a discussion they're going to be talking about 12 different enchiladas, and invariably fail to find sufficient common ground to support a debate.

In this thread, most people have once again made the wrong assumptions because they are confusing capitalism with free markets.

The defining feature of capitalism has to do with ownership of the fruits of labor, i.e. profits. In capitalism, ownership of profits stems from supplying the capital. Hence, the name capitalism. If I own the capital that it took to produce a watermelon, then I own the product. That is where capitalism ends. What comes next is no longer about capitalism and is about the free market.

In a free market, I get to decide what I'm going to do with any watermelon that I happen to own. If I want to sell it, I can. If I want to eat it, I can. If I choose to sell it, I can charge whatever price I want. If someone agrees to buy at the price I choose to charge, then the price is adequately fair to all people who matter (the buyer and seller).

Capitalism does not require a free market to exist, nor does a free market require capitalism to exist.
If capitalism is controlled by the state it's fascism. But it isn't a misunderstanding at all. The left deliberately lies about what it is in order to forward socialism. That's why they insist on using the made up term unfettered capitalism, they put a qualifier on it and pretend that's what it is without state control.

Capitalism in the US is controlled by the state.



When Capitalists's collude with government officials, it is called a Plutocracy; when the power of money controls a nations dialogue, we have achieved the 21st Century iteration of Fascism.

In other words, never. Money never controls the nation's dialogue, except for the money the politicians loot from the taxpayers.

Please excuse Bripat, he's not a Democrat, a Republican, a Libetarian or an independent, he is:



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The problem with these threads is always the same. The term "capitalism" does not include the grand enchilada that many people tend to attribute to it. The same is true for socialism, fascism, communism, etc. The result is that when 20 people engage in a discussion they're going to be talking about 12 different enchiladas, and invariably fail to find sufficient common ground to support a debate.

In this thread, most people have once again made the wrong assumptions because they are confusing capitalism with free markets.

The defining feature of capitalism has to do with ownership of the fruits of labor, i.e. profits. In capitalism, ownership of profits stems from supplying the capital. Hence, the name capitalism. If I own the capital that it took to produce a watermelon, then I own the product. That is where capitalism ends. What comes next is no longer about capitalism and is about the free market.

In a free market, I get to decide what I'm going to do with any watermelon that I happen to own. If I want to sell it, I can. If I want to eat it, I can. If I choose to sell it, I can charge whatever price I want. If someone agrees to buy at the price I choose to charge, then the price is adequately fair to all people who matter (the buyer and seller).

Capitalism does not require a free market to exist, nor does a free market require capitalism to exist.
If capitalism is controlled by the state it's fascism. But it isn't a misunderstanding at all. The left deliberately lies about what it is in order to forward socialism. That's why they insist on using the made up term unfettered capitalism, they put a qualifier on it and pretend that's what it is without state control.

Capitalism in the US is controlled by the state.



When Capitalists's collude with government officials, it is called a Plutocracy; when the power of money controls a nations dialogue, we have achieved the 21st Century iteration of Fascism.
Pure capitalism does not take into account government's responsibilities making it a theoretical construct that's unworkable in the real world. Pure capitalism is just another Utopian idea which is no more practical than pure socialism.
When has the US ever had an economy that was not regulated by government?
Pure capitalism does not take into account government's responsibilities making it a theoretical construct that's unworkable in the real world. Pure capitalism is just another Utopian idea which is no more practical than pure socialism.

Pure capitalism depends on government's responsibility to maintain and enforce property law. So it very much takes that 'into account'. But it does reject government's authority to dictate our economic decisions. Is that what you're referring to?
When has the US ever had an economy that was not regulated by government?


However many on the Left think the US under W, had an economy completely unregulated by government. Proving once again how terribly uninformed or propagandized they are.
Capitalism is a self regulating system. Charge too much, someone will undercut you. Deliver bad goods/services? People will stop buying. Cheat someone? Expect a big lawsuit.
The problems that people cite with "capitalism" usually are the result of lack of capitalism, i.e. gov't intrusion.
Capitalism has raised standards of living and brought people out of poverty. Why would anyone want to fetter that?

The right to sue businesses, the 'big lawsuit' you refer to above, is not 'self-regulation', it is a government enforced fettering of capitalism. Oddly, you endorsed it at the same time you were arguing for self-regulation and against 'fettering'.

You're a bit confused.

btw, let's not forget that business interests are always trying to weaken the legal recourse that people have in the courts.

More horseshit. Lawsuits are not government regulation. Lawsuits are people deciding what they will tolerate and not tolerate, not some bureaucrat appointed by a lying politician telling you what is allowed and what isn't.

Do you see the word 'law' in lawsuit? The law is a function of government, not of anarchy.
When has the US ever had an economy that was not regulated by government?


However many on the Left think the US under W, had an economy completely unregulated by government. Proving once again how terribly uninformed or propagandized they are.

Straw Man ALERT: How many is "many"? Please post a link to someone who has claimed under George W. Bush we had an economy completely unregulated?
Pure capitalism does not take into account government's responsibilities making it a theoretical construct that's unworkable in the real world. Pure capitalism is just another Utopian idea which is no more practical than pure socialism.
Purity is a religious concept. Fail.
When has the US ever had an economy that was not regulated by government?
We could not settle this continent without federal regulation of land tights. The government granted vast tracts of land to the railroads. American trade goods had their prices regulated and protected by tariffs. Anytime there is a contract let between the state and a private contractor, the government is a player in the marketplace.

And as the government is us, shouldn't we be protected from shabby workmanship and financial fraud? If so, we had better have some regulations.

If the role of the federal government is to be limited to keeping the ports navigable, deliver the mail, protect our rights by way of a rigorous yet fair system of justice, defend the shore, and get out of the way, what manner of society would we have?

Are the lessons learned from labor strife through farm prices collapsing to the off shoring of our middle class opportunities all forgotten or passé?

Capitalism is the best scaffolding upon which to build an economy. But there has to be rules to play by. Otherwise, we see casino Capiralism. I submit that any corporation or individual playing the commodities market be require to be able to take immediate possession of the commodity they trade in. Of course, the commodities market sets prices world wide. As we are the final consumers, or buyers, why would we tolerate an artificially high price simply because some data and/or paper exchanged hands, not the physical barrels of oil or tankers full of molasses.
Q. What is unfettered Capitalism

A. A Plutocracy

The term "plutocracy" is meaningless. Dims apply it to any society that has some people more wealthy than others. In other words, they apply it to every society.

government by the wealthy.
  • a country or society governed by the wealthy.
    plural noun: plutocracies
  • an elite or ruling class of people whose power derives from their wealth.

In other words, every government.

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