What is "Unfettered Capitalism"?

Capitalism is a self regulating system. Charge too much, someone will undercut you. Deliver bad goods/services? People will stop buying. Cheat someone? Expect a big lawsuit.
The problems that people cite with "capitalism" usually are the result of lack of capitalism, i.e. gov't intrusion.
Capitalism has raised standards of living and brought people out of poverty. Why would anyone want to fetter that?
The only period of time that we have come close to unfettered capitalism was in the early part of 19th century before labor unions and government regulations, a time when the middle class hardly existed, a time when the wealthy controlled government, a time of little upward mobility, and a time when the rape of the environment was a source of pride. Unfettered capitalism spawns corruption. At its best, capitalism dramatically improves lives; at its worst, left unchecked, capitalism ravages the environment, oppresses individuals, and destroys culture.

Here's a clue for you: the middle class never existed for 5000 years of recorded history until capitalism created it. Numskulls like you point at the 19th century and say "things weren't as good back then as they are now!" No shit? Things are better now because of 200 years of improvements in technology and increase in capital per laborer. They aren't better because of government meddling in the economy. You see, over time, technology improves and people invest and accumulate capital. That process improves our material well being. Government only expropriates wealth. It doesn't create wealth.

I could go through your idiot propaganda point by point and destroy every one of them, but it's hardly worth the effort. The first claim was so idiotic that it should give the reader a good clue as to the quality of the rest.
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Capitalism is a self regulating system. Charge too much, someone will undercut you. Deliver bad goods/services? People will stop buying. Cheat someone? Expect a big lawsuit.
The problems that people cite with "capitalism" usually are the result of lack of capitalism, i.e. gov't intrusion.
Capitalism has raised standards of living and brought people out of poverty. Why would anyone want to fetter that?
The only period of time that we have come close to unfettered capitalism was in the early part of 19th century before labor unions and government regulations, a time when the middle class hardly existed, a time when the wealthy controlled government, a time of little upward mobility, and a time when the rape of the environment was a source of pride. Unfettered capitalism spawns corruption. At its best, capitalism dramatically improves lives; at its worst, left unchecked, capitalism ravages the environment, oppresses individuals, and destroys culture.

Here's a clue for you: the middle class never existed of 5000 years of recorded history until capitalism created it. Numskulls like you point at the 19th century and say "things weren't as good back then as they are now!" No shit? Things are better now because of 200 years of improvements in technology and increase in capital per laborer. They aren't better because of government meddling in the economy. You see, over time, technology improves and people invest and accumulate capital. That process improves our material well being. Government only expropriates wealth. It doesn't create wealth.

I could go through your idiot propaganda point by point and destroy every one of them, but it's hardly worth the effort. The first claim was so idiotic that it should give the reader a good clue as to the quality of the rest.

In primitive cultures based on communal practices pretty much everyone was in the middle class.
Unfettered capitalism doesn't remain capitalism for long.
As soon as we allow unfettered capitalism to exist, business interests begin to fetter it, with monopolies, price fixing, tainted foods shoddy merchandise and it is no longer capitalism. Regulation is to keep capitalism alive and well; unfettered capitalism means to destroy capitalism.
Unfettered capitalism is similar to the name: monopolistic-capitalism, or uncompetitive- capitalism.
My point exactly. Just about the only place you will get unfettered capitalism is at an art fair, the farmers market, craigs list, or ebay.

It's total bullshit. That's the kind of shallow propaganda that all leftists believe because they're stupid and incredibly ignorant.

We have monopolies in America, now. The playing field has been made unlevel by banks and institutions too big to fail, in case you didn't catch that about seven years ago.

In other words, we don't have any monopolies, other than government enforced utility and cable monopolies, that is.
No you have large companies wiping smaller ones out and they can get away with illegal activities because they buy and pay for it through the judiciary and the elected officials.

Companies going belly up is a fundamental feature of capitalism. The system wouldn't work otherwise. It would be indistinguishable from government if no company ever went bankrupt.

The question is do we have any monopolies that aren't government enforced? The answer is clearly "no."

Do you have an example of companies getting away with illegal activities?[/QUOTE]

We don't have these monopolies because they are illegal .

Companies get away with illgeAl shit all
The time ! Was it like two years ago that drug mixing company killed a bunch of people because they ignored safety regs ?
My point exactly. Just about the only place you will get unfettered capitalism is at an art fair, the farmers market, craigs list, or ebay.

It's total bullshit. That's the kind of shallow propaganda that all leftists believe because they're stupid and incredibly ignorant.

We have monopolies in America, now. The playing field has been made unlevel by banks and institutions too big to fail, in case you didn't catch that about seven years ago.

In other words, we don't have any monopolies, other than government enforced utility and cable monopolies, that is.
No you have large companies wiping smaller ones out and they can get away with illegal activities because they buy and pay for it through the judiciary and the elected officials.

Companies going belly up is a fundamental feature of capitalism. The system wouldn't work otherwise. It would be indistinguishable from government if no company ever went bankrupt.

The question is do we have any monopolies that aren't government enforced? The answer is clearly "no."

Do you have an example of companies getting away with illegal activities?

We don't have these monopolies because they are illegal .

Horseshit. We have never had any monopolies aside from the ones the government enforces.

Companies get away with illgeAl shit all
The time ! Was it like two years ago that drug mixing company killed a bunch of people because they ignored safety regs ?

Did they "get away with it?"
Unfettered capitalism doesn't remain capitalism for long.
As soon as we allow unfettered capitalism to exist, business interests begin to fetter it, with monopolies, price fixing, tainted foods shoddy merchandise and it is no longer capitalism. Regulation is to keep capitalism alive and well; unfettered capitalism means to destroy capitalism.
Unfettered capitalism is similar to the name: monopolistic-capitalism, or uncompetitive- capitalism.
My point exactly. Just about the only place you will get unfettered capitalism is at an art fair, the farmers market, craigs list, or ebay.

It's total bullshit. That's the kind of shallow propaganda that all leftists believe because they're stupid and incredibly ignorant.

We have monopolies in America, now. The playing field has been made unlevel by banks and institutions too big to fail, in case you didn't catch that about seven years ago.
Gee, who allowed banks that were "too big to fail"?
Yup. Government. The anti capitalist part. If gov't werent meddling in banks they bad actors would have been self regulated out of existence.
Dont you get that part?

Government ALLOWING something is not government controlling something.

You're an idiot.
Capitalism is a self regulating system. Charge too much, someone will undercut you. Deliver bad goods/services? People will stop buying. Cheat someone? Expect a big lawsuit.
The problems that people cite with "capitalism" usually are the result of lack of capitalism, i.e. gov't intrusion.
Capitalism has raised standards of living and brought people out of poverty. Why would anyone want to fetter that?
The only period of time that we have come close to unfettered capitalism was in the early part of 19th century before labor unions and government regulations, a time when the middle class hardly existed, a time when the wealthy controlled government, a time of little upward mobility, and a time when the rape of the environment was a source of pride. Unfettered capitalism spawns corruption. At its best, capitalism dramatically improves lives; at its worst, left unchecked, capitalism ravages the environment, oppresses individuals, and destroys culture.

Here's a clue for you: the middle class never existed of 5000 years of recorded history until capitalism created it. Numskulls like you point at the 19th century and say "things weren't as good back then as they are now!" No shit? Things are better now because of 200 years of improvements in technology and increase in capital per laborer. They aren't better because of government meddling in the economy. You see, over time, technology improves and people invest and accumulate capital. That process improves our material well being. Government only expropriates wealth. It doesn't create wealth.

I could go through your idiot propaganda point by point and destroy every one of them, but it's hardly worth the effort. The first claim was so idiotic that it should give the reader a good clue as to the quality of the rest.

In primitive cultures based on communal practices pretty much everyone was in the middle class.

Yeah, digging in the dirt for grubs to eat is a great middle class standard of living.
You want a recent example ?

Volkswagon. They actually programmed thier cars to cheat on emissions tests . Totally illegal , totally done on purpose.
Capitolism unchecked will destroy itself .

*sigh* You persistently confuse Big Government Cronyism for Free Market Capitalism.

Would you do business at a bank that was in no way accountable to the government for its practices?

What is their reputation in the community, and how long have they been in business?

When have we ever had totally unregulated, unaccountable banks?
Unfettered capitalism doesn't remain capitalism for long.
As soon as we allow unfettered capitalism to exist, business interests begin to fetter it, with monopolies, price fixing, tainted foods shoddy merchandise and it is no longer capitalism. Regulation is to keep capitalism alive and well; unfettered capitalism means to destroy capitalism.
Unfettered capitalism is similar to the name: monopolistic-capitalism, or uncompetitive- capitalism.
My point exactly. Just about the only place you will get unfettered capitalism is at an art fair, the farmers market, craigs list, or ebay.

It's total bullshit. That's the kind of shallow propaganda that all leftists believe because they're stupid and incredibly ignorant.

We have monopolies in America, now. The playing field has been made unlevel by banks and institutions too big to fail, in case you didn't catch that about seven years ago.
Gee, who allowed banks that were "too big to fail"?
Yup. Government. The anti capitalist part. If gov't werent meddling in banks they bad actors would have been self regulated out of existence.
Dont you get that part?

Government ALLOWING something is not government controlling something.

You're an idiot.

Government is the only thing preventing them from failing, numskull.
Capitalism is a self regulating system. Charge too much, someone will undercut you. Deliver bad goods/services? People will stop buying. Cheat someone? Expect a big lawsuit.
The problems that people cite with "capitalism" usually are the result of lack of capitalism, i.e. gov't intrusion.
Capitalism has raised standards of living and brought people out of poverty. Why would anyone want to fetter that?
The only period of time that we have come close to unfettered capitalism was in the early part of 19th century before labor unions and government regulations, a time when the middle class hardly existed, a time when the wealthy controlled government, a time of little upward mobility, and a time when the rape of the environment was a source of pride. Unfettered capitalism spawns corruption. At its best, capitalism dramatically improves lives; at its worst, left unchecked, capitalism ravages the environment, oppresses individuals, and destroys culture.

Here's a clue for you: the middle class never existed of 5000 years of recorded history until capitalism created it. Numskulls like you point at the 19th century and say "things weren't as good back then as they are now!" No shit? Things are better now because of 200 years of improvements in technology and increase in capital per laborer. They aren't better because of government meddling in the economy. You see, over time, technology improves and people invest and accumulate capital. That process improves our material well being. Government only expropriates wealth. It doesn't create wealth.

I could go through your idiot propaganda point by point and destroy every one of them, but it's hardly worth the effort. The first claim was so idiotic that it should give the reader a good clue as to the quality of the rest.

In primitive cultures based on communal practices pretty much everyone was in the middle class.

Yeah, digging in the dirt for grubs to eat is a great middle class standard of living.

You know about ancient cultures. Your best bet would be to remain silent on that subject.
You want a recent example ?

Volkswagon. They actually programmed thier cars to cheat on emissions tests . Totally illegal , totally done on purpose.

They aren't getting away with it, are they?
My point exactly. Just about the only place you will get unfettered capitalism is at an art fair, the farmers market, craigs list, or ebay.

It's total bullshit. That's the kind of shallow propaganda that all leftists believe because they're stupid and incredibly ignorant.

We have monopolies in America, now. The playing field has been made unlevel by banks and institutions too big to fail, in case you didn't catch that about seven years ago.
Gee, who allowed banks that were "too big to fail"?
Yup. Government. The anti capitalist part. If gov't werent meddling in banks they bad actors would have been self regulated out of existence.
Dont you get that part?

Government ALLOWING something is not government controlling something.

You're an idiot.

Government is the only thing preventing them from failing, numskull.

Banking was deregulated when Glass/Steagall was ended. DEREGULATED.
Capitalism is a self regulating system. Charge too much, someone will undercut you. Deliver bad goods/services? People will stop buying. Cheat someone? Expect a big lawsuit.
The problems that people cite with "capitalism" usually are the result of lack of capitalism, i.e. gov't intrusion.
Capitalism has raised standards of living and brought people out of poverty. Why would anyone want to fetter that?
The only period of time that we have come close to unfettered capitalism was in the early part of 19th century before labor unions and government regulations, a time when the middle class hardly existed, a time when the wealthy controlled government, a time of little upward mobility, and a time when the rape of the environment was a source of pride. Unfettered capitalism spawns corruption. At its best, capitalism dramatically improves lives; at its worst, left unchecked, capitalism ravages the environment, oppresses individuals, and destroys culture.

Here's a clue for you: the middle class never existed of 5000 years of recorded history until capitalism created it. Numskulls like you point at the 19th century and say "things weren't as good back then as they are now!" No shit? Things are better now because of 200 years of improvements in technology and increase in capital per laborer. They aren't better because of government meddling in the economy. You see, over time, technology improves and people invest and accumulate capital. That process improves our material well being. Government only expropriates wealth. It doesn't create wealth.

I could go through your idiot propaganda point by point and destroy every one of them, but it's hardly worth the effort. The first claim was so idiotic that it should give the reader a good clue as to the quality of the rest.

In primitive cultures based on communal practices pretty much everyone was in the middle class.

Yeah, digging in the dirt for grubs to eat is a great middle class standard of living.

You know about ancient cultures. Your best bet would be to remain silent on that subject.

How do you figure? Do you actually believe your knowledge is superior to mine?
Capitolism unchecked will destroy itself .

*sigh* You persistently confuse Big Government Cronyism for Free Market Capitalism.

Would you do business at a bank that was in no way accountable to the government for its practices?

Indeed. Wow. We have laws against fraud and theft, which seems to elude NYC.

Bankers also aren't free to KILL and ENSLAVE people in the absence of government regulations to force them to make subprime loans to people who can't afford to repay them.
You want a recent example ?

Volkswagon. They actually programmed thier cars to cheat on emissions tests . Totally illegal , totally done on purpose.

They aren't getting away with it, are they?

The GOVERNMENT is not letting them get away with it. In yours and Rabbi's world, there wouldn't even be an anti-pollution mandate in the first place.

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