What is "Unfettered Capitalism"?

Now he's shifted to legal prostitution. What about murder for hire, would we have that without socialism?

If capitalism were unfettered, any form of prostitution as a business would be legal.

Is that what you want?
Just how many god damn times does it need to be explained that there's no such thing as unfettered capitalism. You are talking about anarchy. Different words for different meanings. Capitalism requires a stable marketplace, not Mad Max thugs killing you and taking your shit.

Go argue with Rabbignorant. He thinks unfettered capitalism has produced a multitude of successes.
What part of capitalism allows for child rape, murder, theft or any other idiotic strawman you care to erect?
Unfettered capitalism.
Which is a concept that has only existed in the dank soil of the liberal mind.

NYC went poopoo and his brain fell out.
You're assuming he ever had one.

So his claim is that child prostitution is part of unfettered capitalism. When asked what part of unfettered capitalism accountrs for child prostitution he answers unfettered capitalism.
It's like stuck on stupid.

Ever hear of the Mustang Ranch? It's a BUSINESS. It's CAPITALISM.

Do you think brothels, even if they are legal in some regard, should be able to legally employ underage girls?

That's a yes or no question, dumbass.

Scuze moi. There is a big difference between adult and child prostiution.

Link to Mustang Ranch doing the latter?
Unfettered capitalism.
Which is a concept that has only existed in the dank soil of the liberal mind.

NYC went poopoo and his brain fell out.
You're assuming he ever had one.

So his claim is that child prostitution is part of unfettered capitalism. When asked what part of unfettered capitalism accountrs for child prostitution he answers unfettered capitalism.
It's like stuck on stupid.

Ever hear of the Mustang Ranch? It's a BUSINESS. It's CAPITALISM.

Do you think brothels, even if they are legal in some regard, should be able to legally employ underage girls?

That's a yes or no question, dumbass.

Scuze moi. There is a big difference between adult and child prostiution.

Link to Mustang Ranch doing the latter?
It's obviously too "nuanced" for him.
Biggest problem with capitalism is that it is doomed to fail. It's main premise is that for it to succeed everything has to grow - from economies to population. Take a look at Japan. They are going to be up shit creek without a paddle soon because they don't have the upcoming population to look after it elderly. You can't keep on growing and growing and growing without something giving. Population growth can't continue forever. Yet if capitalism is to succeed it HAS to. Note I say HAS to, not might. If population growth stops capitalism will falter.
Only lefties use the term "unfettered" in terms of economics. Unfettered only happens when ignorant politicians who are relatively insulated from the system try to regulate it for their own benefit. You could say that Hillary's husband engaged in unfettered sexual abuse of women.
Late 19th early 20th century America. New York City at that time is a good example. The wealthiest people on the planet living blocks away from the poorest.
yes, they are yet we still buy inferior and dangerous goods from China and both countries suck up industrial jobs like a mop from more capitalist nations.

If capitalism was self regulating, why are the communist/socialists countries being rewarded by it?
The capitalism they do practice is how they pay the bills. America votes with its' dollars. People don't want to pay for high priced union made goods if they have an option. That's a fact. Also over regulation is killing business. People think if you're in business you are wealthy and can afford to hand over more and more money to government.

So poisonous dry wall,lead laced paint and toothpaste is preferable? Sweat shops and cheating of migrant workers out of their pay is preferable? Devaluation of currency to manipulate trade is preferable?

That is the Chinese form of capitalism--where is the self regulation? There is None--Chinese Capitalism is off the rails!!
China is a communist state, doofus.

A communist state that competes in the open market. Their performance and how the free market influence their behavior is the focus.

So far, the free market has rewarded this communist states questionable practice.

By the way, China communism is a form of State Capitalism

State capitalism is usually described as an economic system in which commercial (i.e. for-profit) economic activity is undertaken by the state, where the means of production are organized and managed as state-owned business enterprises (including the processes of capital accumulation, wage labor, and centralized management), or where there is otherwise a dominance of publicly listed corporations of which the state has controlling shares.[1] Marxist literature defines state capitalism as a social system combining capitalism—the wage system of producing and appropriating surplus value—with ownership or control by a state; by this definition, a state capitalist country is one where the government controls the economy and essentially acts like a single huge corporation, extracting the surplus value from the workforce in order to invest it in further production.[2] This designation applies regardless of the political aims of the state (even if the state is nominally socialist),[3] and many people argue that the modern People's Republic of China constitutes a form of state capitalism[4][5][6][7] and/or that the Soviet Union failed in its goal to establish socialism, but rather established state capitalism.[8][9][3]

So, they are essentially capitalist--if you look at the collective/government as one entity.
They are not essentially capitalist. They are an example of state capitalism. You cited this yourself. This is also known as crony capitalism, and the source for all the ills you describe in regards to China.
What about this do you not get?

If you consider the state as one single entity, you have a capitalist entity. Its behavior is no different from the behavior of any other capitalist in the market.

Crony capitalism exists in all societies, and even if it were the source of ills that exist in china, should not the market place force them to improve the quality of their products?

Come to think about it, the very existence of Crony capitalism suggests instability in capitalist economies. If Crony capitalism is wrong, and the capitalist system is self regulating, then obviously Crony capitalism is unnecessary, not just to the market, but to the partners as well.
Regulaters are reactionary . Calls for regs always follow bad behavior by business .
Biggest problem with capitalism is that it is doomed to fail. It's main premise is that for it to succeed everything has to grow - from economies to population. Take a look at Japan. They are going to be up shit creek without a paddle soon because they don't have the upcoming population to look after it elderly. You can't keep on growing and growing and growing without something giving. Population growth can't continue forever. Yet if capitalism is to succeed it HAS to. Note I say HAS to, not might. If population growth stops capitalism will falter.
Based on what? You've drawn a conclusion with nothing but a wild ass opinion for support.
Capitalism is a self regulating system. Charge too much, someone will undercut you. Deliver bad goods/services? People will stop buying. Cheat someone? Expect a big lawsuit.
The problems that people cite with "capitalism" usually are the result of lack of capitalism, i.e. gov't intrusion.
Capitalism has raised standards of living and brought people out of poverty. Why would anyone want to fetter that?

Enron, the Oil Cartel, Exxon, Bernie Madoff, Arthur Anderson, Lincoln Savings and loan, Worldcom, Tyco ... shall I go on?
I look upon unfettered capitalism in terms of buyer beware and monopolies. Big lawsuits? Without regulation what leg would a consumer have to stand on? Likewise a producer of goods or services who is restricted from the market by monopolistic practices.
While capitalism is wonderful there is need for some fettering.
Capitolism unchecked will destroy itself .

*sigh* You persistently confuse Big Government Cronyism for Free Market Capitalism.

We've seen this . You get the rise of monopolies , which is death competition . Competition is the heart of capitalism .

Look at the robber Barron's and what happend . No middle class, dangerous work conditions , pollution . We've seen this .

The best result comes from a good mix of gov and business. They can be symbiotic !
Unfettered capitalism doesn't remain capitalism for long.
As soon as we allow unfettered capitalism to exist, business interests begin to fetter it, with monopolies, price fixing, tainted foods shoddy merchandise and it is no longer capitalism. Regulation is to keep capitalism alive and well; unfettered capitalism means to destroy capitalism.
Unfettered capitalism is similar to the name: monopolistic-capitalism, or uncompetitive- capitalism.
My point exactly. Just about the only place you will get unfettered capitalism is at an art fair, the farmers market, craigs list, or ebay.

It's total bullshit. That's the kind of shallow propaganda that all leftists believe because they're stupid and incredibly ignorant.

We have monopolies in America, now. The playing field has been made unlevel by banks and institutions too big to fail, in case you didn't catch that about seven years ago.

In other words, we don't have any monopolies, other than government enforced utility and cable monopolies, that is.
No you have large companies wiping smaller ones out and they can get away with illegal activities because they buy and pay for it through the judiciary and the elected officials.[/QUOTE]

Companies going belly up is a fundamental feature of capitalism. The system wouldn't work otherwise. It would be indistinguishable from government if no company ever went bankrupt.

The question is do we have any monopolies that aren't government enforced? The answer is clearly "no."

Do you have an example of companies getting away with illegal activities?
Some of you need to learn how to use a dictionary, it's only one second away and people are growing stupider by the minute.

capitalism | a way of organizing an economy so that the things that are used to make and transport products (such as land, oil, factories, ships, etc.) are owned by individual people and companies rather than by the government
Full Definition of CAPITALISM
: an economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods, by investments that are determined by private decision, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a free market.

Now how can that exist if there is NO system?
Capitalism is a self regulating system. Charge too much, someone will undercut you. Deliver bad goods/services? People will stop buying. Cheat someone? Expect a big lawsuit.
The problems that people cite with "capitalism" usually are the result of lack of capitalism, i.e. gov't intrusion.
Capitalism has raised standards of living and brought people out of poverty. Why would anyone want to fetter that?

Enron, the Oil Cartel, Exxon, Bernie Madoff, Arthur Anderson, Lincoln Savings and loan, Worldcom, Tyco ... shall I go on?

All examples of Corporate CRONYISM, not Capitalism. Regulatory capture is the hallmark of such cronyism.

Really, a little reading of actual history and some serious reflection upon such in a Safe Space would do you a World of Good.

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